"Poetry is too much!"

"Sister Miao Miao"

Hua Shiyun said without giving an inch: "If you say that this time is an ordinary party, then I will definitely not say anything else and give Dede three glasses of wine to make amends, but——Since Qiqi said it, she is Dede's Introduce people, then we have to follow the rules."

Saying that, Hua Shiyun turned her head to look at Ronald, "According to the rules set at the beginning, Dede, you have to perform a talent show in front of your sisters that will be recognized by at least half of the sisters. There are no restrictions."


Ronald was also annoyed and paralyzed at this time, this is what you forced Lao Tzu to make a big move.

"No problem, then I'll sing a song!"

"Do you sing?"

Hearing Ronald's words, Hua Shiyun nodded, "Alright."

"Well, I still want to see Dede perform martial arts, but he can suppress the existence of the eldest sister with force!"

"Fuck off"

Qi Miaomiao was not embarrassed to hear that someone leaked his old knowledge, and scolded with a smile: "You really don't know how to play or if you don't know how to play, what's the point of breaking the law and performing routines as soon as you play?"

Wen Wanqi, who heard Ronald said she was going to sing, was a little anxious. She grabbed Ronald's hand and asked anxiously, "Dede, how can you sing?"

"Why can't I sing"

Ronald asked rhetorically: "How easy is it to sing"

"It's just because it's simple that it doesn't perform well."

Wen Wanqi said depressedly: "At least half of us here are Maiba, and they are really unlucky than singing. Even if you are a professional, you won't let them admire them."

"It's okay trust me"

Ronald smiled and patted Wen Wanqi and grabbed his little hand. His singing is more than just singing. Please remember to save the underlined version of the novel, and save it. Enjoy high-speed reading!

March 3~ I'm thinking about it, ask for a day off

Because I update two books at the same time, I often get confused, so I'm sorry everyone, I'm really stuck, and I ask for more than one day off.

!Summer reading books every day, charge 100 and get 500 coupons!:


Chapter 1 This doesn't count... [3/[-]]

After comforting Wen Wanqi, Ronald turned his head to look at Hua Shiyun, smiled, and asked, "Can't I just sing like this, with accompaniment?"

Hearing Ronald's words, Hua Shiyun raised her eyebrows, "Of course you won't be allowed to express your talent without an accompaniment."

Saying that, Hua Shiyun stood up and walked out of the restaurant.

"follow me!"

Ronald looked at her slender figure, shook his head speechlessly, and followed.

Wen Wanqi and Fayina looked at each other and hurriedly chased after them.

The other girls were even more curious at this time. In their opinion, Ronald was too calm.

Could it be that this guy sings really well? Curiosity drove them, and they all stood up from the dining table and followed them out.

A group of people were led by Hua Shiyun and walked out of the restaurant-directly to a room on the second floor.

When she saw Hua Shiyun's destination, Wen Wanqi was angry and she chased after her a few steps, rushed over, and grabbed Hua Shiyun's arm.

"Poetry, what do you mean"

"what do you mean"

Hua Shiyun looked at Wen Wanqi as if I didn't know what you were talking about.

"Dede is just singing, but you brought him to the musical instrument room, what do you mean?"

Wen Wanqi's little face stared at Hua Shiyun's eyes tightly, as if she was going to have a hard time with her.

"There is a ready-made karaoke room here, why not go there, come here"

"Since Dede wants to perform and sing, of course he has absolute confidence in his own voice."

Hua Shiyun said unhurriedly: "So how can those ingenious song software be worthy of Dede's singing voice?"

"It's more reasonable to play and sing whatever you say."

Having said this, Hua Shiyun turned her head to look at Ronald, "Otherwise, Dede, you say whether you want to play and sing by yourself, or if you want to sing, hehe!"

Although the words are not finished, the sentence behind Hua Shiyun is full of contempt for the duet.

That meant as if to say--Ronald was bragging if he wasn't singing to himself.

Hearing Hua Shiyun's words, Ronald was speechless for a while.

To be honest, he still hasn't figured out why Hua Shiyun is so hostile to him. He is sure and certain that he has never seen this chick before, so why is this chick so hostile to him?

