Tang Ke blinked, admiring Honor's cleanliness in his heart.

In his view, such behavior is not to remain a gentleman, but pure cleanliness.

He didn't add any special programs to Glory, and Glory's character was completely randomly generated.

But that's fine too.

As a housekeeper, keeping things clean and tidy at all times is a plus.

"Bring the leaves you brought back into my laboratory." Tang Ke walked into the laboratory with a smile.

The daughter is opposite the glass, seriously studying the Heike armor.

It took a few days for Tang Baobao to explore only the fur of the armor.

For disassembly and strengthening, etc., there is no way to start.

Tang Ke didn't bother her, and after Glory moved the leaves in, he started his own research.

The fallen leaves of the World Tree are still green, and there is a faint white light looming.

Like an enchanted leaf, it is very precious at first sight.

No matter how long the leaves are kept, they will not turn yellow and wither. This alone is very worthy of collection.

Re-entering the laboratory, the familiarity struck again.

Tang Ke has not studied technology for twenty years, but he remembers everything in the laboratory very clearly.

He let Origin operate the machinery, collecting leaves to scan and test.

Origin bombards leaves directly with energy rays.

The blue-level energy ray suddenly shot out, the energy cannon poured out all its energy and hit the leaves, and the laboratory was reflected in a dark blue.

Under normal circumstances, the leaves should be in ashes.

But the leaves of the world tree are like a container, it does not refract these energies, but sucks all the energies into it.

It has withstood the attack of the blue-level energy ray intact!

The color of the bright green leaves became more and more dim, and it began to develop in the direction of transparency.

A phantom suddenly appeared and zoomed in at an astonishing speed.

After being bombarded for a long time, this green leaf has completely turned transparent, and the huge phantom directly runs through the city of the sky.

The reason why it is called phantom is because the green leaves have not grown larger at all, nor have they disappeared.

It is still the same size as before, and it is held in the same position by the machine.

It's just that the human eye can no longer see the transparent leaves, and the machinery that sandwiches the leaves seems to be sandwiching the air.

As the transparent leaves receive more energy, the diffused phantom is also gradually enlarged.

This phantom is a manifestation of energy, and although it may seem miraculous, it is actually quite understandable.

The point is that these leaves perfectly withstood the attack of the energy rays!

Tang Ke then carried out various tests on these leaves, all of which passed perfectly.

The next thing to do is to dissolve the leaves and cast them into the desired hardware.

Since the leaves cannot be smelted by fire, Tang Ke thought of another way.


Since the leaves are only afraid of cutting, they can be squeezed into liquid by using the method of juicing.

Once the leaves are liquid, the next steps are much easier.

But before that.

Tang Ke will also test the crushed leaves again to see if the effect will be lost or weakened.

It took hours and the end result was as Tang Ke expected.

The liquid made from crushed leaves and mixed with water, the effect will not be weakened in any way, and it is the material he needs.

The time machine's manufacturing materials are available, and Tang Ke's time machine research and development plan officially begins.

The leaves were crushed into juice, and Tang Ke suddenly had a new idea about the appearance of the time machine.

Originally, he planned to condense these liquids into solids, and then make them into time balls similar to those of the Immortals.

But now Tang Ke has a whim and feels that these liquids can be made into paper.

Anyway, no matter what form, the effect of receiving energy is the same.

Why not use your imagination and make it more beautiful?

So, Tang Ke followed his own train of thought and decided to create a time book!

In the form of a book, to withstand the impact of energy.

As for the countercurrent time technique, it's simple enough for Tang Ke.

The technology of countercurrent time is an advanced version of the endless material extraction method.

Although there is no sales of this technology on the universe network, the research and development of technology has never been based on the achievements of others, but its own efforts.

If there is no technology to sell, then do your own research.

With the black technology system in hand, there is nothing that Tang Ke can't study.

The father and daughter are in the laboratory, studying their own things.

Zhang Yaxuan is painting her own star map in the studio.

"The Tang Family's Bizarre Adventure" has been serialized.

This work has been popular in the universe until now, and the popularity has not subsided.

Later, Tang Ke did not provide Zhang Yaxuan with the story content.

Zhang Yaxuan understood the creative idea of ​​this work by herself. Following the development of the story, she created her own story, which has been serialized for more than ten years.

The serialization of the work was completed three years ago because I wanted to take a break.

Universe audiences are calling for her to hurry up with a sequel.


Time flies, another year.

Tang Baobao spent a whole year studying this set of Heike armor, studying while studying.

Her knowledge is growing rapidly, and now she can understand most of the principles of Heike armor.

"Dad's technological knowledge is really terrifying. It's no wonder that the people in the research institute are so respectful to Dad. It turns out that it is not because of his status as the leader of the Galaxy Alliance, but because Dad is a civilized country!"

Tang Baobao wiped the sweat on his forehead lightly and looked up at the laboratory next door.

She was suddenly stunned, and ran to Tang Ke curiously.

I saw a book placed in front of Tang Ke with strange lines on the cover.

Tang Ke wears a pair of AR glasses and holds an energy pen in his hand, carefully depicting it on the cover of the book.

It is obviously a book, but it is like a circuit board. The moment it is touched by the energy pen, the whole body will light up, which is very gorgeous and beautiful.

"It's done!" Tang Ke said solemnly.

"Ah? What's been done?" Tang Baobao said stunned.

"Completed the time machine, this book is the time machine I created, it can go backwards for at least ten cosmic years, I named it the time book!"

A cosmic year is 10 billion years, that is to say, the time machine invented by Tang Ke is more than ten times more effective than the time machine of the Immortals!

"This book...is a time machine?!"

Tang Baobao's beautiful eyes widened, and the surprise in his heart was exactly the same as that of Tang Ke at the beginning.

Many people subconsciously think that the time machine should be a rideable machine that travels through major timelines.

But in fact, the time machine is not what everyone thinks.

It can be in the form of a ball, a book, a remote control device, or even a mechanical creature.

"Dad, what did you build the time machine to see?" Tang Baobao asked.

She remembered that her mother had said that they had seen the earth tens of billions of years ago and knew the correct history of human development.

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