My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 435 daughter's shock\r

After the Honor Butler responded respectfully, he turned around and left, preparing to take the interstellar battleship to the target location.

Tang Ke clicked on the holographic projection panel to view the special material information detected by the water droplets.

Daughter Tang Baobao came over curiously.

She had never heard of her father looking for materials, which meant that the materials had been searched for before she was born.

What was it that made my father search for it for so many years?

She looked at the projection and saw a towering tree.

The size of this big tree is terrifying, and the planets rooted by it seem to be its nourishment.

The dense branches cover the sky and the sun, the green branches and leaves emit a crystal light, and the roots of the tree almost reach the radius of this planet!

The inhabitants of this planet are orcs, like the savage beasts of the ancient earth, but more intelligent.

They live around the roots of the tree and worship the towering tree reverently.

According to the information detected by the water droplets, this towering tree is called the World Tree by the orcs on the planet.

And what Tang Ke needs are the fallen leaves from this big tree!

These branches and leaves are very unique and can withstand huge energy shocks, the baking of flames, the smashing of lightning...

However, when cutting and puncturing sharp tools, it is no different from ordinary branches and leaves, and can be easily cut.

But if you want to tear it apart with your hands, no matter how strong you are, you can't do it.

And it must be the leaves that fall from the big tree. If you pick it with a knife, it will directly lose all the above effects.

"What a magical leaf, what is this thing for?" Tang Baobao asked again.

"To build a time machine!"

Tang Ke stared at the projection and responded calmly.

The leaves would be cut with sharp blades and had no effect on his plans.

As long as it can withstand the energy shock, then the time machine plan can be officially launched!

"Time machine? Dad, do you want to make a time machine? I'm coming too, ah no, I'll help you!"

Hearing the words 'time machine', Tang Baobao immediately became excited.

She has heard countless legends about her father since she was a child.

Artificial intelligence, starships, Heike armor, energy weapons, genetic potions, and more.

These things, which were common to her, did not exist on Earth decades ago.

And the reason why it suddenly appeared is because her father made it!

He created countless myths, saved human beings countless times, and was regarded as a god-like existence by human beings around the world.

But Tang Baobao has never seen Tang Ke research technology since he was born.

Now that such a good opportunity is in front of you, of course you can't go wrong!

Hearing his daughter's speech, Tang Ke couldn't help laughing and said, "Where did you get the confidence to think that you have the ability to help me? This is something you can't master."

It's true that the daughter is a genius, but the development of a time machine is very difficult.

Tang Ke can boldly say that there is no one in the entire Galactic Alliance who can help him.

Except for the origin!

"Dad, how do you know that your daughter can't do it? I have completed all the physics knowledge of the highest university at the age of 20, and placed it in the scientific research institute. They are all middle and upper-level scientific researchers!"

Tang Baobao expressed dissatisfaction. He has not shown his ability yet. How could Dad know how powerful she is?

"Would you like to test me?"

Tang Baobao's tone suddenly changed, and he hugged Tang Ke's arm and said with a smile: "What if I can help? Test me, okay?"

To deal with your father, acting like a spoiled child is the best way.

On this point, Tang Baobao is very hard to grasp!

Zhang Yaxuan, who was sitting next to him, couldn't help laughing and said, "You are still helping your father. You don't know how powerful your father is, so you dare to say such naive words."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Tang Ke and said softly, "Just test her and see how her learning results are."

Only by letting Tang Baobao realize how naive she is can she dissuade her curiosity.

Tang Ke nodded, feeling that it was necessary to show his hand and let his daughter know what kind of genius his father was!

"Since you said you can help me, then I will give you a test. As long as you pass it, I will agree to you joining my time machine research project."

Tang Ke walked into the house and tapped his fingers on the white wall.

A pool of silver-white liquid flowed out from the wall.

It slid into Tang Ke's hands like a conscious liquid with a clucking sound, forming a jar.

"This is my exclusive all-around Heike armor. After you figure it out, use the knowledge you have to strengthen the armor." Tang Ke smiled and threw the jar over.

Tang Baobao hurriedly caught it, looking at the plain wall in amazement, shocked in his heart.

She has lived in the Sky City for so long, but she never knew that Heike armor was hidden in the walls!

And the jar in his hand should be the legendary liquid metal!

Tang Baobao has seen it in the study materials, but it is the first time in reality.

This thing is completely different from what she imagined.

She thought the liquid metal should be a puddle of water and must be stored in a container.

But the place Tang Ke just took out was actually from the wall, and it seemed to be conscious, it was amazing.

It turns out that the liquid metal can still be split apart and hidden in the gaps between the molecules!

When Tang Baobao was amazed, Tang Ke then walked to the living room and released his mental power.

The green blade hanging on the wall trembled a few times, and then flew into Tang Ke's hands.

He also threw the blade to Feng Baobao and said, "You can also use this blade to strengthen it. I won't tell you about the strengthening direction. Anyway, just use your own abilities and make it stronger."

"Ah this... This knife isn't a decoration, isn't it?!"

After Tang Baobao took the blade, he carefully looked at the jade-like blade.

She always thought it was a decoration, and she never paid attention to hanging it in the living room.

Now that I take a closer look, I find that this blade is extremely delicate and sharp, as if there is a cold light flowing on it.

"Of course it's not decoration. This is the loot that your father cut down from the enemy when he fought against the Zerg."

Zhang Yaxuan came gracefully, and said the most brutal words in the gentlest voice.

This made Tang Baobao speechless.

It turns out that this blade is the limb of the leader of the Green Mantis...

Looking at his daughter's dull expression, Tang Ke couldn't help but laugh.

Although he has not studied anything with Tang Baobao, he still has a general understanding of his daughter's knowledge level.

Tang Baobao's ability is far from his level, but he will have some novel ideas in research.

If she can incorporate these ideas into the Heike armor, there will be unexpected effects.

As for researching the time machine or something, it still depends on Tang Ke himself.

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