Marquis Horst asked with a smile.

With his daughter's inexplicable relationship with Ronald, Horst didn't need to be too outspoken to Ronald.


You see, my dear Lord Marquis"

Ronald said with a smile: "I'm a little anxious about the current state of the war, and I think--is this war going on for too long? I think it's necessary to speed up the progress of the war. After all, the harvest month is coming soon. I am afraid that some people will take the risk and use the method of burning the harvested grains to fight against the army of the kingdom."

Hearing Ronald's words, Horst fell silent.

Horst felt that Ronald's worries were not unfounded, and in about a month or so, the harvest month would come.

At that time, it is not only to worry that some loyalists of the royalists will use the detrimental behavior of burning ripe grains in various places to fight against Ronald, but also to prevent the army from shaking.

What is the backbone of the army and every knight is also a big landlord. For many knights, the annual harvest month is related to their annual harvest. In this case, the war has not yet been completed: if it is over, then Perhaps the entire war will be taken off until the second year, when things are changing rapidly, I am afraid there will be a lot of variables out of thin air.

However, at the moment, Marquis Horst is also a little worried that he has no better way to end the war.

"So, Lord Ronald thinks, what should we do now"

"I have decided to revise the current campaign plan"

Ronald said calmly: "As far as I know, there are currently about [-] official knights left in Kunst City, about [-] armed servants and almost the same number of other nobles. The knights and private soldiers I have decided to forcibly recruit them into the army in the name of war."

"This is to form a third army, and go straight to the royal city - San Lorenzo."

Hearing Ronald's words, Horst was silent for a moment, and he estimated Ronald's plan in his mind.

The original plan was to divide the troops into two groups, with Kunst City as the starting point, one on the left and one on the right, bypassing the center of the kingdom, attacking from both sides of the eastern province and the western province, and finally at the capital of the southern province, and then attacked together at the The capital of the central province - San Lorenzo.

This battle plan was dubbed the "Central Encirclement" by Ronald, but was called the "Death Loop" by others.

Once the entire battle plan is completed, then—the royal capital in the central province and the entire royal family will fall into a state of nowhere and nowhere.

If they can't escape, the entire central province can be said to be surrounded by two armies.

They don't have any capital to fight to the death. If, together with Ronald's direct entry into the capital, there is a real hope that they can complete the raid on the entire Bauhinia Kingdom before the harvest month.

Moreover, Kunst City will only leave [-] knights and [-] armed servants, in order to fear that there will be royalists in the rear to cause trouble, but—if the knights of other nobles and private soldiers are recruited together If so, then—it's not a big deal.

The only reason why I didn't do this before was because those nobles were newly descended and didn't want to be too harsh.

But it is different now. Ronald killed three Silver Moon Knights belonging to the 3 royal families in a row, and has completely established his reputation. The news has been completely spread. Thinking of the cooperation of the royal family, Marquis Horst nodded vigorously, "I will issue a call-up order now and complete the call-up within two days."

Chapter 1 The Dilemma of Grain... [3/[-]]

The Marquis of Horst is also a resolute person, or in other words, he has a sense of crisis more than anyone else.

As a vested interest, since he was already tied to a chariot with Ronald, he would never allow the royal family a chance to breathe.

At noon that day, hundreds of messengers and birds were released.

The staging area of ​​the army was placed outside the city of Kunst, in the temporary barracks that the army had originally used.

This barracks was originally built temporarily for the army of more than [-] led by Ronald when he came. Now that the army has been divided into two groups, the barracks is empty, which can be used as a gathering place for the new army.

The assembly place and so on are all ready. Then, the problem comes again.

Marquis Horst shook his wrist, which was a little sore because he had issued a [-]% call-up order. Nader shook his head.

This uncle is really leisurely, he can just move his mouth, he almost broke his leg.

Of course, this situation itself is the prerogative of the superior, and as a member of the privileged class, Marquis Horst is not dissatisfied with it.

It's just that it's easy to say about the gathering of soldiers, but what about the food and grass, it's the food and grass.

The so-called soldiers and horses go ahead without food and grass. Although the other world does not understand this celestial saying, but - because the knights are all big stomach kings, they pay more attention to logistics than anyone else.

There used to be a joke - it was said that in a knightly war between two countries, in the case of evenly matched forces, the winner will be decided by who will not have enough to eat first.

Of course, this is both a joke and not a joke.

In a world where logistical work is incredibly tough, logistics is a top priority.

The Marquis of Horst felt that there were some things he had to have a good talk with Ronald first.

Thinking of this, Marquis Horst coughed dryly, "Cough, Lord Ronald!"

"Oh Lord Horst, what's the matter?"

Hearing Horst's words, Ronald pressed the pause button on the game console in his hand and raised his head.

"That's it, my lord!"

Marquis Horst organized the language in his mind and said: "The entire Kunst City has no more food after the last batch of food was delivered to the army of Lord Gladys and Lord Frederica. "

Ronald was stunned when he heard Marquis Horst's words, "Isn't His Majesty Roxar already transporting food and grass from the rock fortress here?"

"Yes, but the Rock Fortress is too far away from here."

Marquis Horst said with a wry smile: "The first batch of grain sent by His Majesty Roxar has already been sent to the front line where the two armies are located, and the second batch of grain will not arrive until half a month later."

That means - after half a month, there will be a second batch of food and grass, and even if it is the second batch of food and grass, after all, the number of people in the army is fixed. With the current logistics situation, it can be guaranteed that the army will not suffer. Hunger is already very good, and if the two sides don't want to find a way to collect some food and grass on the spot, even if there is food and grass supply from the rear, they will starve for a few days.

