My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 301 Want to be the richest man in the universe\r

After reviewing all the information, Tang Ke quit the universe virtual network.

There was a faint scent of jasmine in the air, which was the jasmine tea that Zhang Yaxuan brewed.

Tang Ke smiled and got up, and Zhang Yaxuan noticed his movement.

"How? What did you see in the universe network, tell me quickly?" Zhang Yaxuan asked eagerly.

She is also full of curiosity about alien civilizations.

Tang Ke originally planned to bring the origin into the cosmic network and come back with the cosmic content.

It's a pity that Origin simply cannot enter the cosmic network because it is a set of programs.

The cosmic network is equivalent to a set of higher-level programs that are forbidden to any artificial intelligence.

"I saw... a prosperous cosmic scene!"

Tang Ke grinned and said, "I can't digest the content too much. I'll tell you slowly."

It would be great if Origin could download the content inside, because the amount of information is really large.

Zhang Yaxuan gently poured a cup of jasmine tea, and the two sat together, one listening to the other.

Tang Ke also did not forget to inform Chen Zimo that he would help him acquire gold, and he would receive as much as he could.

Gold has two functions in the universe, and some Zerg like to eat gold.

For them, gold is equivalent to a luxury and delicious snack.

But gold is more used for viewing and collecting.

Alien civilizations can't escape, and they like golden things.

They will refine gold into various collectibles, even into a room, a building, a city.

Not for anything else, just simply like the glitter.

This was discovered by Tang Ke after investigating through the cosmic network, and the value of gold in the universe is very high.

Only a small number of planets produce gold, and in very small quantities.

There will be a huge amount of gold in the earth, which can be regarded as a special product of civilization.

If it is known by other civilizations, I am afraid it will attract the coveting of many advanced civilizations.

Advanced civilizations do not need the energy of the solar system, but the amount of gold is too huge, and they will also be coveted by them.

One ton of gold placed in the universe exchange can be exchanged for one billion universe coins!

The price of an ordinary interstellar warship in the universe exchange is only 50 million universe coins.

Don't look at this cheap price, the universe currency is the universal currency of the whole universe, and its value is immeasurable.

With one billion universe coins, Tang Ke can afford most of the metal materials in the universe.

According to scientists' calculations, the gold resources in the earth's crust are about 60 trillion tons!

If Tang Ke can mine all this gold and exchange it for Cosmos coins, he can instantly become the richest man in the universe!

The universe is really vast, and sixty trillion tons of gold placed in the universe is just a drop in the ocean.

Therefore, it will not cause gold to depreciate, and it will only make those races who like gold go crazy.

"My God, is it so easy to become the richest man in the universe? Shall we get a gold mining team?"

Zhang Yaxuan's eyes lit up when she heard it, and her heart was shocked.

It doesn't feel like being a rich person on earth because she grew up with a golden spoon in her mouth.

But being the rich man in the universe is a completely different feeling.

At this moment, Zhang Yaxuan and Tang Ke are both people with zero assets in the universe.

Tang Ke nodded: "I think so too. At the same time as the acquisition of gold, a gold mining team will be established. At the same time, I will also let Heike Company get a special gold mining instrument."

The black technology of mining gold is easy to create, and it can be directly handed over to the talents of Heike Company to design.

The important thing is that the drill is hard and the kinetic energy is strong.

These two things, empty silver metal and Ke energy have been perfectly solved.

If under such conditions, Heike Company can't make a gold mining instrument, then it can really go bankrupt.

"But so much gold cannot be easily exposed. If it is targeted by advanced civilization, it will definitely be cool."

With a serious look on Tang Ke's face, he decided to sell the gold he collected bit by bit.

Only a small amount of gold flows out, and it will not be targeted by advanced civilizations.

At the same time, it is also in line with hunger marketing methods, which can make gold more valuable!

Unconsciously, in addition to inventing many black technologies, Tang Ke has gradually become proficient in marketing methods.

"By the way, I also found another business opportunity. I plan to create a comic story, and you will serialize it and publish it on the universe network."

"Ah? My comics are posted on the universe network?" Zhang Yaxuan was stunned.

Tang Ke nodded with a smile: "That's right! Apart from the fact that gold is a scarce item in the universe, the entertainment in the universe is rather dull, and it is not even enjoyed by us on Earth."

"No way? In such a huge universe, there will be a lack of entertainment?" Zhang Yaxuan couldn't believe it.

In such a big universe, it's impossible not to have an entertainment genius, right?

Now that there is entertainment, there will always be a few cosmic stars coming out, right?

The universe is nothing but an enlarged planet, and civilizations are equivalent to countries on Earth.

Everything in the world is always alike.

What will be derived from the earth will be derived from similar things in other civilizations.

"Yes, I see there are many cosmic stars, but they rely on racial characteristics to become cosmic stars."

Tang Ke carefully read the entertainment information of the universe, and was particularly impressed by his understanding of this aspect.

Cosmic stars are similar to the little fresh meat of Longguo, relying on their own characteristics and appearance, so they are popular all over the country.

As for works or something, almost none.

Even if there is, a small number of creatures will like to watch it.

Whether it is a song or a movie, it is difficult to meet the public taste.

The cultural differences between civilizations, the taste for art, the difference is really too big.

Even if the comic story Tang Ke told, it may overturn the car, and I dare not be 100% sure that it will catch fire.

"Then what kind of story do you want me to draw? How about we take a look at the works on Earth?"

Zhang Yaxuan blinked, thinking about taking the finished work to try it out.

"Also, but I feel that the possibility of coolness is quite high if we take our earth's works." Tang Ke smiled wryly.

It's not that he is arrogant, but the characters in these works are the aesthetics and senses of people on earth.

If you want to make a big hit in the universe, the most important element is fusion!

Only works that integrate a large number of elements of the universe can satisfy most of the creatures in the universe.

Familiar things create recognition and goodwill.

It's like showing you some underworld works, you can't be interested in them unless you have a special hobby.

This kind of fusion is extremely difficult. Basically, works that incorporate a large number of elements have become a four-in-one piece, and eventually become a piece of garbage.

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