But in fact, Lao Chuanban is the most authentic for the gluttons who know how to do it.

It's a pity that there are too many people going to Laochuan for dinner, and they often queue up in advance, and they are not necessarily the top ones.

So, when Qi Miaomiao and Wen Wanqi drove to Park West Street, what they saw was the queue that was going out to the elders.

However, Qi Miaomiao had already expected this and didn't care.

After parking the car, he walked directly towards the restaurant with Wen Wanqi.

However, just as the two were about to enter the restaurant, Qi Miaomiao suddenly realized that her sister was not leaving.

"What's wrong Kiki"

Qi Miaomiao stopped in surprise, looked at her sisters, and saw Wen Wanqi who stopped, looking at the group with a tangled face.

Qi Miaomiao followed her sister's gaze and found that the target her sister was looking at was a combination of one man and two women.

This combination of men and women is also extremely eye-catching. The man looks like he is in his twenties. He is tall and straight, and his appearance is extremely handsome.

Even today, when technology has developed to the limit, Qi Miaomiao has to admit that she has never seen such a handsome man.

As for the two foreign women, they were two beauties from the country of Mao who each had their own merits.

The combination of handsome men and beautiful women can really sway the eyes of a blind man. Especially, the two women snuggled up beside the man, smiling beautifully, which can make countless single dogs hate their teeth.

It's just that Qi Miaomiao knew that her sister's character was definitely not a single dog character who was jealous when she saw people.

Why did she stop looking at this man? Could it be that this man is actually a boyfriend secretly talked about by her sisters?

Chapter 2 You dare to find a mistress... [3/[-]]

Chapter 3 The cup of wine annihilates enmity... [3/[-]]

At this time, Wen Wanqi looked at her sister's actions with a dull expression. Qi Miaomiao and Qi Miaomiao have been sisters for more than ten years. It can be said that the two have played together since childhood.

She had never seen the outspoken Qi Miaomiao so close to any man before.

Is this still that... the 'Second Young Master Qi' who fought in the capital circle of three generations and four generations, even, at this moment, three philosophical questions appeared in Wen Wanqi's mind - who am I, where am I, and where am I? What are you going to do? At the same time, she felt a little bit of sourness in her heart, which made her startled - could it be that... what Bai Fengyi said was true, she really liked Ronald, and kept biting Ronald's not letting go is just to get his attention Impossible Absolutely Impossible.

"Come on, Kiki"

The shout from Qi Miaomiao woke her up.

"Ah, here I come"

As for the men, Fayna and Sasha were both dragged away by the woman who suddenly appeared. What else could they do? Of course, they could only follow Qi Miaomiao and drag Ronald away. When she entered the restaurant, the security guard at the door who was responsible for maintaining order obviously knew her and did not stop her, letting the group enter the restaurant.

After arriving at the restaurant, a chubby middle-aged man with glasses greeted him, "Yo, Miao Miao is here, what would you like to eat today?"

"Bring me a piece of boiled meat, spicy chicken and gluttonous frog"

After ordering six or seven, Qi Miaomiao seemed to feel that it was almost enough for a few people, so she didn't say any more, but turned her head to look at Fayina and the others, "Look what you want to eat"

"One more couple's lung slice, one more"

Fayna unceremoniously ordered more than a dozen dishes and two or three noodles before she stopped.

"You, have you finished eating?"

Hearing Fayina's words, Qi Miaomiao asked in amazement.

"Of course it's over!"

Of course, Fayna ordered so much, not for herself, but for her man to spend so long together, how could she not know how much her man eats? Fayinna, who was a little unhappy with Qi Miaomiao's questioning, scolded. In the past, "If you don't have enough money, I can pay the bill!"

Qi Miaomiao laughed, the Qi family didn't have much money, but it wasn't that they couldn't even afford a meal. It was just her tutoring from childhood that made her get used to not wasting it.

"Okay, you're done eating!"

Qifayina cared about her and turned her head to the middle-aged man: "Uncle Huang, that's all!"

"Okay, I'll let the back chef make sure to go!"

The middle-aged man nodded with a smile, Qi Miaomiao was a frequent visitor here, he didn't need to entertain her too much, and he also knew that Qi Miaomiao didn't like the kind that was greeted and sent in the officialdom. Or should I say - the Qi family didn't like that set.

After the explanation, Qi Miaomiao took Ronald directly through the restaurant and went to the second floor, which was not open to the public.

These are all single rooms but never open to the public.

Only certain specific groups of people are qualified to eat here. What the Beijing Office is doing is not just to usher in the money sent to the running department, and it has never been said.

If you want to run the department, then if you don’t know anyone, you’re a jerk

Some incense before is better than cramming.

So, you all know that compared to the messy hall below, the single room upstairs is much cleaner. Not long after Qi Miaomiao brought Ronald and others into the single room, two sweet-looking waiters walked in. Pour water for them.

After the waiters left the single room, Qi Miaomiao looked curiously at her sister Wen Wanqi and asked, "Qiqi, what is your relationship with this...? Misunderstood"

Hearing Qi Miaomiao's words, Wen Wanqi didn't know what to say for a while, she hesitated for a long time, and couldn't make it clear.

Instead, Ronald looked at her embarrassed, smiled and relieved her.

"I have nothing to do with Officer Wen. She always thought I was a murderer!"

