My wizarding career begins on Earth

Chapter 74 Riding the Eagle

A few days later, in the laboratory. β™¦β˜Ÿ

Lu He stretched out his right arm, rolled up his sleeves, revealing his fair skin, and muttered a few words silently. The nail on his left index finger grew rapidly, and finally turned into a sharp spike. The spike scratched the skin, and a scaly rune slowly appeared. form.


Scale-shaped runes covered the entire arm. Under the power of the runes, his slender white fingers were elongated and deformed, twisting like branches. Small buds actually grew on several knuckles, and they grew longer and longer. They grow taller and taller, intertwining with each other, and the color of the palms gradually changes to brown.

Lu He's eyes gradually turned dark green, and the black pupils completely disappeared.

His right hand has completely turned into a branch. Whether it is the appearance or the most basic structure inside, it is no different from a real tree.

Flesh-plant life conversion is a non-level spell. It was created by the fifth-level wizard Seaman after he was reincarnated into a night tree demon in the world of vegetation.

This spell is very powerful and can steal the strange abilities of some magical trees in the endless world.

Lu He didn't know what he could steal. All the trees on the earth looked like birds and had no special abilities.

He just saw this knowledge when he was studying botany, and then practiced it.

In fact, the same goes for many of the spells he practices. If he practices them while learning relevant knowledge, these spells are of little use to him.

On earth, all it takes is a flower trick eye. He doesn't even need Gilliam's Hundred Eyes Charm Technique, and he can walk around everywhere.

How lonely it is to be invincible. Lu He sometimes practices spells. He really wants to have an opponent fall from the sky and make a shining debut, and then the two of them can have a peaceful and friendly sparring session and pass two moves.

It has to be said that people tend to be mean when they are bored, and wizards are no exception.

Taking back the trees and transforming, Lu He came to the hall.

Ge Xiaomi and Feng Yin were busy in the kitchen. Four large dishes were already placed on the dining table in the living room. Waves of aroma wafted out from above, filling the entire hall.

The first dish is the classic stir-fried pork with chili. The meat is fat and lean pork belly, and the chili is a dark-colored screw pepper with a curved handle. It looks like it was made by Feng Yin.

The second plate was a Northeastern stew made of millet, chicken stewed with mushrooms, the chicken was caught by Sanhei from somewhere, and there were two types of mushrooms: Yuan mushrooms and Hericium erinaceus.

There are two other plates, one is authentic Cantonese foie gras, which is lightly fried in oil without adding much seasoning.

The other is a colorful vegetable and fruit salad covered with a grid of yogurt sauce, which looks very refreshing.

Today is the Lunar New Year in the South, and in a few days it will be the Lunar New Year. The two of them have been here for a few days and are preparing to go home this afternoon. Before leaving, they plan to cook a delicious meal.

Lu He sat for a while and went to the kitchen to get a dish, his specialty, bacon and eggplant stew.

After finally cooking the dumplings with various fillings, the three of them sat around the dining table and started eating.

Somehow, Lu He suddenly felt warm.

Fragrant food, harmonious atmosphere, sitting quietly at the table chatting together, eating steaming meals together, there is no lonely study and research, no cold experimental bench, and no lonely and empty world of meditation.

He had not experienced this kind of atmosphere for a long time.

Studying, studying, studying, studying, this was how he spent the past six months, day after day, as if there was no end.

Not just in the past six months, he seemed to be like this for several years.

At this moment, Lu He's body and mind relaxed as never before, and he quietly enjoyed this moment.

Although the advanced apprenticeship is only the beginning stage of a wizard, equivalent to the preschool on the wizard's road, it is already a point that no one on earth would dare to imagine. It seems that he can already take a break and enjoy a good life.

But Lu He didn't want to stop. The unknown and mysterious wizarding world attracted him and fascinated him deeply.


However, the good times always pass quickly.

In the blink of an eye, it was afternoon. Lu He sent the two of them to the front station base in the rainforest, watched them get on the helicopter, and finally disappeared into the distant sky.

President, this is the big eagle you want. It is the largest eagle we have captured in the Americas in recent days. It is called the American horned eagle. Its wingspan is more than 2 meters.

Gabri saw that Lu He was in a bad mood, but had no choice but to bite the bullet and come forward.

Yes, Not Bad.

Four members of the Student Aid Association came over carrying a huge iron cage. Inside the cage was a giant eagle nearly one meter in size. Its head was light gray, and the crown and wings on its head were black. Under its feet, Its sharp claws are more than ten centimeters long.

Even though he was locked in a cage, the horned eagle still had cold eyes, an unruly demeanor, and a condescending look.

Lu He turned around and let go of all the breath on his body.

An atmosphere of despair and fear permeated the air, and an inexplicable palpitating feeling began to appear in the hearts of nearby members of the aid society.

That is the instinctive reaction of creatures when facing higher-level predators. It is the genetic memory passed down from ancient times to remind them to run away quickly.

The horned eagle's animalistic instincts were more sensitive than humans, and it immediately began to panic and lay on the ground shivering.


