In order to achieve this goal, the girls dragged their tired bodies tirelessly and began to help Fayna pack up.

They tried to make Fayna become the prettiest cub at the party tonight, in order to fight against those mad bees and butterflies who wanted to get together with their men.

As for Ronald cough, well, according to the words of the girls, it is—【Husband, you are already the most handsome man, please leave a way for other men to survive, it is enough not to dress up,】 What else can Ronald say about this, he can only take a casual shower and change his clothes from the inside to the outside, and then he is finished.

It was decided at 5:[-] to go out to attend the party held by Qi Miaomiao, but Ronald and Fayna did not go out until [-]:[-]:[-].

I have to say that dressing up as a woman is really time consuming.

The place where everyone agreed to meet was in a private club in Daxing.

According to the location of the mobile phone sent by Qi Miaomiao, Ronald set off from Fayina's apartment, and it took nearly an hour to arrive at the place.

This place is not very far from the apartment where Fayna lives, that is, it looks like more than [-] kilometers, but the key is - there is a traffic jam on the road.

According to the navigation, after Ronald drove to an intersection, he couldn't find the place.

The navigation instructions are here, but it is obviously an ordinary intersection in the suburbs, and there is no private club.

In desperation, Ronald could only park his car on the side of the road and call Qi Miaomiao.

Five or six minutes later, a jeep with a military badge drove over and stopped opposite Ronald.

A slender figure came down from the cab. By the already dark sky, Ronald recognized this figure.

It was none other than Qi Miao.

Ronald opened the car window with a smile, "Yo, Second Young Master, long time no see."

"You bastard, you are away from home every day"

Qi Miaomiao slapped him on the shoulder angrily, "Today in Neon, tomorrow in Africa, the flower country is not big enough for you, right?"

"Aren't I busy making money to support my family?"

Ronald said with a smile: "You also know that I have many girlfriends and I don't make a lot of money, so how can I support them!"

Hearing Ronald's shameless remarks, Qi Miaomiao punched him again angrily, "You will do something wrong"

While speaking, Qi Miaomiao sat in the back seat, "Let's go.

, I'll show you the way Fayna, you don't care about your man, just let him run around every day, and you're not afraid that the room at home won't be able to hold his woman."

"I can't handle him"

Fayina smiled and said, "Why don't you try Miaomiao?"

"Hey, if I were Dezi's girlfriend, I would definitely take care of him every day without opening the door, and give me a good wife and children at home."

Qi Miaomiao said boldly.

Hearing Qi Miaomiao's words, Fayna couldn't help laughing and joking, if her man was so easy to manage, the number of sisters wouldn't increase so fast.

This time, if it wasn't for Little Fontaine, South Africa, where birds don't shit, maybe there would be more teams coming back to their hometown sisters.

Of course, these words are inconvenient to tell an outsider like Qi Miaomiao.

Here Ronald was driving, and under the guidance of Qi Miaomiao, he turned a fork in the road, and the military jeep followed them unhurriedly.

Two minutes later, everyone turned into a roadside courtyard.

This yard without any signboard doesn't look very big from the outside, but it's unique inside.

At the time of parking, Qi Miaomiao introduced to Ronald: "This is also run by one of my sisters, and it is basically not open to the public. On weekdays, some of our sisters get together here. Today, I have been blown away. Go out, Dezi, you want to give me a long face"

Hearing Qi Miaomiao's words, Ronald was speechless for a while, "What are you bragging about asking me to give you a face?"

"It's nothing, I just blew it, you are handsome, athletic and proficient in fighting"

As he spoke, Qi Miaomiao's voice became lower and lower, and even Fayina couldn't hear the words behind.

"What did you say, Miaomiao?"

"No, nothing is just saying that you can speak four languages ​​and dance so handsomely"

Qi Miaomiao said a little embarrassed.

Hearing Qi Miaomiao's words, Ronald was speechless for a while, "You are so arrogant."

But fortunately, for the time being, he can still hold his own: "Next time you brag like this, then you can do it yourself"

Ronald said speechlessly.

When Qi Miaomiao heard Ronald's words, a smile suddenly appeared on his face. What did Ronald mean when he said this?

If there is no next time, there will be no next time. This time, let's talk about the bottom line first.

Anyway, Qi Miaomiao could see that Ronald was the kind of...hard-hearted and soft-hearted character, as long as he gave enough face, everything else was easy to say.

After everyone parked the car, they got out of the car.

At this time, the military jeep that Qi Miaomiao originally drove also stopped.

A slender figure stepped out of the car. It was none other than Wen Wanqi, the justice policewoman who once bit Ronald.

It's just that Ronald felt that in the girl's eyes when he looked at him, why was there a bit of resentment in his mind and after swept away the thoughts in his mind, Ronald smiled and said hello to Wen Wanqi, "Officer Wen, long time no see. what"

"Don't call me a police officer, I'm not a police officer anymore"

Wen Wanqi pretended to smile casually and said, "Long time no see Ronald."

