In the spacious hall, the crystal chandeliers on the ceiling emit soft and bright light, reflecting on the huge windows inlaid with stained glass, revealing a variety of colors.

Anis frowned slightly, with a cold face, sitting on a chair covered with a pure white blanket, looking very unhappy.

Isn't Pato here yet? Her voice was also very cold, like the ice on the snow-capped mountains.

Parvis knew why Anis was in a bad mood.

Her master is going to cause trouble on her territory, and no one will feel better if this happens to her.

He thought about it for a while and said cautiously:

Ms. Anis, the head of the family will arrive tomorrow. He wants you to rest assured that we will never destroy Rainbow City. Even if we accidentally cause damage, we will pay double compensation.

Anis' eyes were sharp and she said slowly: This is not a matter of compensation. Remember, I don't care what you do, but you are not allowed to do anything in my Rainbow City, otherwise...

Feeling Anis's cold and calm gaze, Pavez stiffened slightly, bowed and agreed in a low voice.

Anis then converged her gaze and no longer put pressure on the knight.

She had seen Pato's plan.

The plan was simple, just use the fire spirit fruit to lure Sauron out of his lair, and then ambush him on his way back.

There are no plans to take action in Rainbow City, probably because of her existence and the influence of other forces.

After all, the destructive power of the Sky Knight is astonishing, and Rainbow City may be destroyed by just moving his body.

That's why she warned again.

Seeing that Anis's expression softened, Parves immediately felt relieved and spoke carefully again, asking:

Lady Anis, we have not found any trace of Sauron yet. I wonder if you have sensed his aura.

No. Anis didn't want to answer, but thinking of Pato, she decided to give him some face.

Will Sauron sneak in quietly? Pavis frowned and subconsciously guessed.

Impossible, no one can hide from my perception. Anis was a little unhappy.

This is questioning her professionalism. Her combat ability may be relatively average among the Sky Knights, but her perception ability is one of the best, and few can match her.

Sauron was just a newly promoted Heavenly Knight. Although he killed the Black Wolf King Augustine, he could not hide it from him.

Pavis laughed along and said: I didn't question Lady Anise's intention, but I was more worried that this fire spirit fruit would not seduce Sauron.

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Anis' lips.

The intelligence she collected showed that Sauron was a serious homebody. He basically didn't go out, rarely attended banquets, and often stayed in one place for more than ten or twenty days.

After a few brief words, Anis left with the courtesy of Parvez.

She came here suddenly tonight, for no other reason than to warn these people again not to cause trouble in Rainbow City.

Before leaving, Anis subconsciously took another look at the swimming pool in the garden of the suite next to her.

Sure enough, the naked man was still taking a bath.

He has a really good figure, well-proportioned and slender, and his skin glows with a faint golden color under the light, giving him a kind of enchanting beauty.

Regardless of the face, it's still perfect.

For some reason, she always felt something familiar, but she just couldn't remember where it was.

Anise's gaze lingered for a moment, then she flew away in the air.

Lu He looked at the shooting stars in the sky and curled his lips, still peeking at his body at such an old age.

He leaned lazily by the pool, wanting to soak for a while longer. He spread his hands and rested his head on the bank of the pool.

Pato, Anis, seduce me... Lu He pondered the information he just overheard with great interest.

He didn't eavesdrop on purpose, he did it on purpose. After all, if a female celestial knight came next to him at night, anyone else would be curious, not to mention that his curiosity was always online.

Not surprising that he wasn't recognized.

Although his appearance has not changed much, as his bloodline has evolved over and over again, and his body has been growing, it is difficult to recognize him unless he is particularly close to him.

And Qi Machine is even more impossible.

Because concealing Qi has always been his strength, not to mention the Heavenly Knight, even the Paladin may not be able to detect it.

After pondering for a while, he got up from the pool naked and came to the shore. Suddenly he found that there was no bath towel.

I had no choice but to call Yue Ling.

In the past, Nicole had prepared everything for him, including the clothes he wore, but it was a pity that he was not here this time.

He could directly use the fire element to evaporate, or control his body to get rid of it, but he didn't like it very much, and still enjoyed the feeling of the soft towel in contact with his skin.

After a while, just when Lu He was about to get impatient, Yue Ling came out slowly.

She covered her eyes with one hand and held the bathrobe in the other. She tilted her head to the back, and her pointed ears were filled with a pink rose color.


