
Nakamura Ayano stared at her man's eyes and said word by word, "For me, being unable to help my husband is the most painful thing for me, compared with the physical pain. , what is it?"

Chapter 1: Miho Konno who has thrown herself into the net... [3/[-]]

Hearing Nakamura Ayano's firm words and looking at her resolute expression, Ronald felt his heart was going to swell.

Ronald never wanted his woman to suffer, if possible.

However, there is no way for her to stay by her side for a longer time in the future, this level cannot be escaped no matter what.

Thinking of this, Ronald forced his mind to "please be patient"

As the voice fell, Ronald put one big hand on Nakamura Ayano's heart, and the other hand without hesitation on her back.

The position of these two hands is very easy to misunderstand.

However, this is something he can't do. He has to protect Ayano's heart in this way.

Just when Ayano was a little overwhelmed, she suddenly heard Ronald's voice in her ear.

"Close your eyes and feel the changes in your body."

She hurriedly closed her eyes and felt the changes in her body. Just when Ayano didn't know what to do, suddenly, a sharp pain came from her heart.

Bang-bang-bang At this moment, Nakamura Ayano seemed to hear her own heartbeat followed by an indescribable pain, spreading down little by little along her heart.

I asked, how painful is the Bloodline Awakening Ceremony? It's probably a pain level or two higher than having a baby.

The feeling of... the blood vessels in the body being forcibly stretched open, as if my body was forcibly torn apart inch by inch by a red-hot iron rod.

For the first five seconds, Ayano Nakamura could hold on, but after five seconds, she couldn't take it any longer.

She twisted her body, trying to avoid this feeling - it was not that Nakamura Ayano's will was not firm, but her body's instinct was avoiding this pain.

Unfortunately, this was already calculated by Ronald. In order for Ayano to successfully awaken her bloodline, Ronald had already used his psychic power to imprison her body in all directions, making it almost impossible for her to move.

Seeing Ayano whose whole body was trembling with pain, Ronald couldn't bear it anymore.

He knew that Ayano was forcibly enduring that... inhuman pain.

"Can't help it, just shout it out loud."

Hearing Ronald's words, Ayano couldn't bear it any longer. Zhang Kun suddenly called out, "It hurts!"

A shrill scream resounded throughout the room. At this moment, the magic silver smeared on her body was exuding a dazzling silver light because of the silver power gradually generated in her body, and as the time passed by Ayano, it became more and more dazzling. It slowly penetrated into her body little by little.

This scene in the room looked strange and shocking.

It was as if some evil ritual was going on.

In fact, the normal bloodline awakening ceremony will not be so painful. After all, there are breathing techniques in other worlds that can help the Yinhui nobles to widen the meridians in their bodies before the bloodline awakens. Moreover, under normal circumstances, the choice for the awakening of the descendants of the silver nobles is in Complete the Awakening Ritual before being a minor.

The advantage of this is that the body is underage, has a stereotype, and it is easy to reshape the meridians.

But Ayano Nakamura is different. She didn't practice breathing from a young age like the noble silver light.

Second, she was already an adult at this time, and her body's meridians had already been shaped.

So, it is inevitable that you will suffer a bit of guilt.

As for why Ronald didn't suffer from this pain in the first place, we can only say that Ronald is too lucky.

For the first time, he absorbed all the silver power of the great silver knight, and he was abruptly stunned by acridine, and he was exempted from this suffering.

Cough cough away.

As Ronald used his silver power to help his woman, Nakamura Ayano, to widen the meridians and awaken the blood vessels, the cry in the hot spring room became louder and louder: Get up.

And at this moment, someone in the room just across the wall from Ronald's room also heard Ayano's scream.

It's just, what the man is struggling with at this time is-why is a woman's voice coming, "He came with his girlfriend?"

Miho Konno's face fell when she heard the sound from the next room.

"So he has a girlfriend."

"Also, how can a handsome man like him not have a girlfriend?"

"Do you think everyone is the same as you Miho?"

"Ah, it's so annoying, can you guys stop being so noisy?"

"You don't have to be so miserable when you play."

Miho Kono covered her head with a pillow, but she could still hear the faint screams coming from the next door, which made her extremely restless. Full of "Ah, ah, you have finished."

At this moment, Miho Konno couldn't bear it any longer. She stood up angrily, walked out of her room quickly, came to Ronald's room and knocked loudly on the door: "Open the door!"

"Open the door and I know someone is inside"

"If I don't open the door again, I'll go find the female general."

Why are you looking for a female general to complain? Otherwise, why do you think it's hard to give Ronald an award? Maybe it's because of Miho Imano's threat, which has an effect on Ronald's door. , the door lock has been opened.

