At this time, Ronald had already sat back on the sofa. It should be said that South Africa deserves to be called the country of rainbows. South Africa in November is spring.

There are a few white clouds floating in the blue sky, and the warm breeze blows people's body and mind for a while.

Ronald, who was sitting on the sofa leisurely, stretched out his hand and dragged Millie, who was standing beside him, into his arms. At this time, while looking at the blue sky, the warm spring breeze was blowing. With a fleshy big doll in my arms, life is boundless.

However, Ronald's action shocked the little maid. She twisted in Ronald's arms a little bit, and said, "Lord, master, I really can't do it."

Hearing Millie's words, Ronald rolled his eyes speechlessly and gave her a slap in the face, "When you are your master, am I a person who always thinks about that?"

Although some of them didn't quite understand the complaints of their masters, but Millie understood some of them, and she couldn't help but slander - she also said that she was not a star, just in the office building, how did she make them look like eighteen if not If their sisters are silver knights, and their physical recovery ability is far beyond ordinary people, it is estimated that they will be like those sisters now, lying there and unable to get up again.

Of course, she thought so in her heart, but she didn't dare to say so.

If nothing else, if the owner becomes angry again, then she will be out of luck. At this time, don't say anything, just obediently make a pillow for the owner.

Thinking of this, Millie Eudora obediently cuddled her body in Ronald's arms, letting him use herself as a warm pillow.

After a while—going to help the group of... hapless policeman Jasmine Eudora, who overturned the police car, came back.

As soon as she returned to the office building, when she saw that her master was actually holding her sister, she walked over unceremoniously, got into her master's arms, picked up her master's big hand, and put it on her own. "Master, I have completed the task" on the waist

"Well, Jasmine is really good"

Ronald gave Jasmine a peck on Jasmine's little face without hesitation.

Jasmine smiled and gave her master a return gift.

Regarding Jasmine's behavior of taking the initiative to compete for favor, Ronald didn't reject it as long as they didn't fight within each other, and if they competed for favor or something, they would make progress. Why do you want to subdue those guys, those guys are black and ugly"

Jasmine asked while playing hand-folding game with her sister.

"Even if it's a piece of shit, an inconspicuous stone that puts them in a specific position will have a different effect."

Ronald said with a smile: "And, all I want is the energy where they are."

"Don't you think, this is a very nice place"

"The mountains are high and the emperor is far away, and a small police chief can control everything here"

"For me, what could be better than this"


Chapter 3 The base that is gradually on the right track... [3/[-]]

Here, Ronald turned the gang of nigger cops from the Shuanghe Township Police Department into his own dog.

After all, after the police agency closes the case, all ordinary people can do is accept the outcome.

On the other hand, after unloading all the materials of the team, Webber's training for the knights gradually got on the right track.

To a certain extent, the physical fitness of the knights has already exceeded the known physical limits of modern society.

This made Webb Aldridge, a special tactics instructor, ecstatic.

In his eyes, these knights are like the most perfect rough diamonds in the world, and they only need a few small carvings to reveal the most dazzling and beautiful brilliance.

Even, he did not hesitate to call these knights the most perfect special combat students he had taught since he taught.

Why do you say this? Because the [-] knights are not only physically superior to ordinary people, but also their reaction speed, cold weapon fighting skills, etc. are several times stronger than ordinary special forces soldiers.

What they lack is nothing more than a cognition of the weapons in this world and an ignorance of special warfare tactics.

And this is precisely what the best trained people need to do to deepen their cognition of the world is nothing more than one thing-learning, learning, and learning.

As a result, the knights headed by Amos are unlucky, except for learning about various weapons every day, all other courses are used to learn various knowledge of this world.

From astronomy to geography, from terrain reconnaissance to data processing.

From the customs of each country to the political structure of each country.

These sub-knights are being tortured in turn by teachers who are two or three times their number.

At the beginning, they also thought it was interesting to learn. The projection used in class was very interesting, the instruments used for topographic surveying and mapping were very interesting, and even the textbooks bound by paper were very interesting.

However, after half a month - they began to regret it.

Now, when they see the textbook, they have a feeling: they want to tear up these things that they regarded as treasures at first.

In fact, it's no wonder they are so, after all, they have superhuman physical fitness and reaction speed and memory.

However, it is also extremely painful to compress all the things that ordinary people have learned through ten years of education and force them into their minds within a few months.

It's a pity - no way, the weapons of war in this world have very strict requirements on culture.

Just like a sniper, he must first learn how to measure wind speed and wind resistance, and then he will finally get the sniper angle after considering the refractive index of sunlight in the current environment.

Of course, these alone are not enough, and a certain amount of live ammunition training is required.

To be honest, modern warfare has long abandoned that kind of war situation where you can fight it if you bring it, as long as you are not afraid of death, you will definitely win.

The reason why those countries that are deeply involved in war and chaos become weaker is because their national education cannot keep up with the war and chaos environment.

