My world double door

Chapter 112 Picking up people after the new year (Wan Ding, please subscribe)

After entering the front desk and explaining their purpose, everyone was assigned a very luxurious room. The room was not only comfortable, but also had various functions.

After arranging the room, everyone took a shower and slept in the room. After a while, it was dark when they woke up.

Everyone went downstairs to have dinner together, and when they went upstairs, someone guided them to the wellness area, where there were baths, massages, foot soaks, and saunas.

What made people open their eyes was that there were beautiful women wearing three-point bikinis walking around outside each individual box, carrying fruits and tea with a smile.

When they arrived at a place like this, Wang Hao, who had always been so excited, was a little timid and did not dare to say anything. Not to mention Liu Wei and Li Qing, Zhang Wei looked around with the corner of his mouth raised until he was led into their respective private rooms. .

When I entered the door, I saw a separate small bathtub filled with water vapor. The water temperature was maintained at 47 degrees. There were drinks, tea, and various fruits next to the bathtub.

"Honey, let's take a bath here?"

Zhou Li happily stretched out her hand to test the water temperature, then turned to Li Yang and asked happily.

"Hmm, it's quite comfortable to take a bubble bath and massage."

Li Yang smiled and shrugged, then moved his eyes, smiled and hugged Zhou Li into the bath, and his whole body was instantly enveloped in the warm water.

Zhou Li blushed and muttered that she felt uncomfortable wearing clothes. Then Li Yang simply took off all her clothes, and Zhou Li screamed like a gangster.


"Sir, do you want technician service?"

"Wait outside for an hour."

Along with the sound of high-heeled shoes hitting the ground, the microphone on the box door rang. Li Yang raised his head, pressed the call button and whispered back, then went down to the bathtub and kissed Zhou Li, who was out of breath.

Not long after, Zhou Li's buttocks were placed on the edge of the swimming pool. She held the soft edge of the pool with both hands and took a deep breath with her hair thrown back.


An hour later, Li Yang and Zhou Li finished taking a shower and put on their clothes. Then they opened the door of the bath with a smile. Outside the door were two beauties with long and black hair, skin as fair as cream, delicate looks, and three-point beauties. He walked in with greetings, Li Yang took Zhou Li and lay down comfortably on the bed, letting them massage her.

The two beauties gave them a very formal massage and then left a bowl of big tonic soup. They left with a smile. Li Yang took the soup and drank it, feeling a warmth flowing through his body.

Zhou Li first picked up the soup and took a sip. It felt a little weird. She couldn't help but wrinkle her nose, but she drank it in one breath. Then she turned around and lay in Li Yang's arms with a smile.

"Brothers, are you all well and ready to go to the next show?"

Li Yang put one hand around Zhou Li's tender body, and extended his arm from her creaking hole to click on his mobile phone. He smiled and asked in the group. Zhou Li picked up the grape on the fruit plate next to her, peeled one, and ate it herself. Half of it was given to Li Yang with a pouted mouth.

Li Yang ate the grapes smoothly. Zhou Li's eyes turned into crescents. She lay on Li Yang and looked at his face. She felt like she couldn't see enough. After taking genetic medicine and practicing magic, Li Yang had a very strong mental power. It was simply fascinating to her.

After watching it for a while, she simply slowly used the soft pen on Li Yang and started licking it bit by bit.

"Why is there no movement?"

Li Yang was a little curious, so he called the waiter and asked, only to learn that they were having too much fun and fell asleep after drinking the health soup.

"These guys."

Li Yang shook his head, turned over, and started playing with her.


More than forty minutes later, the sleeping people woke up one after another and all met in the hall with a little embarrassment. Seeing their state, Li Yang turned around and hugged Zhou Li and took them to the ktv area, asking for He walked into a large private room, and not long after, rows of beauties walked in amid everyone's eyes shining brightly.

"Listen to me, listen to me."

