Seeing that her elder brother was angry, the stubborn little witch instantly turned into a well-behaved little sister, "Brother, I'm sorry, Wei Er didn't mean it"

And the Eudora sisters were even more frightened by Ronald's violent drink. They knew better than anyone how terrifying Ronald was.

At this time, they couldn't say a word, and knelt down in front of Ronald with a thud.

And the foursome of Maomei were also a little scared at this time. They had never seen their man so flamboyant.



"Don't be angry, okay we were wrong"

As for the three Sajira sisters, who believed that they were the source of all these disputes, they were even more frightened and wept, and wept silently.

Ronald was speechless when he saw all the girls like this The sisters in the side world get along so harmoniously. In the cognition of the little dirty girl, the women in this world are only worthy of their elder brothers as hot weapons, and they do not deserve the rights of a lady at all.

They are at best a bed-warming maid. As for why the little dirty girl thinks this way, isn't it obvious? In that world where all the great power is attributed to oneself, the weak and weak are the original sin and weak commoners, and they do not deserve to be equal to the silver nobles and wizards. social status.

This kind of thought has almost been solidified in the mind of the little dirty girl, which is why she can make troubles in the United States in this world without any psychological obstacles.

In her opinion, those ordinary people who hold wealth and power are the slaves of a powerful superior. Isn't it only natural to enslave these ordinary people? This kind of thinking is deeply rooted and not so easy to reverse. Thinking of this, Ronald is helpless. He sighed and said, "Weier, come with me and you, come with me too"

After speaking, Ronald turned his head and walked towards the office area of ​​the mine to face the orders of his elder brother.

And the convoy that followed the little dirty girl, without an order, could only pause at the gate of the mine and wait for the order quietly.

At this time, the knights also rushed over from the living area. They stood at the door in groups of three or five, looking at the magnificent motorcade in front of them, and discussing in a low voice.

"This is a heavy truck, it's really big"

"Yes, if we have such a heavy truck, how many auxiliary soldiers can we transport at one time?"

"I really don't know what a heavy truck is. I prefer those armored personnel carriers."

Well, after a few days of TV shows, these knights don't really know anything about the world.


Chapter 2: Chinese businessmen are equal to fat sheep? ? ...【3/[-]】

Just when those knights were standing at the door watching the excitement, debating their opinions on this team.

Ronald is in the office building, re-educating the girls on solidarity.

How to educate If it is to persuade one by one, it is estimated that Ronald will be exhausted.

Not to mention the little dirty girl and sister Eudora, the three fuel-efficient lamps, even the foursome of Maomei are not so persuasive.

However, Ronald didn't want to sit down at first: talk to them one by one.

He has special persuasion skills in the face of fights between girls.

What kind of skill is of course sacrificing yourself and shaping yourself into a great demon king to forcibly suppress a group of girls, so that under his heavy pressure, they have an atmosphere of hatred and hatred, and they have to forget their differences and join forces to fight against him. .

It's just that this requires a good body and certain skills.

As it happens, Ronald himself has a good body and electrified skills.

And so—the work of persuasion began—just as Ronald was struggling to get the girls to let go and make progress together.

At the police station in Shuanghe Town, [-] kilometers away from the mining area, the black police chief Roderick is sitting in his office, feeling overwhelmed and unable to do anything. These days, more than a dozen people have reported that their relatives are missing.

For him, a small town police station with only [-] people, it was already a big case.

Shuanghe Town, as a border town with a population of less than a few thousand, the cumulative disappearance of more than a dozen people is already a major case for Director Roderick.

"Damn how do I know where those guys have gone"

"The legs are on them, who knows where they'll go"

"These goddamn chops"

Roderick slammed the documents on his desk hard, and roared angrily.

At this time, a figure in a police uniform walked in. He was the police officer Benny Roderick who was recently assigned by Roderick to handle the disappearance case.


Benny walked up to Roderick and saluted: "You call me"

Looking at the fat man in his thirties in front of him, Roderick waved his hand, "I asked you to investigate the disappearance case, how is your investigation?"

"After our careful investigation, we found that those people were basically missing on the night five days ago."

"And those missing persons were supposed to be together at the time"

"They all seem to have belonged to Mars Mining"

Listening to Officer Benny's words, Rodley slapped the table and said angrily, "I'm asking about the results of the disappearance investigation, not to confuse you with the things you already know."

"No no sir, listen up"

Seeing that his boss was angry, Benny's fat face suddenly squeezed a smile and said: "Although we haven't investigated why those guys are missing, I got a message."

"what news"

Roderick suppressed his anger and asked.

"Mars Mining Company has sold the gold mine of Littlefontain to the people of Huaguo.

Now, the owner of that gold mine is already a native of Hua."

Benny said this, with a flattering smile on his face, "Director Hua Guoren!"

Huaguo people - in the eyes of the South African police, are synonymous with cowardice and a symbol of fat sheep.

In their opinion, as long as they are from Huaguo, if they just need to scare them, they will respectfully offer a large amount of bribes.

