At a hidden back door of the Royal Palace of San Lorenzo, Carlos I, who has succeeded to the throne, looked at the extremely luxurious palace in front of him, and his heart burst into sorrow.

From childhood to adulthood, he grew up here. He remembered what his father taught him when he was a child. For him, his father was the most powerful person in the world.

Some time ago, when he took over the duty of guarding the country entrusted to him by his father, and wished his father a victory - what Carlos I had in his heart was a longing for the future.

When the news of his father's death came from the front line, Carlos I felt that the whole world was about to collapse.

He was terrified and didn't know what the future would hold.

The good thing is that the silver moon knights of the Ponia family returned to the three silver moon knights when the kingdom was in turmoil, which brought Carlos I infinite courage and confidence. However, this happiness is only for one night. Duke Ronald Grid, who beheaded his father's kingdom of Alderney, gave him a heavy blow.

First, he killed his silver moon ancestor, Louis I, by unknown means, and then publicly killed another silver moon ancestor Gusta in midair.

It can be said that at that time - when he witnessed the body of his ancestor Gusta fall to the ground, Carlos I was full of despair.

A few days later, news came from the Duchy of Nichols that the Knight of the Silver Moon, the Duke of Wilber Nichols, had died at the hands of Ronald Grid.

For Carlos I, who has been desperate, this is nothing more than all kinds of bad news. Today, here is occupied and tomorrow it is broken again. If it is not bad news, it is from the two provinces of the east and the west. If it came from the middle, maybe Carlos had already collapsed.

However, in the end - the worst disappearance came from the southern province, the Lord War Duke of Alderney Kingdom who almost wiped out the Silver Moon Knights of the entire Bauhinia Kingdom was obviously not satisfied. The speed of the Bauhinia Kingdom's capture, he actually led a large army, starting from Kunst City in the southern province, and going straight to the central province.

Bad news - Carlos I almost wanted to run away immediately.

However, in the end he endured it because some nobles suggested to him to ask for help from neighboring countries.

After all, the royal family of the Kingdom of Buriana and their Bauhinia royal family are more or less in-laws. Although it was said that it was hundreds of years ago, it is not everyone’s relatives. I don’t ask him to protect them. If he defeated Ronald Carlos himself, he only asked the Kingdom of Burriana to help him, and it would be good to maintain the status quo.

With this thought in mind, Carlos sent messengers to the Kingdom of Burriana.

A few days later, one of the guardians of the Burriana Kingdom, the Duke of Uttembel, came to the city of San Lorenzo.

At that time, Carlos I really felt like a drowning man who caught the last straw and saw hope.

But it's a pity—the Duke returned to the royal city to bid him farewell a few days after he left, but this time he was no longer pleasant, but looked at him with a maggot-like look.

The so-called farewell is not so much a farewell, but rather a good lesson.

After coldly dropping a sentence [I do it for myself], I went back to China directly.

Carlos I felt that he was confused and confused. Read the underlined version of the novel, please remember to bookmark and save the unique domain name of, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty-Six The Flag of the Changed King of the City... [2/3]

"Your Majesty, let's go!"

The voice coming from beside him interrupted Carlos I's thoughts. He looked at the handsome young man in heavy armor beside him, and sighed softly, "In the end, the only one loyal to me is you, Sir Brady. "

Hearing the words of this... tragic king who was about to be wiped out just after he ascended the throne, Brady raised his hand and tapped lightly on his own mouth, "Your Majesty, a momentary desperation is nothing, as long as the blood of the Ponia family is Still: As long as the redbuds are still blooming on this continent, sooner or later, we will come back!"

When Carlos I heard Brady's words, he nodded slightly, "Yes, as long as the blood of my Ponia family is still there: we will come back one day after all!"

Having said that, Carlos I finally glanced at the incomparably beautiful palace and got on his horse.

"Set off"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Don't call me Your Majesty again, just call me Carlos in the future!"

As the voice gradually faded away, this team of hundreds of knights ran out of the city of San Lorenzo under the cover of night.

In fact, Carlos I had to run away. As bad news kept coming, the entire royal capital was already in a bit of chaos.

Even when the court was discussing, Carlos I felt that there was something wrong with the eyes of those nobles looking at him.

