As soon as the group walked out of the airport, they saw a middle-aged flower country man holding a sign with Ronald's name, waiting at the airport.

"Hi, I'm Ronald"

Ronald walked up to the man and said with a smile.

"Ah, hello, Mr. Luo, I'm Zhang Xiangdi"

Hearing Ronald's words, the middle-aged man hurriedly put down the sign in his hand and stretched out his hand, "Just call me Lao Zhang, I have prepared a car for you, let's go."


Ronald nodded with a smile, followed behind Lao Zhang with the four 44 Mao girls, and walked out of the airport.


Chapter 3 The country that kills himself... [3/[-]]

Chapter 1 Inspecting the Littlefontein Gold Mine... [3/[-]]

Although it was said to be nestled in the hotel, in fact, Ronald didn't let him down at all in what he was supposed to do.

Regardless of

Whether it is the review of the mining qualifications of the American mining company, or the preparation of renting a car, Ksenia and the others have basically done it.

Two days later - today is the day when the delegation led by Zhang Lan came to Joburg, South Africa.

Ronald got up early, took Ksenia and the others, and drove two medium-sized commercial vehicles rented from the hotel agency to Johannesburg Airport.

At [-]:[-]: , the airport where Ronald arrived waited outside for about an hour or so:.

Zhang Lan's plane arrived at the exit of the airport. Seeing Ronald from a distance, Zhang Lan couldn't help but threw his luggage to the entourage and ran towards Ronald.

Zhang Lan flew on Ronald's body, hugged Ronald tightly, and the kiss fell on his man's face like raindrops: "Husband, I miss you."

"I miss you too!"

Ronald patted Zhang Lan's dolphin, hugged her around a few times and put her down with a smile.

The few entourages behind them were speechless when they saw the excited appearance of their own boss.

In their minds, when did the unattainable Iron Lady of the Demon Capital have such a woman.

On weekdays, they saw that their bosses were all trembling, for fear of being scolded by a dog who didn't pay attention, they really didn't expect their bosses to have such a small woman's side.

Of course, they only dare to think about these ideas in their own minds, and they dare not say it.

Now that Zhang Lan has been received, Ronald will naturally return to Zhang Lan's team this time. He has brought a total of six people, two of whom are the company's legal counsel, a business negotiator, a medical practitioner and an appraiser. division with a geological exploration engineer.

Among them, legal advisors and business representatives are employees of Zhang Lan's company, while medical professionals, appraisers and geological exploration engineers are all hired temporarily with high salaries.

Why do you want to hire a medic because this is Africa, where there are infectious diseases everywhere without medical therapists, it is estimated that those people are afraid to come.

Take Zhang Lan and the others to the hotel, and after they settle down, let the entourage take a day off temporarily.

And here, Zhang Lan began to listen to the results of Ksenia's investigation here.

"We learned from the South African Ministry of Mines that the US mining company does have the right to mine the Litfontein gold mine"

"It's just as they said, because the safe sale of gold mines is not the same. According to the information we got, the remaining gold mines are too deep, so the mining cost is exponentially multiplied. Mining value, so they plan to sell the gold mining rights.

After listening to Ksenia's words, Zhang Lan turned to his man, "Husband, what do you think?"

"What do I think, Nader asked blankly.

When Zhang Lan heard Ronald's words, he pursed his lips and smiled, stood up and walked in front of Ronald, and straddled his man's arms, "I mean do you think we should buy Littlefontaine's? Gold Mine"

“Of course I will buy it”

Ronald opened his arms and hugged Zhang Lan's

Slender waist, smiled: "What we want is a reason to sell a lot of gold, not really to mine gold."

"However, after a large amount of gold is mined, it will be eye-catching, and the Littlefontein Mine will be targeted."

Zhang Lan hesitated.

"It's okay, I'll sit there and make it look like a military fortress"

Ronald chuckled: "If no one hits my mind, then everything will be fine, if there is, then I don't mind getting a country within a country in South Africa, anyway, it has a Lesotho, too. It's better to get another Litfontein."

Intellectually, Zhang Lan felt that it was inappropriate for her man to do this, but if love is rational, is it still love? Since her man has made such a determination, she won't stop her from saying anything.

Therefore, Zhang Lan feels that what he should do at this moment is not to persuade his own man, but to fill in the omissions for his own man.

"Then let's just spend more money and buy all the land near Litfontein."

Hearing Zhang Lan's words, Ronald thought for a while, then nodded, "Alright."

So, the tone was set like this. After the business negotiation team led by Zhang Lan rested in the hotel for a day, the next day, the negotiator from the mining company in the United States came to the hotel to conduct business with Zhang Lan's team. Negotiation After two days of business negotiations, the two parties finally signed the acquisition intention. Next, it is to conduct an on-site inspection.

Ronald and his party of twelve, divided into four cars, and the representative of the mining company in the United States, drove towards Littlefontaine.

A group of people, starting from Johannesburg, traversed the Northwest Province of South Africa along the way, traveled more than [-] kilometers, and reached Littlefontain after spending a day and a night.

What should I say about Litfontein? If you can still feel the former glory of South Africa in other cities in South Africa, then you will not feel any modern atmosphere in Litfontein.

Littlefontaine is located on the banks of the Lokuruman River, bordering Namibia to the east and Botswana to the west.