Seriously, in that situation, even if you were given the most advanced fighter jets, would you drive the most advanced fire control radar, would you use it? The most popular weapon is the junk that other countries have long since eliminated. Of course, if Weber Aldridge imagines,

After training them all, these twenty knights will become Ronald's sharpest daggers in this world.

What are you talking about, isn't Ronald already a non-human being? Why are you still training these guys? Are you kidding? No matter how strong Ronald is, he is only a person. How effective can he play in the face of state power? If I don't play hard with you, I will play soft knives and stab people. You can't stand it Without them you are a marionette in the hands of those people.

Therefore, a strong person is not considered strong, and a strong force is truly strong.

And Ronald wants to do too many things. He wants to bring the technology of this world to another world.

He wants to spread the scientific knowledge here to another world.

Then, he needs a huge force, an armed force that is enough to make every country dare not act rashly. Therefore, it is imperative to cultivate his own power.

And Ronald, sitting in a world, the best choice is undoubtedly to mobilize armed forces from another world to escort his vision.

As for - why not use the forces controlled by the little dirty girls, it is because they are too eye-catching.

The United States is not a dick, it is a dick, but his every move will be put under a magnifying glass by countries all over the world and carefully studied.

Therefore, Ronald did not intend to use the forces controlled by the little filthy girl. Moreover, the little filthy girl only controlled most of the leaders, and did not brainwash all the people below. It is easy to make mistakes.

However, it is impossible for a little dirty girl to control hundreds of millions of people at the same time. Modern society is an incomparably precise machine. Everyone is a part of this machine. If any node has a problem, it will cause unimaginable things. disaster.

Ronald didn't want to make a big deal of the behemoth under the control of the little filthy girl until he had fully grown up.

Of course, all of these calculations require time, and the most important thing for Ronald is time-the Littlefontaine Gold Mine at this time has become a large construction site.

There was the roar of construction machines everywhere, and the weapons and various materials brought by the little dirty girl were temporarily sealed in the mines of the gold mine.

After leaving a team to guard the gold mine, Weber simply took the knights into the Karahadi Desert for a three-month field training.

As for Ronald, as the boss of these guys, of course he has to go into the desert to watch this training session.

By the way, Zhang Lan has returned to China with the negotiating team, and the little dirty girl has also returned to the United States with her two maids.

In other words—the only ones who stayed here with Ronald were the four of them.

Seriously - on the day of separation, all the girls hugged their heads and cried. Zhang Lan cried because she couldn't see her man for a few months, and the little dirty girl and Sister Eudora cried because of this. .

Only the Maomei group of four cried because they felt that after the sisters left, they would live in dire straits every day. No way, who said Ronald's physique is too strong? Imagine having to support the wall every day : In the future of walking, the quartet of Mao sisters will be sad.

Chapter 1 The danger of being exposed... [3/[-]]

The mining area of ​​Litfontein - in addition to the mining area, other living areas, beneficiation areas and office areas are surrounded by a simple iron wall.

The sound of various construction machinery inside turned into a sound of Mr. Lu, who was wearing a helmet. At this time, he was personally leading two men in shirts and trousers to inspect the construction site, as if he was inspecting the progress of the construction site. Same.

But if you walk in and overhear their conversation, then you don't think so.

"Counselor Miao, what do you think?"

Mr. Lu asked in a low voice.

"The few white security guards we saw just now should not be from the army."

Counselor Miao, who was born in the army, said thoughtfully: "However, I feel that they are a bit strange."

As for Counselor Miao, he believed that he could still see whether a person had ever been a soldier.

After all, if a person has really been a soldier, then the smell of a soldier in his body cannot be erased.

"But the security guards gave me a very strange feeling, an indescribably strange feeling."

At this moment, the emaciated man beside him who had never spoken, suddenly said something, "It's like those college students who have just finished military training have a bit of a military flavor, but it's not strong."

This sentence instantly made Counselor Miao stunned for a while, he nodded and said, "That's right, that's the feeling, Xiao Chen, you see it thoroughly."

"That means they are indeed preparing for some kind of paramilitary training."

President Lu asked with a terrified expression on his face.

"Don't worry Boss Lu, this matter is not certain"

Counselor Miao comforted: "We have always believed in the people of our own country. We can't do nothing and just let it go."

Having said that, this... Counselor Miao looked at the security worker next to him called Xiao Chen, and then looked at President Lu, "Boss Lu, please do your project with peace of mind, we must first Go and investigate the true identity of this... the boss behind the scenes, and then do other preparations"

“OK, OK”

President Lu hurriedly nodded and said, "Then do I need to delay the construction period?"

"no need"

Counselor Miao shook his head with a smile: "You guys signed a project contract normally. If you delay the construction period, you will have to pay huge economic losses and follow the normal procedures."

"Ok, I see."

"Then let's say goodbye"

"I'll send you two"

Counselor Miao and security officer Chen Xing said goodbye to President Lu and drove away from the gold mine.

Chen Xing was driving, and Counselor Miao sat in the passenger seat, lost in thought.

In fact, when the two of them were on the construction site, they didn't tell the truth to President Lu.

When President Lu disclosed the news to the consulate for the first time, the consulate attracted attention.

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