Wang Hao coughed, stood up slowly, and then rushed forward: "I choose first!"

But a figure next to him was faster. Liu Wei stepped forward, hugged the two sisters, one on the left and the other on the right, and returned to his place.


The others were instantly in a mess. Li Yang shook his head and asked for more people. Two more groups of beauties of various styles walked in. A group of perverts picked and picked, and one person picked two that he was satisfied with and sat down happily. She started singing, drinking, and touching stockings.

"My dear, why don't you choose?"

Zhou Li was sitting in Li Yang's arms. Seeing how much fun they were fighting over each other, she couldn't help but turn around and ask Li Yang with a smile.

"Together, they are not as delicious as you."

Li Yang smiled at the corner of his mouth and whispered to Zhou Li's ear. The girl's softness was so addictive that Zhou Li's ears turned red immediately and she sat tightly in Li Yang's arms. However, she still cooperated with Li Yang and him very sensibly. Friends sing together.

That night, after singing late into the night, the brothers returned to the room holding their two sisters.

When I got up the next day, I decided to go out and see the sea, so the hotel provided a yacht, and a group of bikinis on the yacht were already looking forward to it.

"This is life."

Sitting in the air-conditioned insulated room, Liu Wei hugged one and stood next to him. He took a sip of the wine handed to him by the beautiful woman and looked at the magnificent sea outside through the car window. He couldn't help but squint and mutter to himself, and then looked Looking at his brother who was playing with his little sister, he silently raised his wine and came forward to clink a glass with him sincerely: "Don't say anything, good brother, do it!"

"Hahaha, do it!"

Li Yang nodded with a smile, raised his head and drank the wine. However, as soon as Wang Hao next to him opened his mouth, the brotherly love turned sour.

"Then do it?"

"Then do it!"

Seeing that something was wrong, Li Yang quickly carried Zhou Li and ran to the bedroom inside, closing the soundproof door at the same time.





After five days of fun in Linhai, Li Yang returned to his hometown with his brothers who were much more relaxed on the afternoon of the 14th day of the first lunar month. After this trip, their sense of restraint was finally dispelled.

Li Yang took Zhou Li back to the town and asked her to find Xu Yuan first. He returned home and had a lively fifteenth day.

On the night of the 15th, continuous fireworks took off and bloomed amidst the smiles and emotions of the leaders. Many of the commanders around were worried that something would happen if so many fireworks were discharged in a concentrated manner, but only Li Yang felt the power of flying in the sky to control the subtle airflow. A knows that nothing will happen.

Sure enough, the night passed uneventfully. Except for someone being hit on the head by falling cannon paper, nothing else happened.

The leaders went back with peace of mind. On the 16th, Li Yang called a bus and took away the people in the village who wanted to follow him. They rushed all the way to the headquarters of the [Haohan Security] company established in Linhai and arranged for them. The dormitory is ready.

Some older people are in charge of the dormitories and register information. Those who are illiterate are the cleaning captains. They don't have to do the work themselves, just arrange for others to do it.

Young people will be assigned to different positions based on their academic level. Those with lower academic qualifications will be assigned to lower-level management positions for training. In the future, they will be junior leaders at the grassroots level and then promoted to lower-level leaders. They are also leaders after all. They are more comfortable and dignified than many of them entering factories and construction sites. Make more money.

For those with high academic qualifications, middle management job training will be arranged. As for whether there are senior managers, it depends on whether they have this ability.

As for his cousins, they were all trained as middle-level cadres. Although the two highly educated cousins ​​were too rigid, Li Yang still trained them as senior managers to make them competent in logistics management.

Rigid people are suitable for this.

Of the seven brothers, only three have gone to college, two have college degrees, Wang Hao and Liu Wei, and one has a bachelor's degree, Li Qing. Taking into account their personal strengths and flexible minds, they arranged different trainings for middle management positions. Li Qing Then touch the level of high-level people.

