"Uncle... I just heard that you saw Lu Xiaoyou who died at the wedding. Is it true? Isn't she dead? How can the dead come back to life? Can you make a mistake?" Lu Xiaoyou said solemnly. He just wanted to let Xiao Ze stop looking for her by blowing a breeze.

"Are you very interested in Lu Xiaoyou?" with the evil cold voice, Xiao Ze slowly looked at her.

"Er... There's no more." Xiao you put his hand on it. Forget it. She said more and more mistakes. She'd better say less, lest Xiao Ze think more.

"Shut up if you don't! What you did today, I'll clean you up when I go back!" his suddenly cold several times.

Standing aside, Lu Xiaoyou felt a murderous spirit around him and couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

"Oh... Ze, don't be angry. I don't think Beihua did it on purpose." Lichuan hurried over from the door, walked to Xiaoyou and put one hand on her shoulder.

"You protect him."

"After all, he is your nephew." Lichuan smiled and looked at Xiaoyou from the corner of his eyes. He didn't know why. He just felt that the boy was thin and protective.

Xiao Ze looked at Lichuan, his eyes turned back to his nephew again, and a cold light flashed across his eyes.

"By the way, Beihua hasn't eaten yet. It's all afternoon now. Why don't you go to my place and I'll let people prepare some delicious food." Lichuan suggested immediately when he saw the cold in Xiao Ze's eyes and his anger didn't subside.

"Well, I'm just hungry." Xiaoyou nodded repeatedly. She didn't want to stay in this place. It's too bad.

"Yes." Xiao Ze also said simply.

As soon as he said yes, he didn't stay any longer. Lu Xiaoyou also forgot to look for glasses and left the leisure club with them

Soon, the car stopped in the downtown area.

Lu Xiaoyou got out of the car and looked up at the sign in front of the bar? Why did you come to the bar? And... Isn't this the bar where she met Xiao Ze when she came in last time?

Why are you here?

"Lichuan, didn't she say to go to your place? Why did she come to the bar?" she asked directly, so the answer hurt faster.

"I opened this bar! My family didn't invite servants. Of course, people were prepared to eat here." Lichuan shrugged his shoulders and smiled again.

"So you opened this bar..."

"Yes, I tell you, this bar is designed by myself from inside to outside. Does it look unique and good?"

"Yes, it's unique. It's the first time I've seen a single bar full of pink bulbs." Lu Xiaoyou smiled helplessly.

When her smiles were still hanging by her mouth, two pairs of eyes next to her fell on her.


Lu Xiaoyou's smile froze. She seemed to talk too much just now!

"How do you know there is a pink single room in my bar? Have you ever been to my bar?" Li Chuan stared at Xiao you curiously, his eyes motionless.

Lu Xiaoyou's eyes didn't move. He hesitated for a few seconds and quickly waved his head: "no, I just arrived in Leicheng. How can I have been here? I just heard from my friends."

"Oh? Do you have any friends in Leicheng? Who is it?" Xiao Ze looked at the boy carefully with a sharp eye. His look was obviously nervous.

The boy is lying?


It seems that this boy really has an unknown secret!

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