Over time, ethnic conflicts broke out, and the entire Skagen Kingdom did not need to be oppressed by any external forces, and the interior would be divided.

Don't say how good the relationship between the leaders of the two sides is. It is related to the issue of the survival of their respective people. Even if they have a good relationship with each other, conflicts will eventually break out-by that time, even if the Skagen royal family wins After all, the personal strength of the Centaurs is too great, and if at this time, the Skagen Kingdom had a territory in the fertile plains, how could it have ended up like this? Catherine glanced at herself. The niece smiled with a hesitant expression, "What do you think Louis III Ann's kindness is?"

"He pulled us to carve up the Kingdom of Alderney, just to block our guns: that's all."

"I believe that little Celtre's letter has said it very clearly"

"The Bauhinia family has failed. They not only lost, but also lost their own country."

"So, I am now very glad that I was not blinded by my immediate interests, and attacked the Kingdom of Alderney with Louis III."

"In this way, at least we haven't torn apart our faces, and there is still the possibility of first-line negotiations."

When she heard her aunt's words, Queen Margaret couldn't help but secretly rolled her eyes. Others don't know what kind of woman her aunt is. Does she still not understand? After all, she has been close to her aunt since she was a child. time with your parents.

"Auntie, tell me secretly, what would you do if the Bauhinia family won the victory?"

Queen Margaret sneaked up to her aunt Catherine's side as if she was coquettish, and shook her arm when she saw her niece's appearance as a child, Catherine couldn't help but smile at this moment, she seemed to be again. Seeing the lovely appearance of Margaret snuggling in her arms when she was a child, thinking of this, she smiled and said in a low voice: "If Louis III wins, then by then, I will advise you to attack Im Dahl Fortress, which draws the entire northern region of the Alderney kingdom into the kingdom's territory."

This is what my aunt does. She never agrees to any verbal agreement, everything only depends on how things develop.

But it's a pity—it wasn't Louis III who won, but His Excellency the Guardian who appeared out of nowhere in the Kingdom of Alderney.

Thinking of this, Margaret couldn't help but sighed and said nothing, but said that the current guardian, His Excellency, came to Imdar Fortress with the might of destroying the country.

Obviously it wasn't someone who came to invite them for dinner and said something rude. The war is imminent and everything depends on how you deal with it. Thinking of this, Margaret couldn't help but take a deep breath and straighten her chest, as if she At this moment, I am carrying a huge responsibility.

As a matter of fact, it is indeed the case. As the Supreme Being of the Skagen Kingdom, as the Queen of the Skagen Kingdom, at this time of internal and external troubles, she is really under a lot of pressure. Seeing the appearance of her niece Margaret, Catherine sighed silently, then reached out and grabbed her little hand, "Don't worry, I'm here"


Chapter 2 The truth is only within the level of the silver moon step... [3/[-]]

At this time, Ronald rode Sandraea, accompanied by Denia, and had come to a place not far from the military camp. He could already see Margo who was lined up at the camp gate to welcome him. Queen Rita and the others.

"My lord, the queen and the patriarch have all come out to greet us"

And Dinya obviously saw this scene with the keen vision of the centaurs. She reminded her man in a low voice, "Well, I saw it."

Ronald nodded lightly. In fact, with his eyes, he could see that the centaur woman standing beside the queen with the crown looked at him with a different meaning. .

Well, he could indeed understand why the centaur matriarch looked at him so strangely.

If it was him, if he saw a bastard who dared to ride his daughter as a horse, he would never ask for any reason, and he would kill the bastard.

But, at this point, if he jumped off Sandraea's back again, it would be too deliberate.

So—pretend, you have to act as if nothing happened.

Thinking of this, Ronald tightened his face, looking like a cold-faced little boy.

When it was said that it was too late, the speed of the centaur female knights was more than [-] kilometers at that time, and the distance was less than two or three kilometers. It was a blink of an eye.

In a short while, everyone came to the gate of the Skagen barracks.

Everyone stopped, Ronald jumped off Sandraea's back, "Lord Duke Grid, welcome to the Kingdom of Skagen."

It was not Queen Margaret who stepped out of the crowd first, but Archduke Catherine standing beside her—she took the first step towards Ronald slowly and firmly, a piece of silver-white armor from her mouth The second step spreads to the surrounding, the cumbersome and gorgeous palace dress on her body has been replaced by a luxurious silver armor skirt. The third step, her pretty face has been covered by a silver helmet. The long hair at the back was automatically tied into a long ponytail behind the head by the helmet.

