Dinya obediently took the plate from Ronald's hand, she didn't pretend, she just stretched out her little hand to grab the steak, put it to her mouth and took a bite, the umami of mutton with the smell of oil mixed with cumin The pungent taste mixed with chili peppers collided violently in her mouth.

The inherent strength of the mutton makes this roast meat more fragrant and delicious. For a while, Dinya even forgot that she wanted to be full of worship and shout delicious food. Her little mouth is too slow now, except for eating, she doesn't want her little mouth to have other functions now.

Ronald looked at the eyes of his mother-in-law, Dinia, with gleaming eyes, chewing with bulging cheeks: she was so cute that she couldn't help laughing.

He can fully understand Diniya's reluctance to speak, not to mention a different world where all kinds of seasonings are extremely barren, even some foreigners in Western countries whose technology has reached the so-called global village era, will not be able to do so after arriving in Huaguo. Have you been completely conquered by the various delicacies of Huaguo? In terms of food, I don't look down on anyone in the food-loving country - there is one in the world, and there is no one who can beat it.

At this moment, a crisp voice came from the side, "Master Grid, your barbecue looks delicious, can I try a piece?"

Ronald turned his head to look, it was none other than the Queen Celtress Kahn, who was standing in front of Ronald, looking at him with a smile in his eyes.

And her inseparable good best friend, the centaur Sandra Leia, is also by her side as always.

It's just that Sandralea looked at Ronald with a little girl's resentment and anger. Well, Ronald knows - this lovely girl is still there: I hate his actions against the kingdom of Skagen. .

In this regard, Ronald doesn't care if you hate him, he is not a dollar bill and can be liked by everyone.

"Of course no problem, Her Royal Highness"

Ronald smiled, and cut a piece of roast meat for the... princess, and put it on a plate and handed it over.

Of course, he also handed over a plate of barbecued meat to Sandra Leia without discrimination. Facing the barbecue that he handed over, Sandra Leia did not reach out to take it, but looked at Ronald with her arms around her and her face accusing.

"Are you really not going to try it?"

Ronald laughed and asked, "No, I don't want to eat something made by a mean man,"

Sandra Leia said this, her eyes were red, and her tears almost didn't fall. Hearing this, Ronald didn't even bother to say anything, and immediately took back his barbecue. Habits to this day, he doesn't need to stick anyone's butt, it should be someone else sticking his ass.

Chapter 2 What Ronald?I don't even know what you said... [3/[-]]

Seeing Ronald's indifferent performance, Sandra Leia couldn't bear it any longer. With a wow, she turned around crying and ran "Leia"

Celtre shouted a few times, but did not call back her best friend, but in the end, she did not go after her best friend, but returned to Ronald again-because she knew that even if she chased after her It's also useless, the source of Sandralea's crying is Ronald, so she intends to solve this problem from the root.

At this time, Ronald sipped his wine and enjoyed the fruits of his labor. It has to be said that Bigris Long-Wool Sheep is worthy of being a famous delicacy in the Skagen Kingdom.

It is many times better than the mutton Ronald ate on earth.

The meat is firm but not woody, fat but not greasy, full of umami and almost no fishy smell. It is extremely refreshing when paired with cumin and pepper.

Especially eating it on such a cold night, it makes the whole body warm and feels extremely comfortable.

While eating the grilled meat, Ronald thought about whether he should go back and eat the whole fat sheep hot pot. This kind of lamb slices should be very suitable for shabu-shabu hot pot.

"grown ups"

Celtre walked to Ronald's side and spoke in a low voice.

"The barbecue will not taste good if it gets cold soon."

Ronald said with a smile.

"Sir, are you really not going to persuade Leia?"

Seltre did not go to eat the barbecue, but took a few steps forward to Ronald and said, "Leia, she ran away crying because of you."


Ronald smiled and gave Celtre a blank look, "Do I owe her because of me?"

"No you don't owe her anything, she just thinks you shouldn't take advantage of our motherland,"

Celtre hesitated.

"Take advantage of the fire,"

Ronald laughed even more ironically, "If I don't take advantage of the fire, your motherland, what will be your final outcome?"

"Plague ravages"


"Corpse all over the place"

"Hungry all over the place"

"Your people see no hope of life, your nobles will betray your rule and you will have to choose painfully to abandon all your subjects and escape alone"

"Is this the future you want?"

Ronald's words made Celtre speechless: "Actually, I understand all of this, but Leia doesn't understand"

The princess was frightened by Ronald's words. She had to admit that what Ronald said was true. Without Ronald's presence, their Skagen's future would only be: more than what he said. Too bad, it's even possible that they didn't even have time to collapse, and they were completely destroyed because they provoked a powerful kingdom.

However, when this was not the case, the princess didn't feel any dissatisfaction with the fact that she was about to become one of Ronald's wives. She wanted her best friend to understand these things, after all—she would also talk to She, too, became one of this man's wives.

From the bottom of her heart, she didn't want her best friend to die because of some depression. She knew that her best friend actually liked Ronald.

It is precisely because he likes it that he cannot tolerate Ronald treating her motherland Skagen like this.

"So what do you think of me?"

Ronald smiled. "Want me to explain to her?"


Celtre nodded lightly, "Haha"

Ronald smiled, but continued eating his own meat and drinking his own wine without speaking. Seeing this scene, Celtre was a little anxious and snatched the plate from Ronald's hand, "Sir, begging. Please come and see if Leia is okay."

"My lord, I also think you should take a look at Leia."

Hearing this, Ronald was stunned because it wasn't anyone else who said it, but Dinya, "Dinya, you also think I should go to her to explain it."

Ronald turned his head to look at his centaur in surprise.

"Yes, my lord!"

