Sandralea asked casually while grilling her own meat.

"Didn't Aunt Mishya tell you?"

Princess Seltre asked strangely.

"You know, I slept all day during the day"

The centaur and the lady knight replied.

"All right"

Princess Seltre sighed, took another sip of wine, and said, "Nothing has been discussed today. Some nobles feel that we are suffering from a demonic disaster, and we only need to go to the defenders of Imdar fortress for help. Well we don't need war."

"But there are also nobles who feel that the defenders of the Imdar fortress will never lend a helping hand to us. Who called us the maverick and savage kingdom of Skagen?"

Speaking of this, Princess Celtre laughed at herself and said, "Besides, those nobles don't believe that the Kingdom of Alderney will help us unconditionally!"

"so what"

The centaur knight asked nervously: "In the end, does Your Majesty decide to start a war?"


Princess Seltre fell silent. She knew that her best friend didn't want to see war. She was an absolute benevolent person.

"Our food is running out, and the food that was stored before is no longer usable due to the evil disaster."

"We must find a way out for our people before they starve to death"

"No country can provide us with enough food to survive for millions of people"

"We have no choice but war"


Chapter 3 When the panic begins to spread... [3/[-]]

Hearing her friend's words, Sandraea fell silent. She knew that there was no other way out for the entire kingdom in this situation.

The disease is eroding their farmland and relatives, and all they can do is to abandon the plateau where their ancestors grew up and migrate to other places.

And the Alderney Kingdom is the best choice-because the Alderney Kingdom does not have the Guardians of the Silver Moon Knights, it is simply fat meat for their kingdom.

As for the revenge of the Alderney Kingdom, the Silver Moon Rank is not afraid of the Skagen Kingdom because they do not intend to completely destroy the Alderney Kingdom, they just want to obtain a territory that is enough to feed their people.

Well, these people just think that the Alderney Kingdom is still the same as a few months ago, there is no silver moon step, because they themselves are in the plateau area, the connection with other countries is very sparse and because of their honest personality Because of this, many people in the Skagen Kingdom were slaughtered as fat sheep by merchants from other countries.

After being fooled a few times, they simply banned caravans from other countries from entering their own country, and also organized a caravan of their own, which set off every year in the harvest month, and then spent a few months traveling the entire continent. Afterwards, pass back the various commodities you need in exchange and the information received from various countries.

And this year's caravan has yet to set off, so the Skagen Kingdom is not very clear about the war that happened between the Alderney Kingdom and the Bauhinia Kingdom.

Therefore, this led to the misjudgment of the strength of the Alderney Kingdom by the entire Skagen Kingdom.

As for—the Silverlight Temple, cough, cough, the guy assigned here to guard the Silverlight Temple will not stay in the Skagen Kingdom for nearly half a year, except in summer.

No way, this place is a good place to escape the heat in summer, and it can freeze to death in winter.

Therefore, they also missed the news of the imminent arrival of the third sorcerer shock from the Silver Temple.

Who told all the human kingdoms not to see the Skagen Kingdom? The Skagen Kingdom has always been the master of a smooth person. They used to say one thing and two other things, and if they didn't like the eye, they would go up to it.

This caused them to have no allies in the entire Silverlight Council.

Therefore, when encountering major events, they are more accustomed to using their fists to speak.

Ahem, let's go too far, "Can't we first send a messenger to try to communicate with the commander of Imdar Fortress?"

Sandra Leia hesitated: "I think, compared to war, they may be willing to exchange materials for peace."

Hearing her friend's words, Seltre was speechless, "What makes you think that blackmail is stronger?"

"Also, do you think that the female guild guarding the northwest frontier will use the threat of war to ask for supplies to communicate?"

"Besides, the supplies will run out one day and what we need now is a piece of land where we can live, not some food and supplies."

"Think about the farmland polluted by the sorcerer's spells, and think about our people, who are plagued by disease, what do we need?"

Listening to Princess Celtre's barrage of words, Sandralea fell silent.

She knows that even if the top officials of the kingdom have not reached an agreement, it is only a matter of time.

War - inevitable.

I don't know how many wives will lose their sons and husbands, and how many families will be separated from each other.

Inside, Sandralea's face became even more ugly.

Princess Celtre looked at her friend's expression and sighed helplessly, "Don't think too much, Sandraea is in this period, all we can do is to do everything we need to do. Leave it to fate!"

Sandraea nodded silently, picked up the roasted meat, and ate it.

With a heavy heart, she didn't pay attention at all, her barbecue was half-charred, "Don't eat that, eat me!"

Celtre grabbed Sandraea's half-eaten roast meat and gave it to her.

At this time, Sandra Leia also discovered the abnormal condition of the barbecue in her hands, she took the barbecue handed over by Celtre, "Thank you, Your Highness!"

