Luo Tian, ​​who was standing at the top, frowned slightly when he saw this scene.

He is quite confident in the strength of the Protoss, and there are also a large number of their Protoss.

Luo Tian has traveled to the multiverse, which is filled with thousands of thousands, and recruited millions of truly surrendered and powerful humans from different earths.

After these human beings became gods, they all possessed powerful spiritual power.

On average, each person controls 100,000 Protoss puppets, and the total number of creatures in the Protoss universe has reached the level of 100 billion!

To their embarrassment, however, the Galactic Federation has more creatures.

In addition to the creatures of the universe where the Galaxy Alliance is located, there are also fifth-level civilization creatures from other universes!

This is something the universe has never seen before in its existence for so long!

No other force can have such appeal.

Civilizations above the fifth level are like hermit masters, isolated from the outside world.

Not to mention making friends, few even show up.

Almost all the creatures of the fifth-level civilization are hiding in the four-dimensional space, enjoying a life like a paradise.

But under such circumstances, the outlier Tang Ke appeared.

He led the earth civilization to sing along the way, never cut off contact with the outside world, has developed to the sixth-level civilization, and founded the Galaxy Alliance, which is under serious control every day.

In addition to this, he developed the origin network into the multiverse.

Earth as the supreme sixth-level civilization.

Instead of being hermit masters, they let Earth humans go to the multiverse and make friends everywhere.

The sixth-level civilization, which once saw the beginning and the end of the dragon, suddenly appeared frequently in the multiverse, and the attitude was quite friendly.

It also piqued the curiosity of countless civilizations.

Even if it is a fifth-level civilization, they will come to see the legendary sixth-level civilization with a curious attitude. By the way, let's take a look at the sudden appearance of the Galaxy Alliance. What is the origin?

Over time, more and more fifth-level civilizations have become acquainted with the Galaxy Alliance.

In this war, the Earth is taking advantage of the sixth-level civilization to exchange resources for the full force of these fifth-level civilizations.

This wave of action on the earth, let alone the Protoss, did not expect it.

The sixth-level civilization of the entire multiverse has never been thought of.

A sixth-level civilization that has been revered by the creatures of the universe for countless years, once it was born, it turned out to have such a powerful appeal.

Knowing this, the Protoss should have been born with a high profile and let more cosmic creatures become their puppets.

Instead of hiding in your own universe and enjoying the pure land life...

The Galactic Alliance army collectively entered the golden ladder and annihilated the Protoss on each floor before going to the next floor.

The entire golden staircase trembled and made a loud bang.

Under the war between the two sides, the golden stairs on each floor became dilapidated.

Like the ground made of gold, it burns with raging fire.

The blood of all races flowed all over the place, and the wreckage of the battleship and the corpses of life were piled up like mountains.

The Protoss are dying, and so are the Galactic Confederate armies.

The sound of the fighting resounded throughout the Protoss universe, and the dimensional weapons were continuously released, causing the golden ladder to collapse at a speed visible to the naked eye!

And some Protoss puppets fled, using multiverse battleships to go to other universes.

The warships of the Galactic Alliance immediately chased and killed the past, and this star warship also spread to all areas of the multiverse.

The bombardment of each cannon can easily destroy a star system.

Countless cosmic creatures were affected by this war, and together with the planet were buried under the fire.

The ruthlessness of war is not because of the malicious killing of living beings, but because of unintentional killing.

The bombardment targets of the artillery fire were Protoss or Galactic battleships, but because the energy fluctuations were too powerful, they inadvertently affected the surrounding planets.

A tiny spill of energy can destroy large galaxies.

This is a multiverse-level interstellar battle. At the moment when a living being loses its life, it happens to see itself in a parallel world.

The slaughter spread, causing great chaos in the multiverse world.

Other sixth-level civilizations were also alarmed.

Knowing that the fighting between the two major sixth-level civilizations had caused such great harm, they subconsciously wanted to prevent the outbreak of this war.

I don’t know how many cosmic years have passed. Many civilizations have developed so far, and they have never seen six civilizations fight each other.

Once the conflict of the sixth-level civilization breaks out, it will cause various problems such as star field chaos, dimensional chaos, and multiverse chaos.

If such a battle continues, it may lead to unpredictable consequences.

So the sixth-level civilization that learned about this matter hurriedly wanted to stop it.

But when they finally found the main battlefield in the Protoss universe, they were frightened by the war scene in front of them.

The level of this war is far beyond their imagination. Tens of thousands of multiverse civilizations have participated in this war, and the number of living beings is like the number of sand in the Ganges.

The Protoss side is equally powerful. They secretly accommodated countless puppets, which are stronger than any sixth-level civilization.

If it weren't for Tang Ke's foresight and summoning many multiverse civilizations to participate in the war, the war situation would probably be reversed!

The tragic battle situation, the collision of vast units, scared those sixth-level civilizations who wanted to persuade them to withdraw directly.

They are not qualified to persuade, let alone persuade each other.

The only thing they can do is to help low-level civilization avoid accidental injuries as much as possible.

Fortunately, the protection actions of these sixth-level civilizations are still very effective.

Those affected civilization planets were spared under the protection of the sixth-level civilization.

To save a planet is to save tens of billions of lives, and at the same time stabilize the balance of the multiverse.

But the battle between the Galactic Alliance and the Protoss shows no sign of stopping.

Tang Ke had already reached the ninety-ninth floor of the golden ladder, and the creatures who were chasing him were continuously bombarded by the Galactic Alliance.

Tang Baobao was full of fighting spirit from the beginning, and his scalp gradually became numb after the fight.

The scene of the river of blood made her feel uncomfortable.

Once there is any mistake, he will become a member of the mountain of corpses.

Her first battle was a multiverse-level campaign.

Under the enormous pressure, Tang Baobao gradually couldn't support it.

The splendid energy rays made her feel a little dizzy, and the pungent smell of blood made her feel suffocated.

At this moment, Tang Baobao finally realized the fear of cosmic war.

She found that she did not have the talent for war, and she did not have the calmness that her mother had when she killed the enemy.

It's a bit embarrassing, but life matters.

So, Tang Baobao hid behind the beautiful mother, saying that he was just a child...

Zhang Yaxuan originally wanted to kill Tang Ke and kill Luo Tian with him.

But Tang Baobao was exhausted physically and mentally. In order to protect her daughter from harm, she had no choice but to follow the army to clean up the enemies on each floor.

As for letting Tang Baobao return to the battleship, she is not at ease.

Haven't you seen the lava rain in the universe?

Back in the battleship at this time, the mortality rate is extremely high!

"Mom and dad, you are all so fierce!" Bao Baobao hid behind his mother and said with a look of admiration.

"Don't be distracted, keep an eye on your surroundings, these God Race creatures are extremely cunning and may attack us!" Zhang Yaxuan said solemnly.

Tang Baobao nodded seriously, and suddenly screamed.

She saw her father kill the ninety-ninth golden staircase and climb to the top!

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