"You dare to hit me"

Zhang Cheng, who was beaten, also reacted at this time. He raised his hand with a grim expression, and was about to withdraw it.

However, as soon as he raised his hand, he suddenly felt a pain in his stomach, and then he was kicked and flew out as if he had been hit by a speeding truck.

Zhang Cheng's whole person is like the same

Like a cannonball, it was kicked and flew more than ten meters away, knocking down two tables along the way, and the whole hall was in a mess.

In an instant - the guests who arrived early in the hall exclaimed that they didn't know what was going on. At this moment, Ronald, who kicked him, walked to the ground and lay on the ground for a long time. In front of Zhang Cheng who couldn't get up, he looked down at Zhang Cheng lying on the ground and said.

"Don't pretend to be dead kid, I know how hard I used to stand up!"

Hearing Ronald's words, the people who were stunned on the spot couldn't help but complain for a while - what a shit, - kicking people up more than ten meters and letting them get up, this is a bit too much.

If this Nima can stand up, Zhang Chengcheng's extraordinary feats will be accomplished.

However, what they didn't expect was that Zhang Cheng actually stood up.

"I really stood up!"


"What do you mean by Zhang Cheng or Ronald?"

"I think they're all awesome"

Just when they were talking a lot here - Zhang Cheng's next move surprised them.

I saw him raise his hand and pick up a bottle of wine from the pile of wedding supplies that he smashed on the ground beside him.

Seeing the way he was holding the wine bottle, Li Feng was like a mad tiger.

And Xia Ming, who was holding Li Feng, also hugged Li Feng's waist hard, and shouted: "Zhang Cheng, put down the bottle and talk about it!"

Bai Fengyi and Hu Nina couldn't care less, they picked up the guy next to them and rushed over.

Although it is said that the two women are usually ladies, but if Zhang Cheng dares to touch Ronald, it is estimated that these two aunts will turn into crazy women and fight him to death.

Don't say that the gentleman is silent, they don't recognize that kind of thing-because they are women.

Whoever dares to touch their lover, they dare to fight with whomever.

To tell the truth - seeing the performance of these two tiger girls, Ronald was both amused and moved.

Forget it, this farce should have ended earlier, and the script of Zhang Cheng's pickled stuff is almost over.

Zhang Cheng's next move made everyone stunned.

I saw him raise his hand, open the lid of the wine bottle, and let out a mouthful of stuffiness.

A bottle of Luzhou Laojiao with a strong fragrance of fifty-two and 52 degrees disappeared in the blink of an eye, and everyone was in a daze. Nima, what do you mean, are you going to fight drunk or be brave? After drinking this Bottle Luzhou Laojiao, Zhang Cheng slammed the empty wine bottle to the ground, then gave everyone a deep look, turned and left.

Seeing Zhang Cheng's disappearing back disappear at the entrance of the hall, everyone didn't react for a while.

After a while - Su Lele, the bride who was in charge of entertaining the guests at the door, rushed over in a hurry, and when she saw Xia Ming covering her face, she asked, "Husband, what happened to your classmate and why did he suddenly leave?"

"Uh - it's okay to be okay with a little thing!!"

At this time, Xia Ming also let go of Li Feng that he was holding, and said a little embarrassedly: "Don't worry about it, go and entertain the guests!"

Chapter 2 Scumbag, really not so easy to be... [3/[-]]

To be honest, Ronald, Li Feng and others also planned to leave after this incident.

After all, they almost screwed up their wedding.

However, in the end, they still failed to leave, who told the bride and groom to try their best to keep them.

No way, Ronald, Li Feng and others could only continue to stay. Of course, Ronald also compensated for the losses he caused.

It's nothing more than a little money. Is it a thing for Ronald? As everyone sat down again, the topic was unknowingly led to the question of why Zhang Cheng was drinking just now.

Some people say that Zhang Cheng drank to strengthen his courage because he thought he couldn't beat Ronald.

Some people also said that Zhang Cheng's drinking alcohol instead of punishment shows that he knew he was wrong.

In the end, the two views actually prevailed in the view that drinking instead of punishment.

No way, who said that the North itself has the custom of punishing drinking? When it comes to the wine table, there is no such thing as a big deal. Faced with this view, Ronald smiled disdainfully.

The fart is punished with alcohol, and the fart admits his mistake.

If he really knew he was wrong, would he still want to hit Junina? Don't tease and drink because his mind was controlled by Ronald.

Why Ronald used his mind to control him to drink? Of course, it was to make him die. For this kind of villain who played tricks, Ronald never had any thoughts about the New Year.

That's right, Ronald is not a bloodthirsty person, but, the problem is - everyone is trying to beat your daughter-in-law, why do you keep him and wait for the New Year to give you a hat? , How can there be a spiritual piercing of the night thief, of course, it can't be used anymore.

After all, there was such a thing in the magic capital. A few days later, he had the same accident here. Are you a fool when you are a policeman? Every time he was there, every time it was a coincidence, how much you look down on the IQ of the police. So, it is impossible to say that Ronald will control him to create a man-made car accident. Of course, in order to allow him to have a good reason to create a [ Accidental] car accident, I can't say that I will let him drink some alcohol.

Drunk driving - no one can blame anyone for dying, he is still driving at the right time and place today, all have, it is the best time to send him on the road.