It was as if they were looking at a little white sheep that was washed and washed. Carlos I felt that if he didn't run away, he probably wouldn't be able to run away. Maybe after a while, the nobles would tie him up and wash him. In vain, he went to the seat of the war duke, and raised his hands in surrender.

This may be because Carlos I himself is suspicious, but it is undeniable that there are indeed many nobles who have such thoughts.

Fortunately, as early as the moment the unfortunate news of his father Louis III came, Carlos I was ready to slip away.

In the name of patrolling the rear and supervising the stability of the southern granary, he sent his wife and most of the property to the southern province, and he could cross the drowning swamp to the Kingdom of Buriana anytime, anywhere.

And this time, Carlos went to join his wife and leave the kingdom that once belonged to their Ponia family.

Of course, the Kingdom of Burriana is not the ultimate goal of Carlos, his goal is to travel through several kingdoms and finally reach the Empire of Saint Mas.

Carlos I knew that, perhaps, in the end, only the Empire of Saint Mas would have the strength to avenge his family and restore it.

And just when Carlos I left, the nobles in the city of San Lorenzo found that their king was gone.

Why do they know how fresh it is Under such circumstances, if you haven't found out that they have been abandoned by your own king, it would be too small to look down on these nobles.

In the entire town hall - there was a quarrel.

Some people say that since the kingdom has abandoned the country, they still insist on surrendering.

Some people say that swear to death

To defend his own country and never surrender, the huge council hall was quarreling in the end, and the surrendering faction gained an overwhelming advantage in absolute numbers and won the victory.

No way, when Carlos I was there, although the entire aristocracy was divided into three factions: surrender, dead bear, and neutrality, but because of the suppression of Carlos I, the great silver knight commander, the surrendering faction did not dare to blatantly say surrender.

Moreover, those neutrals, because of Carlos I, are also a faction who tend to defend their homes to the death.

However, as Carlos I fled the capital without saying a word, the neutralists broke out that they felt that they had been ruthlessly abandoned by their beloved king. In this case, they chose to join the capitulation faction to suppress and defend Pie is no wonder.

After all, even the masters of the country don't care, what else do they care about. Therefore, the nobles of the loyalists were quickly suppressed by the capitulation faction and the neutral faction.

Then, the surrender faction quickly integrated all the political resources of the royal city, and then issued a letter to the nobles who were still indecisive. After them, the entire kingdom has been abandoned by their masters, the Ponia family, and now they need to save themselves and save themselves, that is - the city head changes the king's flag and surrender directly.

Fortunately, since the start of the war, Ronald has always upheld the tradition of treating the surrendering nobles kindly, which made the nobles of the entire Bauhinia Kingdom not have much resistance to surrender.

After all, as long as the family can continue, it's not a sale to whomever you give your life to.

Ronald was taken aback by this change. Have you ever seen here you have just arrived there and have not yet set up a battle formation, over there the city gates are opened to welcome the army into the city with gongs and drums? The battle of destroying the country is over, this is the rhythm of welcoming Master Wang.

Although it's a little surprising, I have to say - this feeling is super interesting. At least Ronald's army is unimpeded all the way, and even the nobles along the way help the army with supplies as much as they can. It looks like Ronald's army is not sharp enough. Ah, what weapons and armors, what swords and arrows, what food and baggage.

That's really what to give for that, Ronald said—comfortable.

Of course, this journey was not all smooth, and there were diehards who vowed to coexist with the Kingdom of Bauhinia. For such a guy, Ronald would never condone.

If you like to be buried with the Bauhinia Kingdom, of course Ronald will fulfill them, but even with these small obstacles, Ronald still reached the capital of the Bauhinia Kingdom - San Lorenzo City within half a month. .

"Welcome the Duke into the city!"

"Welcome the Duke into the city!"

Looking at the towering royal city in front of him, Ronald smiled when he heard the welcome sound of the nobles in his ears. He really didn't expect that this war of extermination of the country would go so unexpectedly smoothly, just didn't know. Right now, His Majesty the King who escaped from the capital is wondering whether he likes the surprise he gave him or not. I hope he likes the arrangement he gave him. After all, it was a big gift that he prepared for him a month ago. what

Chapter 3 The Dawn of Despair... [3/[-]]

Just when Ronald led the army to hold a grand entrance ceremony in the royal city - San Lorenzo to show the world that this country no longer belongs to the Ponia family.

