On the contrary - DeWitt not only does not appreciate Ronald, but is full of resentment towards Ronald at this moment.

In DeWitt's eyes, Ronald was looking down on him.

It's as if two masters were fighting, and one master raised his hand behind his back, indicating that I can fight with one hand, and you are called Dad. If the master on the opposite side defeated the master, or the master who directly forced him to use both hands, then It was obviously a very successful slap in the face.

But the problem is - this product didn't work.

The most important thing is - in the beginning, it was DeWitt who was crushing and beating, not Ronald.

After nearly an hour of aerial combat, the offensive and defensive positions of the two seemed to have shifted their advantage from DeWitt's side to Ronald's side.

At this time, DeWitt was already out of his depth. "What kind of monster are you?"

After DeWitt adjusted his breathing, he looked into Ronald's eyes with a hint of fear.

"Obviously he's just a Great Knight of the Silver Moon, but he has a fighting spirit that is countless times stronger than that of me, the Great Knight Commander."


Hearing DeWitt's questioning, Ronald chuckled, "Will you tell the enemy about your unique trick?"

"of course not--"

Before DeWitt's words were finished, his whole body turned into a silver light that was almost invisible to the naked eye, and he rushed towards Ronald with a sinister smile, "It's a naive instant cut."

The speed of the silver light almost surpassed the reaction speed of the human brain, and it was desperately fast.

Obviously, this thing was going to sneak in from the beginning.

However, what is surprising is that when DeWitt's figure rushed out less than a meter, it was as if it had hit a thin wall, and it made a loud muffled sound.

Then, the muffled sound rang out one after another, and the dazzling light on DeWitt's body also became as it passed through the invisible walls of air: it dimmed when he rushed to Ronald, the silver emitting from his body, It has become: like a candle in the wind, indistinguishable.

At this moment, DeWitt felt that his entire body was being rejected by the whole world, squeezed by an invisible giant, unable to move.

"what is this"

DeWitt exclaimed in horror.

"you guess--"

Ronald chuckled, and the long Tang knife in his right hand pierced DeWitt's eyebrows like lightning.

In an instant, DeWitt's eyes widened, like a dead rag doll, his eyes hung blankly on Ronald's Tang knife, the thin figure swayed gently with the flowing majesty. At the same time, the armor on his body also turned into a little silver light because of the death of the master, and disappeared into the air.

Looking at the dead DeWitt, Ronald couldn't help sighing softly.

have to say,

The smooth sailing that has always been going on has made him a little depraved.

I have a treasure trove, but I don't know what the air wall that DeWitt encountered just now was developed by Ronald's psychic power. The function of these psychic walls is to limit DeWitt's speed and consume more than [-] invisible walls. His vindictiveness finally entangled him like a prey that fell into a spider's web, leaving him helpless.

Of course, it would have been very difficult to trap DeWitt in this way if Ronald hadn't been fighting with him for more than an hour.

It can be said that DeWitt's death was a bit wrong. If it wasn't for Ronald's cross-border teleportation as his trump card, and the time between the two worlds was relatively static, this time it really wasn't necessarily who would lose or who would win.

After all, DeWitt, as a master of the Silver Moon Knight's long rank, not only has the total amount of fighting qi that Ronald has ten times the same rank of the little prince, but also the quality of fighting qi in his body is far better than that of Ronald. If you have to make a comparison, it is probably the density difference between mercury and water.

Moreover, in terms of combat experience, DeWitt, who has thousands of years of various combat experiences, can be said to be the best at Ronald.

DeWitt's biggest mistake was that at first, he only wanted to humiliate Ronald, want to hurt him, but didn't want to kill him immediately.

This is also Yard DeWitt's hatred for Ronald. After all, Ronald was the culprit that led to the downfall of the Bauhinia family.

In DeWitt's opinion, killing him with a sword was too cheap for him.

However, it was this wrong decision that allowed Ronald to grow up in the battle, and to absorb nutrients like crazy in the battle.

In the end, when DeWitt found out that something was wrong, Ronald, who was already under the pressure of crazy evolution, had nothing to do.

Not only was he unable to kill Ronald, on the contrary, he let Ronald borrow his secret weapon and grind him to death bit by bit

To put it simply, this is a story of a player who can instantly restore blood and blue, and grinds to death a story whose blood bars are too long and blue bars are too long and the damage is too high.

Well, this is a really sad story.

Of course, as a matter of fact - if DeWitt had killed him in the first place, Ronald wouldn't have done it right away.

Hanging up, but dying from serious injuries is certain.

I have to say that the biggest gain of Ronald and DeWitt this time around is neither the secret skills and combat experience that have been gradually mastered, nor the discovery of a wretched tactic with infinite blood and blue to death, but— The lion must fight the rabbit with all his strength, otherwise - DeWitt is his lesson.

DeWitt lost because of his arrogance and arrogance. After a bit of emotion, Ronald directly took the silver seed that floated on DeWitt's body like a metal ball and received it in his ring. .

Then he put away DeWitt's body, too.

At the same time—his figure turned into a silver beam, and fell toward the garden of the palace.

At this time, because he lost the control of the magic weapon, the sober Marquis Francis looked at the secret letter in his hand with a pale face, and the whole person was stupid.

"How, how could it be like this, how did I do such a thing"

Marquis Francis, at this moment, his whole body trembled, "Come here, prepare a carriage for me, I'm going to the palace"

Chapter 2 He's not alone, I don't trust him... [3/[-]]

When the Marquis Francis arrived at the palace, it was almost three hours later.

