Next, the girls surrounded Ronald and walked outside the airport. Zhang Lan introduced himself to the three 3 neon girls. When the girls heard that she was the eldest sister who never showed her face in the video conference, she immediately One by one was shocked.

However, what surprised them even more was that the fact that Zhang Lan was actually Zhang Feier's mother instantly made the girls stunned.

They had to admire their men who could do it. However, that's not much of a surprise when they came to the makeshift parking lot outside the airport.

This time, Mayfair and the others came to pick up Ronald, and they drove a luxury bus, which is nothing. There are many people in the luxury bus. It is understandable. 10 girls.

Among them are the three sisters Sophia, Xitingsi, and Scarlett, as well as Fayna, Sasha and Ksenia, Valentina, Zina, Natyusha, and Koseleva who came from the capital.

When the girls saw Ronald coming, they surrounded him like crazy, chatting excitedly.

For them, being with their men is the happiest thing.

Zhang Lan and Zhang Feier did not squeeze in to join in the fun, but stood outside and watched with a smile.

Seeing Mao Mei, headed by Fayina, who was very happy around her man, Zhang Fei'er looked at her mother thoughtfully, "Mom, did you feel that Fayna and the others brought pressure, that's why he came to me to talk about the union."

"Hehe, although some are because of them, but not all of them"

Zhang Lan smiled and held his daughter's arm, and said, "We will meet sooner or later, and I think that instead of in front of Dede, our mother and daughter have a lot of trouble, and it is better for us to lose points in Dede's heart. It wouldn't be cheap for them to reach a private settlement."


Hearing her mother's words, Zhang Feier nodded gently.

She still believed in what her mother said.

After all, Zhang Lan has been her idol since childhood.

Besides, Zhang Feier didn't feel too angry or should say, she thinks it's not bad, at least - this is also a wish to understand her.

After all, her mother's emotional problems have always been a forbidden place in her heart.

I am afraid that she will be unkind, and that when she gets married again, she will not look down on that man.

Well now she doesn't even have to think about it.

Leaving aside the thoughts of the mother and daughter, Ronald got into the bus surrounded by the girls after getting close to the girls.

As the girls got on the bus, the bus started slowly, not towards the magic city, but towards Baoshan District.

It wasn't until half an hour later, when the bus drove into a secluded mountain forest around Baoshan District, that Zhang Lan said with a smile, "Husband, didn't you ask me to prepare a secluded villa for you a long time ago? What do you think of this place? "

Chapter 1 Ronald's House Rules... [3/[-]]

The villa that Zhang Lan chose was a villa area of ​​Guanlan Xiaozhu, which was close to Qiji[-]jia Village.

With the development of the magic capital, the real estate enclosures in various places have made a lot of money, and the villages here are naturally excited.

A few years ago, the head of the village and the party secretary of the village together decided that we should also do real estate.

After all, everyone is a suburb of a magic city, and there is a port area in our district. How convenient is it? No one imagined that after the first batch of single-family villas were built, they were left there.

I have to say, this villa was built really well.

They are all single-family villas, and the closest one is [-] meters away from each other.

Because it is built in a hilly forest, the green area is even more amazing.

However, because the surrounding facilities can not keep up with no one cares.

But the good thing is that the village does not expect these villas to make a lot of money.

After all, it is close to the port area, and you can make a fortune by selling anything.

So these villas were gradually abandoned and abandoned. However, in the past two years, some scattered ones have been sold out. When Zhang Lan got Ronald's advice, when he wanted to buy the villas, there was only the largest one left here. The villa has not been sold.

When the luxury bus stopped at the villa chosen by Zhang Lan, Ronald was stunned when he saw the villa in front of him.

The whole villa is in European style, the main body is a two-story structure, the building area is about 3 square meters, there are three living rooms, two kitchens, a total of seventeen rooms for the master bedroom and the second bedroom, as well as the bathrooms in each room.

There are two public toilets on the first and second floors. In front of the villa is a large garden, and behind the villa is a modern swimming pool with stylish layout.

This is nothing - Ronald is most satisfied that there is a super large basement below.

After seeing the villa, Ronald watched the girls happily select a room there, turned to look at Zhang Lan who had been following him, and asked, "How much money?"

“Not too much”

Zhang Lan smiled and stroked his long hair on his temples, "It cost 8 million [-] to buy a house, and [-] million for decoration and furniture."


Ronald was speechless for a while and it was more than a billion.

Why do you say so much, but then again, at this price, if it is based on the housing price of Modu, it is really not very expensive.

After all, the housing prices in the magic capital are generally around [-] to [-] yuan, and one square meter does not look at this place, but then... housing prices are definitely not cheap.

Zhang Lan pulled up his man and walked towards the master bedroom, "After your room has been arranged for you long ago, you are just a room where the eldest man wants to go to your concubine, so just knock on the door yourself."

"Why do you need so many rooms to live together?"

Ronald said as he walked.

