My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 446 hack the cosmic network\r

There is no life on Planet Zero, and it is a living body by itself.

It is not human, not orc, not Eldar, not Zerg.

It is a unique racial creature in the universe, and there is no other race.

Zero One's intelligence is not high, even like a low-level intelligence, only repeating one thing.

Collect cosmic information!

It will release a wave that covers the entire universe, and all information will be incorporated into the brain by it.

Zero One looks like a planet, but inside it is a skeleton and a brain.

Nerves and bones are interconnected like cobwebs, forming the inner structure of the planet.

"The birth time of Zero One is not recorded in detail on the universe network. According to speculation, Zero One should have been born at the same time as the universe. There may be such a core in every universe." Origin explained.

"As you said, Zero One is to collect cosmic information, so how did the cosmic network come from?" Tang Ke asked the key point.

"The next thing I want to say is about the birth of the cosmic network."

Origin said: "The cosmic network was born after the bone-eroding civilization discovered Zero One. They discovered Zero One's information collection ability, and also discovered the fluctuations released by Zero One."

"I have to say that the Bone Erosion Civilization, as a veteran fifth-level civilization, has really vicious eyes, and they devoured all the bones of Zero One.

The devoured bones were then replaced with machinery, making Zero One a tool for gathering information about the universe. "

"Then the Bone Erosion Civilization used the fluctuations that covered the universe to establish a cosmic network to provide convenience for all beings in the universe."

The Bone Erosion Civilization secretly controls the cosmic network behind it and collects information from the entire universe.

They have been able to develop and have not been destroyed until now, precisely because they have the information of the entire universe.

In this endless universe, information and intelligence are the most important things.

When you have information and intelligence, you have the initiative.

Every move of the major civilizations in the universe is under their control.

Once there is any trouble, you can know it at the first time.

"Huh? No, if that's the case, isn't that the first time the Rubik's Cube appeared, was it directly discovered by the Bone Erosion Civilization?"

Tang Ke frowned, aware that something was wrong.

Origin snorted lightly: "This is the price of the bone-eroding civilization swallowing Zero One! Although the swallowed Zero One will still collect cosmic information, the level of detail of the information is greatly weakened."

"The appearance of the Rubik's Cube was only judged by Zero One as abnormal energy fluctuations, and the location of the Rubik's Cube and the appearance of the Rubik's Cube were not detected."

Zero One has become a broken planet, and its ability will definitely be reduced.

Just like a human prosthesis, it can allow humans to regain normal mobility, but in some aspects, it is not as good as before.

Tang Ke nodded and said, "It turns out that, since you control the cosmic network, then remove the right of the bone-eroding civilization to monitor the universe."

"But as a result, the bone-eroding civilization is likely to directly destroy Zero One and make the entire universe lose the cosmic network!" Yuanyuan said solemnly.

If you don’t get it, you will be destroyed. The probability that the bone-eroding civilization will choose the jade and the stone will be burned: 99.999%…

"Destroy it, destroy it, it doesn't affect me much." Tang Ke said with a light smile.

Now that he has mastered the technology of stargate transmission, if the cosmic network disappears, he can also contact his members of the Galactic Alliance.

Maybe even try it out, combining the network with stargates to create a sort of spatial folding signal.

It may not be as good as the cosmic network, but it can achieve ultra-long-distance communication.

It is equivalent to a locked server, and only civilizations with passwords can log in.

If you don't remove the permissions of the Bone Erosion Civilization.

Every move of the Galactic Alliance will be known to the Bone Erosion Civilization, which is not a good thing for the Galactic Alliance.

"Ok, I see!"

Origin nodded, and suddenly remembered: "By the way, there is still a record in the secret file of the universe network, Bone Erosion Civilization has become a subsidiary of a sixth-level civilization... According to the time calculation, that sixth-level civilization is likely to be the Protoss!"

Hearing this, Tang Ke's body paused again.

The information about the Protoss has long been uploaded to the Origin Network.

Since the origin is said to be the Protoss, then the possibility is very high.

"Immediately remove the authority of the Bone Erosion Civilization!" Tang Ke shouted softly.

Regardless of whether the other party is an affiliation of the Protoss, the authority of the other party must be removed.

If the other party is really a subordinate of the Protoss, then it must be eliminated!

Tang Ke was even thinking, should he take the lead in destroying the bone-eroding civilization before the Protoss returned?

Anyway, they are all enemies, and sooner or later they will be slammed.

However, no conclusion has been reached on this matter, and the Bone Erosion Civilization is an affiliate of the Protoss, it is just speculation.

If you accidentally make a mistake, you will offend a sixth-level civilization for no reason...

Another point is that the sixth-level civilization is likely to leave some technological means or emergency communication methods for the bone-eroding civilization.

So the best way is to ignore the Bone Erosion Civilization and delay as much time as possible.

Anyway, Bone Erosion Civilization does not know who hacked the cosmic network and who removed their authority.

They could only stare dumbfounded at what happened, and they couldn't understand what happened when they were beaten to death.

After Tang Ke's order was issued, the origin action was neat and tidy, directly attacking the bone-eroding civilization.

In less than ten minutes, the permissions possessed by Bone Erosion Civilization were all deleted.

They can only access ordinary information like other creatures in the universe, without any special permissions.

the same moment.

All the high-level executives of the Bone Erosion Civilization exclaimed.

They immediately sent people to investigate the internal core of Zero One to find out what happened.

The engineers of the entire civilization moved, nervously investigating the problem.

After rounds of maintenance work, all the engineers were pale and sweating on their foreheads.

They suddenly discovered that it was not a problem within Zero One.

But the cosmic network of the bone-eroding civilization was hacked by an unknown program!

They lost control of the cosmic web? !

"What's going on? Who is it that can take control of the universe network, how is this possible?!"

"The cosmic network has existed for countless cosmic years, and this has never happened before. Could it be that the sixth-level civilization is playing tricks?"

"I don't think it's them, because the sixth-level civilization is also unable to break the cosmic network. If they could break it, they would have hacked in long ago!"

"Then how to explain the current situation? Except for the sixth-level civilization, I can't think of anyone who can hack the control of the cosmic network."

"Quiet! Now is not the time to quarrel. Try restarting the universe network immediately. If it doesn't work out, we don't need any bones!"

The engineers of the bone-eroding civilization quarreled into a pot of porridge.

This unprecedented situation made them feel the unknown and fear.

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