Taking the fourth step, Catherine already had a silver sword and a shield in her hands.

At this time, Katherine looked beautiful and deadly, full of strange charm.

This scene seems like a desperate posture, but in fact this is just a kind of etiquette for the silver moon steps to confirm each other's identities.

To be honest, the previous silver moon rank did not need to be confirmed by this kind of action at all. The external performance of their silver hair and silver eyes was already very obvious.

But since some guys thought that the silver hair and silver pupils were too ugly, and then they researched the secret technique of dyeing hair and the secret technique of beauty contact lenses, the external performance of the so-called silver moon level is like a fake.

Moreover, on weekdays, you can't always be suspected of being a noble of the Silver Moon rank, so just give him a sentence.

"If you fly one, I will admit that you are the silver moon step"

What kind of existence are you acting as a silver moon step? So, this kind of self-arming movement is regarded as the etiquette for the silver moon step to confirm each other's identities.

After all, the action of wearing armor on the silver moon rank is really handsome and not ashamed, and there is a certain element of showing off force, so it has become a conventional action.

That—does Ronald know about this?

The rules, ahem, he didn't know at first.

However, since he devoured so many silver seeds of the silver moon rank, he also knew it.

But now, Ronald is going to pretend that he doesn't know. In the end, why isn't he here to deter the Skagen Kingdom? Don't act rashly? Well, negotiation is necessary. If that's the case, let's negotiate first. Isn't it normal to compete with each other? The so-called truth is only within the distance of artillery, and in this world, it is only reasonable to say that truth is only within the silver moon rank.

If you don't fight, then your concession will be regarded as weakness by the other party.

After the fight, your toughness will become a natural demand of the strong.

Thinking of this, Ronald Gujiao smiled, "Looks like you want to have a fight with me."

As soon as the words fell, Ronald's image had changed drastically. It was only for a moment that the noble military dress on his body turned into a set of extremely gorgeous silver armor. The gorgeousness of this armor was blinding the eyes of everyone present what.

To be honest, when it comes to imagination and creativity, Ronald is not saying that he looks down on anyone, but that the silver moon steps of the whole world are not worthy of shoes for the netizens of the earth.

After all, with the existence of the Internet, there is really a collective effort on the earth.

This set of armor, which is derived from the sacred clothes of Hades, is enough to prove it.

At this moment - everyone in the Skagen Kingdom, including Catherine, was stunned whether they could fight, not to mention, but this armor is really handsome and extremely handsome.

The streamlined lines with a sense of strength, the gorgeous and cumbersome shoulder armor patterns, and the three pairs of silver wings that stretched more than ten meters behind them. At this moment, Catherine felt that she had already lost before she could compete with Ronald. Cough, no, to be precise, Catherine didn't even want to discuss with Ronald at all, but at this time, she was stunned by the armor that appeared from Ronald's Silver Power Tool, and she didn't have time to speak. That's it.

However, when she wanted to speak, it was too late. "This... beautiful lady, let's discuss for the sake of friendship between the two countries."

As Ronald's voice fell, the wings behind him slammed back, and the girls standing behind Ronald felt a hurricane hit, and for a while they had a feeling that they couldn't stand.

And at this time, I went to see Ronald again, and they still disappeared. Then I looked at the guardian of their kingdom, and Lady Catherine also disappeared. Just when everyone in the Skagen Kingdom on the ground was confused, a huge explosion suddenly came from the sky. A tinkling sound came from above their heads.

At this time, everyone looked up and saw that two silver-white figures were fiercely colliding in the sky at a height of more than one thousand meters.

To be honest, with the strength and eyesight of the underground people, they really can't tell who is who in the sky.

Even Queen Skagen, Margaret, who possesses the strength of the Great Knight Commander of Silver Light—can only vaguely see a figure dragging a silver light, suppressing another silver figure and madly beating "Mom to the end." who has the advantage"

Seltre asked anxiously.

Chapter 3 I really didn't want to kill you... [3/[-]]

"Uh, it's probably your grandmother Catherine who is suppressing the duke."

Queen Margaret said to her daughter with some uncertainty that she was really not sure, after all, with her strength, it was difficult to capture the figure of the two when they were fighting.

However, since she has a silver glow, it's obviously Aunt Catherine with long hair.

