Hearing that Tang Ke said that he remembered himself, Pippi was moved to tears.

It seems that he underestimated himself too much!

Obviously, he has such a weight in the heart of Tang Ke, and he still remembers him after a hundred years, but he thought that Tang Ke did not remember him.

I'm really sorry for the importance of Tang Ke!

The people around were shocked when they saw Pippi and Tang Ke chatting with each other.

Many of them thought that someone like Tang Ke would definitely not remember Pippi.

He is just an internet celebrity, how can he be remembered by the big guys?

However, Tang Ke's naturalness and initiative shocked everyone.

The relationship between Pippi and Tang Ke is not easy!

"Thank you very much, Mr. Tang Ke, for remembering me. The boss is also here to eat hot pot. You can order whatever you want. This time, the hot pot is still my request!" Pippi said excitedly.

He turned his attention to Zhang Yaxuan and Tang Baobao, and said politely, "Sister-in-law and niece are also here. I'm quite familiar with the boss here. I'll ask him to get you a private room!"

After that, regardless of whether Tang Ke and others agreed or not, they directly called the shop owner Guo Ge to arrange it.

Pippi did not have a private room himself, but arranged a private room for Tang Ke.

This move was deeply liked by Tang Ke, he was just helping the other party to gain face, but he didn't expect to get a hot pot for free.

Is this what good people are rewarded for?

But meeting is fate, not to mention an old friend who is particularly pleasing to the eye.

Therefore, after entering the private room, Tang Ke patted Pippi again who was about to leave: "So many years have passed, what level of genes are you now?"

Pippi laughed awkwardly: "I haven't exercised much since I entered the four-dimensional space. I just unlocked the fourth-level gene some time ago..."

"Well, it's not bad. It's fast. As a gift from an old friend, I have packaged your fifth-level genetic medicine." Tang Ke smiled.

"Ah?" Pippi was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly bowed: "Thank you Tang Ke for the gift!"

This gift is extremely precious to Pippi, and it should be rejected under normal circumstances.

But Pippi knew that his refusal was useless.

Tang Ke said to give him something, it would not be taken back.

If it is awkward, it will make Tang Ke look down on it

Therefore, Pippi directly thanked: "Thank you very much! This is very important to me! Then I will go down first. If you need help, the boss can call me at any time. Thank you again for your genetic medicine!"

Tang Ke nodded with a smile, in a very good mood.

Seeing his friends from previous years, he was also very emotional, and he couldn't help recalling many things.

After sitting down in the private room, her daughter immediately came over to ask about the past.

Tang Ke and Zhang Yaxuan looked at each other and smiled, talking about the past.

The 100th anniversary of the new era, people all over the world are relaxing and entertaining.

The night is extraordinarily beautiful tonight, with gorgeous fireworks blooming in the sky.

The content broadcast on the holographic TV also recalls the past and calls on people to cherish the present.

Listening to the announcer's description of the past, the common people sighed with emotion, and the new generation revered in their hearts.

"A hundred years have passed before I knew it. A hundred years ago, I couldn't have imagined that I could live to this day and still look so young!"

"Hehe, at that time the consideration was not about lifespan at all, but whether to survive the disaster. To this day, I can still recall the horror brought by the extreme cold!"

"Those who were not the people of the Dragon Kingdom back then were all miracles who survived!"

"Hahahaha! What are you, the Black Zerg is much more terrifying than the extreme cold. Blood and corpses are floating in the entire space, and there are still remaining energy blocks. That is the purgatory on earth!"

"The people who survived the interstellar war are all characters! Especially the characters like Tang Ke, who participated in every interstellar war and won first-class merits. It's really amazing!"

There are two types of high-level figures, one is to charge into battle and fight in danger.

The other is researching technology behind the scenes, discussing politics and tactics.

Either way, they are heroes of the earth.

And Tang Ke occupies both of them, and is a top figure, so he is regarded as a god by people!

"Grandpa, was the earth really backward back then, to make you feel so emotional?"

"Earth's technology is developing too fast, and Tang Ke is actually pushing it. Is this really not exaggerated propaganda, or an official god-building plan?"

The new generation expresses difficulty in understanding the development of the earth.

This span is too big, it feels like a legend, and it easily surpasses all major civilizations.

"Children, don't talk nonsense. Grandpa has experienced that era and can tell you clearly that the records in history are all true!"

"Is this impossible? One person promotes global technology and leads the earth to sing along the way, surpassing the civilizations of all ethnic groups in the universe for a hundred years. Isn't such strength and means a god?" The new generation frowned.

The older generation pondered for a moment and said indifferently: "He is a god!"

The old man's words shocked the children and grandchildren around him.

The younger generation can feel the awe from Grandpa's mouth, and after tonight, the younger generation has a deeper understanding of Tang Ke.

This man who created countless miracles has aroused the interest of countless young people.


After the 100th anniversary, Tang Ke's prestige rose again.

And he himself has once again invested in the research, and the next step is to become the third condition of the sixth-level civilization.

Open the multiverse channel!

The reason why the research on the multiverse channel is left to the end is because Tang Ke considers that there are gods in the multiverse!

Once the multiverse channel is opened, it also means that they are one step closer to the Protoss.

So he first developed the sixth-level gene medicine, and then opened the multiverse channel after the number of sixth-level gene unlockers increased.

If you really meet the Protoss, the earth at least has the corresponding fighting ability.

Time flies, Tang Ke has forgotten the time.

Earth technology is developing rapidly, the Galactic Federation is getting bigger and bigger, and it is quite a sign that it is about to rule the universe.

The Galactic Alliance had to stop recruiting civilizations to prevent only the Galactic Alliance civilization remaining in the universe.

That won't make things better, but because there is no interstellar war, major civilizations will lose access to resources.

The suppressed war will eventually only break out within the Galactic Federation.

Once the huge galactic alliance has a civil war, it will be a larger dimensional war.

The Galactic Federation will also fall apart!

Tang Ke has not paid attention to the Galactic Federation for a long time, and his energy is spent on research.

The way to break the cosmic wall is to use cosmic energy to attack the cosmic space with a correct output method.

It took him an unknown amount of time to create a spherical device and named it a multi-dimensional ball!

Tang Ke is 100% confident that this multi-sphere can definitely break the cosmic wall and enter the multiverse directly.

But he didn't dare to open it himself...

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