However, since things had come to this point, he didn't want to back down, didn't he just play and sing? There's nothing difficult about it. At least he still has no problem with the piano. It's just that he hasn't played for a long time, and some of his hands are born.

Thinking of this, Ronald nodded lightly, "I choose to play and sing by myself."


Hearing Ronald's choice, Qi couldn't help but let out a coquettish sigh.

She was complaining about him here, but he actually went inside like this - it seemed that she was a little extra worried about it here and there.

This makes Wen Wan not angry and "reassured"

Ronald smiled and patted Wen Wanqi on the shoulder, "You have to have confidence in me."

Wen Wanqi's full of grievances was instantly turned into sweetness by Ronald.

"Hmph, who cares about you"

Feeling that the change in her mood was too obvious, Wen Wanqi gave Ronald an embarrassed look, and then returned to Fayna's side again.

"A confident man is handsome"

Hua Shiyun smiled and praised: "Dede, I'm starting to like you a little bit now, and I look forward to seeing you bring us a different audio-visual feast."

"Hehe, don't worry, don't worry about it."

Ronald knew that Hua Shiyun didn't have any good intentions when she said this, she wanted to flatter him, and now the higher he is, the harder she will step on him when he fails.

Let’s not gossip—the crowd then entered this musical instrument room—the entire instrument room is more than [-] square meters in size, facing the wall of the door, and there are drums, electric guitars, electric basses and other musical instruments. On the right wall, there is a Steinway piano.

"There are a few of our sisters who like to play musical instruments, and they usually like to play here"

"Of course, that's what the level is."

Speaking of which, Hua Shiyun turned her head to look at Ronald and asked, "Which instrument do you use, guitar?"

"Piano Bar"

Ronald said, walking towards the Steinway piano.

Sitting on the piano playing bench, Ronald lightly tapped a few keys, felt the keys and the sound, made sure that the piano had always been well cared for and tuned, and nodded lightly.

Speaking of which, he still learned the skill of playing the piano when he was a child.

At that time, the so-called quality education was just emerging in China. It seems that if you don't learn some musical instruments and dance, you will have no quality when you grow up.

That is, at that time, his mother gave him two choices-either to study the national standard, or to learn the piano.

At that time, Ronald, who took the national standard experimental class for a few days, had already deeply understood one thing, that is - learning the national standard is very tiring, so - he resolutely chose the piano.

It's a pity - even with the piano, he didn't persevere.

After five years of study, I finally gave up because of the high pressure of studying in high school.

Later, when his parents had an accident at the same time, he not only failed the college entrance examination, but also didn't bother to pick up the piano again.

After so many years, when he touched the piano again, he couldn't help thinking of how his mother often sat on the side and listened to him playing the etude, and his fingers began to tap on the keys. Gmüller's etudes, sad, flicked out of his fingertips.

When I am young, I do not know the taste of sorrow, so I give new words to express sorrow.

Back then, when he played this sad song, he couldn't integrate his own feelings into it, and was criticized by the piano teacher as having no spirituality.

But now, after experiencing so many things, he finally knew what sorrow was after seeing the warmth of human beings.

As the sad tunes echoed in the instrument room, the girls all stopped and whispered to feel the sadness that filled the room with the sound of the piano.

After a more than one minute sad piano piece was played - the whole instrument room was extremely quiet - it took about a minute or so before the girls' applause broke out.

"Dede is amazing"

"I almost cried just now"

"I gave you the pass Dede"

"I passed too"

Hearing the girls' shouts, Hua Shiyun, who was still immersed in the piano music, jumped out immediately.

"This doesn't count"


Chapter 2: Hua Shiyun, who was deliberately taken care of... [3/[-]]

Hearing Hua Shiyun's words, Wen Wanqi was the first to jump out and be unwilling.

"Why not?"

"That is, Mingming Dede has performed well."

"Yeah, Shi Yun, don't be too harsh"

This time, Wen Wanqi was not fighting alone, and other girls also started to speak for her. After all, they really recognized Ronald at this time.

In this regard, Hua Shiyun is not in a hurry, she asked with a smile: "Dude plays the piano so well, don't you want to listen to his confident singing?"

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