When Ronald put his spirit

When the force penetrated into Celtre's spiritual sea, she found that her condition was already in jeopardy.

At this moment, a soul body shimmering with silver gleam in Celtre's spiritual sea was being besieged by hundreds of black skeletons.

That... soul body, it's none other than Celtre. At this moment, the only thing she can do is to hold up her silver power and resist it hard. But, this is obviously not a good way to follow. With those black skeletons swarming up, Celtre's situation was already in danger.

The silver light that shone around her spirit body also became little by little: dimmed.

However, Celtre couldn't do anything about it—it's not that she didn't think of a way to destroy these cursed bodies transformed by soul sacrifice.

However, the power of silver light, which used to deal with sorcery in the past, was ineffective against these cursed bodies.

She couldn't do anything except consume the power of silver light in vain.

At this time, Celtre was almost desperate. However, at this moment, a dazzling silver light exploded in front of her eyes. Following the silver light, there was an existence hidden in the light group.

That...existence appeared in front of Celtre, and with a wave of her hand, a sea of ​​thunder composed of countless golden thunders descended from the sky. Those cursed bodies that had just tortured her were worse than death. In this sea of ​​thunder, she struggled twice. , it turned into the purest spiritual force, nourishing her spiritual sea.

At this moment, Celtre was full of gratitude for the silver figure in front of her.

"Selterse Kahn, will always remember the kindness of adults!"

Seltre put away the silver power that spread all over the spiritual body, solemnly walked in front of the silver light and shadow, and thanked her.

However, what made her strange was that...the silver light and shadow became embarrassed when she saw her.

"Cough, you're welcome, I'm leaving!"

To speak is to speak, but in fact, the spiritual sea simply communicates through consciousness.

So, Celtre also felt the embarrassment of the lord, she looked down at herself in confusion, wondering if she was being rude, which made the lord embarrassed. However, it doesn't matter if she looked at her. Immediately he was dumbfounded.

Everyone knows that when people are born in this world, they don't touch a leaf.

When a person is in the spiritual sea, the spiritual body formed is roughly the same as when a person was born in the human world.

Perhaps a wizard with expertise in spiritual power can visualize such things as clothes on his spiritual body in the spiritual sea through training, but it is clear that Celtre is not a spiritual expert, and it is the first time that she has been cursed. Pulled into his own spiritual sea so - the result can be imagined.

That is to say—this girl had a candid meeting with Ronald as soon as she took away the power of silver light.

Well, this is really a tragic thing. At this moment, Celtre really wants to hide in the sea of ​​spirits for a lifetime, so as not to go out and see the embarrassment of that person.

But, in the end, she gave up this idea. After all, although she was safe, she still didn't know what happened to her subordinates. On the other hand, Ronald, who had withdrawn his spiritual power from Celtre, looked at him. With the anxious eyes of the centaur Sandra Leia, she smiled and said, "Don't worry, she's all right now,"

Chapter 1 The Centaurs with Iron Will... [3/[-]]


"For the glory of the centaurs - charge!"

The bloodthirsty thorns were dyed red behind the centaur knights.

On the dark gray barbed thorns of the thorns, there are still blood-colored shreds of flesh hanging on them.

It was the traces left by the female knights of the centaur tribe, who stepped on the bloodthirsty thorns when they charged.

At this time, the knights of centaurs and horses were already covered with scars all over their bodies, and their heavy skirts could not prevent the bloodthirsty thorns that grew rapidly from the ground. The blood-colored thorns' barbed thorns scratched the scars and blood, flowing down their legs and flowing on the dark soil, forming blood-colored horseshoe prints one after another.

However, their fighting spirit is still high. For them, these pains are as if they did not happen to them.

The formation of the centaurs was still intact, and their hands clasping their shields and weapons were still strong.

But——sometimes, a battle is really not won by a will of steel alone.

No matter how strong their will is, they are not painless zombies. Every time they step through the thorns, they have to endure pain no less than a thousand cuts. There is no doubt that they think that. Ao's speed was limited by the thorns all over the place. Facing the wizards who kept casting elemental magic on them, the horse and horse knights known for their force were nothing but a group of targets to be beaten.

But they did not give up, but took firm steps and walked step by step in the direction of the voice just now.

Even though the shields in their hands had been scorched by the high-temperature fireball, a smell of scorched flesh was pervading the battlefield.

As the first centaur knight in the charge, Dinya was obviously under the care of the wizards. The heavy shield in her hand had been smashed into dark red by continuous fireballs. Behind the shield - she held the shield His arms were already roasted.

However, even so, she still clenched her teeth, and at this moment without saying a word, an ice arrow suddenly hit her shield in vain.

The high-temperature shield that was burned by the fireball technique suddenly made a sizzling sound, and a stream of water vapor came out of the shield.

The entire shield suddenly cooled down rapidly. Faced with this situation, this centaur knight was not surprised - "Not good"

Why is this because she knows that if the metal tempered at high temperature suddenly cools down, although it will not be immediately.

Fragmented, but it will become very brittle. At this moment, a silver faller seized the opportunity, and the heavy hammer in his hand slammed heavily on her newly quenched shield.