When he was still several meters away from Lu He, he threw out his bathrobe, then moved and disappeared in a flash.

The attitude is extremely perfunctory and the behavior is extremely bad.

Lu He shook his head in disappointment and decided to deduct at least half of her salary next time.

Put on a bath towel and walk into the master bedroom.

The tone of the bedroom is gold. The walls, floor, sofa, bed sheets, and desk are all gold, but there are different shades, giving it a majestic and luxurious feel.

With a flick of his finger, a little red light instantly penetrated the wall, and red and black runes suddenly appeared on the wall.

Dozens of runes flickered between light and dark, releasing an invisible force field that directly wrapped and protected the entire master bedroom.

Lu He nodded with satisfaction, relaxed his whole body, and slowly lay down on the bed.

The big bed has a dark golden swan silk quilt, soft pillows, and a silky soft cotton-like mattress.

Lu He lay on his back on the bed.

The whole person was enveloped in softness and warmth. This feeling was extremely comfortable. In addition, the all-round invisible force field that he could feel gave him a strong sense of security.

He slowly relaxed and fell into sleep.


The weather was clear, and the dazzling sun was faintly surrounded by a colorful halo.

At the door of the hotel, a black-haired man wearing a white tunic walked out of the door with a calm expression.

The white robe he wore was the most popular style among the half-elf tribe. A white belt tied around his waist, a bit like a skirt worn by a woman. He also wore black trousers under the robe.

Lu He, you look much more handsome dressed like this. Yue Ling looked up and down and praised.

Yue Ling's outfit is much simpler.

The upper body is wearing a light and luxurious close-fitting leather armor, the chest is arched in a moderate arc, the waist is slender, and the black trousers are tightly wrapped around the two long legs.

Lu He smiled and put his hands in the two pockets on both sides of the robe, which felt a bit like a windbreaker on Earth.

The two of them walked towards the auction not far away.

Kaili Auction House is also located in Yuguang District. It is a tall gray-white cylindrical building with a huge circular platform at the top, which looks like a mushroom.

Dangerous building, illegal construction. Lu He commented.

What!? Yue Ling didn't understand.

New 𝗑.𝖼𝗈𝗆

It means it will have to be demolished sooner or later.

Seeing Lu He's serious tone, Yue Ling suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart.

As soon as they approached the square near the auction house, there was a sudden noise of people. There were many people, like two people, coming on foot, in a carriage, and on horseback.

Kaili Auction House not only conducts high-end auctions, but also holds mid- to low-end auctions at regular intervals.

There were a large number of guards standing at the entrance. Judging from the logos on their clothes, they were from both the auction house and the Rainbow City law enforcement team.

There are several aisles in the auction house, and most of the aisles are crowded with people queuing up to enter.

There is only one passage door, but it is very clear. Occasionally, a few people will enter from there, and they will immediately receive a look of awe or envy.

The VIPs of Kaili Auction House not only represent an identity, but also status, and more importantly, a manifestation of strength.

Is this the legendary VIP passage? Lu He thought for a while and decided to follow the crowd.

I waited in line for more than ten minutes to get in.

The first floor is just a vegetable market, nothing interesting to see. The second floor is slightly better, but also very noisy.

Lu He patiently walked up the spiral staircase and came to the stairs leading to the top floor.

There was naturally someone standing guard at the entrance of the stairs, or four heavily armored guards led by a senior knight attendant. Their eyes were cold and they exuded a fierce aura.

Lu He ignored it and walked straight in.

Yue Ling, who was behind her, was a little frightened and followed him closely, even holding the corner of his clothes.

But the strange thing is that the guard only looked at him a few times, did not stop him, and allowed him to go in.

Lu He suddenly became curious.

He saw that the people in front of him were holding something like invitations in their hands. They showed it to the guard before walking in. Why did he let them go immediately after they arrived at his place? Could there be a scam in it?

So he exited and entered again.

Still didn't stop him, and Lu He felt that there was nothing unusual in the auras of the few people, so he walked in with confidence.

It wasn't until he left that one of the guards asked: Brother, why did you let him in?

Didn't you see the gold belt on his waist? It has gems and golden beans. Even if we work hard for a year, we can't afford it!

We can't afford to offend this kind of person. If we stop him, we are making ourselves uncomfortable. The eldest brother spoke earnestly.

