Until she saw her father's figure completely disappear outside the door, Nakamura Ayano couldn't hold back her excitement and turned around, hugged Ronald tightly, and said incoherently, "Dude, my father, my father agrees. Is it our business?"

Under the excitement, Nakamura Ayano didn't know how to express her happiness. Holding Ronald was a meal: dear.

It's no wonder that in the beginning, the only reason why she would leave Ronald was because she was worried about the thoughts of her father at home. She knew that her man was not the kind of... a little man who would go into marriage, so she never dared to mention to him that the family needed to be married.

And the family situation really needs someone to inherit. In this case, Nakamura Ayano is of course in a dilemma.

In the end, under the continuation of love and family, she resolutely chose the continuation of the family.

Don't say anything for the sake of the family, a life in this world is by no means a single individual.

Her emotions were affected by the parents around her, the education of relatives and friends from childhood to adulthood, etc. At that time, she and Ronald didn't know each other for less than a day. Ronald just infected her with his psychic ability bit by bit, instead of forcibly. In that case, when there is a conflict between love and family, Nakamura Ayano will of course choose family.

After all, if you want to use less than two days of feelings to collide with decades of family love without strong cheating, everyone will naturally have a steel scale in their hearts.

Chapter 2 Ronald's doubts... [3/[-]]

After a simple dinner, Ronald went to wash up under the leadership of Ayano.

As a Nakamura family who is not bad for money, the bathroom at home is of course super luxurious.

Because of her guilt, Ayano went straight in when Ronald was taking a bath, and provided him with a back rub in the bathroom, which is only available between husband and wife.

By the way, although the residence of the Nakamura family is one of those old-fashioned Japanese-style mansions, the interior decoration is still very modern.

According to Ayano, this is nothing, there is a natural hot spring bath in the Nakamura house in the countryside.

Well, it's not important - after Ronald returned to his room after bathing, he found that the guest room that Nakamura's mother arranged for him was actually Ayano Nakamura's boudoir.

It seems that Nakamura Ayano's father can't wait to hug his grandson.

Ronald, who was lying in Ayano's room, put his hands behind his head and looked at the ceiling with his eyes out of focus. At this moment, he was thinking about one thing.

Today, through his contact with Nakamura Soma and Nakamura Yoko, he found that no matter what

No matter whether it is Nakamura Sosama or Nakamura Yoko, there is no trace of the Yinhui blood in his body.

Even for the test, Ronald did not hesitate to secretly cast the blood identification technique he learned from the wizard's mind to identify.

But there is still no harvest. This means that either Nakamura Mongzheng, or Nakamura Yoko, they don't even have the hidden silver blood in their bodies.

But this is impossible. The Yinhui bloodline is spread through immediate family members.

Well, it's also possible that Nakamura Soma is not Nakamura Ayano's biological father, which means that Yoko Nakamura steals people, Nima, how can there be such a weird feeling that a detective film suddenly turns into an ethics film? Just when Ronald was thinking about it. The door suddenly opened.

Nakamura Ayano, dressed in a cherry-colored kimono, walked in from outside the room.

Seeing Nakamura Ayano who was clearly dressed up in front of him, Ronald was stunned for a moment. He was going to sleep under any circumstances. Nader's weird eyes, his face turned red in an instant, and the whole person was around his neck, giving people a feeling of pity.

Resisting her shyness, she gently closed the door of her room and then took small steps, walked slowly to Ronald, knelt down slowly, and touched the bottom with three fingers of both hands. Please take care of your husband in the future."

Seeing Ayano Nakamura in front of him, Ronald's heart trembled because of the snow-white neck that came out.

I have to say, this kind of incomparable obedience, and offering myself to him really made Ronald a little moved.

In particular, when Ronald thought of how to wear a kimono, his heart became even hotter.

He raised his hand and dragged Nakamura Aya into his arms like a neon doll. He held her in his arms and whispered in her ear, "Is it a kimono worn in the most orthodox way? "

Hearing Ronald's question, Nakamura Ayano's pretty face turned even redder.

After receiving Nakamura Ayano's affirmative answer, Ronald exploded in an instant. What are you waiting for to win glory for the country? At this time, all words are superfluous, and the night of fish and dragon dance is over. See all of Dongying in one night: flowers

early morning, when

When Nakamura Ayano slowly opened her beautiful eyes, the first thing she saw was Ronald's unparalleled beauty.

"Your Majesty"

Muttering Ronald in his mouth, Nakamura Ayano's eyes couldn't help but go crazy.

Although, it was not the first time that she slept with Ronald, but last time after all, because her ligament had just been torn, Ronald did not have a real fight with her.

So, to be precise, today is her first time last night. Although she felt much less pain because of the ligament strain last night, the blessings and misfortunes depend on the misfortunes and the blessings.

Because of this, she was even more crazy last night.

At this moment, she suddenly realized that with her husband's situation, a woman really can't think of it, and Nakamura Ayano's jealousy towards those women suddenly diminished a lot.

After all, death is the same as starving to death, although the method of death is different, but in the final analysis, it is death. If possible, Nakamura Ayano does not want to starve to death.

She just wants to be normal, but, obviously—she will definitely be killed by her own words. So, the people who can share are the happiest people in life. But, no matter what.

Whether it is dead or normal, Nakamura Ayano knows that she absolutely cannot live without Ronald.

When I thought about it, Ronald would not exist in my life for the rest of my life.