Gabri swallowed unconsciously, and sweat appeared on his forehead. He performed better and could still speak. After all, he was a man who had been injected with the mutant blood of the Anaconda.

New 𝐱.𝐜𝐨𝐦

Lu He ignored him, walked to the cage, squatted down, patted the horned eagle on the head, and said, I still like your unruly look at the beginning.

Gabri opened the cage and released the horned eagle.

Lu He embedded control runes into its body, stood on the back of the horned eagle, and gave flight instructions.


The horned eagle flapped its black wings desperately, making a popping sound. Dust was everywhere on the ground, but it couldn't get up.

Lu He originally wanted to see if this giant raptor could take him flying directly, but now it seemed that it was far behind.

Shaking his head, he added a light body technique to himself.

The horned eagle suddenly felt a lightness on its body and ran forward two steps quickly, then flapped its wings and took off into the air in a few clicks, leading Luhe up to a height of 100 meters.

Lu He looked down. Several members of the Assistance Association looked up at the open space of the advance base. Next to them were the endless river and the towering signal tower.

Today, the sky in the rainforest is blue, with a few thin white clouds floating slowly in the wind above my head. The faint sunshine shines on my body without any warmth, and the cold wind blows on my face.

Lu He stopped the horned eagle from continuing to climb. This height was just right. If there was an accident and he accidentally fell from the sky, he could land safely.

In fact, he can fly by himself now, but it consumes a lot of magic power and is relatively slow. No wizard, no matter how desperate, would choose to fly in this inefficient way.

Apprentices don't have many choices when traveling. Those who have the conditions will tame a flying animal like him, those who have the idea will give themselves a pair of wings, and some will mutate their legs and run directly.

Formal wizards will be more advanced, and some will choose body elementalization, void transformation, or direct rune array teleportation, etc. There are many ways to travel, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

I'll give you a makeover when I get back. It's too shameful to keep using the lightening technique.

Lu He already had several ideas for transformation, and planned to strengthen the horned eagle in all aspects, from its wings to its body.

A little while later, the Wizard Tower was already in sight.

A light blue magic ripple enveloped a few hundred meters around the Wizard Tower.

This is the guardian witchcraft that Lu He turned on when he left.

Under the shroud of this witchcraft, as long as the breath of unrecorded creatures is present, all foreign strange creatures will be affected by the defensive witchcraft and get lost in the vast forest.

Of course, due to his limited strength, the defensive ability of the magic circle is not that strong. It is mainly aimed at single targets on the ground. There is no way to deal with things like rockets washing the ground or tank clusters charging.

Because technology and magic are both manifestations of knowledge, one is not necessarily strong or the other is weak.

Whether it is technology or spells, the processes may be different, but the effects they achieve are not substantially different. In the final analysis, there is still no way to escape the principle of reaching the same destination through different paths.


A week later, in the evening, a hazy silver moon hung in the blue sky, and in the dim forest ahead, several barking dogs and rattles could be heard from time to time.

Lu He walked out of the wizard tower with a tired look on his face and cast a casual glance at a tree not far away.

He pointed lightly with his right hand, and a little red light flew out from his fingertips and landed on the tree.

Immediately, the tree shuddered, and the trunk, together with the branches and leaves on it, exploded in an instant, turning into countless long-limbed wooden blocks and leaves. They fell from mid-air to the ground and jumped around on the grass. go.

Lu He murmured with satisfaction: It's really full of life.

He squatted down and grabbed a one-legged leaf. The leaf twisted unconsciously in his hands, and after a moment it turned into ashes and disappeared.

This is his newly developed activation spell. It is very similar to the previous physical holy method, but its meaning is completely different. The holy method was created by him randomly and randomly, while this activation spell was precisely researched with the goal of results. of.

The development process is very simple. First, find the DNA code for expressing traits in the plant, and then forcibly contaminate it with force. By destroying the expression of the entire DNA system at one point, it temporarily gives it a certain vitality.

But it is limited to this. Although it is alive, it has neither intelligence nor independent control authority, and even its activity can only be maintained for a period of time.

In fact, there are many methods that can achieve similar effects. For example, formal wizards will naturally emit a special kind of radiation from their body surface at all times.

This kind of radiation will have unpredictable effects on the surrounding materials, and sometimes the treasure chest will grow two legs and run away carrying their belongings.

But these wizards also start at at least level four.

Lu He felt that he was just an apprentice, and it was already amazing to be able to develop this kind of magic.

As for how he understands DNA and can distinguish the function of each DNA, it starts from the Institute of Life Research.

After all, Patani did not complete this task. The Eagle Federation and the Corrupt State valued these top scientists very much. Many third brothers died but few succeeded. In the end, it was not without gain, and they brought back several smart brains.

After absorbing it, Lu He felt that he could do it and didn't need them anymore, so he decided to do his own research.

This activation is negative energy pollution. What will be the effect if it is replaced by positive energy?

Lu He looked at the ashes on the ground and thought for a while, then turned and entered the wizard tower.

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