My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 415 Continuously travel through multi-dimensional space\r

The anti-dimensional device shattered, and the weapon of ascending dimension of the leader of the demon fell down.

And there is also a dimensional battleship to meet it.

Tang Ke, Zhang Yaxuan, the leader of Green Mantis, and the leader of Chang Mo all entered the four-dimensional space at the same time!

Tang Ke immediately understood what the opponent was thinking.

While the leader of the demons wanted to save the leader of the Green Mantis, he also wanted to get rid of both of them in the four-dimensional space!

In the current four-dimensional space, it is the time when there is no one.

Tang Ke and Zhang Yaxuan are here without any support.

"The idea is good, but we are not defenseless weaklings." Tang Ke's expression was calm.

His Heike armor can survive in multi-dimensional space and is not afraid of falling into multi-dimensional space.

It can only be said that the leader of Chang Demon made a wrong idea.

boom! boom! boom--

The dimensional battleship that the leader of the demons flew in and launched energy rays at the two Tang Ke at the first time.

Tang Ke and Zhang Yaxuan moved forward instead of retreating.

The two did not communicate at all, so they rushed towards the other's battleship.


The green mantis blade in Tang Ke's hand slashed continuously, cutting out a sharp blade, actually slicing the energy ray sweeping in front of him in half!

After the restless ray energy was cut, it exploded into sky-filled particles on both sides of Tang Ke.

Zhang Yaxuan's armor unfolded layer by layer, and energy rays bombarded continuously.

The rays emitted by Ke energy are more powerful, and they can face off against the battleship energy cannons that are completely true.

The two were quite fast, and they came to the dimension battleship in the blink of an eye.

The mechanical folding on Heike's armor was released, forming four pairs of wings on Zhang Yaxuan's back.

Cyan energy rays were continuously shot from the wings, and a series of explosions bombed the battleship, destroying half of the battleship.

Tang Ke slashed the glass guard plate with a knife, and the colorful magic silk as dense as a stream shot out of the battleship.

The space they crossed all turned into stained glass, and there was a sound of glass shattering around.

"It's another dimensionality reduction attack. Since you like dimensionality reduction so much, let's go to the two-dimensional world to play together."

Tang Ke sneered, and his left hand took out two two-way foil cards from inside the armor.

He originally planned to break into the battleship and kill all the demons.

But Chang Mo closed the entrance with colorful magic silk.

The other party also took the initiative to launch a dimensionality reduction attack. Since he likes to play a dimensionality reduction attack, there is no need for Tang Ke to be polite.

Swish twice, two two-way foil cards were thrown from the front by Tang Ke.

It's as random as throwing poker.

Before the overwhelming colorful magic filaments approached Tang Ke, it was directly sucked into the black hole created by the two-way foil.

The first two-way foil opens the black hole channel.

In the process of flying into the black hole, the second two-way foil opens the second black hole.

The black hole drilled into the black hole, superimposing a four-dimensional entrance to the two-dimensional world.

The entire four-dimensional world trembled at this moment, and the four-dimensional energy rushed toward the two-dimensional space, making a humming sound.

For a time, Tang Ke and the leader of the demon were both shocked.

Although they don't know what happened, they feel like something is wrong...


There was no time for them to think, except that the leader of the Green Mantis remained fixed in four-dimensional space.

Everything else entered the two-dimensional world in an instant.

Here is an endless plane.

No beginning, no end in sight.

The ground is a beautiful picture composed of cosmic stars, as if looking at the other side of the starry sky at a glance, you can see through the origin and demise of the universe at a glance.

Tang Ke and Zhang Yaxuan stood on the scroll, the sky was pitch black, and there was only the road of stars under their feet.

Looking at the picture carefully, you can vaguely see that fierce interstellar wars are breaking out in the major star fields of the universe.

The picture will change, but the speed of change is very slow, like static.

The more you stare at the scroll at your feet, the more it looks like a still image.

When you look at another place and suddenly stare back to the position just now, you will find that the screen has been replaced.

This strange phenomenon is exactly the two-dimensional world scene.

Tang Ke and others stand in a two-dimensional world in a three-dimensional form.

The dimensional battleship of Chang Mo is sticking to the scroll and moving slowly.

They dare not stop, and once the battleship stops, they will become part of the picture, not the three-dimensional form in front of them.

Heike armor and dimensional warships can maintain a three-dimensional state, so they are on the picture scroll.

Otherwise, it will be integrated into the picture scroll!

"Damn earthlings, you really have mastered the multi-dimensional space survival technology!" The leader of Chang Demon stared gloomily at Tang Ke and Zhang Yaxuan.

The two people standing on the scroll do not need to maintain a dynamic, and neither will be sucked into the scroll.

This is the proof of having multi-dimensional space survival technology!

"The attack of the Ancient Insect Alliance has been a joke from the very beginning. Earth's technology has surpassed the demon civilization!" Tang Ke said with a light smile.

"You are a joke. You opened the channel between the four-dimensional and the two-dimensional. I don't know what terrible things will happen, but this is definitely a stupid act!" Chang Mo shouted loudly.

The space vibration just now is extraordinary, and it is likely to disturb the multi-dimensional space.

"There is cause and effect. If it wasn't for your ancient worm alliance attacking us, there would be no such thing as just now."

Tang Ke didn't buy it at all, he wouldn't admit that his actions just now were right or wrong.

After all, he himself doesn't know what the consequences will be when the four-dimensional and two-dimensional are connected.

But at present, there is no abnormality, so there is no need to worry too much.

"Stupid Earthlings!" The leader of the demon Chang roared.


The colorful magic silk swept through like a turbulent tsunami, and Tang Ke and Zhang Yaxuan greeted them again.

In the vast colorful fantasy sea, a passage to the battleship was forcibly created.

Tang Ke opened the way in melee, Zhang Yaxuan assisted in the rear cover.

The two broke into the dimensional battleship at the same time, and in front of them stood tens of thousands of demons made of colored silk.

Their whole body exudes a splendid light, as if they have entered the world of monsters.

"How dare you break into our battleship and kill me!" The leader of Chang Mo gave a sharp scream.

The colored magic wire blocked the retreat of the two, and locked the weak point of the human body to attack.

Tang Ke rushed forward first, and his body brought out several afterimages.

The blade in his hand and the colored silk collided with a clanging sound, wiping out a layer of starlight and fire.

Zhang Yaxuan followed closely behind, her entire body armor was emitting energy rays.

Her Heike armor was like a moving fortress, as if it had infinite firepower, and the surrounding demons were bombarded by her artillery fire.

Tang Ke opens the way, and his wife reaps.

There is no body of Shang Mo behind him, only the dissipated energy blips.

Seeing that the two people who were like killing gods were getting closer, the leader of the demon was shocked, and he hurriedly took out a spherical device and smashed it at Tang Ke.

"It's a dimensional weapon again? It's useless, no matter where you escape, it won't have any effect on us." Tang Ke couldn't help laughing.

For a time, he actually felt that the fourth-level civilization was nothing more than that.

Chang Mo's dimensionality reduction attack seems ferocious, but in fact, for a civilization with multi-dimensional space survival technology, it is completely a waste ability.

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