My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 432 Princess Tang was born\r

The two parents have been looking forward to their grandchildren and grandchildren for a long time.

Hearing that Zhang Yaxuan was pregnant, she was overjoyed and came to take care of her immediately.

It's not over yet, Tang Ke sent the message to all his friends who knew him well.

His wife's three best friends: Jin Yumeng, Tang Yunxin, and Zhao Yunqing lived directly in the city of the sky and took care of Zhang Yaxuan in every possible way.

Tang Ke's friends also came to visit.

One pass ten, ten pass one hundred.

In just one night, the news of Zhang Yaxuan's pregnancy was known to countless people.

Heike Company and senior officials of Longguo came to visit in person and sent various gifts.

People who didn't know thought that the child of Tang Ke's family was born, and so many bigwigs came to visit.

"Sister Yaxuan, what does it feel like to be pregnant? Will it hurt?"

"My Ya Xuan is finally pregnant. After waiting for so many years, I can finally hold my best friend's child."

"You're finally going to be an auntie!"

"Go, go, you are the auntie, and they will always be beautiful little fairies!"

Zhang Yaxuan's best friends huddled together, Yingge Yanyu discussed.

They also remain young and beautiful, and have not had children to this day.

These girls are full of curiosity about Zhang Yaxuan's pregnancy feelings.

After all, their next stage of life is also to go through this process.

"Don't worry about Yunqing and Yunxin, Mengmeng, why are you joining in the fun? If you want to know how I feel, it's better to have a relationship with your son Mosheng."

Zhang Yaxuan gave Jin Yumeng a roll of eyes.

Jin Yumeng pouted: "I'm still young, so I don't want to have children, and I heard that childbirth is very painful, and raising a child is also very tiring, so I want to hold your cub, and I don't have to give birth or raise it. , how comfortable it is."

"It's just you being smart!" Zhang Yaxuan glared at her best friend pretending to be angry.

Just as he was about to get up, he was immediately stopped by a group of girlfriends: "You are pregnant, so you can't move!"

"I just got pregnant, I haven't become a big belly yet..." Zhang Yaxuan couldn't help laughing and crying.

It's like she's about to give birth, so she can't move around at will?

"No matter, tell us what you want to eat. If our sisters are here, I'll bring it for you. Anyway, don't disturb it." Tang Yunxin pretended to be fierce.

"Okay, okay, I just want to drink a glass of water. Could you please help me get the glass in front of me?" Zhang Yaxuan said helplessly.

Zhao Yunqing carefully picked up the water glass, and after feeling that the water temperature was moderate, handed it to Zhang Yaxuan.

Tang Ke looked at the group of girls, hurt Zhang Yaxuan even more than him, and nodded gratified.

Then he took the drawing board and pen very intimately and came to his wife: "Bao, let's continue to draw!"

The girls: "..."


Ten months later, countless people around the world are focusing on the same event.

That is Tang Ke's wife is about to give birth!

The child of the leader of the Galactic Federation was born today, and it has attracted the attention of people around the world.

At the door of a clean medical room in Sky City, there are many people wandering anxiously here.

The origin of the incarnation projection was guarded at the door, reassuring everyone that everything was fine in the room.

There are only Tang Ke and Zhang Yaxuan in the medical room, and the rest are simulated robots. Top-level professional technology can prevent all accidents from happening.

Zhang Yaxuan is a level 5 gene unlocker, in fact, there is no danger, her body functions are very powerful.

But as a relative, Tang Ke couldn't be nervous.

This tension comes from many aspects, which can be said to be mixed.

He held his wife's fair jade hand tightly, and Zhang Yaxuan kept taking deep breaths according to the instructions of the medical robot.

She did not endure severe pain like ordinary people.

The expression on his delicate face was quite calm, and there was not even a drop of sweat on his forehead.

It was as if she was not giving birth to a child at the moment.

At this time, she is more like focusing on painting, and her ethereal temperament is as dazzling as a fairy.

Man, even the process of having a baby remains beautiful.


As the baby's cry sounded, Tang Ke's handsome face immediately showed ecstasy.

The simulated robot carefully picked up the child and handled the follow-up work.

Tang Ke asked eagerly: "Come out! Is it a man or a woman?"

In order to retain the sense of mystery, neither he nor his wife used mental power to investigate, just to enjoy the surprise of this moment.

Both male and female, they like it.

"Congratulations to Mr. Tang Ke, the child is healthy and a girl." The medical robot smiled.

She wrapped the child's clean and pink body with a towel and gently handed it to Tang Ke and Zhang Yaxuan.

Unlike ordinary people's newborn children.

The newly born child of the gene unlocker is not thin at all, but pink and shiny, like the child of a god.

This is because the body of the gene unlocker is powerful, and a better breeding space can be bred in the body.

Therefore, their newborn children will not appear dry, their whole body is white and crystal clear, and their flesh is very beautiful and cute.

"Bao, look, this is our daughter, she is so cute, just like you!"

Tang Ke's eyes flashed, and he held his daughter in front of his wife.

The newborn daughter was crying all the time, but her cry was like a sound of heaven in the ears of the couple.

On Zhang Yaxuan's beautiful face, a doting look appeared.

She reached out and touched her daughter's face lightly, and the crying daughter burst into tears.

"This... did I hurt her?" Zhang Yaxuan asked at a loss.

Tang Ke said with a smile: "Nothing, a newborn baby just needs to cry so that they can breathe fresh air."

"It seems..." Zhang Yaxuan suddenly realized.

By the time the two were talking, the simulated robots had already taken care of all the follow-up.

The room is clean and tidy, and there is no odor left.

The door opened slowly, leaving only two nursing robots, and the rest left here.

The origin outside smiled and said to everyone: "Everyone, sister Yaxuan's child was born smoothly, it's a girl, please keep quiet, and take turns to go in later, don't disturb sister Yaxuan's rest."

After giving birth, she needs to rest, but Zhang Yaxuan is not tired, and her recovery speed is amazing.

However, the parents at home do not think so.

No matter what level of gene unlocker you are, in their eyes, you will always be so delicate.

The first to come were the parents of Tang Ke and Zhang Yaxuan, and the smiles of the two families did not diminish from beginning to end.

They have finally become grandparents, a day they have been looking forward to for decades.

Seeing her daughter's pink and cute appearance, everyone's hearts were about to turn into a puddle of water.

"Oh, take a look, this little face really inherits her parents' appearance perfectly!"

"She's so beautiful, she deserves to be our granddaughter!"

"Oh my dear, be careful, come and let us hug you too."

"Okay, it's really beautiful, it weighs six pounds!"

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