Zhang Yaxuan is Tang Ke's guiding light.

Things that Tang Ke would hesitate to decide will become simple and transparent when he arrives at Zhang Yaxuan.

This is the difference in thinking between the two, but they do not conflict with each other.

On the contrary, the different kinds of thinking of the two have formed a kind of complementarity.

The problems that Zhang Yaxuan can't solve, Tang Ke can easily solve.

When Tang Ke couldn't figure it out, Zhang Yaxuan could think clearly.

The first contact with the signal fluctuations of an alien civilization.

The ordinary Zhang Yaxuan is much calmer than Tang Ke, who has created countless black technologies.

After listening to his wife's words, Tang Ke realized.

I seem to be a little too eager to contact alien civilization.

Rather than meditating here, whether or not to connect to the cosmic web.

It is better to wait for the origin to decipher the textual information before making a decision.

Maybe after understanding the information on the signal wave, there may be different opinions or views.

After a few more days, Origin finally deciphered these text messages.

It took a little longer than Tang Ke expected.

Although this is a cosmic signal, the origin is deciphered for the first time.

But it took so long to crack it, Tang Ke couldn't help thinking, is it because there is too much information?

"Origin, what was the result?"

Tang Ke sat on the sofa, dense text messages appeared all over his body.

The voice of the origin sounded in the room: "Master, it seems that there is only one message sent by the cosmic wave, but this message contains too much information."

"Origin has translated and classified it, let Origin give you a brief introduction, the approximate content of this signal."

"For details, the owner can click to view it by himself."

Speaking of which, Origin suddenly appeared in front of Tang Ke, with a blackboard projection behind him.

With a small stick in her hand, she tapped it on the blackboard.

The five characters of 'Universal Universal Text' suddenly appeared on it!

"The first is the Universal Universal Language. In the signal fluctuations, there is a complete set of Universal Universal Language. I have translated all Universal Universal Language into Chinese."

The origin voice fell, and Tang Ke casually clicked a plus sign.

The two languages ​​were spread out in an instant, and the whole house was covered with words.

Just like the scriptures of Buddhist holy places, it emits golden light in the air.

Tang Ke was a little speechless, waved his hand to put away the large holographic projection, and watched it when he had time.

"Then there is the cosmic network, which is a shared network used by the entire universe!"

Origin knocked on the blackboard again, and the words 'Cosmic Network' appeared on it.

Surprisingly, he said: "All creatures in the universe will log on to this network, and conduct conversations, transactions, and entertainment on it, just like the Internet on Earth."

"It also includes virtual connections, but the hardware for virtual connections needs to be built by us, or purchased on the cosmic network."

"Wait a minute, you said a deal?"

Tang Ke was stunned for a moment. Could it be that the cosmic courier cannot be delivered?

"That's right, transactions! The transactions of cosmic creatures on the Internet will instantly appear in front of buyers through space folding technology!" Yuanyuan nodded.

These words made Tang Ke cry out to the trough and fold the space directly?

Such technology, even if Tang Ke wants to create, has a long way to go.

Just folding a small piece of space may consume an unknown amount of resources.

What's more, this kind of folding across the universe at will, this is folding the entire vast universe!

Could it be a high-dimensional civilization that created the cosmic network?

Just like the world of two-dimensional creatures, in the eyes of three-dimensional creatures, it is just a thin piece of paper.

From start to finish, just one fold and you're ready to glue!

"But once logged into the cosmic network, the coordinates of our earth will also be exposed."

"Therefore, I suggest that the master not log in to the universe network first, and wait until the master's technology reaches a certain level before logging in to the universe network."

Origin made a suggestion, and Tang Ke nodded silently.

For now, it's better not to log in to the Universe Network.

He doesn't even have a spaceship, how dare he enter the sight of other civilizations.

To be honest, Tang Ke is in a trance now.

The emergence of the cosmic network has completely confirmed the existence of alien civilizations.

Not only exists, but is more prosperous than humans can imagine.

Even things like the cosmic network have been rectified, and advanced civilizations in the entire universe are using them.

As a result, human beings are still doubting whether they are alone in the universe.

Thinking back on it now, it feels a little ridiculous and ignorant.

"Is there any other information?" Tang Ke asked,

Yuanyuan shook his head and said: "No, more information needs to log in to the universe network to query, the information just now has detailed content, such as the details of the transaction, steps, methods, etc., I have listed them in the details."

She just briefly said the general situation, there are still many things for Tang Ke to see by himself.

Tang Ke resets his mentality, and his next task is to build an interstellar warship, or even a battle fleet!

But the premise is that there is a space capsule.

This thing is the base of the interstellar warship, which is equivalent to a transfer station between the earth and space, and is particularly important.

In addition to the space warships used for space flight, weapons are also indispensable.

After he has built everything, he will be qualified to log in to the cosmic network and learn about other civilizations.

For a time, Tang Ke felt that he had a heavy task.

Universal Language, New Weapons, Space Stations, Starships, Cosmic Networks!

Tang Ke feels that he will be busy for a long time in the future.

But before that, he has to update his novel.

It's been a long time since I updated the novel, and I don't know if the chapters are finished.

Until this moment, Tang Ke finally recalled that he was a novelist.

It was only when he opened the backstage of the novel that he discovered it.

It turned out that when his novel was researching genetic medicine, it had already been published.

Click on the comments to see, and expect all kinds of reminders.

"Why the eunuch? Sister Yaxuan is about to cry."

"Old Tang people, my dear, this is the first time I saw Lao Tang's silent change, and he didn't even give a reason."

"It should be researching the antidote to save the world. It may be too busy to understand."

"Queshi~ Many people are waiting for Lao Tang to develop an antidote."


"I'm rubbing it, the big guy is awesome, and he actually developed an antidote. We won't hold you accountable if you cut off the update."

"It's amazing my old Tang, the antidote is actually a genetic medicine, do you dare to be a little more perverted?"

"When will the boss update, the virus has been fixed, why haven't you written a book yet?"

"Don't be arrogant, Tang Ke is our savior, how can you keep urging like this? I suggest here that if Lao Tang has nothing to do, update me to the death!"

"My dear, I thought someone was doing justice for Lao Tang, but are book friends still book friends?"

Tang Ke turned many pages in a row, all of which were comments from sand sculpture netizens.

This familiar feeling made him miss him very much.

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