Dinya nodded seriously and said, "Although I don't like Sandraea very much, I have to admit that she is indeed a good girl, but she is too kind, so she will mess up some things. , but that...it wasn't her intention, she was just"

"Alright alright"

Hearing that his family Ma Niang was going to have a long talk with him, Ronald hurriedly raised his hand and surrendered, "I know, I'll go now"

"Thank you sir thank you"

Hearing Ronald's words, Princess Celtre couldn't help opening her arms, hugging him excitedly, and sighing on his face. When things got to this point, Ronald really had to persuade him. The centaur girl sighed silently, Ronald stood up and went in the direction Sandraea had just run away from, and directly lost a mental scan.

But at this time, Ronald was stunned to find out that his mental scan did not find the target, but now his mental scan radius is about five or six kilometers.

Did this chick just run wildly all the way out? What kind of trouble is she going to make? Ronald looked at the two chicks beside him who were looking at him with worried expressions, and comforted: "Don't worry, I will find her soon."

As he spoke, Ronald rose into the air and flew in the direction where Sandraea ran away. What is Sandraia doing at this moment? She is being tortured by a silver moon-level existence at this moment,” said Rhona. where is de?"

In the wilderness more than ten kilometers away from the military camp—a figure shrouded in silver light was standing in front of Sandra Leia, the centaur girl, questioning in a cold tone.

Looking at the woman wrapped in the dazzling silver light in front of her, Sandraea was quickly thinking about what this female Silver Moon Knight had to do with Ronald.

She just ran out to relax. When she thought that the man she liked would do such a thing to her country, she couldn't help shouting into the empty wilderness - Ronald Grid, you Just a big asshole.

In the end, she didn't expect that, she shouted, actually provoked such a silver moon step, and, listening to her frost-like tone - Sandraea felt that she should be Ronald's enemy .

Ordinarily, with her resentment towards Ronald, in the face of this situation, she should tell this woman about Ronald, but when she got to the point, it turned into: "I don't know anything, Lord Ronald. what are you saying"


Chapter 3: The Little Princess to Kill - Sandra Leia... [3/[-]]

The darkness could not hinder the Silver Moon Knight's gaze in the eyes of Erila Gladys, and the expression on the face of the centaur in front of her was so conspicuous.

That appearance is clearly saying - even if I know where Ronald Grid is, I will never tell you.

With Arella's temper, how could she get used to this little centaur? In addition, in order to find the man she lost, she accelerated her flight all the way, and flew thousands of kilometers from Santa Lorenza to this place. Because of his anxiety, his stomach was full of fire, and his tone suddenly became even colder.

"Don't challenge my patience, little centaur girl"

"I'll give you one last chance to tell me where Ronald Grid is"

Listening to Erila's increasingly icy tone, Sandra Leia was even more certain that the Silver Moon Knight in front of her was here to trouble Ronald: "You give me a hundred chances, and I don't know where he is. Don't even know who you're talking about Ronald Grid."

"Who is he? Does he owe you a lot of money?"

Listening to Centaur's pretending to be cute, Arella was already outraged. She laughed angrily, "I heard your shouting and thought you would be Ronald's new love. Now it seems, you are not"

"fair enough"

"Even if he kills you, he won't blame me"

As the voice fell, a great sword shining with silver light slashed down towards the top of Sandralea's head.

In an instant - time became slow in Sandraea's eyes.

In her mind, as if she had been in a movie, she recalled all the scenes in her life, from playing with her best friend Celtre as a child, to the sweat and tears when practicing martial arts. In the end, the picture freezes on a picture with The smiling Jun face At this time, she actually already knew the relationship between Arella and Ronald, it may not be what she thought, but it is a pity that there is no chance to change her words again - human life is like this Fragile knew earlier that he should speak his mind to that bastard in an upright manner.

I don't know if that bastard knows that he died at the hands of this woman because of a misunderstanding. Will he cry for himself? He will never cry for himself. He will only laugh at his own stupidity. Really, why? His person is himself, the one who falls in love with him first is also why he is so good to Diniya, but he is so dismissive of himself. , then I will definitely not play the master's temper anymore, and I must tell him exactly what I mean.

Even if he is abandoned like a shoe in the end, it is better than dying with regret. Just when Sandraea was thinking about it, a silver figure suddenly appeared in front of her, and she raised her hand with a huge shield to help her block it. It was a fatal blow that could split the mountain.

When———— a loud bang sounded in Sandraea's ear, awakening her from a daze, at this moment, Sandraea only felt a buzzing in her ears, and her head was overwhelmed by the sound The loud noise made it a little dizzy.

But, even so, she still clearly saw the figure standing in front of her. It wasn't the person she regretted the most before she died. At this time, Ronald helped Sandraea to block the fatal blow. Looking at Arella in front of her, she smiled bitterly: "Baby, why are you here?"

"My man disappeared for a day and a night, you ask me why I came here"

Arrell pulled up her visor and said coquettishly, "Have I disturbed your gentle plan?"

"What's the matter, I just got lost accidentally"

Ronald chuckled lightly and opened his arms, "Also, I also solved the invasion of the Skagen Kingdom by the way."

Seeing Ronald's open arms, all the anxiety in Arella's heart disappeared instantly. However, just as she was about to take off her armor and threw herself into her man's arms, Sandrale was standing behind Ronald. Ya did something that made her stunned and saw that Sandralea, who was behind Ronald, hugged Ronald from behind without hesitation, then looked over and kissed him fiercely.

In an instant—not only Arella was stunned, but Ronald was also stunned.

Damn, girl, you are killing yourself, do you know, how much will it cost to molest Ben Master in front of the main palace, and Erella's face at this time has become a little ugly. Little girl, you really have a lot of courage."

"It's been a long time since I saw an ordinary person dare to provoke me in front of me"

"You gave me a taste of the long-lost frustration"

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