Don't say anything stupid like Roxar is so rubbish.

Ronald pulls the line here

One reason is that it is too long, another reason is that there are [-] formal knights in the two armies, plus other miscellaneous servants and armed attendants. You have to prepare for the [-] army of food they consume every day. After all, the knights War horses are also big spenders.

If this is not a demonic world, if not every country has a few supply artifacts—giant space mobile warehouses, it would be a dream to supply [-] troops from thousands of kilometers away.

Hearing Marquis Horst's words, Ronald fell silent.

This is indeed a very tricky thing, yes, you call up an army, and people answer your call.

Well, here comes the question. People are here to help you and work hard. You can't let people eat yourself. People bring their own weapons and equipment, and they also bring their own dry food. Why do they work for you throughout the whole process? It is customary to bring dry food for three days.

But the problem is that it will be almost three days after the assembly is completed, and then you will start to move out, and you will be dispatched to the place to attack the city and pull out the fortress, and then you will directly loot.

Well, it seems that this solves the logistics problem perfectly, but - he is not a robber who runs away with one vote, he is a conqueror-occupier not a looter.

All the people are robbed, what will happen to the local people waiting to starve to death, stop making trouble, no one wants to starve to death, then the most likely thing is that there is a famine, and then the hungry people follow behind the army, sweeping all the way, creating Bring out more hungry people.

In the end, the entire country may be wiped out by a snowball of hungry people.

Order is something that is easy to destroy but difficult to establish.

Once it gets to that point, Ronald will have to spend several times as long as it takes to conquer the country to govern these hungry people.

By then - it will be too late.

Thinking of this, Ronald was silent for a while, and after thinking for a while, Ronald decided to consult some professionals, "I think, I need some opinions from some people on this issue, come here, go and take old Scock Call me to ask him something."

"Yes, my lord!"

The knights standing on both sides bowed in response and stepped out of the hall.

Marquis Horst didn't even know who Old Schoker was before, but because his daughter helped him be a little spy next to Ronald, so - recently, Marquis Horst was also familiar with the name Old Schoker. got up.

However, in the eyes of Marquis Horst, the old Scock was just a speculator who took the opportunity to join the upstart Ronald: a businessman. Is he really capable of helping them solve the problem of food and forage for the army? Although he has doubts in his heart, since Ronald De said that he wanted to consult that... old profiteer, then Marquis Horst would not stop him immediately.

He would listen and see that only when the guy said something unreliable would he speak out.

Early objection will only make people feel that Ronald thinks he objected for objection's sake, which is not good.

After waiting for about two hourglasses, the fat old Scock was brought to Ronald by the two knights with sweat on his face.

"My esteemed master, your most loyal servant Scork, greets you"


Chapter 2: Conditions of Merchants... [3/[-]]

Looking at the old Scork who was dragging his fat belly in front of him and bending down on the ground with difficulty, Ronald was speechless for a while.

"Okay, old Scork, get up!"

"Praise you, gracious master!"

Old Scock was about to get up from the carpet when he heard this.

But unfortunately, maybe it was because he walked too fast when he came, and because he was too fat, he didn't stand up all of a sudden.

The two knights standing beside him suppressed their laughter and helped the clumsy old profiteer from the ground.

After old Scock respectfully thanked the two knights who helped him get up, he gave Ronald a flattering smile, "Honorable master, I don't know if you called me here today."

"A new army is about to be formed, and now - food and grass have become the biggest problem, do you have any good suggestions?"

Ronald didn't go around in circles with him, and went straight to the point.

Hearing Ronald's words, Old Scock did not speak, but after thinking for a while, he said, "Actually, Master Kunst City has a lot of food."


Hearing old Scock's words, Marquis Horst sat up straight, "Why don't I know about this?"

"That... Lord Marquis, how could this kind of businessman's business alarm you?"

While speaking, the old Scock explained: "Since that... when King Louis III of Yong began to assemble a large army, the merchants of the whole kingdom have been alarmed."

"As soon as they knew the summoning order, they began to collect all kinds of food on the market in the entire kingdom, so that they could use the food in their hands to dip a little oil and water when the Bauhinia army marched straight into the front line for too long and the tribe was supplied with food and grass. ."

Speaking of this, old Scock looked at Ronald and explained: "It's not that those businessmen look down on Alderney Kingdom, it was really no one expected at that time that there would be adults in Alderney Kingdom. Such a genius was born out of nowhere."

Hearing old Scock's words, Ronald smiled and waved his hand, indicating that he didn't care.

In fact, in the place where the Bauhinia Kingdom used force, the people who were not optimistic about the Alderney Kingdom were more than these businessmen, and even some nobles in the Alderney Kingdom were not optimistic about their own motherland.

If it wasn't for Ronald, a guy from another world, who was born out of nowhere - directly in front of the army of more than [-], he beheaded the backbone of the Bauhinia King - the only silver moon knight, Louis III, maybe , the Kingdom of Alderney has long since been defeated in one blow.

No way, the difference between having a silver moon rank and not having a silver moon rank is so big.

Just like a nuclear-armed country bullying a non-nuclear country in the present world, one can be a hooligan, and the other can only be passively played as a hooligan.

It is useless to be anxious. In that case, it is not surprising that the Kingdom of Alderney is not favored by others.

"That means—they stocked up a lot of grain in Kunst City, right?"

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