Therefore, Ronald took a bottle of white wine without hesitation.

As for--why he wants to drink by himself, then it's none of Ronald's business. It's Zhang Cheng, he's in a bad mood, maybe he's too much, who cares--as long as this matter has nothing to do with Ronald It's fine if it doesn't matter.

This small conflict was soon forgotten by everyone in the festive atmosphere of Xia Ming and Su Lele's wedding.

At the end of the wedding banquet, Ronald and Li Feng were both drunk with three ounces and three drinks even though they were driving the sign.

When leaving, Ronald had to let Bai Fengyi and Hu Nina drive his car and Li Feng's car respectively, while the two sat directly behind Li Feng's car and chatted.

"That grandson who is paralyzed, why didn't I see that this was not something before?"

"Even my sister-in-law wants to fuck, what the hell!"

"Dezi, don't worry, this isn't over, I'm numb, sooner or later I'm going to let that idiot go around!"

"Oh, forget it!"

Ronald smiled and shook his head, "No, we can't just forget about it!"

Hearing Ronald's words, Li Feng hated iron.

Gang said: "Dezi, I'm not talking about you, or you are too kind. Like this kind of villain, if you endure an inch, if he advances a foot and 0, you can't give acridine a good face, you know?"

"You just want to make him unable to take care of his life"

Seeing his brother's enthusiasm and generosity filled with righteous indignation, Ronald was speechless for a while. He was too kind. If those ghosts who died in his hands knew what Li Feng said, would they be angry and come back to life? It's good to know, there's no need to tell your brother, it makes people worry about him.

At the same time, at an intersection of the North Ring Road, a vicious traffic accident also occurred.

An Accord sedan, in the intersection monitoring area - rear-ended a medium-sized truck pulling steel bars.

The driver of the Accord sedan died in a single scene.

After the accident investigation by the traffic police, Zhang Cheng, the driver of the Accord sedan, bears full responsibility for driving under the influence of alcohol.

Of course, traffic accidents happen every day.

Without attracting anyone's attention at all, Ronald took Bai Fengyi and Hu Nina to drive directly back to the capital after two more stops.

Back in the magic capital, Hu Nina immediately moved into Zhang Lan's house.

In fact, Mayfair and the others wanted to fight for the new sister's residence.

However, it is a pity—they have to live on campus during this period of time, so there is no way to play with their new sisters at all, so they can only let one new sister throw into the arms of 【Big Baby】.

It would be better for them to come back early, but unfortunately - when who told them to go back to the Magic City, the Mid-Autumn Festival had already passed.

And Fei'er and the others had that incident at school again, so there was no way - Fei'er and the others could only watch a powerful teammate and turn to the big baby.

Why is Hu Nina strong? Of course, she is stronger than Ronald's first love girlfriend. Because it's not strong enough, they often say sour words in the WeChat group - and Zhang Lan did not hesitate to go back.

Zhang Lan felt very exciting to use another identity to compete with his daughter and be jealous. For a while, the whole WeChat group was full of uproar, and it was about to catch up with the small theater of Gongdou Opera.

Even Ronald knew about this. Who told Ronald to use Bai Fengyi's WeChat account to lurk in his girlfriend's WeChat group? By the way, Bai Fengyi's name in the WeChat group is - Little Black Girl.

Well, that's why I named it so that I wouldn't expose my boss.

So - although Bai Fengyi doesn't care

It doesn't matter whether it's the name or the color of the skin, it doesn't match the dark side at all, but I still have to be wronged and under the guidance of my boss, I came up with such a name.

They had a lot of fun in the WeChat group, but Ronald was so bitter that in order to appease the girls, he could not wait to break up a day into forty-eight hours to spend.

In the morning, I had a video with Mikoko Komatsu to appease, and at noon I went to school to appease Mayfair and the others. By the way, they also had a video lunch with Fayina and the others who were far away in the capital.

In the afternoon, I went to pick up Zhang Lan, Xiaobai and Hu Nina from get off work, and then had dinner together. In the early morning, I had to chat with the three sisters Sophia, who were far away in the United States, to express their sincerity.

Sometimes Ronald couldn't help but sigh, scumbag - it's not so easy to be.


Chapter 3 Arriving in the capital... [3/[-]]

At [-]:[-] noon, a black Mercedes-Benz with a Beijing photo was in the parking lot of Beijing South Station.

From the car, two beautiful girls with tall blond hair and blue eyes stepped out.

When the two got out of the car, they immediately attracted everyone's attention, whether it was the younger, exotic girl, or the older woman who seemed to be full of wild beauty, everyone couldn't help but sigh - Yang The girl's development is good.

And these two are obviously used to being the center of attention.

The two got off the car and hurriedly walked towards the exit.

"Sasha, hurry up Dede's car is coming to a stop soon, I don't want to make him angry!"

"What's the hurry, the train will only be late, not early!"

"Who said the last time we came back, the high-speed rail would have been earlier!"

"Well, I forgot that this is a magical country!"

Listening to the conversation between the two women, passers-by suddenly felt okay, the feeling is Maomei, no wonder she is so beautiful.

There is no way - the beauty of Mao Mei has almost become the consensus of the Chinese people.

It was none other than Faina and Sasha. They came here today to pick up Ronald.

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