She really didn't want to reveal all the shit about her man, that would make him a lot more difficult.

Looking at Hu Nina's actions, Ronald was speechless for a while. Your father has come here to block people. Do you think he doesn't know? You underestimate your father too much.

But forget it, saying these words is nothing more than to make her worry a little bit, it doesn't help everything, you still have to rely on yourself.

Thinking of this, Ronald didn't stop Hu Nina from letting her call Bai Fengyi.

On the phone, Hu Nina explained the situation in a few words, and then hurriedly pulled Ronald to keep up with her second uncle.

Although Yuan Feng was doing his best at this time, he was actually paying attention to whether his niece and Ronald were following behind him.

When he saw that Ronald and the two did not choose to escape, but chose to follow him, Gu Jiao couldn't help but smile.

It's alright, he's a somewhat responsible man.

However, even so, he still didn't think that... the kid named Ronald could pass the level of his brother-in-law.

After all - this kid is really too careless.

Thinking of this, Yuan Feng couldn't help but sigh

The second floor of Jinyuan Hotel is a coffee shop. Although the coffee shop is also open to the public, in fact, few people come here from outside, and more hotel guests come here to spend.

At this time, Hu Nina's father was sitting in the corner of the cafe,

Waiting for the arrival of the two of them.

When Ronald and Hu Nina walked into the coffee shop under the leadership of Yuan Feng, they found that the entire coffee shop was empty, except for a group of people sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and there was no... the second wave of customers.

Yuan Feng walked to his brother-in-law's side, did not speak, and sat directly beside him.

And Hu Nina was not polite, pulled her man directly, and sat down opposite her father without saying a word.

"Hello, Uncle Hu."

Of course Ronald couldn't imitate Hu Nina, he was a junior after all, and he also brought disaster to other people's daughters.

Facing Ronald's greeting, Hu Yaoguang didn't even blink an eyelid, let alone respond to Ronald.

In this regard, Ronald smiled casually and didn't care.

Don't say that Lao Hu just ignored him, even if he hit him twice, he couldn't fight back.

He said that it was the daughter of his troubled family who didn't beat him, so he was very content.

If someone dares to harm his daughter, if he doesn't smash that kid to ashes, then that kid is beautiful.

Therefore, comparing heart to heart Ronald felt that Lao Hu had already treated him very well.

But it's a pity-he is content, doesn't mean Hu Nina is content.

"Old Hu, what do you mean?"

My father gave his man a cold look, and Hu Nina didn't want her to slap the table, and she would have a seizure.


Ronald gave a light reprimand, instantly turning Hu Nina the tiger into a kitten-back to a ladylike state again.

Seeing this scene, Hu Yaoguang thought of him for a while. Hu Yaoguang left his hometown at the age of fourteen and started his own business. He has worked hard all the way from a rural person to now have assets of hundreds of millions of dollars. Whoever sees him shouting disrespectfully, Mr. Hu is at home, However, because he has always felt that he owes a lot to his wife and daughter, and he has always been in a state of incapacity, Ronald has always been his dream. I have to say, this kid really has some means, and he can be obedient to his daughter. Posted, but unfortunately - this guy is really too careless.

Thinking of this, Hu Yaoguang sighed, "Since you called me Uncle Hu, then I won't beat around the bush - now Uncle gives you two options, one, leave my daughter and go your way, she will live her life, Two 2, you have completely cut off contact with those women and you and then married my daughter, my billions of assets in the future will all belong to your husband and wife!"

To be honest, is Hu Yaoguang's request too much? If you look at it from his standpoint, it's not too much. As soon as he didn't throw money at Ronald, tell him - leave my daughter, how much will I give you.

2 No mockery of Ronald - just you poor boy who still wants to marry my daughter Barabara.

He was just standing in the shoes of a father, asking Ronald to give his whole heart to his daughter.

Of course, there are also pitfalls in this. Don't look at what he said. His future billions of assets are all yours. Before getting married, he will definitely let his daughter and Ronald do pre-marital property registration. That is to say , if Ronald is willing to be honest with his daughter for the rest of his life, then there is nothing to say-whatever he wants, once his daughter finds that Ronald is dishonest, then she can also clean up Ronald The household was driven out.

From this point of view, Hu Yaoguang is worthy of being an old fox in the shopping mall with traps everywhere.

It's a pity - he met Ronald.


Chapter 2 I don't want your money... [3/[-]]

Hearing her father's words, Hu Nina looked at Ronald with some expectation - if possible, who doesn't want to monopolize their own man and share it with other women, isn't that the only way out of nowhere? However, it's a pity- Ronald was unmoved "Uncle Hu, you investigated me"

Ronald chuckled and asked.


Hu Yaoguang picked up the coffee, sipped his brows lightly and frowned - he prefers tea to this bitter stuff.

"You have to know that in these days, the Internet is too complicated. I can't be ignorant about what kind of man my daughter is in love with."

