The originally peaceful safety zone of the capital was instantly plunged into dire straits.

The city wall collapsed, the ground cracked, and the high-rise buildings were destroyed by the Zerg army, and the people who were too late to retreat were killed on the spot.

The blood stained the dust, and the piercing screams were covered by the roar.

The interstellar battleship of the Black Zerg penetrated the clouds and pressed down with a vast force.

These warships themselves were blocked by the lunar defense line. Now that the moon has been broken, all the black bug warships have sailed into the earth.

The Black Zerg will completely destroy the Earth's civilization!

"The surviving people have all boarded the plane, and everyone will retreat immediately!"

The commander of the Dragon Kingdom army shouted in the communicator and issued an order to retreat to all the soldiers.

Zhang Yaxuan is like a god of killing, killing all directions in the black swarm.

Turning a deaf ear to the commander's orders, she knew that the soldiers had no way out, and her dignity did not allow her to retreat.

Although the chief said that all the people had boarded the plane.

But in fact, there are still a large number of injured and trapped people in the safe zone, all of whom failed to board the Ark battleship.

Soldiers are reluctant to give up these people, they are fighting desperately just to delay more time.

The number of victims continued to increase, and the safe area of ​​the capital became a ruin in the blink of an eye, filled with smoke and dust.

The interstellar battleships of the Black Zerg bombarded the earth wildly, huge rubble fell from the sky, and laser cannon fires were all around.

A little careless, you will be killed on the spot!

When the army commander saw that no one was retreating, his face became quite ugly.

If it continues to delay, the Ark battleship may not have a chance to evacuate, after all, the space battleship of the Black Zerg has entered the earth.

In order to keep the last fire of mankind, the army commander gritted his teeth and ordered to take off!

"Close the hatch! The earth's defense line is completely lost, and our Dragon Kingdom soldiers will break it for you!"

After speaking, the army commander also jumped off the battleship.

He also chose to stay!

Since the soldiers are unwilling to evacuate, it means that these people are all willing to break up and plan to die in battle!

"But sir, there are still half of the people who failed to board the battleship, do we just give up?" a soldier with a higher rank said in a trembling voice.

"It's too late! If you don't leave, you won't have a chance. Take off quickly!"

The army commander roared loudly, and the Zerg army above swept down, making a humming sound.

If they don't leave, the human beings on earth will be completely wiped out.

There is no time to wait any longer!

The cabin door of the Ark battleship was forcibly closed, and the moment the engine started, countless people cried bitterly in the battleship.

Before their relatives could board the battleship, many wounded and trapped humans hid in the corners of the ruins and cried.

The soldiers were fighting desperately, their clothes soaked in blue and red blood.

The red blood belongs to you and your comrades, and the blue blood belongs to the Black Zerg!

The battle situation was quite brutal, and the wasteland was full of chills.

However, at the moment when the Ark battleship took off.

A blue vibration wave covered the whole world, and hundreds of laser rays bombarded and fell.

boom -

In an instant, the vibration wave shattered the energy barrier of the Ark battleship, and the laser accurately destroyed the Ark battleship's engine!


The Ark battleship fell from mid-air, and a huge gully slid out of the ground, and a large number of ruins were crushed by the battleship into powder!

"Do not!!!"

"What happened? The battleship was attacked!"

"Ahhhh! I don't want to die!!"

"Damn Black Zerg, they plan to kill them all!"

The people inside the battleship panicked, and the crash of the battleship caused many people to be slightly injured.

"The Black Zerg is going to destroy my Earth civilization, and fight with them!"


The faces of the soldiers who did not board the battleship changed drastically.

Humanity's Tinder Retention Plan just failed!

The black zerg were extremely excited, billions of black worms swept down, and the humming sound of their wings made the scalp tingle.

They screamed with joy for the coming victory.

Human beings all over the world fell into despair, and even Zhang Yaxuan, who was like a murderer, was covered in bruises and blood at this moment.

The entire earth was wrapped in black bugs and battleships, the sky turned into night, and the last ray of light was completely submerged...

"Earth is over! Humanity is over! This is the end of our humanity!"

Humans on the ground were pale, and fear and despair pervaded the world.

The victory has already been won, even if the gods come, I am afraid that they will not be able to return to the sky...

At the moment when all mankind was waiting to die, a white light flashed in the sky in vain.

Two figures appeared out of thin air, and one of them stood in the air.

The other person paused for a second in mid-air, then exclaimed 'Fuck~', and his body suddenly fell down.

Fortunately, the former responded quickly and instantly grabbed the latter's military uniform.

"Fuck!! F*ck~??" Chen Zimo recovered from his shock and said in surprise, "Mr. Tang Ke, you can still fly?"

He had just passed through the white passage with Tang Ke, and the next second came the feeling of falling from the building, which scared his heart like a deer.

"You can too, as long as you take the fourth-level gene potion, you can unlock the racial talent of human beings. Flying is just one of the abilities." Tang Ke responded indifferently, and glanced around.

Seems to be a bit serious...

"Genetic medicine? The thing you are talking about should be a strengthening liquid here, right?"

Chen Zimo looked up and saw Tang Ke's serious expression, and suddenly realized that this was not the time to chat.

He immediately glanced around, and his heart suddenly froze, feeling a little cold.

The surrounding darkness was overwhelming, and only the Zerg battleship was emitting a faint light, which could barely see the tragic situation on the ground.

The scene in front of him made Chen Zimo angry like never before.

"Mr. Tang Ke..."

"I know!"

Tang Ke's face was stern, he knew what the other party was going to say.

Looking at the tragic state of the earth, his heart was equally uncomfortable.

Although this is not his home, but two generations are human, they still have a lot of affection for the earth.

Seeing the Black Zerg slaughtering human beings so wantonly, Tang Ke felt very upset.


A sharp cry spread with concussion, and thousands of black bugs attacked Tang Ke at the same time.

Chen Zimo was suddenly startled, and his mind quickly thought about countermeasures.

But the next second of the picture made him stunned.

I saw the black worm swept in, and it exploded into blood with a 'bang' on the way to flight.


With a bang, the black worms exploded continuously like a chain of firecrackers.

bang bang bang bang bang...

A strange scene reverberated between heaven and earth.

The blood of the Black Zerg turned into blue drizzle and fell from the sky, and the sound of ticking water droplets made the whole area fall into dead silence!

Tang Ke grabbed Chen Zimo and floated in mid-air, motionless.

Any black worms that fly towards them will explode on the way, and their flesh will splash in the air!

Whether it is the human beings on Earth or the invading Black Zerg, they all stared at the two of them in disbelief.

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