My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 285 If it doesn't work, I have better\r

The Longguo Research Institute is devoted to the research and development of pharmaceuticals.

The first zombie to be injected with genetic medicine has now returned to its human appearance.

He was taken to the retreat by the researchers to lie down when he opened his eyes.

He stared blankly at everything around him, trying to recall the previous things in his mind.

After a sting, I finally recalled that I was infected with the apocalypse virus.

At that time, he was still busy, and vaguely remembered that he said a sentence: the word is very big, please bear with it.

The memory after that is blank.

After becoming a zombie, he has no idea what he has done.

During that time, his body was already controlled by the virus.

Even the brain is completely dead.

"I'm... where?"

Wu Xian looked down at his hands and his large toothpick.

At this moment, the door of the retreat room opened, and several researchers in chemical protective suits walked in.

One of them said, "This is the Dragon Country Research Institute. How do you feel, Mr. Wu Xian?"

"Research Institute? I was rescued, has the Apocalypse virus finally been conquered?"

Wu Xian shocked: "I'm sorry I'm a little excited, I feel good, thank you very much for saving me."

The researcher nodded: "Understandable, but we still need you to do a physical examination with us, I hope you can cooperate."

"Okay, I will cooperate seriously!" Wu Xian nodded.

The researcher smiled slightly and took Wu Xian to the other side in advance: "By the way, it's not us who saved you, but Mr. Tang Ke."

"Tang, Tang Ke?!"

"Yes, only Mr. Tang Ke in the world has conquered the apocalypse virus."

After receiving the affirmative answer from the researchers, Wu Xian felt very emotional.

In the next test, Wu Xian felt that his condition was getting better and better, and he didn't look like a patient who had just recovered from a serious illness.

It feels like a strong man who came out of the gym, and his physical attributes are far superior to ordinary people.

The researchers expressed their astonishment and took Wu Xian's blood for testing.

It was discovered that his genes had evolved!

"What's the situation, some special abilities left behind after the apocalypse virus?"

"The power and speed of zombies are higher than those of humans. Is it possible that after the zombies turn back into humans, they can retain some of their former abilities?" Some people put forward their own opinions.

Wu Xian's situation made these researchers discover the New World.

"I helped Wu Jian test his strength and speed just now, and he has reached the national athlete level. His previous career was just a star who likes time management!"

"Could it be that……"

"No! I don't think it's too arbitrary. This is the ability left by the apocalypse virus. I think it's best to ask Mr. Tang Ke."

"That's right, maybe Mr. Tang Ke already knew about this."

The researchers got together and discussed with each other.

Eventually they decided to contact Tang Ke and ask what was going on.

It would be better if Tang Ke knew, to save them from thinking about it.

If Tang Ke doesn't know, then just report the situation to him.

This matter deserves everyone's attention!

Tang Ke, who was researching the first-level genetic medicine at home, heard that the source said that someone from the research institute called.

After thinking about it, I decided to connect and have a look.


A holographic projection appeared, and more than a dozen researchers appeared in front of Tang Ke.

Tang Ke has been with them for three months, and he can be regarded as an old acquaintance.

"How about everyone, is my antidote okay?" Tang Ke smiled.

The leading researcher respectfully said: "Thank you very much for Mr. Tang Ke's contribution. The antidote you provided is very effective, but there is one thing that puzzles us."

"The first recovered patient in our test did not feel any discomfort. On the contrary, all his physical data reached the level of an athlete. I don't know, did you expect this situation?"

Hearing this, Tang Ke smiled lightly: "So that's what happened! I know, because my antidote is originally a genetic medicine!"

In an instant, the researchers were all shocked: "?!!"

"What? You said this is a genetic medicine?! Didn't you mean the antidote to the apocalypse virus?"

"The antidote to the Apocalypse virus is genetic medicine, there is no problem." Tang Ke chuckled, the other party's reaction was what he expected.

No one would have thought that the antidote to the apocalypse virus would be a genetic medicine.

Only genetic medicine can defeat genetic medicine!

"The root of the apocalypse virus is actually genetic medicine, but it is a medicine that destroys human genes."

Tang Ke explained with a smile: "As long as the human genes become stronger, we can fight against this virus that destroys human genes."

"So I developed a genetic medicine suitable for humans, which can unlock the potential in human genes and make the human body more resistant, and the virus problem will be solved."

He paused, giving the jaw-dropping researcher time to digest.

"By the way, this kind of genetic medicine is only level 0.5, and it is only a semi-finished product. I will make a first-level genetic medicine in the future."

"If the 0.5-level gene doesn't work, remember to tell me that it's a big deal to speed up the development of the first-level gene medicine."

Researchers: "..."

Tang Ke talked about things that shocked the world in a light-hearted manner, making everyone a little uncomfortable.

It always felt like he was in Versailles.

But people have this kind of power!

Perhaps, in their eyes, Versailles, in Tang Ke's eyes, is nothing but a trivial matter.

Sometimes you think others are pretending.

In fact, it is someone who is standing at a height beyond your reach, so what you see is different.

"The genetic medicine you mentioned... can it be used by ordinary people?"

Suddenly, a researcher in the back asked.

He really wanted to know whether ordinary people could be injected with this genetic medicine.

If not, is it possible to inject zombie virus first, and then inject genetic medicine to achieve the strengthening effect?

At the same time, they also want to know whether this reinforcement is temporary or permanent.

Will it shorten the lifespan or something?

There are too many detailed questions to ask.

Seeing the expectant eyes of the researchers, Tang Ke smiled happily: "I know what you are thinking, so let me explain my genetic medicine to you."

"First of all, I declare that this is only a semi-finished medicine, so you don't have to worry too much. I will make the finished product later."

"Genetic medicine can be used by ordinary people, and the effect will not make any difference, and this gene unlock is permanently unlocked."

"As for the side effects, Origin should have told you before that this medicine has no side effects, so don't worry about your lifespan."

Tang Ke said confidently: "This is a genetic medicine suitable for human beings, not the kind of disabled medicine made by Apocalypse!"

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