"The training lasts for three months. During this period, you all should study hard and work hard. Don't let other recruits be dissatisfied with you in the future. If nothing else, at least give me your own skills. Learned well."

"At that time, those who work for you or your colleagues will either be experienced in the industry or veterans. Think about what you should do."

Before arranging everyone to enter a special training center, Li Yang seriously warned everyone, fearing that they would not pay attention and use all their mental energy.

Recruitment of security personnel is already in progress, mainly veterans. At the same time, Li Yang also plans to personally take people to those poor areas to see if he can bring out some good seedlings. Children in the mountains used to be able to fight for their saliva. When fighting, everyone has courage and ruthlessness hidden in their hearts.

When such people are recruited, if anything else happens, they will be very useful.

Before these grassroots security personnel come in, the company's corresponding management and leadership structure must be established.

Fortunately, most of the people present had experienced severe beatings from society. Those who had not, knew that they were not very capable and knew how to grasp the plan. Regardless of their abilities, they all nodded seriously, and then got into the car together and were pulled along. Go to the training center.

Li Yang watched them leave from the roadside. He knew that in the next three months, they would be trained at the training center and the spacious four-person dormitory arranged for them by Li Yang. He hoped that they would do well.

The training here mainly trains management knowledge and various security expertise. All professionals are hired. Although the Qian Jubao incident in Heyang was not a trouble for him, he didn't want to This kind of thing happens again, especially to his company employees.

After arranging for this group of people from his hometown, Li Yang turned to do another thing - to go back to Heyang to pick up people.


At the exit of Heyang Expressway, Li Yang stopped and waited at the intersection for a while. Not long after, he saw a car coming into view, and then a woman wearing a windbreaker, who looked elegant in every movement, got out of the car.

There was a man beside the woman who was helping her carry her luggage, but when he saw Li Yang's figure, he was so happy that he ran straight into his arms.


After Dai Yueming was thrown into his arms by Li Yang, he kissed Li Yang's lips passionately without any scruples. The man behind him coughed dryly, put down his luggage, turned around and drove away.

"Hoo, ho, Li Yang, let me get pregnant. I want to give birth to a child for you."

After a series of fierce kisses, Dai Yueming held Li Yang's head until the car disappeared, letting him kiss his delicate collarbone and neck, and spoke vaguely into his eyes.

"You are pregnant now. How will your family explain this?"

Li Yang raised his head and looked at her in surprise.

"Just say it's Cao Bin's child. It's okay. He and I have discussed it in private."

Dai Yueming spoke to Li Yang gently, his eyes full of tenderness and expectation.

"Then it depends on whether you can help me."

Li Yang smiled. He didn't feel anything about having children. He didn't reject it, but he didn't really want it. But if a woman wanted it, he wouldn't refuse it.

However, whether you can get pregnant or not depends on your fate.

"I will not let you down!"

Dai Yueming smiled happily when she heard this. She said with a smile on her face, and then she stretched out her arms and hugged Li Yang's neck and chest.

"Okay, let's go back first."

Li Yang smiled and pinched Dai Yueming's butt, letting the bright young woman get down, then pulled Dai Yueming's suitcase and put it in the trunk, and said with a smile.

"Okay, go back."

Dai Yueming opened his mouth with a smile, his eyes turned into crescent moons, he turned around and ran to the passenger seat, then turned around and looked at him driving tenderly.

The car drove along the wide road and rushed back to the villa in East District of Heyang in a short time.

With people living in the villa, it is finally less deserted and more humane.

That night, after dinner, Dai Yueming pestered Li Yang to ask for a child. How could Li Yang refuse? He hugged her directly and went to bed.

late at night.

In his sleep, Dai Yueming felt the hot liquid flow into his throat and swallowed it subconsciously.

Li Yang looked at the sleeping beauty, put away the magic potion bottle with a slight hook at the corner of his mouth, and disappeared from the room with a movement of his body.