Yes, yes, my eldest brother is still awesome, and we didn't even notice it!

A few of the younger brothers flattered him against their will, but they actually found out, especially since the man walked back and forth twice.

And his maid, don't look at the tender skin and pretend to be scared, her strength is not weaker than mine! The eldest brother laughed and said the most important reason.

Fuck! Really?

This little beauty can really pretend, you can't even tell!

It's over. I've been staring at her just now...will she come back and cause trouble for me!?

Go into the lobby.

Inside is a venue like a grand theater, with a domed pure white ceiling, gold lamp stands inlaid with gems, each one hanging above, blooming with dazzling brilliance.

The floor was covered with a red gold circle pattern carpet, and rows of mahogany high-backed chairs were neatly arranged in a fan shape.

There are already some people sitting sparsely on top, and some are walking inside to choose seats.

In the back row, there is also a row of translucent boxes, which should be treated only by VIPs among VIPs.

Lu He casually found a seat near the front and sat down.

At the front of the venue was a semicircular black high platform, with people wearing black clothes passing by carrying equipment from time to time, as if they were still preparing.

After sitting for a while, about half an hour later, the doors on both sides of the venue slowly closed.

At this time, the venue was mostly full, estimated to be two to three hundred people.

There were also several men and women sitting next to Lu He, who seemed to be together. They were all wearing finely made clothes, exuding from head to toe the innate aura of a nobleman.

Among them was a man in a tuxedo who glanced at Yue Ling from time to time.

At this time, on the high platform, a beautiful woman wearing a white gauze skirt came up from the left and stood in the center of the high platform.

Welcome all distinguished guests to the high-end auction held by our Kaili Auction House. I won't say any more nonsense. Now I announce that the auction is about to begin.

The woman had a sweet voice and a charming smile on her face.

As she announced the beginning, the noisy voices in the venue gradually became lowered.

On the high platform, a group of four strong men carried six black metal cages as tall as one person to the stage.

There are actually humans in these cages, and they all look to be around 20 or 30 years old.

They were extremely tall, estimated to be at least two meters tall. They were naked, wearing only shorts. Their muscles bulged like explosions, and their skin was covered with scars.

The woman in a white dress who took the stage first stood in front of a loudspeaker on the right, and her voice spread throughout the venue through the loudspeaker.

The first auction item is a high-mountain barbarian warrior from the North. Each of these warriors is physically strong, and their strength is equivalent to that of a junior knight attendant. After being tamed by witches, there is no need to worry about backlash. They are very obedient!

There was an uproar in the entire venue, and many people started discussing in whispers.

Many people did not expect that the auction house would have such a good thing this time, and it would be placed in the first auction.

Isn't the slave trade already banned? Why is Kaili Auction House still auctioning it openly?

A sweet-looking blond girl sitting a seat next to Lu He asked her companion in a low voice.

Xixi, what is prohibited is human slaves. No one recognizes these barbarians as human beings. Siwa explained.

But they look exactly like us? Why aren't they human? Xixi felt a little unbearable as she looked at these slaves with sluggish expressions and numb eyes.

Just because they look the same doesn't mean they're human.

Jorge next to him interjected, and while speaking, he secretly glanced at Yue Ling with a strange look in his eyes.

Yue Ling was keenly aware of his gaze and felt very uncomfortable, so she moved her butt towards Lu He.

Living in a human city with no other people around her, she felt insecure.

Jorge saw this beautiful woman who seemed to be a half-elf almost touching the black-haired man next to him, and he suddenly felt extremely envious and jealous, which made him secretly hate her.

He made up his mind to wait until after the auction to find someone to inquire about their origins.

If you don’t have a big background, just grab it!

Jorge believed that there wouldn't be much of a problem, because in the vicinity of Rainbow City, except for a few limited surnames, there was no force comparable to his family.

The woman was very satisfied with the customer's reaction. She flipped her hair around her ears, smiled charmingly, and continued:

There are six warriors in total. They will be auctioned as a whole. The base price is 10,000 gold coins. Who wants them?

A gold coin!

Lu He took the lead and shocked everyone with his skills.

After quoting the price, he suddenly remembered a serious problem, so he turned his head and asked Yue Ling: Do you have any money?

Yue Ling shook her head subconsciously. She was a little confused and had not yet reacted to Lu He's bidding.

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