The so-called missing persons are nothing compared to the large sums of money in their own pockets.

After all, the case-solving rate of the South African police system is so large that it is not uncommon for them to fail to solve a large number of vicious criminal cases. Justice and order are what they need, and justice is what they need. As long as their black party is in the majority, then they will always represent order. the party.

Even better is that those missing persons are ex-gold mine employees who just happen to have ties to the mine.

This is really a big stick in front of me. Thinking of this, Roderick's expression suddenly turned cloudy and clear. Seeing the look on his own director's face, Benny said righteously: "In view of the twenty-two missing persons They are all former employees of the gold mine. I think this disappearance case is likely to be related to the gold mine. So, I applied to lead a team to the gold mine to investigate."

Roderick nodded lightly and said, "You're right."

Benny's face burst into a smile, "But, since this disappearance case is too serious, I decided to lead the team myself this time."

As soon as Roderick's words came out, Benny's heart was full of slander [The ghost's case is serious, to put it bluntly, you are not afraid of the money I extort, and I will give you less] Although I thought so, but Benny's But didn't dare to say it.

After all, he was just a police officer and Roderick was the chief.

"It's the director, then I'm going to gather people now"

"Well, let's go!"

Following Roderick's order, there was a flurry of chickens and dogs in the entire police station. In addition to leaving behind more than ten police officers who must be guarded, the remaining twenty people including the chief Roderick Two policemen, each in six police cars, drove towards the Littlefontaine Gold Mine.

In fact, if it was replaced by a police station in another place, it might not be so simple and rude to ask for bribes.

But, where is this place? This is the most marginal area of ​​the Northern Cape Province. It is the junction of three 3 countries. In this small border town, Roderick is the emperor here.

His subordinates are also his arrogant capital. Of course, he needs to be appeased a lot on weekdays. As for how to appease, it is of course generous to others. He can't pay for these subordinates himself, isn't it? Eggs came to make money to appease his men. So Ronald became the unlucky florist that they saw. In the eyes of these niggas, what does it mean to be rich, to be afraid of trouble, and to be good at extortion.

It's a pity that what they didn't know was that this time they met this flower country businessman, who was different from other flower country businessmen. This... but not... a quail who would be cowardly when scared, they did a good job in the face of blackmail. In the end, it was nothing but a whole corpse.

Chapter 3 The conflict between the Knights and the police... [3/[-]]

Half an hour later—a convoy of six police cars had arrived at the gate of the Littlefontein Gold Mine. Roderick, who was sitting in the police car, looked at the long convoy parked by the roadside, looking at the corners of the road. There was a smile.

Why is he happy when he sees the team because the team is heading for a gold mine? What does such a team represent... The boss of Huaguo really wants to make such a big investment in the early stage, so he can rest assured Dazai slays these guys, and you don't need to worry about these guys turning against him.

Now, Roderick has begun to calculate in his heart how much money he will have to kill this time.

Perhaps, after finishing this vote, he can immigrate abroad to enjoy life.

How could this make him unhappy? However, when Roderick was having fun in his heart, suddenly, his car braked suddenly, knocking his head against the backrest in front of him.

"Damn, what's going on"

"Sir, our car was stopped by someone"

The little policeman in charge of driving said aggrievedly.

Needless to say, Roderick had already seen what was going on in front of him. The two police cars in front of him had been stopped by people at the gate of the mining area. Those were a dozen or so burly white men. Standing at the door with bare hands, they stopped their police car.

This made Roderick instantly annoyed.

In his view, in his own country, not hiring black people is against the government.

Of course, even if there is an executive order for this kind of thing, it just means that only [-]% of the black employees must be forced to employ [-]% of the black employees in the enterprises associated with the government. This is something written into the constitution.

And euphemistically called it - equal right to work.

Well, this time he didn't represent the labor department to look for trouble with the mine owners, he was here to handle the case [extortion] Thinking of this, Roderick got out of the car and walked quickly to the dozen or so white strong men. With a dignified look, he asked, "Who is the person in charge here? I'm Chief Roderick of the Shuanghe Township Police Station. There is a criminal case that needs the cooperation of your person in charge to investigate!"

Facing Roderick's performance, more than a dozen knights put their arms around Hungary and looked at them blankly.

"I'll ask again, who's in charge"

Roderick suppressed his anger and asked.

"I'm the captain of security here"

At this time, a figure separated from the crowd and walked out.

It was none other than the leader of the Knights - Amos.

"Are you looking for our boss?"

As Amos spoke, he looked up and down with disdain... Roderick.

In the eyes of Amos, the police are the eyes of the unprofessional soldiers in the eyes of their formal knights.

How could such a guy think such a waste? Roderick was completely angered by the contemptuous gaze of Amos. The gaze of Amos reminded him that when he was a child, when South Africa was still a white regime, he was harassed by those white people. The experience of people looking down with contempt.

This made a fire in Roderick's heart, "I now suspect that you are an illegal immigrant, take out your valid ID and"

As he spoke, Roderick was about to draw a gun.

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