Queen Margaret thought so - but, in fact, is it really like what this... Her Majesty thought If so, it is estimated that there will be a lot of scolding for the sale of hemp.

"Stop the madman, I didn't want to fight you"


What Ronald responded to her was just a heavy blow and a savage knock on the shield raised in her hand. With this huge force, Catherine was hit involuntarily and flew into the sky, "You lunatic lunatic"

Catherine was already hysterical. She wanted to throw away the shield in her hand and fight Ronald to death.

But it's a pity - she can't do it, not only she can't do it, even what she can do now is just curling up behind the shield with all her strength, trying not to reveal her figure.

And Ronald obviously didn't really want to kill her. His figure broke through the sound barrier with a sound, and smashed the double-edged blade in his hand on Catherine's shield again and again.

It’s not that Catherine didn’t want to fight back, but it was a pity—she found sadly that the strength of her and the little monster in front of her was too far away. In terms of speed, Ronald was more than five times hers, and she wasn’t sure about this. Is it Ronald's fastest speed theory? Just by seeing that she was beaten by Ronald, you can know that she is not an opponent at all.

After the two most important indicators of speed and power are passed, then the depth of the Yinhui Dou Qi in the body is determined.

Well, even this Catherine still found that she was not his opponent.

Strictly speaking, she was a contemporary of Louis III, and she was three years later than Louis III and entered the Silver Moon Rank, but in terms of force, she considered herself to be no worse than Louis III.

But why was she being crushed and beaten by this little guy who had just entered the Silver Moon Rank for less than half a year? At this moment, Catherine had a feeling of self-doubt. She is one major rank higher, and Erila Gladys, who is a high-ranking knight of the Silver Moon, was also beaten and suspected of life when she met Ronald, who was a small rank and who was just entering the middle-ranking knight of the Silver Moon. .

The silver vindictive aura in Ronald's body is because of something indescribable.

It is three to five times thicker than normal Silver Moon Knights of the same rank. In addition, this guy has absorbed so many souls, turning their combat experience and the essence of secret techniques into his own experience and secret techniques, which complements him. The last shortcoming of itself can be said that although the rank of Rhona at this time is still at the rank of the silver moon middle-rank grand knight, but the actual combat power is enough to cross a major rank and hang the silver moon first-rank grand knight commander. .

If coupled with his own psychic blessing and spiritual spike raid, under certain circumstances, it is not impossible to kill the middle-level Silver Moon Grand Knight Commander.

Don't underestimate the middle-rank Silver Moon Grand Knight Commander, this class,

There are only four people in the entire continent.

The old monster of the high-level Silver Moon Knight Commander, as far as Ronald knows, there is only one Eternal Bulwark.

That old monster has always been sitting at the Eternal Bulwark, almost never going out, and under normal circumstances, he rarely shoots.

Therefore, Ronald is not very clear whether he can beat this old guy.

In short, to hang on and wait for the moment without causing trouble is Ronald's plan at this time.

Of course, he will not be satisfied with the current situation, but now is not the time to do things, he needs to wait patiently.

After all, he has only been in this world for less than half a year, and he can afford it and consume it.

To sum up, Ronald at this time was just teasing Catherine, if he was serious, Catherine would have been killed by him long ago.

However, at this time, Catherine obviously didn't think so. In her opinion, this lunatic named Ronald is just humiliating her. In fact, it is no wonder that she thinks so much about anyone being treated like a baseball. If you call it, it will probably be like this.

After three hours of 3 hourglasses - Catherine's condition was already in a precarious state, and the grudge in her body had begun to bottom out due to the violent collision and consumption.

Even, she had to reduce the battle qi that made up the armor, just to maintain the giant shield in her hand.

At this time, Ronald also saw her embarrassment. After all, Catherine's silver armor became thinner and thinner, how could he not see it? It's better if your skills are not as good as others. There's really no need to beat him to death with a stick.

After all, Ronald felt that he still needed talents to think of this. Ronald's figure flashed, with a sonic boom, the whole person suddenly appeared beside Catherine, and then raised his right foot to be a whip.

The whip slammed heavily on Catherine's body, kicking her whole body into the air.

"You lunatic I'm going to kill you I'm going to kill you absolutely"

Hearing Catherine's angry shouting, Ronald looked at his legs speechlessly, er, well, there was indeed something wrong with the kick just now.

As for where the kick was - if Ronald said that for Katherine's safety, the kick hit the thickest part of the flesh behind her, I don't know if she would believe it.

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