The whole of Littlefontein is equivalent to a small horn that South Africa protrudes between the two countries.

The gold mine is located in a hilly area [-] kilometers away from the town of Shuanghe in Litfontein.

The entire mining area is basically not too far apart from ore collection to beneficiation, cyanide separation, zinc placement, etc., and then to smelting and refining. The entire mining area is amazing.

Perhaps because of dealing with Ronald and his party, the local people employed in the entire mine seemed to be prosperous, all working in full swing, with a conscientious appearance. Although Ronald didn't know anything about mineral processing, he could. From the magnetic field of the mind, I feel the impetuous and worrying emotions of these people.

What are you worried about? Of course, you are worried that after the start of work these days, what should you do if there is no work? stocked up.

This is a necessary step. After all, when the geological exploration engineer follows the people from the gold mine to go down to explore, in the office, the representative of the American Mining Company is also diligently introducing Ronald to the whole The layout of the mine, please remember to bookmark and save to read the underlined version of the novel, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 2 One price, 3 million US dollars... [[-]/[-]]

“This is the living area”

"This is the rest area for the miners"

"This is the flotation zone"

Ronald smiled and watched the fat old beauty in front of him introduce the layout of the mining area to himself on the map of the mining area, and listened to him tell his advantages here.

What kind of workers are cheap, what electricity, water and other infrastructure are complete.

To be honest, these things are all fake. For a gold mine, the biggest cost is the mining cost.

As long as the mining cost is high, then the equipment is complete and the labor is cheap.

However, if you are idle, you are just kidding them.

To be honest, the area of ​​the entire mining area is quite large, with a size of [-] square kilometers, which is roughly the same as the land area of ​​Macau.

Of course, this place is definitely not as prosperous as Macau, but such a large area alone is enough to satisfy Ronald.

His general idea is that the two hundred knights of the Knights of Truth who migrated from another world first establish a foothold in this world and then consider other things.

Just when Ronald was thinking about his own affairs, the old beauty who was in charge of introducing him to the mining area was also looking at his expression.

To be honest, Smith, as the plenipotentiary representative of the American Mining Company, originally thought that Zhang Lan was the one who decided this acquisition.

But after observing these days, Smith found that regardless of

Whether it was at ordinary times or during negotiations, the beautiful president always looked at this... handsome young man's face from time to time. As a master negotiator entrusted with carte blanche, how could he not see this.

Obviously, the business negotiation this time was nominally decided by the beautiful president named Lan Zhang, but in fact, it was this young man named Nadro who was calling the shots.

That's why he started pulling Ronald to introduce the mining area after he entered the mining area.

If it wasn't for Ronald's own four 44-legged, beautiful model-like assistants, maybe Smith would have invited Ronald to a South African special service. Of course, cough, loli Lolita, what do you say Ronald doesn't like black people? Are you stupid in South Africa, there are also many white poor people who are struggling to survive, it means paying any money for some money. For Smith, who has lived in South Africa for a long time, It's not difficult.

After talking eloquently for a long time, Smith felt that his own words were a bit dry, but Ronald only smiled and nodded from time to time, but never made any promises. Smith can only help him. In his opinion, this is called Na Dero's flower country youth is obviously not a business rookie, and he has absolutely no impulsive energy like a young man.

Just when Smith felt that he had no idea what to do with Ronald, the door was suddenly opened. An hour ago, the exploration engineer who followed the staff of the mining company to go down to investigate came in angrily. The characteristic English said: "You are a fraud. This is a blatant commercial fraud."

Hearing the engineer's words, Smith groaned in his heart as to what was going on in the whole gold mine. Could he not have any idea? Take the opportunity to buy that... an engineer.

Now, it's clear - the buyout was very unsuccessful.

"Mr. Zhang, this is a complete scam."

This... engineer is also a grumpy person, standing in the conference room directly without the people over there, in front of both sides, and dangdang said everything.

To put it bluntly, almost all mining equipment here has to be repurchased because of the depth of the well.

This is just one or the other. The gold ore below is not a high-rich ore but a poor ore. That is to say, the mining cost plus the beneficiation cost not only does not make money, but also loses money.

Coupled with the need to repurchase mining machinery, Nima, you have to lose an old nose inside and out.

After listening to the engineer's words, Ronald turned his attention to Smith, who had a bitter face: "Mr. Smith, do you think Zhou Gong is right?"

"Dear Mr. Luo, you have a noble and experienced exploration engineer"

Smith, whose bottom line has been ripped off, has already given no hope for this acquisition. After all, in his opinion, there is no fool who would spend tens of millions of dollars to buy such a worthless gold mine.

The acquisition intention is the acquisition intention, which does not mean that the acquisition will be taken.

This time, after seeing Smith's bitter face, Ronald smiled, "Everyone, please go out and let me talk to Mr. Smith alone."


Hearing his man's words, Zhang Lan nodded obediently and walked out of the conference room with his sisters and the negotiating team.

The group of people from the American Mining Company turned their attention to Smith, after all, he was their head.

"You go out too"

Hearing Ronald's words, Smith keenly felt that this acquisition might not be the time for despair, so he waved his people out of the conference room without hesitation.

After a while, in the huge conference room, only Ronald and Smith were left.

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