When Tang Ke appeared on the 100th floor of the Golden Ladder, all the creatures in the God Race universe cast their eyes on him.

I saw that only Tang Ke was standing on the golden stairs.

The slaughtering creatures of the Galactic Alliance were stunned for a moment, and then burst into violent cheers and shouts.

"It's the leader! He's back!"

"Luo Tian of the Protoss didn't appear, was he killed by the leader?"

"Nonsense, Luo Tian is definitely dead, we won this war!"

"Great! Our Galaxy Alliance won! Brothers, we can't lose face of the leader, let's go together!"


The appearance of Tang Ke was like a dose of stimulant, which made the cosmic creatures of the Galactic Alliance excited, and the fighting in their hands accelerated a bit.

"Impossible! How could our Lord Luo Tian lose?"

The first reaction of the members of the Protoss was to question: "You must have used some means to hold down our Lord Luo Tian, ​​and you want to use such a simple means to disturb our morale!"

"Don't believe what they say, our Lord Luo Tian will not be defeated, he will come back to support us soon, and kill him without leaving behind!"

"That's right, Lord Luo Tian can't be defeated! Kill me!!"

The Protoss firmly believed that Luo Tian was invincible, because Luo Tian was their ancestor and lived for tens of billions of years.

In their hearts, Luo Tian is the real God!

The morale of both sides was high, and they fought together again in the roar of rage.

The firelight of the energy explosion shone in all directions, and the clanging of weapons against each other was incessant.

A large number of souls died on the golden ladder, turning the place into a killing ladder.

Tang Ke didn't stand in a daze on the 100th floor either. He went down from the 100th floor and was double-teamed with the Galaxy Alliance.

No one can stop Tang Ke at the speed of light.

Even if the starship can fly at the speed of light, its huge size is obviously a disadvantage.

In addition to Tang Ke's armor and spiritual blessing, the speed is far faster than the speed of light. When the interstellar battleship locked on him, he had already slashed through the energy reactor of the battleship.

As time passed, the Protoss finally realized that something was wrong.

Their Lord Luo Tian has not yet appeared, and Tang Ke has once again penetrated the ninety-nine steps.

Some Protoss were afraid and planned to escape from this place.

But they suddenly discovered that Tang Ke had no intention of reaching the ninety-eighth rank at all. His purpose was to guard the ninety-ninth rank and prevent any Protoss from stepping out of the golden ladder!

Every spaceship that takes off will be destroyed by him immediately.

Those who escape using multiverse shuttle technology will be pursued by Galactic Confederation warships.

Tang Ke is the one-man pass, blocking the stairs from the ninety-ninth to one hundredth floors.

One person turned into a streamer, killing thousands of gods at the speed of crossing the star field once per second!

"No! It's impossible, why hasn't our Lord Luo Tian come back, what have you done to Lord Luo Tian?"

On the ninety-ninth floor stairs, a member of the Protoss shouted loudly.

Looking at the tragic battle situation around, countless Protoss members collapsed.

After the cleaning of the Protoss on the ninety-eighth floor was completed, the interstellar battleships of the Galaxy Alliance and the sound of fighting came from behind.

The rest of the Protoss have no desire to fight, and their hearts are cool.

The Protoss was about to be destroyed, and their Lord Luo Tian did not appear.

With Luo Tian's character, he would never watch the Protoss he built with his own hands be destroyed like that.

Therefore, there is only one result that can be explained, that is, their ancestor Luo Tian was really killed by the man in front of him!

"If you know something, you don't need to ask more." Tang Ke said indifferently.

The Galaxy Alliance has reached the ninety-ninth floor, and there is no need for him to do the next thing.

The Protoss will surely die, and none of them will be spared.

This race is all human beings who betray the earth. From the moment they give up their bodies, they are the eternal enemies of the earth.

Only death is their destination!

In the next twenty minutes, the Galactic Alliance cleaned up all the Protoss.

Those who escaped using the multiverse shuttle technology were also killed by the Starships of the Galactic Federation.

After the war subsided, the chilling air in the Protoss universe had not yet dissipated, and the energy flames were still burning on the stairs.

This battle shattered the golden ladder.

Tang Ke stood on the 100-story stairs, watching the Galactic Federation clean up the mess.

Hundreds of high-ranking members of the alliance came to him and reported the battle situation.

This multiverse-level battle has affected countless cosmic civilizations, and countless cosmic creatures have been accidentally injured.

A lot of report information could not be counted immediately, which made people feel sad.

"Leader, it has been confirmed that there are no intelligent creatures in the Protoss universe. It seems that the intelligent creatures here were wiped out by the Protoss a long time ago, and only ordinary creatures survive."

One of the senior leaders of the alliance asked respectfully: "I don't know how the leader of the alliance will deal with this God Race universe? And this golden ladder that can accommodate ninety-nine star fields..."

The Protoss universe will become a pure land of bliss without the Protoss.

Plenty of unowned resources, enough for any civilization to covet.

After thinking for a while, Tang Ke said, "The golden ladder can be used as the base of the Galactic Alliance.

The 100th floor of the Golden Ladder is used to build the Alliance Headquarters.

Other ladders are allocated to different degrees according to the contribution value of civilization to the alliance. The higher the contribution value, the more space is allocated. "

Although the Galactic Alliance has equal civilizations, the contribution of each civilization to the Alliance is different.

Those civilizations that contribute more will naturally gain more benefits.

This golden ladder is as large as ninety-nine star fields, enough to accommodate all the core members of the Galactic Federation.

Those peripheral civilizations that have not been assigned to the golden ladder can also squeeze out the civilizations assigned to the golden ladder through hard work.

The scheme adopted by Tang Ke is similar to the Zongmen contribution ranking mechanism in the novel.

A very simple but very useful mechanism, without losing fairness at the same time.

It also effectively stimulates the competitiveness among members of the Galactic Alliance, and will not generate hatred due to fierce competition.

The Golden Ladder is just a large space that can be used for storage or building houses, etc.

One more territory and one less territory are harmless to cosmic civilization.


If the major civilizations unite to make the Golden Ladder a tourist attraction, it will definitely be very popular!

Become a cosmic wonder and attract a lot of money.

Thinking of this, Tang Ke continued to add: "As for the Protoss universe, it will be renamed universe No. 0 in the future and become the exclusive universe of the earth!"

He announced directly without seeking the consent of the league's top management.

With Tang Ke's prestige in the Galactic Alliance, there is absolutely no civilization that dares to oppose it.

Whoever dares to object, stand up and see how iron your head is?

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