"Hurry up and eat, we'll be patrolling in a while."

"Well I see!"

And while Sandralea and Celtre were having a meal, beside a mound not far from their civilian camp ten kilometers away, six or seven dark shadows were sneaking together.

"Shavin, are you sure that...the so-called princess will come to patrol tonight?"

"Of course, my lord, I have been observing them for three consecutive days."

"very good"

"Now the upper class of the entire Skagen Kingdom, most of the nobles have agreed to wage war against the Alderney Kingdom"

A black shadow whispered in a sharp voice: "This is our chance. I want to show those idiots in the headquarters."

"Look at the Skorn Kingdom, under the leadership of my wizard Berg Wenderson, not only completely put them in trouble, but also forced them to attack the Alderney Kingdom"

"It's a shame for those idiots to be expelled from the Alderney kingdom on the eve of their plans."

Hearing Wizard Wenderson's words, a black shadow whispered flatteringly: "Lord Wenderson, you are still amazing, how did you think of using magic to squeeze those black magic water out of the ground and pollute their land? "

"Hey, it's just some small air magic."

Wenderson smiled proudly: "It's not really scary to pollute their farmland and then infect their people with a disease."

"Oh my lord, in your opinion, what is the most terrifying?"

A guy joked.

"The panic in people's heart is the most terrifying"

The wizard Wenderson said proudly: "When there is no food in their hands, they start to fear, when the epidemic spreads, the fear becomes panic, and when the panic spreads, they will all die. In the end, they did not die of plague and witchcraft, but It's death -- its own panic."

Hearing Wizard Wenderson's words, the shadows slapped again.

After a long while, Wenderson stopped his men's flattery frenzy, and said gloomily: "This time, our mission is - for this upcoming war, the war of dropping the last feather must happen hidden. The Order is eternal!"

"The Priory is forever!"

Several dark shadows shouted slogans in a frenzied voice. From this moment on, they stopped talking. They had to wait for the arrival of the last feather on the scale of war. For this, they had been preparing for many days.

Chapter 1 The Murder in the Thick Fog... [3/[-]]

The patrol team of the centaur Sandraea and the kingdom princess Celtre have ended their night patrol break and are on their way again.

According to the established patrol route, they will patrol the civilian camp and the isolation camp in a figure-8 route in the second half of the night.

After completing the entire patrol, when they returned to the noble camp, it was almost time for the sun to rise, and by then - they would have their own dinner in the camp, and then go to rest. In fact, both of them knew , The patrol team they formed is more of a kind of show between the upper and lower levels of the kingdom.

It's like saying to the commoners - look, your king and your lord have not abandoned you, and their children are still working day and night to keep you safe.

As a matter of fact, Queen Margaret Skarn was propagating so much in the public [the royal family is with you]. So, at the beginning, many commoners stayed up all night just to take a look at this team made by the human race and the people. A patrol composed of centaur princesses.

They have indeed seen that this kind of show-like means has indeed played a role in appeasing the people.

At least, the mood of those civilians is still stable for now.

There wasn't much of a riot and it has to be said that Queen Margaret Skarn was indeed a myriad of times stronger than her predecessor in terms of political means.

Of course, this may also be related to the fact that she is a woman and has a delicate personality that belongs to women.

Although this... Her Majesty has always been committed to improving the... stubborn character of the nobles and citizens of this country, but to be honest, freezing three feet is not a day's cold, and it has little effect.

Thinking about her mother's governance methods, Celtre and Sandraea chatted with each other.

Their patrol team was slowly walking towards the civilian camp. At this moment, a faint mist gradually rose from the periphery of the entire camp. In response, neither Celtre nor Sandraea, the two did not go too far. care.

After all, it is very common to have water mist in the early hours of the morning, so the two princesses did not raise their vigilance.

They regard this mist as the water mist they often encounter on weekdays.

However, after a while——Seltree and Sandraea realized that something was wrong.


Seltre called out to Sandralea, a faint silver light flashed in her eyes, and when she looked back, Seltre felt her heart beating wildly.

I saw that the guardian who had followed them far behind had disappeared.

Regardless of

It was the heavy cavalry brought by the royal guard Leia led by her. At this moment, they disappeared without a trace, and her sight was severely disturbed.

If it is an ordinary water mist, a family secret method, Celtre can completely see through this thin layer of water mist.

But now, she couldn't see through this layer of mist with the family secret method, not only that thin mist, but also: it was slowly getting thicker.

This seemingly inconspicuous mist has lowered her keen five senses to the lowest point.

At this moment, Celtre tightened her nerves, "We have Leia in ambush"

As early as when Celtre stopped, Sandraea, who had been on full alert, heard the words and asked softly, "Do you know who the enemy is?"

"It's not very clear, but the means of seeing should be those witch mice in the ditch."

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