"Uncle Hu, you should know that I'm not interested in money now"

Ronald chuckled lightly.


When Hu Yaoguang heard the words, he looked up and down Ronald, "Yes, you really are not a poor man in your outfit, then you mean to leave my daughter."

Hearing her father's words, Hu Nina immediately felt reluctant. She hugged her man's arm and looked at her father vigilantly, "I tell you, Lao Hu, don't try to provoke the two of us. I will never leave my husband."

Speaking of this, Hu Nina blushed, and shyly pressed her lower abdomen with her hands, "Besides, I also have my husband's flesh and blood in my stomach."

Looking at Hu Nina's performance, both Ronald and Lao Hu had an urge to hide their faces.

Damn, daughter-in-law, even if you have no knowledge, you should have common sense. It would be too naive to plant you in one night, but Lao Hu felt speechless and joking because of his daughter's behavior. Are you treating your father as a fool? "Cough Uncle Hu, I think we should talk about what you think alone"

Ronald decided it would be better to have a good chat with his father-in-law.

"Well, I agree with you!"

Having said this, the two looked at the person beside them, "Little Feng Nini, go down and avoid it!"

2 Yuan Feng and Hu Nina were stunned when they heard what they said, but fortunately, no matter what.

Whether it was Yuan Feng or Hu Nina, they were so used to listening that they didn't say anything.

The two got up and left the cafe on the second floor with Hu Yaoguang's two assistants.

After a while - in the entire cafe, only Ronald and Hu Yaoguang were left.


Hu Yaoguang's complexion changed as soon as he saw her leaving.

"You'd better leave my daughter obediently, or I want you to eat!"

"Hehe, Uncle Hu, I'm alone, I'm not afraid of threats!"

Wen Yan smiled slightly, "Besides, you are not afraid that the grievances I have suffered with you will come to your daughter?"


Hu Yaoguang's face became darker when he heard the words.

Ronald is fearless. He can deal with Ronald by any means, but he can't do anything against his daughter.

"Okay, I'm joking, don't be angry, Uncle Hu, calm down. Since I'm willing to stay and talk with you, this is enough to show my sincerity!"

Ronald can't always fight with his old husband like this, he always has to settle things.

"Okay, what do you want to talk about"

Hu Yaoguang took a deep breath

, opened the mouth and said: "I want money or"

"I said, I'm not bad for money"

Having said this, Ronald chuckled lightly: "I'm just curious, why did you have to separate us two, Uncle Hu?"


Hearing Ronald's words, Hu Yaoguang said disdainfully, "Would you like me to tell you how many girlfriends you have, who is the second girl and who is that ... Bai Fengyi"

After saying these three names, Hu Yaoguang stopped talking, and when he heard these three names, Ronald already understood - Hu Yaoguang knew a lot about himself.

No more, no less, just like a big girl, Erya. This is obviously Bai Fengyi who was found out through the Internet. Obviously, he has investigated what happened to the classmates reunion yesterday.

In other words - he doesn't know much.

Then, things are easy to do. Thinking of this, Ronald smiled slightly, "Uncle Hu, you're boring, man, who hasn't ordered a confidante, Mr. Zheng of your branch office, and Miss He, your financial director, as well as"

Following Ronald's words, one woman's last name followed her position, bald from Ronald's mouth.

And Hu Yaoguang's face became more and more difficult to look like "you investigate me"


Ronald smiled but didn't say a word. Does he need to investigate? All of this was read from Hu Yaoguang's mind. The names of various women continued to appear in Hu Yaoguang's mind when he hadn't named his confidante. I know it doesn't work.

"Tell me, how much do you want"

Hu Yaoguang felt more and more hateful to Ronald, "I don't want money!"

Ronald chuckled: "I can even convince Nini to give up fighting for your assets, I only want Nini"

Hearing Ronald's words, Hu Yaoguang's face suddenly became stunned. He thought that Ronald was working so hard to investigate and soak up his daughter, because of his assets. As a result, when he said he didn't want money, he thought Everything he thought was overturned.

"Uncle Hu, it looks like a man to me. It's true that I'm romantic. Who told me to be like this? As long as it's not obscene, it's easy to say anything."

Having said this, Ronald paused for a moment, and continued to speak after seeing Hu Yaoguang's gradually softened expression: "What I want, I just want to make Nini no longer sad."

"Hey my daughter is no longer sad"

Hu Yaoguang smiled mockingly: "Do you think my daughter is happy now?"

"Facts speak louder than words"

Ronald's words blocked Hu Yaoguang. No matter how hard Hu Yaoguang is, he has to admit that over the years, there has always been a gloom in his daughter's brows, and today - the gloom between her brows is already gone. Gone, apparently—she's happy now.

The bastard in front of him really has some skills. At least, he can make his arrogant daughter actually willing to serve a husband with that woman named Bai Fengyi. Nima is also a talent.

"Besides, Uncle Hu, do you think Nini really listens to you and will be happy if she marry another man?"

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