My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 467 Antiprotos armor made by daughter\r

Judging from the information brought back by the observers, the level of Earth civilization in other universes is not high.

Of course, those observers who did not return may have encountered a more powerful Earth civilization, or maybe other civilizations.

There are many elements of special circumstances. Observers who have not returned must be limited by powerful technology.

Among these returning observers, there have been cases where the Earth was occupied or destroyed by an alien civilization.

However, according to the data of the origin, the earth civilization level of the multiverse is only level 4 in Dingtian.

Therefore, observers who cannot return are more likely to be attacked by alien civilizations.

Tang Ke agrees with the calculation result of the origin.

After all, the black technology system is unique, and the miracle he created cannot be replicated!

In the absence of black technology systems, the development speed of the earth is almost the same as that of other universes.

As for the Earth civilization before the restart, that is something that no longer exists.

Civilizations that have been restarted do not exist, and civilizations that do not exist will not give birth to other possibilities.

This means that there is only a restarted Earth in the multiverse!

The restart coin dropped by the Protoss can be said to have completely cut off their connection with the earth.

"Huh? Wait, since the black technology system is unique and then merged with me, won't my actions give birth to a parallel universe?"

Tang Ke suddenly thought of a strange point.

If his different decisions will give birth to a multiverse, then he in other universes will also have a black technology system.

But the black technology system is unique, and there can be no black technology system in other universes.

Does this mean that his different choices will not produce a multiverse?

"If this is the case, then I in other worlds must have no system. Then in other universes, am I an ordinary person? Or is there no me at all?"

This question made Tang Ke very curious.

For the other self, although there will not be too much disagreement, if it is really face-to-face, it will still feel very strange.

There is another world's wife, will she marry someone else?

This possibility made Tang Ke quite uncomfortable.

Tang Ke snorted softly: "If the existence of the system can eliminate the self in the multiverse, then in the future, we must create a system for the wife and daughter!"

My wife is my own and no one else is allowed to have it.

That damn possessiveness!

Tang Ke walked into Tang Baobao's laboratory humming a little song. He came to Tang Baobao to ask for Heike armor.

After so many years, I don't know if his armor is well done.

Now that he is going to explore the multiverse, he must put on strong armor to feel at ease.

"Baby, have you finished my armor?" Tang Ke walked into the laboratory and asked directly.

He saw that Tang Baobao was busy with the armor, as if he was overhauling it.

"Ah? Dad, do you want to use armor? It will be done soon, wait a moment." Tang Baobao said excitedly: "I can guarantee that after you put it on, you will definitely be shocked by my masterpiece!"

Tang Ke smiled disapprovingly and said, "How long has the armor been made for you, and I haven't seen you show off your achievements to me, how can you shock me today?"

He sat down at random and looked at the dismantled armor carefully.

Not to mention, it does seem a little different.

The Heike armor was painted red and white by Tang Baobao, which looked like a Gundam model, not a set of armor.

The original material of the Heike armor has also been replaced.

It can be seen through the exploration of mental power that the metal material of this armor is the same as the observer, which is a mixture of world tree leaves and the hardest metal.

Tang Baobao snorted softly and said in disbelief, "I'm trying to surprise you, so I didn't say anything on purpose!"

"Oh? Then tell me, what's the surprise?" Tang Ke chuckled, not too serious.

But Tang Baobao is serious.

The corners of her mouth rose slightly, and a look of pride appeared on her delicate little face.

"This is a brand-new armor that I have spent decades of effort and painstakingly crafting. I have integrated the four armors of anti-human race, anti-zerg, anti-orc, and anti-spirit into the all-around armor, making it truly almighty. Armor!"

Tang Baobao put away the tools and tapped lightly on the armor.

In an instant, all the armor parts turned into liquid and gathered together, and then climbed up the rock following Tang Baobao's graceful figure.

Finally, the liquid metal solidified and became a new set of armor full of metallic texture, which just fit her perfect figure!

Both appearance and color are different from the original Heike armor.

It feels like a whole new set of armor!

"I even gave it a new name, it's called Anti-Multiverse Armor!" Tang Baobao put his hands on his hips, his face proud.

Tang Ke: "...You have the ability to name a name, and you have a match with your mother."

The combination of the anti-armor of the four major races has a fart relationship with the multiverse?

Tang Baobao saw what his father meant, and immediately retorted:

"What! What's wrong with my naming ability? Isn't other universes also the four major races? My armor can counter them, so it's called anti-multiverse armor, and there's nothing wrong with it, right?"

"And the Protoss..." Tang Ke added silently.

Tang Baobao said disdainfully: "It's just a creature between the human race and the spirit race. Both the human race and the spirit race can be killed by my armor, not to mention their middleman!"


Tang Ke was amused, and it was true that the Protoss was the middleman.

The so-called Protoss is nothing but a false god.

Even the sixth-level genetic medicine can't be researched, so he can only abandon the physical body and become a nondescript existence.

Such a race deserves to be called a god?

"But Dad, you woke me up, so I decided to rename this armor: Anti-Protoss Armor!"

So random!

Tang Ke groaned inwardly.

It turns out that the naming of the armor is such a random thing for my daughter. The name just given will be changed directly in the next second...

Is the name all mouth-watering?

"Okay, give me the armor and tell me what functions have been added." Tang Ke waved to his daughter.

The red and white armor liquefies and shrinks, forming a small jar on Tang Baobao's little hand.

"There are a lot of functions, I can't finish talking in a while, but I added a mental power booster to the anti-prototype armor!" Tang Baobao threw the jar out.

After Tang Ke caught the jar, he was slightly startled.

"Mental power booster? Did you invent a conversion device that can use mental power as kinetic energy?"

He was really shocked by his daughter's words.

This thing is still quite difficult to manufacture.

Spiritual power is invisible and colorless, and can only be controlled by humans who have awakened their racial talents.

Tang Baobao can actually use this thing as kinetic energy, which is really amazing to Tang Ke.

His daughter really has a great emperor... ahhh, it is the qualification to become a black technology boss!

Tang Ke put away the liquid metal jar with the new armor and walked out of the living room while chatting with his daughter.

But the conversation between the two was interrupted by the noise outside.

Looking along the source of the sound, I saw the Honor Steward subdued a man in military uniform on the lawn, unable to move.

"Let go of me! You are also human, why do you want to do something to me?!" The man's voice was very familiar.

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