When Zhang Lan heard Ronald's words, he gave him a blank look, and said in a sullen voice, "The children are not allowed to have any personal space when they follow you. Besides, when relatives come, it is very dangerous to follow you."

Hearing Zhang Lan's words, Luo Jue felt heartbroken for a while, what should she say

It's something you didn't think of, and she thought of it for you.

Coming to the master bedroom on the second floor, looking at the bedroom with a size of more than [-] square meters in front of him, looking at the super-large round bed with a radius of five meters that occupies most of the room, Ronald was heartbroken. It was all itchy, he hugged Zhang Lan,

He took her to the bed, looked at the blushing pretty face of this beautiful woman, and asked with a smile, "Where did you get such a big bed?"

"As long as the money is in place, no matter how big it is, it's not impossible to make it."

Zhang Lan said, and lightly touched the tip of Ronald's nose with his finger, "This will satisfy your dirty mind."

"Hey Hey"

Ronald laughed without saying a word.

"Yes, husband"

Zhang Lan looked at his man's handsome face, hesitated for a moment, and said, "I think it's time to tell them something, after all, it doesn't matter.

Whether it's Sophia and the others, or Mikoko and the others, it's not a good idea to hide it because you've already given up your family and business to Huaguo."

Hearing Zhang Lan's words, Ronald fell silent.

He was thinking about the danger of this, or - the consequences of what he did, would it lead to unforeseen things.

However, no matter how you think about it, it shouldn't be a big problem, and since the girls have already done this, it seems a little unreasonable for him to keep it a secret.

Thinking of this, Ronald nodded lightly, "Well, it's time to tell them."

Seeing that his man agreed with his idea, Zhang Lan's pretty face couldn't help revealing a smile.

"Then let's get ready now"

"it is good."

As he said he did, Ronald directly pulled Zhang Lan up and walked down from the big round bed.

The two went downstairs directly, sat on the sofa in the living room downstairs and waited for the girls to go downstairs.

And the girls did not let the two wait too long. Zhang Feier, Erica and Wang Jiawen were the first to walk downstairs. The rooms they chose were the next three rooms. After all, they had the best relationship. it is good.

Next was Sophia and the others whose plane actually arrived just over an hour earlier than Ronald's.

Fayina and the others also walked down quickly, followed by Mikako Komatsu. As for Bai Fengyi and Hu Nina, they didn't go up to see the room at all. They were always by Zhang Lan's side. They were the first to know about this villa. One, it can be said that many of the furniture here are selected by them.

When the girls gathered in the living room and looked around, there was a large area of ​​Yingyingyanyan, some who spoke Japanese, some who spoke English, and some who spoke Russian.

Damn, the whole United Nations General Assembly.

Seeing the girls looking at him with anticipation and curiosity, Ronald felt that his whole body was not well. "Cough, okay, everyone, be quiet a little."

Ronald said, stood up and walked to the middle of the living room. As his voice fell, the girls gradually became quiet. "From now on, everyone is a family."

Ronald looked at the girls and said with a smile: "I know it's impossible to make everyone feel like sisters, but I only set one rule, which is the untouchable red line - listen to everyone. Okay, Faina, Erica, and Ayano, you come to translate for your sisters"

"Everyone must be united, they can quarrel but not fight, let alone abuse their sisters.

If there is any internal conflict, you can find me to solve it if I am not there, you can find your eldest sister Zhang Lan, can you do it?"


Chapter 2 Ronald's Self-Exposure Conference... [3/[-]]

Just after Ronald's words were finished, Erica and the others translated their man's words into English, Russian, and Japanese, and told them to their sisters.

The girls have no objection to this request from their men.

Isn't this a very normal thing? In a big family, due to differences in living habits and three views, various frictions will inevitably occur.

At this time, it needs to be adjusted little by little. However, no matter how noisy the contradiction is, everyone is still a family, and it is immature to lead the internal contradictions of the family to the outside.

So the girls nodded and said that there was no problem - they could follow this house rule.

Next, it's time for Ronald to reveal himself.

It's just that this thing came too hastily, Ronald didn't even think about what to say. Suddenly, the whole atmosphere became awkward. Ronald stood in front of the girls, silent while the girls stared at him. He looked at his man, as if waiting for him to speak.

Looking at the expectant eyes of the girls, Ronald gritted his teeth and went for a ball. Now that he should apologize, he should apologize.

Thinking of this, Ronald bowed deeply to the girls, "I'm sorry everyone, but I actually concealed a lot of things from you."

Hear what Ronald said, no matter what

Whether it was Zhang Feier, or Fayna and Sophia, they were all stunned.

It's not just them, many of the girls are confused and don't know what their men are doing.

Only Zhang Lan and Nakamura Ayano, who knew something inside, looked at their man with a smile in their eyes.

"Dear you are hiding something from us"

"Come on, don't you mean to say, you actually have a fiancée or something?"

Hearing Fayna's words, the girls burst into laughter. To them, this is a complete joke It's their man who has one more fiancée, even if there are three more 0's, they will lose their temper at most.

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