After being smug for a long time, Tang Ke reluctantly withdrew his mental power.

Fly into the space training chamber for a series of physical tests.

The training room in Sky City has been unable to conduct data tests, because his current speed and strength are terrifyingly powerful.

In terms of speed alone, Tang Ke can run 80 million meters in one second!

Yes, this genetic promotion has directly increased his speed by 80 times!

Compared with all the previous gene promotions, the promotion is more ferocious.

Even if you run around the earth's equator, you can run two laps in an instant.

Following this trend, Tang Ke felt that he could break the speed of light...

The speed of light in a vacuum is nearly 300 million meters per second.

And as soon as he broke through to the sixth-level gene, he reached 80 million meters per second.

"Doesn't this mean that I can break the speed of light as long as I keep exercising, and then add the blessing of mental power and armor?"

Tang Ke was shocked in the dark, as expected of a sixth-level gene, the effect is really too powerful.

However, 80 million meters/S is far away from 300 million meters/S.

I don't know how much training it takes to break the speed of light.

As for the power of Tang Ke's punch, it has been impossible to test.

The limit of the test instrument was 50 million kilograms, which was smashed into pieces by his punch.

The value of fist strength has no meaning to Tang Ke.

His power can knock down a fifth-level civilization's interstellar battleship with one punch.

If you want to withstand such an attack, only the unlocker who is also a sixth-level gene.

Even if you are wearing level 5 civilization armor, you will be hit with a punch, without exception!

After taking a hot bath on the space station, Tang Ke flew towards Earth.

The mental power enough to cover the entire solar system was swept away in an instant, and Zhang Yaxuan was found at once.

The mother and daughter are watching the magic show while eating skewers on the South Commercial Street of Modu.

Tang Ke descended from the air without attracting too many people's attention.

Flying is now commonplace for people on earth.

Armor, aircraft, mental power, etc., can make people fly easily.

But anyone who notices Tang Ke, regardless of gender, age, or age, is amazed by the person's looks.

"What a handsome little brother~"

"This is too handsome, who is he?"

"Oh my god, this is too handsome, it looks even more immortal than the immortal race, I'm in love~"

"This person looks familiar, seems to have seen it somewhere..."

A few people whispered, and the girls had beautiful eyes, and they wanted to go up to chat and ask for contact information.

When Tang Ke smiled and fell in front of Zhang Yaxuan's mother and daughter, the people around them suddenly looked strange.

This guy is handsome, but he seems to be trying to chat up the wife and daughter of big boss Tang Ke.

Good guy, isn't this guy too arrogant, isn't he afraid of being beaten?

Tang Ke's body was light, and he fell silently to the ground.

He showed Zhang Yaxuan a smile that was enough to fascinate thousands of girls, and shouted directly: "Hi! Wife~"

Everyone: "(°Д°)!!"

Who the hell is this guy, who dares to call the wife of Big Brother Tang Ke his wife? !

Countless people were shocked and angry, and Tang Ke was a god-like existence in their hearts.

The behavior of this handsome man is undoubtedly a humiliation to their beliefs.

Zhang Yaxuan frowned slightly, but did not directly hit anyone.

Because she felt that the handsome man in front of her was very familiar, and he looked like her little Kezi.

Um! More and more like!

"Who are you handsome guy?" Tang Baobao took a step forward and Mei Mu carefully examined the other side.

The corners of Tang Ke's mouth rose slightly, and he politely said, "The nest is tender!"

Tang Baobao: "..."

Zhang Yaxuan: "..."

Everyone: "..."

"giao~ what did you say? Say it again!!"

Hearing the polite greetings from the other party, Tang Baobao was immediately furious, so angry that his mental power exploded in an all-round way, and even the Heike armor emerged from the surface of his body!

Think you can do whatever you want when you look good?

Look at this girl not smashing your little white face with one punch!


The armor covered the whole body, and Tang Baobao punched the air with a sound.

It is conceivable that she is really moving!

Although he hasn't made a deadly move, it is an easy task to smash the face of the fourth-level gene unlocker.


Tang Ke calmly raised his hand and smoothly caught his daughter's fist.

The strong impact turned into a wave of air and spread out from behind him.

The people in the rear were so shocked that they took a few steps back on the spot, looking at the two fighting each other in horror.

Tang Baobao was stunned for a moment, and when he saw the other party taking her fist lightly, his heart was full of inconceivable.

Where did this guy come from?

She basically knew all the powerful people on earth.

But why have I never heard of such a handsome guy?

Tang Ke released his palm, and Tang Baobao hurriedly retracted his fist, ready to try again.

But Zhang Yaxuan next to him suddenly chuckled and said, "Okay, he is indeed your father, stop messing around."

"Hmph, look at..."

Tang Baobao snorted coldly, and suddenly his face froze: "Huh? Mom, what are you talking about..."

How can you recognize your husband indiscriminately?

Could it be that this person in front of him is his biological father?

In an instant, Tang Baobao wrote a million-word dog blood novel in his mind.

Zhang Yaxuan knocked on her daughter's forehead angrily. She could guess what she was thinking about.

"It's a shame that you still worship your father all day long, but you don't even recognize your own father."

Tang Baobao heard the words and turned his eyes to Tang Ke again.

It was found that the other party actually cast a fatherly smile.

Well, he looks a lot like Dad.

But he is many times more handsome than his father, he feels immortal...

"Hahahaha! Sure enough, it's better to be a wife, let's not want this daughter?"

Tang Ke laughed, went up to grab his wife's waist and looked at his daughter with disgust.

Surrounded by people's faces, they looked at it carefully for a while, and suddenly came to their senses.

No wonder they think this handsome is so familiar, isn't this their Tang Ke boss?

"Ah? It's really Dad? How did you become like this, I thought someone dared to tease Mom!"

Tang Baobao finally recognized his father.

She hurriedly ran over to hug Dad's arm, and said coquettishly, "I just said how could someone be more handsome than my dad, so it's Dad himself!"

It's not that she can't recognize her father, but Tang Ke's temperament has completely changed.

After unlocking the sixth-level gene, his facial bones changed very little, but his breath and temperament were really different.

Especially the crystal hair, like a hazy halo.

The immortal Tang Ke makes Zhang Yaxuan, who has been with her for hundreds of years, almost unrecognizable.

In addition, Tang Baobao was furious and wanted to teach the other party for his mother.

I didn't identify it carefully for a while, so there was such a big misunderstanding.

"You're true, even I almost didn't recognize it. Is this caused by a sixth-level gene?" Zhang Yaxuan asked softly.

The people around didn't bother Tang Ke's family anymore, they either turned around and left to continue eating, drinking, and having fun, or they turned their attention back to the magic show.

However, although everyone did not continue to disturb, the people who stayed to watch the magic pricked up their ears.

What did they just hear? Level 6 genes?

The people are direct good guys!

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