My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 422 Endless material science, the questioning of major civilizations\r

Tang Ke smiled lightly and explained the science of endless materials to everyone.

The so-called endless material science is to use multi-dimensional space to create resources, which are inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

Such a method is very incredible for creatures in the three-dimensional world.

"Endless material science is to create resources, it can also be said to extract elements to condense resources, and it can be said to retrospect energy and return to resources. This technical point is similar to extracting elements."

"I believe you all know the law of conservation of energy, right?

Energy neither arises out of nowhere nor disappears out of nowhere.

It only changes from one form to another, or from one object to another, and the total amount of energy remains the same. "

Tang Ke said as he turned on the holographic projection.

Origins presents pictures and text on projections for better understanding based on what he said.

"The energy we consume will change form. We in the three-dimensional world cannot change the energy that has been consumed back, but when we go to the four-dimensional space, we can easily do it!"

In four-dimensional space, there is more to see and more to do.

As long as you go to the four-dimensional space, you can use technology to condense the energy that was originally consumed.

The technology used here can be said to be the primary version of time countercurrent!

After promotion and derivation, time machine technology will be born.

If you advance again, it is the restart technology mastered by the sixth-level civilization!

There is a lot of knowledge in Endless Materials Science. After Tang Ke mastered it, he saw a lot of things at once.

Even the technology of restarting a universe like a fantasy has become simple and reasonable.

"Earth's next plan is not how to suppress the jumping clowns in the alliance, but to start a migration plan!"

"Migration? Are you going to the four-dimensional space?"

Everyone was shocked, such a span is too big.

Only the fifth-level civilization of the ethereal and immortal can live in the four-dimensional space. Is the earth also able to live in it now?

Tang Ke smiled and said, "That's right, we have mastered the means of survival in multi-dimensional space long ago. I didn't propose this plan before because it was not very useful for us to move in."

"But now that we have mastered the science of endless materials, we can live in the four-dimensional space and have endless resources!"

The head of the Long Kingdom looked solemn: "May I ask how to do it, should we move in, or..."

"There are two options. One is that we directly enter the four-dimensional space and create a new continent. The second option is to migrate the entire solar system into it!"

Tang Ke pointed to the second plan on the projection: "I recommend the second one. Just build a multi-dimensional survival field, and then throw a vector foil, and the entire solar system will instantly enter the four-dimensional space. It's simple and fast!"

The solar system is not fixed in the universe.

The planets revolve around the sun, and the sun keeps moving through the universe.

To migrate, the entire solar system must be brought into four-dimensional space.

They are a whole, and the absence of any one of them will elicit a different response.

Either don't move, or move all in.

"I agree with the second plan. Although the first plan can create a pure land of bliss, it is too cumbersome and will lose the feelings and familiarity of the earth."

"That's right, I also agree with the second option."



In the Earth conference room, all members agreed to the second plan.

This is not to brush Tang Ke's favor, but the second plan is indeed better.

"Since that's the case, then the notice of relocation, as well as some miscellaneous affairs, will be handed over to you."

Tang Ke stood up, walked outside, waved his hand and said, "The time will be set in three days, then call me again."

Everyone in the conference room stood up, bowed slightly to Tang Ke, and watched him leave.

After the meeting, Longguo issued an announcement to the world as soon as possible.

[Important notice: The earth will be relocated into the four-dimensional space three days later, at two o'clock in the afternoon, please don't panic. 】

As soon as the news came out, people all over the world were stunned.

"Huh? Moved into four-dimensional space?"

"Good guy, it's official news, I don't know how to describe my mood at the moment."

"I don't know why, but I'm not surprised. Is it swelling?"

"Cut! As expected, Tang Ke didn't say everything. We have already mastered the multi-dimensional space survival technology, and it will be a matter of time to move into the four-dimensional space."

"I remember that the fifth-level civilization will live in the fourth-dimensional space. Is our earth the first fourth-level civilization to live in the fourth-dimensional space?"

"Hahahaha! It's really interesting, I don't know if you can see those fifth-level civilizations in the four-dimensional space."

"If we can, we'll drop their jaws in a moment."

The people were joking on the Internet, but the Earth Federation issued another notice.

However, this notice was posted on the universe network...

[Earth has officially become a fifth-level civilization, and the family will be relocated into the four-dimensional space in three days! 】

A few short words, but stunned the creatures of the whole universe.

Those civilizations that sneered at the earth felt that they were slapped severely by the other party when they saw this news.

Their first reaction was to question!

"What are you kidding? Entering the fifth-level civilization, do you think that civilization promotion is to eat and drink?"

"I'm really convinced, what is this earth civilization thinking, worried that the members of the alliance will disagree, so they brag about this kind of bullshit?"

"This is too much to say, isn't it? Is such a civilized race really worthy of the trust of so many civilizations?"

"Laugh to death, will there really be civilizations who believe their nonsense, I don't believe it anyway."

"The steps are too big to recruit so many civilizations, but they have no ability to suppress them. Therefore, they can only scare others with lies to keep their status. It's ridiculous."

Obviously, almost no civilized creature would believe this notice issued by the earth.

They recognize the power of the earth, the rapid development speed, and can even defeat the old-fashioned fourth-level civilization.

But how far the fourth level is from the fifth-level civilization, the major civilizations are very clear.

In particular, the fourth-level civilization races scoffed at the words that the earth said about entering the fifth-level civilization.

The members of the Galactic Alliance couldn't help shaking their heads when they saw the news.

I felt a little shaken in my heart, I felt that the earth's move was very inappropriate, and I felt like an immature child.


Is such a ferocious earth really a fool?

The members of the Galactic Federation decided to wait for the earth to enter the four-dimensional space, and then come to visit.

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