My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 458 The magic machine has run away...\r

Russell's death changed the expressions of the other three.

In particular, Heina and Bonifo made the decision to escape directly.

The hometown of the bone-eroding civilization was taken away in one pot, and the leader Russell also died.

The Bone Erosion Civilization is completely abolished!

If their red bones and black bones continue to stay, it is no different from giving away human heads.

Seeing that the situation is not good, it is better to run away.

The bonus turned into Changhong and flew away first, flying towards the red-bone civilization's interstellar battleship, and at the same time issuing an order to retreat.

Although the solar system is blocked, it is impossible for a fifth-level civilization to have no means at all.

Especially the old fifth-level civilization such as Black Bone and Red Bone, there are many hidden things.

It may be difficult to break through the blocking force field, but it is not impossible to break through.

Seeing Bonifor running away, Heina was not dazed.

He stepped on the aircraft and flew in the direction of the battleship, leaving Tim alone suspended in the center of the solar system, with a gloomy expression on his face.

"Tim, Tim's divine calculation, what should we do now, should we retreat..." The Bone Eater said in a trembling voice.

The death of the leader made them overwhelmed, and the only one they can rely on now is Tim, who is so clever!

However, Tim himself didn't know what to do.

The best way is to run away quickly!


Where can they escape to?

Tim said that the disappearance of Bone Eclipse was fake, but in fact he was quite clear in his heart that Bone Eclipse might have really been restarted!

The strength of the Earth civilization alone is enough to prove it.

Earth doesn't have to play those fancy holograms with them.

"Damn it! This galactic lord is a lunatic, and all my predictions didn't work on him."

Seeing Tang Ke's gaze fixed on him, Tim was suddenly startled.

You can't beat Tang Ke even in a four-on-one situation, and in a one-on-one situation, you will definitely die!

Tim hurriedly turned around and ran, not flying in the direction of the Bone Erosion Civilization, but toward the battleship of the Black Bone Civilization.

After thinking for a moment, Tim thought that the most likely way to save his life was to let the black bone or the red bone protect him.

The Bone Erosion Civilization has cooled down!

Red Bone Civilization is good at speed, Tim knew that he would definitely not be able to catch up, so he chose Black Bone Civilization.

I have to say, Tim's brain is still very bright.

The moment Heina entered the battleship and the hatch was about to close, Tim took the opportunity to rush in.

Tang Ke's mental power exploded in an all-round way, and he manipulated the giant blade composed of a thousand and eight blades, and slashed again with a mighty force!

Boom! !

The energy shock spreads rapidly!

The interstellar battleship Heina was in was covered with a pitch-black skeleton, and ten layers of energy shields were raised at the same time.

Forcibly blocking Tang Ke's knife, ten layers of energy shields exploded nine layers.

The overflowing energy is like starlight drifting away.

The interstellar battleship took the opportunity to fly to the boundary of the solar system, and the purple-level energy rays bombarded out, bursting with dazzling light.

Boom! !

After one hit, the blocked force field was intact.

The complexion of the Black Bone Civilization and others changed dramatically, and the second plan was hurriedly activated.

Tang Ke approached quickly like a demon, and he slashed with one knife, as if he could cut the universe in half.


The surrounding black-bone battleships simultaneously launched purple-level energy rays, forcibly blocking the falling of the blade.

The hum of the burst of energy was especially harsh.

Immediately afterwards, an unstoppable golden light flashed past, and the purple-level energy rays exploded into energy particles that filled the sky.

Tang Ke smashed hundreds of interstellar battleships with one blow, and the scene of the explosion was particularly terrifying.

Wreckage, blood, limbs, and light spots floated in the air.

Tang Ke's ferocious combat power stunned all creatures in the universe.

"Fuck!? Is this a goddamn god?"

"Isn't it true that the power of living beings can never defeat energy rays? Why is the Galactic Alliance Lord so brave and invincible, even if he slashes the most advanced energy rays with one strike, he can still smash hundreds of interstellar battleships with one strike?"

That is an interstellar battleship made of the highest metal in the universe!

As a result, Tang Ke's big knife seems to have the power to destroy the dead and destroy it very easily!

The cosmic creatures watching the battle couldn't help but burst out the earth's foul language.

No matter how high the culture is, they are shocked by the scene in front of them and forget everything.

"No, you are all wrong. Although you don't know how the Galaxy Alliance did it, every time his blade is cut, it will release energy rays!"

A sinister-eyed creature explained: "The Galaxy Alliance used technology to cut through the energy rays, not his own power!"

There are many smart creatures present, and it is easy to understand.

A Zerg broke the news: "As far as I know, the talent of the earth human race is the same as the immortal race, it is spiritual power, which is an ability that can strengthen the attack."

"On the blade of the Galaxy Alliance Lord, there is energy and spiritual power at the same time, so it presents a god-like means!"

The neighbors nodded in agreement.

"That's right, any means we can't understand are actually supported by technology. There is no power of gods and demons in this universe! If there is, it means that you don't understand each other's technology."

It's like the first-level civilization can't understand the horror of dimensionality reduction weapons.

Before knowing the existence of dimensionality reduction weapons, a two-way foil turned a starry sky into a giant painting.

For a first-level civilization, such a method is magic!

A fifth-level gene unlocker descended on the first-level civilization planet and smashed a mountain with one punch.

For a first-level civilization, such power is the power of gods and demons!

Tang Ke slashed the energy ray and the spaceship with one stroke.

This is equally magical to incomprehensible creatures!


Tang Ke smashed the energy ray with one knife, and blew up hundreds of interstellar battleships.

But the battleship that Heiner and Tim were on was protected by a pitch-black skeleton.

In this short period of time, a dark ray suddenly shot out from the battleship, and on the blocked force field, the hole was forcibly opened.


The starship traveled through the tunnel at lightning speed, teleporting from 4D to 3D.

Channels open quickly and close quickly.

Tang Ke didn't have time to follow in, but his mental power successfully detected the position on the other side of the passage.

"I'm going to hunt down the leader of the Black Bone Civilization, Ya Xuan, help me solve the Red Bone Civilization!"

Tang Ke rushed towards the stargate without hesitation, and let the origin connect the stargate to lock the coordinate position.

At the same time, let Zhang Yaxuan and Glory's housekeeper work together to kill the interstellar battleship of the Red Bone Civilization.

The retreat of the red bones and the black bones made the bone-eroding civilization fall into a disadvantage in an instant.

Especially the death of the leader Russell and the escape of the god operator Tim have made the bone-eroding civilization a group of headless flies, desperate!

"How could this be? Lord God Shunzi..."

"Damn Tim!! To escape from the battle, this person is a disgrace to the bone-eroding civilization!"

"What a magic trick, he is a useless coward, he must die!"

The Bone-Eaters begin to curse and curse, their only hope is Tim.

I thought Tim would take over the power and lead them to avenge the leader.

As a result, what all the Bone Eaters did not expect was that Tim turned his head and ran away...

And he abandoned the bone-eroding civilization and escaped on a black-bone battleship!

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