My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 403 Galactic Alliance Conference\r

Earth, the tenth year of the Tang Yuan calendar.

The Galactic Confederation has finally grown and held its first meeting.

The main purpose of the meeting is to let all civilizations communicate and understand each other and prepare to deal with the ancient worm alliance.

"Higher civilizations will help low-level civilizations. Zulong has left protection measures on the earth. Therefore, the earth has not been discovered by alien civilizations for so many years."

"What is the origin of Zulong? Could it be that the Earth in the past was a sixth-level civilization?"

"What do you mean by Zulong, the origin of Earth civilization?"

"Well, maybe it's the origin of the earth. We don't know the details. It was the immortals who used the time machine to help us check the earth tens of billions of years ago."

"Okay, although this matter is not a secret, it's better to say less, after all, it's not easy to explain it from the Immortal Race..."

Zulong is not only related to the earth, but also related to the immortal race.

The Earth side will not keep the Zulong matter a secret, but no one knows the attitude of the Immortal Race, so it is better to say less.

"Sorry, we shouldn't ask, let's discuss the ancient worm alliance."

There are dozens of creatures sitting in the conference room of the Galactic Alliance.

Not only the human beings on Earth, but also the lifeforms of the affiliated civilizations, as well as the important high-level executives of other galaxy alliances.

These creatures did not arrive on earth on the spot, but were presented through holographic projections.

This is a private communication method built by Origin using the cosmic network.

It allows civilizations far away from countless galaxies to talk to each other without logging into the cosmic network.

Origin has been evolving itself and has now evolved to the point where it can take advantage of the cosmic web.

This communication technology is the first attempt at the origin, and the technology is not yet mature.

When subjected to energy fluctuations, it will be forcibly cut off.

Hearing the word 'immortal', all beings outside the earth are in awe, and dare not ask about the past of the earth.

clap clap clap!

Tang Ke walked into the meeting room, clapped his hands, and said loudly, "Okay, everyone, this meeting is about dealing with the Ancient Insect Alliance. Don't study the Zulong here."

He sat down in the middle position, and the creatures of various races were on both sides, casting their eyes on him collectively.

"Let's go straight to the topic. The Ancient Insect Alliance is very quiet. I believe everyone is aware that something is wrong. Especially recently, a large number of Zerg have left their home planet, which has announced that the storm is coming."

"We will break out a war with the Ancient Insect Alliance at any time. Please prepare yourself mentally, so that when the war breaks out, there is no way to deal with it."

"Let's talk about the level of technology on my side first!"

Although these civilizations have joined the Galactic Alliance, they do not actually understand the technological level of the earth.

Tang Ke decided to give everyone the next dose of reassurance, so as not to be shaken at this juncture.

"I can tell you clearly that the earth has completely entered the fourth-level civilization!"

The corner of his mouth rose slightly, and said lightly: "A few years ago, the earth has mastered the technology of traveling through dimensional space, and applied this technology to warships and armor."

"The number of interstellar warships, we have 500,000 interstellar warships, a dimensionality reduction weapon, and a dimensionality upgrade weapon!"

"In addition, a year ago, I also developed a multi-dimensional space survival technology!"

"Our earth is only one technology away from a fifth-level civilization!"

The so-called resource creation technology is actually the "Endless Materials Science" that Tang Ke saw when he first landed on the Universe Network.

He has spent a lot of money on this knowledge and is currently working hard to learn it.

In a few days, he will be able to completely master this knowledge and let the earth enter the fifth-level civilization!

Of course, he didn't say these things, because it was too unbelievable, and no one would believe it.

When the surrounding creatures heard this, they all showed ecstasy.

Stepping into the earth of the fourth-level civilization, facing the same fourth-level Sangmo civilization, it is not necessarily strong or weak.

Especially this multi-dimensional space survival technology!

It is not an exaggeration to say that the earth has surpassed the demon civilization.

"I really envy the existence of Mr. Tang Ke on the earth. How long has it taken to enter the fourth-level civilization!"

"Unbelievable! It's really incredible!"

"Earth has once again set a cosmic record. If this is the case, the earth's civilization will one day become a fifth-level civilization and set a record again!"

"It is our greatest honor to be a subsidiary civilization of the earth."

"Sangling civilization has 50,000 interstellar warships, which can help the Galactic Alliance against the ancient worm alliance." Some affiliated civilization creatures said actively.

As a subsidiary civilization of the earth, it is natural not to lose face.

"Our Huixiu planet also has 67,000 interstellar warships, and we will do our best to help the Galactic Alliance!"

"Groot civilization has 100,000 space battleships."

"The total number of interstellar battleships on the Tan Ling Alliance side is about 700,000 interstellar battleships, and there is also a dimensionality reduction weapon!"

"The total number of star warships of the Ruoyun Alliance is 1.28 million, and two dimensionality reduction weapons."

"The total number of Harvey Alliance starships is 2.4 million."

"Our Drew Alliance has a total of 2.6 million warships, and three dimensionality reduction weapons."


The cooperating Galaxy Alliance executives couldn't help but take the initiative to inform themselves of the total number of warships owned by the alliance.

Now that we have reached a cooperative relationship with the Earth Alliance, we must demonstrate the value and strength of our alliance.

These creatures rushed to report, but Tang Ke did not have any fluctuations in his heart.

No matter how much the total number adds up, it depends on the military strength of the Ancient Insect Alliance.

And more battleships does not mean that the combat power is strong, it can only vaguely speculate about the approximate level of a planet.

"Listen, if the Ancient Insect Alliance attacks, I need your help to block all the third-level civilizations and reduce the pressure on my side as much as possible."

Tang Ke said solemnly: "As for the fourth-level civilization, no matter how many opponents there are, leave it to me to deal with it. If you encounter a fourth-level civilization, you must stay away from it as much as possible. Even if you have dimensionality reduction weapons, you can't take chances. psychology!"

The third-level civilization is always the third-level civilization, and even if there are dimensionality reduction weapons, it is still impossible to win the fourth-level civilization.

Just like a child holding a pistol, when faced with a special soldier, he has no chance to shoot.

The biggest weakness in the Galactic Alliance is that there is only one fourth-level civilization on Earth.

"We understand..."


Before the meeting was over, someone suddenly cut off the communication.

Everyone thought it was the fault on the other side. After all, this communication network is still very simple, so it is not surprising that something went wrong.

But then the communication was interrupted one after another, and Tang Ke immediately realized that it was not good.

In the conference room where he was, an alarm sounded suddenly.

All holographic projections in the conference room were forcibly closed, leaving only Tang Ke and the senior officials of Long Guo sitting here.

Immediately after that, Yuanyuan developed more than ten camera images for Tang Ke et al.

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