Hearing that Marquis Francis had an audience, Roxani, who was checking with a group of sisters where Ronald was injured, didn't want to see her.

After all, at this time, in Roxani's heart, the health of her man is far more important than seeing Marquis Francis.

In the end, however, she decided to meet the Marquis Francis in the gardens of the palace.

No way, who made Queen Estelle begged Ronald and asked Ronald to help speak, and she couldn't refuse Ronald? Marquis Francis met Roxar III, Ronald and others in the garden." Your Majesty, I am guilty, please punish me"

Before the person reached Roxar III, Marquis Francis knelt down on one knee, bowed his head and confessed: "I"

"Well, Sir Francis, without further ado, I know that was not your intention"

Roxane directly interrupted the words of Marquis Francis.

Originally, Marquis Francis was a victim, so how could Roxani blame him? Hearing Roxar III's words, Marquis Francis felt moved in his heart and hurriedly raised his head: "Then I will order someone to retrieve those secret letters now."

"no need"

Ronald said leisurely: "As it happens, this is also an opportunity, so that we can see who is trying to make small moves below."

"Lord Grid, what do you mean"

At this moment, the Marquis Francis was shocked. He was going to take him to sit on wax, let him organize a rebellion, and then clean up the rebels among the nobles. But the question is - will he be thrown out as a sacrifice in the end? It is impossible to kill the accomplice without punishing the first evil.

Thinking of this, the back of Marquis Francis was almost soaked with sweat. He desperately winked at his daughter who was standing beside Roxani, which meant - save your father.

Seeing the look on his father's face, Estelle instantly guessed what he was thinking, smiled at him, and shook his head gently—meaning, don't worry, His Majesty didn't intend to be a victim.

Seeing Estelle's face and actions, Marquis Francis felt a little relieved.

But soon, he realized one thing that Roxar III's move was to make him a loner. With the leading nobles, he deliberately pretended to be a soldier, but in fact it was a move to clear the road for the royal family to reform the road. , I am afraid that his reputation among the nobles will be completely rotten.

Once he shows signs of weakness, I am afraid that countless nobles will rush to him and bite him.

But at this time, he still thought of this, and Marquis Francis couldn't help but smiled bitterly, "Your Majesty, the old minister takes orders."

"Well, let's go down"

Estelle watched his father's desolate figure disappear at the gate of the garden, and looked at his man hesitantly, "Why does this have to be my dear?"

"Isn't that nice"

Ronald chuckled and said, "In this way, I can confidently let your father serve as the first chief prosecutor of the kingdom."

Having said that, Ronald looked at Estelle and said, "I would never give such a crucial position to a nobleman who has formed a gang with confidence."

When the girls heard the words, they all fell into deep thought.


What the Chief Prosecutor does, to put it bluntly, is an institution that restrains the nobles and manages the administration of officials.

Such an important supervisory agency, with a slick,,,, guy, who would be at ease, but this position is too important, talented people may not be able to suppress those nobles, and the status is sufficient, for the interests of their own family, not necessarily Will really act with integrity.

And Marquis Francis is obviously a good choice. His relationship with the royal family is close enough, and he has some prestige among the nobility. In addition, he is only more than [-] years old this year, and he can live for at least [-] years. Suitable for the role of Chief Attorney General.

Therefore, it is a very necessary procedure for him to do something that nobles hate to the core, to completely break away from the contact of those nobles, and to firmly rely on the royal family.

After chatting with his women for a while, Ronald is ready to go to retreat. In fact, this guy can't wait to absorb DeWitt's silver seed.

After explaining to the girls, Ronald walked directly to a hall in the palace under the leadership of the female officer.

There was Roxani's indoor practice place. After arriving at the practice hall, Ronald backed away the court lady who wanted to accompany him and closed the hall door.

The entire hall is roughly the size of an indoor volleyball court. On the floor of the hall, there is a very flexible white stone that looks like jade but not jade, surrounded by countless polished and incomparably smooth bronze mirrors. The outside sunlight is refracted into the main hall.

In the middle of the hall, Ronald sat down with his legs crossed.

He first took out DeWitt's body from the ring and threw it aside.

After a while, DeWitt had more than two hundred kilograms of magic silver on his body, and was slowly separated from his body.

"Tsk tsk, the stronger you are, the richer you are!!"

Ronald looked at the pile of magic silver and couldn't help sighing: "This is more magic silver than I collected by killing so many silver moon steps."

While speaking, Ronald separated the Qianhuan on his body. The separated Qianhuan turned into a giant silver tiger as soon as it landed, and when he opened his bloody mouth, a tiger roared.

As a result, as soon as it took a shot, Ronald slapped Tiger Roar back into his stomach.

"What do you mean, just stay with me honestly"

Hearing his master's scolding, Qian Huan lay on the ground aggrieved, a grunting sound came from his throat.

Seeing Qianhuan's aggrieved appearance, Ronald couldn't help but want to laugh, "Okay, stop pretending, look - these are all for you!"

With that said, Ronald pointed to the magic silver piled up like a hill beside DeWitt, "Ouch!"

Seeing the magic silver, Qianhuan jumped onto the magic silver pile with a big jump, just like a husky who was overjoyed, opened his big eyes, and swallowed the magic silver into his stomach in a few mouthfuls.

After devouring the magic silver, Qian Huan acted coquettishly at his master, lying on the ground and closing his eyes.

Ronald knew that the residual vindictiveness contained in DeWitt's magic silver would take at least a few days for Qianhuan to be completely cleaned up. "Okay, I should start working hard."

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