When there was a loud noise, the thick shield was completely shattered by this blow.

At this moment, the charge formation of the knight girls finally revealed a flaw.

"Despicable bastard, go to hell!!"

That...Silver Fallen had a grin on his face, and the giant hammer in his hand smashed towards Dinya.

At this moment, Dinya could no longer care about her half-cooked right hand, which was already scalded. She desperately raised the lance in her left hand and stabbed it upwards, intending to force that... Silver Fallen to change her moves.

At this moment—Dinya felt a silver light flash in front of her eyes, and then that grim face was frozen here forever.

It's been a moment.

"What, what's going on"

Dinya was stunned on the spot when she looked at the Silver Fallen who was hanging on her lance.


"run away"

"not good"

The continuous screams and the dying screams of the wizard brought Dinia's thoughts back.

She looked up and didn't know when, the wizards and the Silver Fallen who originally besieged them all died on the spot.

In the field, there was a tall figure wearing silver ornate armor, with a faint silver light all over his body. At this time, no matter how slow Dinya was, she knew that it was this knight who saved them. "The centaur Dinya thanked Your Rescue"

Dinya bowed her head to Ronald and said gratefully: "If it weren't for your Excellency, I'm afraid we would have lost a lot of sisters today!"

"You're welcome, I was entrusted by Sandraea to save you!"

Ronald said, at this time, the corpses and silver seeds of those silver fallen have been collected. As for wizards, apart from their souls and space equipment, Ronald has no interest in their corpses.

The centaurs didn't have the slightest idea about Ronald's act of collecting the spoils.

It's an established rule that whoever gets the spoil is whoever gets it.

Besides, Ronald was under the siege of the wizards and let them down. Don't they have to share Ronald's spoils? There's no reason for this: "Excuse me, my princess, is our princess alright?"

Denia endured the severe pain that came from all over her body, walked up to Ronald and asked.

"Your princess is fine, just hit a Weakness Curse and rest for a while!"

Having said this, Ronald shrugged his nose and looked at Dinya's right hand looking for the smell. "On the contrary, if you don't treat it, then your hand may not be able to be saved."

Dinya felt relieved when she heard that her princess was fine. When she heard Ronald's words, she fell silent.

"I know it's possible, that's destiny"

Having said this, Diniya sighed faintly, "Perhaps, I should really quit the battlefield and marry a man."

"No, Captain, we need you!"

"Yeah, Captain, our team can't live without you"

Hearing Dinya's words, the rest of the women and horses immediately ignored the scars on their body and surrounded her, talking anxiously.

They knew that, in terms of injuries, the most serious one would undoubtedly be their captain Denia.

Because of the formation of a shield charge formation, it is impossible to change the position of each other to resist damage like in a circular defensive formation.

At the last moment, it can be said that more than half of the elemental magic of those wizards was stubbornly resisted by Dinia, who was at the forefront of the charge.

They don't want their captain to retire, they can't bear their Dinia In fact, how can Dinia want to leave her sisters, but, a disabled person who lost her right hand, is no longer capable of being the captain of the knight team. The time has come to have to retire.


Chapter 2 Dinya, who is facing amputation... [3/[-]]

Ronald looked at Dinia who was surrounded by the knights and knights, and at the knights who had just experienced a tragic battle. They took off their helmets one after another, hugged their captain, and wept loudly for a while. Ronald actually felt that he had to say, with some sympathy, that all the horsemen and knights in front of him looked very embarrassed.

Watching the tick-tocks still under them: the blood flowing, listening to the sound of their weeping to save their captain.

Ronald felt for the first time that maybe he should help them think of this, Ronald coughed lightly, "If you don't let go of your captain, then maybe your captain is really helpless."

Hearing Ronald's words, those centaurs immediately focused their attention on him.

"I beg you, esteemed Excellency, as long as you can treat our captain's hand well, I am willing to pay any price!"

"I am willing to pay any price"

"Me too"

"I also"

Looking at the sincere appearances of the centaurs and knights, Ronald couldn't help sighing to Dinia: "It seems that you are very qualified to be the captain!"

"Of course, although we are not biological sisters, we are better than biological sisters!"

Dina said proudly.

"Okay, if you want your captain's hand to be safe and sound, then quickly take off your captain's armor."

While speaking, Ronald chose a flat place beside him, took out a large inflatable tent from the ring, and supported it.

And at this time, those ladies and horses also help their captain to remove the armor.

After Ronald had set up the tent, he turned his head to look at Dinia. At this time, Dinia had no armor, and only a set of tattered simple lining and the gauntlet of her right hand remained. .

That's why those ladies and horses didn't take off their captain's gauntlet, because at this time Diniya's right hand and gauntlet were scalded together due to the high temperature, and they didn't dare to touch it, for fear of hurting their captain again. more serious.

Ronald looked at Dinya who had taken off his armor, and had to say, this centaur is really beautiful.

What's different from Sandralea's... sweet beauty -- Dinia's beauty, is a kind of awe-inspiring beauty.

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