"I thought you were a murderer"

Hearing Ronald's words, Qi Miaomiao was stunned for a moment, and she suddenly realized: "Oh!! So you are the culprit behind Qiqi's suspension."

"I don't know what happened to Officer Wen's suspension."

Ronald was also a little strange. He really didn't know that Wen Wanqi was suspended.

"Haha, actually, it's—"

Maybe it was because Ronald was pleasing to the eye [affected by the magnetic field], so Qi Miaomiao didn't care, and directly sold his girlfriends to Barbara. When Ronald heard Qi Miaomiao's words, he smiled bitterly, "This is me. I really don't know, I can't just admit the things I haven't done in order to prevent Officer Wen from being suspended."

"Bah, you're a badass!"

Hearing Ronald's words, Wen Wanqi couldn't help but said coquettishly, "Sooner or later, one day, I will arrest you."

Her words that were like little children made all the girls couldn't help laughing.

This Nima is like what a policeman said to a criminal suspect, obviously a girl acting like a spoiled child to her boyfriend.

I have to say that aside from the unhappiness and prejudice at the beginning, after getting along really well, Wen Wanqi and Qi Miaomiao found that Ronald is still a man who gets along very well.

And Ronald also felt that Wen Wanqi and Qi Miaomiao were actually two good girls, especially Qi Miaomiao, a tiger girl, so she really dared to ask anything. The first sentence she asked was—"Rona Are you an overseas Chinese who has returned from abroad?"

Ronald was of course not an overseas Chinese. He had to explain the origin of his name with a wry smile, and immediately made Qi Miaomiao, a tiger girl, lie on the table with a smile, and patted the table desperately.

Then, the topic was diverted to the weird name given by the weird parents in the country. So Ronald, as one of the victims, suffered a ton of harm.

But fortunately - the serving interrupted this topic that Ronald hated to the point of itching his teeth.

After the joke just now, the relationship between the people seems to have become a lot closer. Qi Miaomiao directly asked the waiter to bring a bottle of Feitian Maotai, and after opening it, she filled it with everyone, "Meeting is fate, Dezi, you and Qi Qi's grievances and grievances are on my face, and I will take it up and drink it if I lose face in a glass of wine."

Speaking of this, what else can Ronald say to read the underlined version of the novel, please remember to save the m.aikanshu8.com unique domain name, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 1 is not allowed to go... [3/[-]]

Wine is a good thing.

It can make cowardly people full of courage, make first-timers feel like old friends, and make countless crazy men and women get married.

Of course, you have to drink a certain amount.

But now there is a saying on the Internet that in the face of ugly people, I will never get drunk.

In the face of a handsome and handsome guy, I would get drunk with a glass of orange juice.

This may be the legend that alcohol is not intoxicating and people are self-intoxicating. Now Wen Wanqi is almost in this situation De, it is so pleasing to the eye that it cannot be more pleasing to the eye.

It's a pity that the pig's feet on the wine table is not her, but her best friend - Qi Miaomiao.

For Qi Miaomiao, who had been intoxicated with alcohol since childhood, this wine was nothing at all.

Those who have been in the army a few years ago know that there is a prohibition on alcohol in the army now, but in the early years, when the festivals came, other troops in the army could not supply, but there was absolutely enough alcohol.

The purpose is to let the soldiers not miss home when they are reunited with their families.

And out of the army, few don't drink.

This is especially true of the Qi family who came from a family of soldiers - a bottle of Maotai is said to be divided into five people, but in fact a large part of it has entered the mouths of Qi Miaomiao and Ronald.

No way, Qi Miaomiao never regarded herself as a woman, and there was only one man on the table, Ronald, so—she pulled Ronald to drink unconsciously.

As for Fayinna and Sasha, who both have vodka flowing in their veins, she just ignored them.

"What kind of routine are you practicing?"

Qi Miaomiao looked at Ronald with a smile on her face, her eyes full of curious eyes of inquiry.

In particular, Ronald's ability to subdue her with one move outside the restaurant made Qi Miaomiao extremely curious.

You know, although she did underestimate the enemy at that time, it is definitely not everyone who can stop her with one move.

"I've never learned a routine!"

Ronald smiled back.

"You fool me!"

When Qi Miaomiao heard Ronald's words, she had a face of disbelief, "You can't say that I'm a buddy. If you're a buddy, tell me what routine you practice, Jeet Kune Do, Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or"

"I really don't have any tricks!"

At this moment, Ronald really felt wronged to the extreme. He was really useless with any moves just now.

The so-called martial arts in the world are only fast and unbreakable.

In the end, isn't it all the tricks as long as the speed is fast? With Ronald's speed, do you still need tricks?

Qi Miaomiao clapped her hand on Ronald's shoulder, and said carelessly: "Dare you dare to bet with me, as long as you have a fight with me, I will be able to see your footsteps. !"

Hearing Qi Miaomiao's words, everyone was stunned for a while, while Ronald looked at the hand on his shoulder with a bit of confusion, and sighed helplessly, "You just want to fight me, right?"

"Hey that's right!"

Qi Miaomiao directly admitted Ronald's words, "I just want to have a fight with you. The one time just now doesn't count, that place is not the place to fight. If you are upset, you can say if you want to fight with me. Bar!"

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