My Wife Was Kidnapped, My Black Technology Exposed

Chapter 476 Master the keys to the multiverse\r

Guidance on scientific achievements cannot be solved in a few words.

According to the normal teaching process, a technology can be discussed for a few days and nights, and at some academic disagreements, schools will also be formed to debate each other.

The more sophisticated the technology, the longer the discussion and research.

The technical points of some advanced civilizations are completely incomprehensible to the wise men of these second-level civilizations.

If instructed, Tang Ke also patiently explained to them what the professional vocabulary represented.

Where does he have the time?

Hearing that Tang Ke was unwilling to guide, several seniors from the scientific research institute showed disappointment.

They were a little unhappy and felt that Tang Ke was unwilling to share.

But he didn't dare to show it, so he could only shake his head and leave.

The people in the camp left one after another, only Zhang Yaxuan stood motionless.

Tang Ke looked at him, and the two looked at each other.

Through Zhang Yaxuan's eyes, he already had a preliminary judgment in his heart.

If you guessed correctly, Zhang Yaxuan of Universe 2 should have a special sense, so she recognized him.

Tang Ke also didn't know what was going on.

If he had to explain, he was probably the owner of the black technology system. Due to his own particularity, and the closest person was Zhang Yaxuan.

Under the interlacing of information in the parallel world, Zhang Yaxuan's intimate impression of Tang Ke was passed on to the parallel world.

Therefore, Zhang Yaxuan in the multiverse often feels that she has a very good husband in her memory.

Tang Ke felt that this was the only reason that could be explained.

"You have an impression of me?" Tang Ke asked directly.

Only he and Zhang Yaxuan were left in the camp.

After hesitating for a while, Zhang Yaxuan nodded and said, "Yes, I seem to know you, but I don't feel like I know you. After listening to the multiverse just now, I wonder if it's because..."

She put away the coldness of the past, like a young girl who has not yet experienced the world, looking at Tang Ke with longing eyes.

If Zhang Yaxuan's expression at the moment were seen by the soldiers outside, she would probably drop her jaw in shock.

As the icy goddess, Commander Zhang actually shows the attitude of a young daughter? !

The corners of Tang Ke's mouth rose slightly, and he didn't intend to hide it.

"Yes, it's probably the effect of the parallel world on you. In my universe, Zhang Yaxuan is my wife. We have lived together for more than a hundred years, and it will be even longer in the future!"

"You feel that I am very familiar. It is most likely influenced by information from a parallel world. In fact, you don't know me. It's just an illusion."

just an illusion...

For some reason, Zhang Yaxuan felt a little lost.

She really wants to know how deep her feelings for Tang Ke are in the other world, so that she can be deeply affected by herself in the multiverse.

And this influence is not a star and a half, Zhang Yaxuan feels that she is only one step away from adding to the flames, and she will have endless love for Tang Ke.

Zhang Yaxuan didn't dare to meet Tang Ke's eyes again, she avoided looking at other places, and glanced at Tang Ke from time to time.

I have to admit that Tang Ke's appearance is indeed too handsome, more handsome than all the men she has ever seen.

Thinking of being Tang Ke's wife in another world.

Zhang Yaxuan couldn't help but blushed, the goddess of war who used to be frosty, was actually shy...

How could Tang Ke with huge mental power not be aware of the other party's abnormality.

He could only sigh secretly.

He also had mixed thoughts about his multiverse wife.

Zhang Yaxuan of Universe 2 did not marry, all because of the influence of Universe 1.

This influence may cause No. 2 Zhang Yaxuan not to marry for life, and the same is true for Zhang Yaxuan in other universes!

Should they be left alone for the rest of their lives?

Or let them put aside their inner concerns and choose the right man to marry?

But Tang Ke knew that Zhang Yaxuan in other worlds was not his wife.

But it is still difficult for him to accept the multiverse Zhang Yaxuan marrying someone else.

"Complete the ultimate civilization task early, and then create a system, the ability of the system can make the host the only existence in the multiverse!"

Tang Ke made up his mind, he did not forget the reward of the ultimate civilization task, which is the method of systematic manufacturing!

This reward is definitely the strongest technology!

As long as she creates a system for her wife, Zhang Yaxuan will become the only existence in the multiverse.

"System assistant, you haven't answered my previous question. Do you know the universe where my predecessor was located? And why should the system be taken out?"

Seeing Zhang Yaxuan fall into silence, Tang Ke suddenly remembered what happened before, so he asked the little assistant again in his heart.

Before these two questions were interrupted by Chen Zimo, they almost forgot.

[Back to the host, reincarnation will not go to the multiverse, that is to say, your previous life is also in your current universe. 】

Tang Ke was stunned when he heard the words.

This answer surprised him.

According to what the little assistant said, could it be that his past life was...

Earth before reboot? !

There is only one Earth in the entire universe.

The same civilization, the same development, the same cultural heritage...

This result is really explosive, Tang Ke really never thought about this.

The restarted Earth is a late-stage fifth-level civilization!

And the earth where Tang Ke lived in his previous life was just a civilization of level 0.6 to 0.7...

So he subconsciously thought that his last life should be another parallel universe.

As a result, the little assistant told him that reincarnation would not go to the multiverse.

In this way, Tang Ke's last life was before the earth was restarted, and I don't know how many cosmic years ago!

"The interval between reincarnations is too long..." Tang Ke smiled bitterly in his heart.

Zhang Yaxuan, who was sitting not far away, didn't notice that Tang Ke, who seemed to be calm in front of him, was actually turbulent in his heart.

"What about extracting the system? Why extract the system?"

[The black technology system is evolved from civilized fire, but the real ability of civilized fire is to create a system! 】

[At the same time, it is also the key to control the multiverse. Only by extracting the spark of civilization can the host control the multiverse! 】

[The civilization that can control the multiverse is the ultimate civilization! 】

The little assistant's plain words made Tang Ke deeply shocked.

Take control of the multiverse!

The sixth-level civilization is only able to use the energy of the universe. It is undoubtedly a fantasy to control the entire universe.

However, the fire of civilization allows Tang Ke to directly control the multiverse!

How could this not surprise him?

Once you control the multiverse, you want to change the rules of the universe, or destroy a multiverse.

All it takes is a thought!

This also means that Tang Ke will become the master of the multiverse, a real god!

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