My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 426 Rules of the Galactic Federation\r

Hundreds of groups of creatures visited Earth, all of them members of the Galactic Federation.

Just by receiving gifts, I made a lot of money.

These civilized creatures came with a scrutiny attitude, but returned with a shocked mood.

The senior officials of Longguo ate all the freshness in one move, a plate of the same fruit, loaded with the same force.

But the effect is full!

All the civilized creatures who have visited the earth will report the situation as soon as they go back.

Because of these report results, the entire cosmic network has been caught up in extensive discussions.

"Really a fifth-level civilization? Good guy, is it so fierce?"

"Why do I feel like I'm fooling people? Do you believe that it takes less than a hundred years for a civilization to go from level one to level five?"

"But the earth is breaking records all the time. They sang all the way to the fourth-level civilization. It is indeed a real thing. Although it is outrageous to enter the fifth-level civilization, it is not impossible."

Since there is no war, the universe network will not refresh the civilization level.

Therefore, the rating of the earth on the cosmic network is still level four.

Countless creatures want to know whether the earth has become a fifth-level civilization.

"But Earth only accepts visits from members of the Galactic Alliance. I feel like they are trying to deceive all our civilized races."

"What's the use of lying to us, if they want to lie, they are also lying to those civilizations that are just about to move in the Galactic Alliance."

"As far as I know, those civilizations that are just around the corner have stopped moving. I think it should be true that the earth has entered the fifth level."

"Unfortunately, the universe network has not refreshed the rating. Who of you will attack the earth and explore their reality?"

As soon as this statement came out, the entire network went silent.

Not to mention the premise of entering the four-dimensional space, there must be the technological level of the fourth-level civilization.

Even if there is a fourth-level civilization that dares to enter.

If the earth is really a fifth-level civilization, wouldn't it be directly cool?

No civilization would foolishly run to test it, it would be a joke with its own life.

With the passage of time, more and more creatures believe that the earth has indeed become a fifth-level civilization.

Because nothing happened in the Galactic Federation.

There is no other possibility than the suppression of the technological level of the earth.

Creatures on the cosmic network can only sigh at the rapid development of the earth.

The civilizations that choose to join the Galactic Alliance are also increasing day by day, and there is a tendency to unify the Cosmic Alliance.

The other galaxy alliances felt helpless.

They cannot imprison the freedom of civilization, nor have the ability to rebel against the Galactic Federation.

After all, the Galactic Federation has never done anything tyrannical.

However, the emergence of the Galaxy Alliance broke the rules of the Galaxy Alliance, which led to the civilization of countless alliance founders, and their income was greatly reduced.

Lack of resources is often the source of war.

The peaceful Galactic Alliance also began to be attacked by other alliances on a small scale.

All these galaxy alliances that launched the attack were driven to a dead end.

Without alliance members to suck blood for them, it is natural to rely on war to obtain them.

The Earth has received countless messages for help, which made the Galactic Alliance feel quite overwhelming.

It's not that they don't want to help, it's that they don't have so much manpower and energy to help.

For this thorny issue, the Galactic Federation executives threw the problem to Tang Ke.

Tang Ke, who had just developed the prototype of Stargate, after receiving the information, he couldn't help but yelled, "Why don't you guys handle such a small problem by yourself?"

I thought it was a major event, and came to interrupt his spellcasting... No, it interrupted his research progress.

The result was a trivial matter.

In a fit of anger, Tang Ke directly blocked all information.

The senior levels of the Galactic Alliance looked at each other, embarrassed.

At this time, Zhang Yaxuan stood up.

She convened a meeting of the Galactic Alliance through a holographic projection and responded with a crisp voice.

"Tang Ke is researching technology, and it is not convenient to receive information. Next, I will temporarily take over as the leader of the alliance. Do you have any opinions?"

"No comment……"

Who dares to have an opinion?

Zhang Yaxuan is Tang Ke's wife. In the interstellar war, she is equally dazzling, but she is not a vase character.

Although the representatives of the major civilizations did not understand what she was going to do, she dared to take over the position, which was definitely approved by Tang Ke!

"Very well, since you have no opinions, then I will help you solve the problem for my husband."

Zhang Yaxuan smiled with satisfaction, as if thousands of flowers were blooming, beautiful and moving.

But what she said next was not beautiful at all.

"I heard that a lot of galaxy alliances have taken action on our alliance members recently, but you don't know how to solve it. Tang Ke is very dissatisfied with this. If there is another time, you can only move your high-level positions. ."

Zhang Yaxuan paused, then continued: "As for the alliance being attacked, the approach adopted by our Galaxy Alliance is to help each other and be close to each other."

"The first requirement is that the civilization being attacked, the closest alliance member, must go to support as soon as possible."

"Second, in the future, when encountering an attack from a civilization below level 4, all requests for help will be sent to the level 4 civilization in the alliance."

"After the fourth-level civilization receives the request for help, it must rush to the battlefield to solve the enemy as soon as possible."

"If the enemy is also a fourth-level civilization, then notify the earth again, and we will send support as soon as possible to solve the opponent!"

The Galactic Federation has so many civilizations, and it's not for them to come here for free.

The earth did not charge a lot of protection fees, but still guarded them, of course, to make them work more.

Any civilization that dares to disobey will be kicked out.

The Galactic Federation does not raise parasites!

Zhang Yaxuan's words made all living beings realize that the Galaxy Alliance is not a charity organization.

Members of the Earth Conservation Alliance, but members of the alliance must also help and support each other.

"The third point, and the most important point!"

Zhang Yaxuan's cold voice increased a bit: "If we find out that there are some civilizations that interfere, deliberately paddle, don't help allies, or frame allies, they will be blacklisted!"

"In serious cases, it will directly become a hostile civilization of the Galactic Alliance and be severely sanctioned by the Alliance!"

She glanced around and found that many creatures were absent-minded.

Obviously, she didn't agree with what she said later.

Zhang Yaxuan frowned slightly and sneered.

"Don't take chances, everyone. I might as well give you some information. My family, Tang Ke, is researching the technology of transmission and detection, and will monitor the entire alliance at that time."

"Any of your violations will be detected immediately and sanctioned on the spot. Please take it seriously!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of many creatures in the universe changed drastically.

Does this mean that in the future, the development of their civilization will be monitored by the Galactic Alliance?

Is this worth it? ! !

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