When he reappeared, he had already arrived at the [Zongheng Mecha] hidden in the forest in the second world. He opened the mecha's storage box, took out the medicine box, picked up the [Vision Potion] and drank it.

After returning to his hometown for seventeen days, he not only absorbed the remnants of the [Explosion Potion] he had taken before, but he also took a bottle of [Hearing Potion] in between.

But as time went by, all the hearing potion residue accumulated in his body had been absorbed. Today was the time to drink new potion.

The most exciting [Sixth Sense Potion] had to wait until several other perception potions were finished, so Li Yang chose [Vision Potion] to start.

Vision is the medium through which 70% of the human body explores information from the outside world. Its importance is self-evident. The function of [Vision Potion] is to greatly improve the visual ability of human eyes. Basic potions can keep people at the peak of ordinary people. The level never drops.

"Huh, the energy of the sensory potion is no weaker than that of the body potion, but this one doesn't require exercise."

Li Yang felt the energy that was rapidly filling his body after drinking the potion. He rolled his eyes and felt a warm feeling arise spontaneously, making him want to close his eyes and sleep.

He squinted his eyes and felt it, then with a thought, he disappeared from the second world and returned to the real world to rest on the bed.

During the sleep process, the power of [Vision Potion] continued to increase the strength of Li Yang's eye genes, and the night passed before he knew it.


The next day, Li Yang woke up in the morning and instantly felt that the world in front of him was much clearer, as if it had suddenly improved from smooth to 8k video. Everything became more delicate and silky, which made him feel happy.

Dai Yueming became even more clingy after waking up, but he was so happy last night that Li Yang didn't touch them much in the morning. At noon, Zhou Li and Xu Yuan also came from home. I deliberately took the time to visit them and take them to catch the wind and wash away the dust.

"Huh, I feel like I've gained ten pounds during the Chinese New Year at Yuanyuan's house. I'm tired of eating meat these days. Fortunately, there's no meat in today's meal."

When she came to Shuise Tea House and looked at the vegetarian dishes on the table, Zhou Li couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, then she patted her chest and said, looking a little distressed, for fear that she was getting fat.

"Me too. After staying at home for more than half a month, I feel like I have gained weight."

Xu Yuan is still so beautiful, with a perfect combination of youthful girlishness and young womanliness, which makes people can't help but pay more attention to her, while Zhou Li on the other side is completely following the urban girl route.

She sat opposite Li Yang and couldn't help but exhale when she saw that the table was full of vegetarian dishes.

He said he had gained weight, but it was actually a joke. From Li Yang's precise point of view, the two of them were just right.

"What's the matter? Eating well is the most important thing. Come on, come on. I'll help you today and start working tomorrow."

Li Yang smiled and raised his wine glass to clink a glass with them, and then greeted them to eat. Xu Yuan looked at Li Yang, pursed her lips and picked up the food silently.

In the middle of the meal, Li Yang went to the toilet. When he came out of the toilet, he found Xu Yuan wearing tight winter clothes standing at the door of the toilet.

"Xu Yuan, are you going to the toilet too?"

Li Yang looked at his little secretary, smiled, washed his hands, wiped the water stains with toilet paper, and asked softly.

"No, I'm here to find you."

Xu Yuan pinched her fingers nervously, her face turning red due to nervousness. She mustered up the courage to look at Li Yang, her chest rising and falling, as if she was making some important decision.

"Looking for me? What's the matter?"

Li Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at the beautiful high school beauty in front of him thoughtfully, with a smile in his eyes.

The strong spiritual power made him speculate about women's thoughts.


Xu Yuan took a deep breath to hold back her shyness and wanted to say something, but as soon as I said the words, a greeting came from behind: "Xu Yuan, Li Yang, are you okay? The dishes are cold."

These two chapters have been revised a lot, and three female characters have been deleted. You can read it again.

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