Nakamura Ayano just felt heartache as a woman who couldn't breathe. Sometimes, when she was inexplicable, she became sentimental and imagined that she was abandoned by Ronald. Like pearls, in silence, it was full of pretty faces.

"Why are you still crying: does it hurt?"

Ronald didn't expect that when he woke up early in the morning, he saw Nakamura Ayano's pear blossom with rain, and he felt distressed.

Speaking of which, he was indeed a little angry last night, so he tossed her a little harder.

But I don't want to cry to him in the morning. Wasn't it normal last night? "Sir, don't abandon Ayano in the future, okay?"

Nakamura Ayano couldn't bear it any longer at this moment, he opened his arms and hugged Ronald tightly, and choked: "In the future, Ayano will be the most obedient little wife of your husband, Ayano will definitely be obedient, so that's why my husband No, please, Ayano, okay?"

Hearing Nakamura Ayano's words, Ronald had a feeling that he couldn't laugh or cry, okay, this girl has been completely planted by him, and she can't escape if she wants to run in the future.

While patting Ayano's back, Ronald asked in a low voice, "Really? Does Ayano dare to leave without saying goodbye?"

"I don't dare, sir, Ayano doesn't dare to leave without saying goodbye."

At this time, Nakamura Ayano looked like a poor little sheep and nodded her head with all her might.

"Ayano will be a good husband, forgive Ayano, okay?"

Looking at Nakamura Ayano who looked at him expectantly in his arms, Ronald smiled and nodded lightly, "As long as Ayano-chan is obedient, then I will not want Ayano-chan."

"Your Majesty"


Chapter 3 New discoveries at breakfast... [3/[-]]

Just as the two were about to start their morning battle, the voice of Ayano's mother Yoko Nakamura suddenly came from outside the door.

"Ayano-chan, Luo Jun has breakfast."

The cry instantly brought the two back to their normal state.

That's the downside of living with parents and always being interrupted at the most critical point.

Well, anyway, this is not my home after all.

Therefore, Ronald couldn't be too arrogant. Under the service of Ayano, Ronald got dressed.

At this time, Ayano started to pack up the bed, and when she saw the bright red on the list, her pretty face immediately turned red.

Didn't someone say that Nakamura Ayano injured his ligament in an accident during the competition, and it was ruptured? I can only say um- that...the rupture is not very thorough, and it has a lot to do with the model.

Without further ado -- when Ronald helped the limping Ayano Nakamura across the atrium to the restaurant.

Nakamura Soma and the smiling Nakamura Yoko have been sitting at the dining table for a long time.

Seeing the two approaching, Nakamura Yoko's face was filled with a gentle smile, "It's great, Ayano-chan grew up in a blink of an eye and finally became a woman."


Hearing his mother's teasing, Nakamura Ayano's pretty face turned even redder, and she wished to hide her whole body with her head down.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Ayano-chan."

Looking at Ronald who was sitting down with his daughter, Yoko Nakamura said in a relieved tone: "My daughter who is not good enough has caused you trouble, or else you would have thought that my daughter might have to practice karate in her life. It's been a lifetime."

"Auntie, you are too modest, it should be me thanking you for raising such a wonderful daughter"

Ronald said with a smile.

"Luo Jun really can talk, but it doesn't matter if you call me mother now."

Hearing Ronald's words, the smile on Yoko Nakamura's face deepened.

If it is said that there is naked hatred between the father-in-law and the son-in-law, then the mother-in-law and the son-in-law are the most natural allies.

Of course, the premise is that you don't meet a mother-in-law who sells her daughter.

If you come across that kind of...weird mother-in-law, then you're probably dead.

The good thing is that Ronald has never met a mother-in-law like that.

In any case, this breakfast was enjoyed by everyone. Putting aside the item of marriage, Nakamura is still very satisfied with Ronald, the prospective son-in-law, who is proficient in neon, English, and Russian. He is tall and handsome. .

If he has to be knowledgeable and good-looking, what else is there to be dissatisfied with? If he has to say that he has any flaws, then Murazongzheng feels that his prospective son-in-law seems to be too ambitious.

Just like all parents, after confirming that Ronald would be the husband of his daughter, Soma Nakamura asked about Ronald's current career.

At present, Ronald has a career of chicken feathers, whether eating soft rice is considered a foreign expedition or not. Things are said.

In this regard, Nakamura Zongzheng did not say anything, after all, he did not have much research on the mining industry.

It's just that a very ambitious impression has already been printed on

in his mind.

After all, when you are young, you plan to go abroad to mine. No matter how you think about it, it feels a little ridiculous. In China, you may have strong connections, but when you go abroad, your connections are zero, and in East Africa, that... chaotic place , In many cases, money is not the most important thing, but connections.

Coupled with Ronald's confession that he has never been to East Africa, Nakamura Masayoshi will inevitably feel that Ronald is a little too ambitious.

Of course, this is not a bad thing. In Nakamura's view, it is normal for young people to have some high-handedness and low-handedness. Even, in private, he hopes that Ronald's business will fail.

At that time, it may be easier for his daughter to convince Ronald, who was touched by reality abroad, to come back and inherit the property of the Nakamura family.

Taking a ten thousand steps back, even if he did not inherit the property of the Nakamura family, only with Ronald's mastery of the three languages, Nakamura Masayoshi felt that he would not let his daughter suffer.

Of course, Nakamura Sosama still wanted Ronald to join the family.

With this idea in mind, Nakamura Somatsu didn't persuade Ronald, but just told him - plan carefully, act cautiously.

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