Ronald can treat those nobles who surrender, but he cannot treat those who resist.

Oh, the harder you resist, the more I value you Of course, the most innocent are some children.

However, Ronald's kindness will only be left to the little Loli. He decided, and he issued an order when he turned around. All the young girls in the resister family gathered together and established a war orphan women's academy. Ronald himself brainwashed, bah. Bah, it should be said that I cultivate them myself.

It was such a happy decision to let them grow up healthy and useful to the country.

As for boy paper, er boy paper, of course, we must bear the fate of the family and live and die together with the family.

With these outrageous thoughts in his mind, Ronald gently sent Little Loli to his room on the third floor, and after settling her down, he walked down, "Sir!"

When the knight in charge of the guard saw Ronald coming out, he immediately.

Stand up straight.

"Well, let me go out and don't let anyone in to disturb Enya!"

"Yes, my lord!"

After Ronald finished explaining, three pairs of pure white wings stretched out from behind him with a slight shock, and the whole person turned into a silver light that shot straight into the sky.

I have to say that the wing take-off style is really handsome, at least it looks much more handsome than the Superman jumping take-off style.

Ronald, who made the surrounding knights handsome enough to fly high in the air, smiled and looked at the sluggish knights under his feet. After feeling that he had risen to a sufficient height, he turned into a silver arrow with a burst of light. A burst of sonic booms quickly disappeared into the sky. Although it was more than a thousand kilometers away from Kunst, it was only less than half an hour's journey for Ronald's flight speed.

After reaching the sky above Kunst City, Ronald identified the direction a little, and landed directly in the back garden of the Marquis' Mansion.

Those servants have long been surprised by the habit of... the Duke descending from the sky.

“Sir, good afternoon”

"Well, take me to the dungeon and have a look!"

"Yes, my lord, please come with me!"

Hearing Ronald's order, the guard knights did not dare to delay, and took Ronald directly to the dungeon located in the southwest corner of the Marquis Palace.

After passing through several courtyards, Ronald came to the dungeon of the Marquis's Palace, a prison buried deep underground, where important prisoners were kept.

There were four 44 guarding knights at the entrance alone, and more than [-] armed attendants.

Seeing Ronald's arrival, the guard knights did not dare to stop him, and obediently opened the prison door.

"Where are the remnants of the Algernon family imprisoned?"

Ronald asked


"My lord, there is only one Mrs. Heidi in the Algernon family, and the others should have been cleaned up by Mrs. Frederica."

The knight in charge of guarding the cell replied.

"Well, take me there"

"Yes, my lord!"

The cell where Mrs. Heidi was imprisoned was a heavy cell located in the deepest part of the three-story dungeon.

The entire cell was cast from steel plates, and the cell door was cast from steel weighing more than a ton, with a thickness of about ten centimeters.

This is to prevent the people inside from breaking out, to put it bluntly, and this is used to detain Yinhui nobles.

After all, not every silver noble aristocrat is like Ronald, who can create a fighting spirit that is enough to cut gold and iron.

When they came to the door of the cell where Mrs. Heidi was being held, Ronald glanced in through the door.

I saw a beautiful young woman with curly blond hair and pale complexion, curled up in the corner, with a lifeless appearance.

"open the door"


As the heavy cell door was opened, Ronald walked in. As soon as he saw Ronald, the Lady Heidi immediately.

He stood up and looked at him cautiously.

"Who are you and what do you want to do"

Looking at this... Silver Knight, Ronald couldn't help sighing, "Perhaps you've heard my name, Ronald Grid!"

Hearing this name, Mrs. Heidi's eyes suddenly leaked hatred "It's you and I spelled it with you"

As she spoke, a dim silver light flashed in her hand, and the whole person rushed towards Ronald like a lunatic.

The knight guarding at the side suddenly became nervous, he picked up the long sword and was about to go up to guard Ronald.

But it was stopped by Ronald.

"Okay, you go out and clear the guards here."

"This is, my lord!"

The knight looked at the countess, who had been bound with silver ropes by Ronald, and sighed silently.

He almost guessed what this lord wanted to do, but then again, as men, they also thought about it, but unfortunately they didn't dare to know, even the countess who was imprisoned in the cell was not something they could think of.

If nothing else, the strength of her Silver Knights alone is not something they can match.

Therefore, he still went to Shuiliu Xiaojie to take a look at what kind of bird was playing. With this thought in mind, the knight faithfully carried out Ronald's order and evacuated all the guards in this area.

And here is the deepest part of the entire dungeon. In the entire dungeon, there is only one room where people are locked, that is to say, in this dungeon, there are only Ronald and the countess.

