It is one step closer to connecting to the cosmic network.

At the beginning, Tang Ke also felt that it would take a long time to connect to the universe network.

Now, it doesn't seem to be that difficult!

No, the space station has begun to be built.

"It's really exciting!"

Looking at the vast universe, Tang Ke could not help but sigh.

After Zhang Yaxuan finished eating the ice cream, she added a stick with her tongue and threw it into the trash can.

She held the fragrant cheeks in her jade hands and showed a charming smile: "Yes, I am also looking forward to what the aliens will look like. I wonder if there is my little Ke Zishuai?"

Hearing this, Tang Ke immediately put away the yearning in his heart.

He said with a stern face: "I don't think you need to look forward to it. The most handsome person in the universe is your husband."

Zhang Yaxuan chuckled: "Smelly shameless~ No wonder it's called Smelly Treasure."

"Don't believe it, I bet that the appearance of aliens definitely doesn't fit our aesthetic."

Tang Ke sat down on the sofa and clicked on the Internet information by the way.

I haven't logged on to the Internet for a long time, and I don't know what the situation is on the other side of the earth.

Open the information to view, the earth network seems to have restored the prosperity and hustle and bustle of the past.

People all over the world are amazed at the power of first-level genes.

Anyone who has unlocked the first-level gene has become a leader in this society.

Whether it is learning ability or physical quality, it has surpassed the limits of human beings!

Countless records have been broken one after another, and world records are being refreshed every day.

In addition, the earth has ushered in another technological explosion.

After unlocking the first-level genes, some intelligent talents have a sudden inspiration and designed the technology to control the sea water.

Haven't waited for people to be amazed by this.

Some people have extended creations based on the technology of manipulating sea water, and designed the technology of manipulating the weather.

Weather all over the world can be controlled as you wish.

The earth's ecology has also become more beautiful because of the birth of this technology.

Many areas that are often arid have become green and grassy due to the birth of this technology.

Later, someone brought controllable nuclear fusion technology!

This technology instantly detonated the technology circle.

According to the differentiation of the level of civilization by the people of the earth, at this moment, human beings have officially entered the first-level civilization.

"emmmmm, isn't this the technology of the sea people, so they only unlocked the first-level genes, so they can control these?" Tang Ke murmured speechlessly.

History is always strikingly similar.

He also thought that the technology of the Hai people was the product of the precipitation of time.

Now it seems that it should be similar to these people on earth.

Due to the unlocking of genes, the brain has become more agile, and the latter technologies have been born.

Gene unlocking has brought a better life to humans, but it has also generated some negative messages.

That is humans who cannot afford genetic medicine, they are fundamentally inferior.

Whether it is physical fitness or brain learning ability, it is not as good as these people who unlock genes.

"It's really abominable. I went to the bar the day before yesterday, and I was hit by someone who unlocked the gene and broke my bone, but it turned out to be an accident, and the other party was not convicted!"

Some people complained online that he had a verbal conflict with someone who unlocked his genes.

Then that night in a dark place like a bar, he was hit by the other side and broke his ribs.

The other party used the dark venue as an excuse, saying that he accidentally bumped into it, and kept apologizing with a sincere look.

In the end, the police intervened and determined that the other party did not intentionally hurt anyone, so it would be good to pay some medical expenses.

"People who buy genetic medicines are all rich and powerful people, and the police are definitely complicit in these people!"

"Protest! We poor people can't afford genetic medicine, so are we going to be bullied by those who unlock genes?"

"Please Long Guo strictly control the gene unlocker. If you can't control it, get a bottle of gene medicine for all of us!"

"That's right, why should everything be in the hands of the rich."

"The behavior of the gene unlocker is really too much. I was beaten by my classmate some time ago. He is the gene unlocker. He is still molesting female classmates on campus. thing?"

There is a lot of scolding on the Internet, almost all the negative information that ordinary people are bullied by gene unlockers.

This is a world where the strong eat the weak, because the existence of the law has weakened the performance in this regard.

Now that the birth of genetic medicine, the person who unlocks the gene suddenly surpasses everyone around him.

As a result, these people's hearts swelled, and more and more incidents of oppression began to appear.

In fact, it is not that the country does not care, but that it cannot control it.

Long Guo has just ruled the world, and the people under his hands are not completely stable.

Leaders in a small number of areas are still those worms before.

It is true that some people are complicit in these gene unlockers, but the country is also doing its best to remove them.

The second is the lack of manpower.

With the huge surge in gene unlockers, the manpower on the police side is really overwhelmed.

Not only to get rid of worms, but also busy to suppress criminal gene unlockers.

Many people marched with placards, saying they wanted to resist genetic evolution.

Their call was answered by many people, and a large number of people joined the boycott team.

Long Guo even dispatched the army urgently to suppress illegal acts.

These people who like to march and protest are all ex-foreign people who have such a habit.

It's their nature to kill and do things.

Coupled with the contradiction between gene unlockers and ordinary people, this incident has continued to ferment.

"Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. This is indeed true."

For things on earth, Tang Ke just chuckled twice.

He is not the nanny of the Dragon Kingdom, and he will help when encountering things that humans cannot contend with.

But he was too lazy to care about these little things.

However, there is a big opportunity here.

So he opened Weibo and edited the information to publish.

[Hello everyone, I'm out again.

Recently, some people in Longguo rejected the evolutionary people and said that they should resist genetic medicine.

And the fundamental reason for this is because he was bullied by the gene unlocker.

In fact, this is a good solution, which is to buy a simulated robot.

I guarantee by my reputation that the artificial robot can absolutely suppress any first-level genetic person.

Welcome bosses in need around the world, go to the official purchase.

There will also be a full discount event in the near future. You are welcome to buy in a group. The more the quantity, the greater the discount~]

Tang Ke knew that some people would say that he couldn't even afford a simulated robot.

So I specially organized a big event. Anyway, Tang Ke will not lose money.

But if he still said he couldn't afford it, then Tang Ke could only suggest that he go to work and stop doing nothing outside.

This time the discount is very big, as long as there are enough people who pull it.

The price can even be discounted to the cost price!

They can't even afford it, which means they're all idiots.

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