Chapter 1: Wen Wanqi's Intentions... [3/[-]]

Looking at Wen Wanqi's pretentious appearance, Ronald sighed inwardly.

As a police officer, is Wen Wanqi wrong? She is right? As one of the parties, is Ronald wrong? At least in Ronald's own view, he is right. It is a very small matter, but some people If they insist on courting death, then Ronald will never get used to them.

It's just a pity that Wen Wanqi is such a good policeman.

Thinking of this, Ronald Gujiao pulled out a smile and asked jokingly, "It won't be because of me, right?"


Hearing Ronald's words, Wen Wanqi nodded generously. For a moment, Ronald was stunned and looked at Ronald's appearance. With a snort, Wen Wanqi smiled, "Okay, don't worry too much about you. relationship, I just felt that I was too immature and needed to receive more education, so I applied for a master’s degree at Public Security University.”

"You scared me to death"

Ronald wiped the cold sweat that didn't exist on his forehead and said angrily, "I thought you liked me, but your parents didn't agree, so you won't be allowed to work in the magic capital!"

Ronald's words made Wen Wanqi blushed in an instant. She raised her hand coquettishly and gave Ronald's mouth a hammer, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

In fact, at this moment, Wen Wanqi really felt a little guilty.

She hadn't seen each other for months, and she had almost suppressed the unrealistic thoughts she had about Ronald.

She also thought that she could abandon the once unspeakable secret love feelings, but she didn't expect that when she heard Miao Miaoyi say that Ronald was back today, the feelings in her heart that she thought had been suppressed for a long time burst out in an instant. .

Before she came, Wen Wanqi also asked herself in her heart what was so good about Ronald and why she was reluctant to part with him.

In addition to being handsome, in addition to being very good at fighting, in addition to being unreasonable and always bullying her, he has been thinking for a long time, and she can't get a definite answer, but her thoughts of Ronald are more and more overflowing. Out, it is difficult to hold on.

Maybe, this is love, I can't tell, I can't forget it, I can't help but want to be by his side, just to see him occasionally, and when she talks, she feels very happy.

Thinking of this, Wen Wanqi looked at Ronald's dark eyes like a black hole, and for a while she was a little crazy.

Just when the two were relatively speechless here, and when they were looking at each other, there was Qi Miaomiao's voice behind Ronald.

"Fayinna hurry up, drag your man away and he will harm my family Kiki."

"I can't drag Dede, let's talk about it, Huan Qiqi, just let my husband coax Qiqi home and be my sister."

"What little sister, Fayna, you are here. You obviously want your father to find a servant girl for the family."

"Hahaha, this is all seen through by you!"

Listening to the teasing of the two, Wen Wanqi's face turned red in an instant. She directly crossed Ronald, threw herself on top of her best friend Qi Miaomiao, and squeaked at her.

"Miao Miao, you have learned badly"

"Haha I'm joking don't squeak at me Kiki"

Ronald couldn't help but smile as he watched the two girls frolic there.

Regardless of

Whether it's Wen Wanqi or Qi Miaomiao, the two women are rare natural beauties frolicking, which naturally makes people feel pleasing to the eye.

"Husband, you are heartbroken"

At this moment, Fayna's whisper came from her ear, "Don't talk nonsense, I'm not, I'm not"

Ronald came to a three-line quality in an instant.

"Hee hee husband, you are so cute."

Hearing Ronald's words, Fayna hugged her man's arm in a moment of laughter.

After a while, Fayna stepped in and whispered in Ronald's ear, "I'll tell you a little secret."

"This time you went to South Africa for a few months, and we all thought you would bring us at least two new sisters back."

"Don't make trouble, that place is a place to find sister paper"

Hearing Fayna's words, Ronald couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"All black people are like charcoal, and almost all of them have AIDS. Who would find a woman in that ghost place and not be afraid of death?"

Hearing Ronald's words, Fayna couldn't help laughing and bent over. Qi Miaomiao and Wen Wanqi, who were frolicking over there, were also alarmed by Fayna's laughter. Come over.

Qi Miaomiao asked curiously, "What's wrong with Fayina?"

"Ask my family Dede"

Fayna pointed to Ronald with a smile, and the two women instantly turned their attention to Ronald.

"Let's talk as we walk!"

Ronald smiled and said, "We've been standing here for almost five minutes."

Qi Miaomiao thought about it, it was true, so she waved her little hand: "I'll lead the way"

As the group walked towards the exit of the parking lot, Ronald briefly recounted to the girls what he had seen and heard in South Africa, by the way, he also mentioned the few he met at the airport when he returned to China. When I saw Aunt Sweeper, I thought Ronald, a handsome returning buddy, took those buddies' astonished expressions when they saw Aunt Sweeper, and learned it so vividly that the girls all burst into laughter. While laughing, he walked out of the parking lot.

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