The furious Konno Miho didn't care too much, she pushed the door and rushed in, "Can you guys?"

Konno Miho, who pushed in the door, was dumbfounded, because there was no empty figure in front of her, and there was no one. There was only a still tragic cry, which kept coming from the passage leading to the hot spring room. .

At this moment, Imano Miho suddenly felt a chill behind her, and a chill instantly rose from the soles of her feet to the top of her head.

She didn't realize until this time that in her room, she heard the sound of a pair of men and women who were not ashamed, but it was actually a scream.

What happened inside, why did that woman scream so badly Ah, at this moment, Konno Miho could no longer hold back the fear in her heart, screamed, and turned around to open the door to escape.

But what happened next made her completely dumbfounded.


Chapter 2 Can't let her go... [3/[-]]

Chapter 3 Back to Tokyo... [3/[-]]

Early in the morning - As soon as Nomiho opened her eyes, what caught her eye was an extremely handsome and prosperous beauty.

Looking at this face that is enough to make countless women superb, she can't believe that she has a boyfriend like this.

Looking back on what happened yesterday afternoon, Miho Imano still has an unreal feeling.

She met him - she heard movement next door - and she came to warn him not to disturb others.

She was put in by him, she saw something she shouldn't read, in order not to let her leak the secret, so she became his woman. This is too exaggerated, even a light novelist would not dare to write it like this I don't think she really hates him at all. Although she was forced at first, she has to admit that she can't leave him anymore.

It was this rascal who said he was going to kill her at the beginning. This jerk looked at Ronald's sleeping face, and Miho Imano stared at him angrily for a long time, and then became discouraged. Yes, he did kill her yesterday. , and more than once this time, she has experienced the sense of... a gap from heaven to hell and then from hell to heaven.

Ah, forget it, don't think about it anyway, if he dares to deny himself, just bite him to death.

Thinking of this, Miho secretly pecked at Ronald's horn, and then forcibly endured the pain, breaking free from his arms little by little.

Since we are staying in a hot spring hotel, the first thing to do in the morning is to take a beautiful hot spring bath.

Miho thought, limping towards the hot spring room.

When she walked into the hot spring room, she found that there was already someone inside, it was none other than the senior who saved her from the fire and water last night.

"Oh Oh, Ayano-san"

"Oh, Miho-chan"

After saying hello, Miho sat in the hot spring without any shyness. She had seen all the scenery between the two of them, and it was nothing to be honest with her. "Sister Ayano seems to be beautiful again today. a lot"

Sitting in the hot spring, Miho looked at Nakamura Ayano and said.

She really isn't lying, Ayano is really much prettier than yesterday, not only her skin has become smoother and whiter, but her facial features are also much more three-dimensional.

"Hehe, Lord Husband said, this kind of transformation will last a long time."

Ayano said happily, "Fortunately, the detoxification situation was like the first time yesterday, only that time, otherwise, I won't be able to go out these days."

Yesterday, Ayano, who had completed the Yinhui breathing method for the first time, had the sweat glands all over her body getting rid of the foul-smelling black sticky sweat, so she had to wash it three times before washing it dry.

"I'm so envious. When will I be able to look like my sister?"

Miho said enviously.

"Don't worry"

Ayano smiled and said, "Didn't you say that, he has already found a way to help everyone transform? It just takes some time to prepare."

"I know, but, I want to quickly become: more beautiful."

Miho said coquettishly.

"Then you will ask your husband, Lord"

Ayano said with a smile: "Ah, right, after a while you drive to Shiobara City to help me buy some clothes, I can't wear my clothes anymore.

got smaller"

The original Nakamura Ayano was only over [-] meters tall, but now, she has reached over [-] meters tall.

Under such circumstances, she couldn't wear a lot of clothes, especially Xiongwei, which also increased a lot from +jing to +.

"Oh shit, Ayano

Sister, you just said it on purpose to be angry with me, right?"

"I fought with you"

Saying that, Konno Miho rushed towards Nakamura Ayano and the two girls and immediately started fighting.

After a while, Miho obediently walked out of the hot spring. She was going to buy clothes for her sister Ayano. As for money, although she wasn't very rich, it wasn't that she couldn't even afford clothes.

An hour later——When Ronald woke up, the two women had changed their clothes, packed their things, and sat in the living room waiting for him. Under the service of the two women, Ronald finished washing up. He just walked out of the room and walked towards the restaurant of the hotel.

At this time, it was almost ten o'clock, and there was no breakfast in the restaurant of the hotel.

Fortunately, Miho had already informed the female generals to help them reserve breakfast, so the three of them would not starve.

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