"It's no wonder that Gong Juren was not seen with his brain in the camera, but it turned out to be quietly transported away through the four-dimensional space."

The corners of Tang Ke's mouth rose slightly. It seems that the Protoss is very afraid of the shortcoming of the brain, and it will be known by the creatures of the universe!

It's just to carry a brain, and even four-dimensional teleportation is used.

Tang Ke continued to follow Gong Juren's soul, and the spiritual power of the Protoss still had no effect on him.

When Tang Ke followed all the way to the top of the void ladder.

A white vortex channel automatically appears at the top position, which is the multiverse teleportation channel!

Gong Juren flew in directly, and disappeared together with the white vortex.

If you guessed correctly, the vortex channel should go to the universe where the Protoss is located.

Tang Ke casually closed the time book. Since he was not eroded by spiritual power, the top of the void ladder was extremely calm, and no white vortex appeared.

He turned around and left, and then he just had to wait for Gong Juren's active contact.


The Earth Federation has been waiting for more than a few months.

Just when the federal executives thought that Gong Juren had run away.

On the origin network of a certain multiverse, I suddenly received a contact from Gong Juren.

Tang Ke immediately went over to meet Gong Juren on the origin network.

The two sat down in the secret conversation room on the Origin Network, Gong Juren had a faint smile on his face, looking very casual and natural.

In his words and deeds, there was a faint hint of rebelliousness.

It must be the power of becoming a god that made him a little swollen.

Tang Ke sneered inwardly, this person is likely to have rebelled, and the reason why he appeared here is mostly to be a double agent.

"Great Mr. Tang Ke, it's such a pleasure to meet you!" Gong Juren laughed.

Tang Ke said blankly: "Tell me about the situation after you became a Protoss, where are the Protoss hiding?"

Seeing that Tang Ke's response was very cold, Gong Juren pouted secretly.

This is how humans treat themselves. Sure enough, I, a death row prisoner, are not welcome at all.

The decision to take refuge in the Protoss is right!

In any case, he is a sixth-level civilized creature.

However, in the eyes of the other party, he did not seem to take him seriously.


Gong Juren was extremely upset, but he didn't show it.

He was worried that his rebellion would be noticed by the other party, so he still kept a smile on his face.

"When I became a member of the Protoss, I entered a white vortex leading to the Protoss universe!"

"Protoss universe? Is this the name that the Protoss themselves gave to the universe?"

"That's right, all the Protoss live there, and the entire universe is the Protoss!"

"The entire universe belongs to the Protoss... You mean, there are only Protoss and no other creatures?" Tang Ke asked seriously.

Gong Juren nodded and said solemnly: "Yes, all the creatures in the Protoss universe have become members of the Protoss. The number is extremely large, and there is no statistics at all!"

Hearing this, Tang Ke froze inwardly.

If Gong Juren is telling the truth, then if you want to defeat the Protoss, I am afraid that you need to mobilize more people.

Such a terrifying power cannot be beaten by the Galactic Alliance alone!

Tang Ke did not directly believe the other party's words, he secretly speculated that Gong Juren's words were somewhat true.

He always felt there was something to brag about.

After becoming a god, the strength will reach the level of the sixth-level gene.

If all the creatures in the universe reached the sixth level, wouldn't they be able to rule the multiverse?

How can the Protoss have so much spiritual power to make the entire universe creatures become sixth-level civilization creatures?

Only humans can manipulate mental power at will.

After other cosmos creatures become God Race, even if their souls are formed by the condensed spiritual force, it is the spiritual force split from the God Race, and they cannot split the excess spiritual force themselves.

They can control the spiritual power given by the Protoss to fight, which is already very good.

Gong Juren is a human being, so he can control his mental power at will, but the Protoss won't tell him how to control the puppet.

Because he is a puppet himself.

Gong Juren will only be kept in the dark in this life, and he will not know that he is just a puppet until the moment of death.

Who made him not the first group of humans to follow Luo Tian?

Dance with demons and be ready to die at any time!

The humans who followed Luo Tian, ​​the founder of the Protoss, were just that group.

Could it be that Luo Tian recruited several batches of humans in the parallel universe?

Thinking of this, Tang Ke immediately denied this conjecture.

The earth has been restarted once, the level of earth civilization in parallel universes is very low, and there are almost no earths that can unlock racial talents.

Therefore, Tang Ke believes that there are very few human beings who can possess spiritual power and become a Protoss.

Even if there is, it is estimated that it is a puppet like Gong Juren.

Therefore, it is strange to say that all creatures in the cosmos are from the Protoss!

Tang Ke narrowed his eyes slightly and said indifferently: "How many do you think there are in the number of God Races?"

"Uh, didn't you hear Mr. Tang Ke just now? There are countless Protoss, and the Protoss universe is very dangerous. I finally gained the trust of the Protoss, and I came to this universe to contact you."

Asked by Tang Ke, Gong Juren's eyes fluctuated slightly.

This time, Tang Ke affirmed his inner guess, there must be something tricky in it.

And the trick lies in the number of Protoss!

Perhaps in the Protoss universe, there are indeed only Protoss.

But the quantity...

Absolutely not as much as expected!

Tang Ke prefers that the Protoss has destroyed most of the creatures in the universe, thus occupying the entire universe.

How can there be so many souls willing to give up the flesh?

"Really? Maybe I'm too tired recently and didn't hear clearly. By the way, I remember that the Protoss has a weakness, it seems to depend on the brain, right? Are their brains hidden in the Protoss universe?"

Tang Ke asked again, testing the other party again.

Gong Juren seems to have a plan to deal with it for a long time.

He pretended to be serious and said solemnly: "No! Regarding the weakness of the Protoss, I am afraid that Mr. Tang Ke will be disappointed. As early as many years ago, the Protoss has overcome the fatal weakness, and they have completely abandoned their brains."

"When I became a Protoss, I also abandoned my brain. I thought it was just my special situation. It wasn't until I searched the entire Protoss base that I finally determined that the only weakness of the Protoss was gone!"

As he said that, he also pulled out a holographic projection screen.

The above information is actually the development history of the Protoss universe, describing in detail the entire process of the Protoss overcoming their weaknesses.

"This is the information I saw when I flipped through the materials. I downloaded it secretly, alas..."

Gong Juren let out a long sigh, and Tang Ke almost burst out laughing because of his indignation.

If he hadn't used the time book to read Gong Juren's process of becoming a god, I'm afraid he would have been confused for a while by his actor-level acting skills.

Obviously his brain is in his consciousness, but he told Tang Ke that the Protoss has no weaknesses!

Sure enough, a traitor is a traitor.

I just don't know how much information he has revealed about the Earth to the Protoss.

"Send me the cosmic energy data of the Protoss universe. Has the Earth Federation explained this to you?"

Tang Ke didn't bother to pay attention to the other party's lies, and directly brought up the most crucial things.

Cosmic energy!

As long as there is a cosmic energy report, he can directly find the Protoss universe.

Before sending Gong Juren to go undercover, the task given to Gong Juren by the Earth Federation was to get the cosmic energy report!

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