As the knights withdrew from the dungeon on this floor, Ronald looked at Mrs. Heidi, who was bound by his own silver power and smiled, "You are so irritable, how dare I let you out and teach the lovely little En Ya?"


Heidi struggled frantically when she heard her daughter's name. However, it was of no use.

Ronald walked unhurriedly to her side, and looked up and down this ... the countess's clothes, it can be seen that she did not suffer any bad things in the cell, "Dear Heidi Madam, I've decided to hire you as my maid, but because of your hatred for me, you still need a little thought modification, so please be prepared!"


Chapter 1 The long-awaited reunion between mother and daughter... [3/[-]]

Sittoun Town - The town is full of law enforcement knights in silver armor and armed squires with swords.

The residents of the town hid behind the wooden doors of their homes, shivering.

They don't know what these knights are going to do to them. Although they say that, the team responsible for the security of the people has already shouted in the whole town, beating gongs [Everyone can live as usual in peace of mind, the army will definitely not offend you Qiu. ] etc.

But these townspeople didn't believe a word that they still closed the door and dared not come out. The knights were also a little helpless in such a situation.

After all, they are also intruders.

It takes time to gain the trust of local residents and what they lack is time.

Fortunately, as long as the pariahs don't cause them trouble, it doesn't matter.

And at the gate of the best house in the town that originally belonged to the mayor's residence, four knights were meticulously guarding it.

This is a temporary camp belonging to their supreme commander, Duke Ronald Grid. As personal soldiers, they have the duty of guarding.

At this time, it was already dark, and the kitchen had already come over to ask a few times if they would like to have dinner.

However, the Duke went out, and there was only Miss Enya in the room, and there was an order from the Duke [don't disturb Miss Enya] before she left. How could these knights dare to go in and ask? When they were in trouble, there was a faint explosion in the distant sky, and the knights raised their eyes to see a silver-white light spot that seemed to be flying slowly from the sky.

Seeing this scene, the knights showed relieved smiles on their faces.

They knew that a moment after their Duke returned - Ronald's figure fell on the door of the villa "Sir!"

The knights bowed their heads to say hello to Ronald, and they ignored the woman in their arms.


Ronald nodded, embraced Mrs. Heidi and walked towards the room, "Tell the kitchen, it's time to start preparing dinner."

"Yes, my lord!"

The guard nodded in response.

"Yeah, there's more"

Ronald stopped. He felt it necessary to introduce his new maid, "This is Mrs. Heidi. She will take care of me in the future. She lives here, you know?"

"Yes, my lord!"

A group of knights respectfully responded that when they heard Ronald's words, Madam Heidi, who was in his arms, hated him for pinching a hand on his waist, but in the end they gave up in angrily.

After Ronald and Mrs. Heidi disappeared from the room, a knight asked curiously, "Have you noticed that Mrs. Heidi is a little inconvenient?"

"It's hard, my lord, but I found a disabled maid to be a maid."

"Otherwise, let's help the big man become a maid."

"Let's talk about this later, now go tell the kitchen to prepare dinner"

"Yes, Captain!"

At this time, Mrs. Heidi, who was embraced by Ronald into the room, naturally heard the chatter of the knights outside.

Her pretty face immediately turned red. "It's because of you, Your Honorable Duke Grid, that I was misunderstood as a cripple. Don't you want to say something about this?"

Mrs. Heidi stared at Ronald with gnashing teeth, looking at that, she wished she could rush to kill him.

"Cough cough this is just a misunderstanding, Heidi believes me, after a while, they will understand for themselves!"

Ronald looked to the left and said: "Don't you want to go up and see the cutie Enya?"

"Ah, by the way, I still have something to do. Enya will take a rest in the second room on the third floor, you can go straight up!"

Ronald said, smiled and let go of the big hand that was holding Heidi's slender waist, and then walked to the study on the second floor without any hassle.

Looking at Ronald's back, Mrs. Heidi couldn't help but snorted, but she finally gave up the idea of ​​continuing to trouble Ronald. Lord Rhett's maid.

It is impossible to avenge her husband or something. Her heart has long since lost the figure of her former husband, and there is only the figure of Ronald, the dead master who bullied her in the dungeon just now.

As for why her legs and feet become inconvenient to cough, this is the same as supporting the wall: walking has the same effect.

Pulling away - seeing Ronald's figure disappearing into the corridor on the second floor, Heidi couldn't help but smile - such a strong and lovely host is not unacceptable.

With nostalgia for certain things in her heart, Heidi walked towards the third floor with the stair railing and came to the door of the room that Ronald said, Heidi tried to push the door.

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