In a mountain pass near the border of the Southern Province and the Drowned Marsh, a dusty party rests there.

This team consisted of more than [-] various types of carriages and caravans and an escort team of nearly [-] people.

The people in the team, although they were all wearing rough clothes and shabby clothes, and the guards with yellow faces were also all wearing various leather armors, and they looked no different from ordinary large caravans.

But if you look closely, you will find that although these guards are messy, they don't care.

Whether it is standing guard or advancing or retreating, there are quite a few rules and regulations, not like those free people who have learned the style of harvesting for a few years and come out as caravan escorts.

Moreover, the female family members who came out of the caravan, although they looked unkempt, could tell from the snow-white skin that occasionally leaked from their sleeves, they were definitely not ordinary free women who followed the caravan to make money.

As for how free women follow the caravan to make money, you guessed.

Alright, let's get back to the point.

This team is the escape team formed by Carlos I and his wife, Queen Dereira.

Although Carlos I escaped in time, he was not faster than the female silver genius of the Bauhinia Kingdom - the eastern army led by the silver moon knight Erila Gladys. More than half of it was occupied by an army led by Rilla Gladis.

In fact, the Eastern Province, where the battle should not have been so rotten, is the stronghold of the royalist party. Although it can't resist Erila... the Silver Moon Knight, it's okay to cause her some trouble. Otherwise, Ronald will also I won't give the eastern army to Arella, after all, she is a Silver Moon Knight, and Ronald can rest assured that he will give her the most difficult eastern provinces.

And the Eastern Province is worthy of being the stronghold of the royalist party, which did make Arella's attack a little slow.

After all, those indomitable guys are still very annoying.

If it wasn't for Ronald who often said that he should try not to engage in indiscriminate massacres, then If it's not good for future rule, maybe this... Silver Moon Knight has long since drowned all the people killed in the entire Eastern Province with blood.

However, since Wangcheng issued the [Notice to the Lords of the Regions], the situation of the entire eastern province has changed drastically.

The escape of Carlos I dealt a heavy blow to the backbones of the royalists who were still fighting in the mountains.

Originally, the reason for their continuation was their loyalty to the Ponia family.

However, now the new king of the Ponia family has actually abandoned his capital and fled. How can they not be at a loss for a reason to fight for it, without you fighting for others, but they have abandoned you to play a game In time, some tribes were shaken within the royalist party. In the end, under the leadership of the numerous traitors in the royalist party, Arella used the fastest speed to destroy the royalist army who were hiding in the wilderness by virtue of the terrain and terrain. .

Next, she marched into the southern province at the fastest speed, blocking the entire passage to the Drowned Swamp before Carlos I escaped.

It can be said that at this time, Carlos I had nowhere to escape from the team, and pessimism was spreading. At this time, Carlos I was eating under the guard of more than ten meters of loyal knights.

Biting the hard and salty jerky in his hand, Carlos I couldn't help but feel sad in his heart.

"Your Majesty, we still have hope"

Perhaps seeing the owner's mood, Brady comforted: "We still have a chance to escape."

"You don't have to comfort me, Mr. Brady, I know!"

Carlos I looked at the rings on his hands. These are space rings, and they are filled with the most precious treasures of the Ponia family. These things are the hope for him to make a comeback and revive the Ponia family.

"I just feel a little sad that I didn't expect that the rule of the Ponia family would be destroyed by my hands!"

Saying that, Carlos I sighed deeply. At this moment, there was the sound of horses' hoofs, and the guards of the entire team were like birds in shock, and they pulled out their weapons one after another until they saw who was coming. Then they relaxed. down.

It was not the pursuers who came on horseback, but the scouts sent by Carlos I to inquire about the news.

That... After the scout rushed into the convoy, he quickly jumped off his horse and trotted all the way to the front of Carlos I.

"Your Majesty, I just found out that it is none other than the Marquis of Omar Eston who is in charge of guarding the crossing of Model Road."

Hearing this, Carlos I was overjoyed, "It's great, great"

“So good for what”

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