My world double door

Chapter 121 Bombardment of the City Lord’s Mansion

Group after group of souls capable of controlling the basic mutant zombies were separated from the mind and continuously penetrated into the bodies of the three hundred basic mutant zombies around them.

One, two, three... Finally, when Li Yang gained the last controllable spiritual power that did not affect his normal cultivation life, the number of basic mutated zombies under his control reached just one hundred.

As the soul power took effect along with the magic formula, these zombies stopped roaring and struggling and stood calmly on the spot.

"Including three intermediate mutant zombies, that's one hundred and three."

Li Yang opened his eyes and felt that his soul thoughts had reached the limit. He couldn't help but rub the center of his eyebrows. He sat down on the spot and began to practice the [Spiritual Exercise Method]. He activated the protection mode of the mecha and lay down to sleep and rest to make up for the loss of his soul. force.

The mental power is constantly split and controlled, and each split mental power has to control a zombie body. This is not a one-time attack like [Soul Stab] and [Soul Damage Technique] that can be sent out and ignored, but it requires him to A spiritual link that continues to be controlled after being sent out.

Every time a link is branched, there seems to be an extra thread in the mind, which requires soul power to control. If you put your energy into it, it seems that there are more than a hundred arms and senses, which makes people confused.

Fortunately, Li Yang's spiritual power has become strong enough with continuous practice. Many details of the control of the corpse servants do not require him to invest too much energy. Just like a person's normal breathing and walking, he only needs to provide a thought, and he can automatically Understand actions.

Only if there is too much division and control, will he have to devote all his energy to controlling the corpse servant like a game character.

And with his current mental strength, there is no problem in controlling these one hundred and three.

As soon as I fell asleep, I felt groggy, and my mental strength was quickly restored under the influence of [mental exercise method].

Two hours later, Li Yang, whose mental strength had regained its mellowness, opened his eyes, his mind finally became clear, and he couldn't help but let out a long breath.

"You still have to master the way to improve the corpse servant's strength."

Li Yang muttered to himself, then stood up and untied the restraints on the hundred corpse servants he had just controlled. With a thought, every zombie stepped forward and picked up the patience prepared for them on the ground in front of him. The frayed black cloth clothes cover the body's different skin.

Then he put on a stab-proof suit outside, and finally picked up a chainmail made of modern high-quality steel and put it on outside the stab-proof suit. He put on the visor and helmet tightly, and then put on the steel gloves specially made by Li Yang for them. , steel anklets, leg armor.

In an instant, an iron corpse whose whole body was wrapped in steel appeared in sight. Only in appearance, it looked the same as those soldiers wearing full body armor.

Then he picked up two high-performance machetes on the ground and stood still. The feeling of bravery suddenly hit his face.

One hundred ordinary mutant zombies who can compete with top-level ordinary people who have received professional training and are armed with cold weapons without wearing armor are now wearing such comprehensive protective armor and holding knives in both hands. The most important thing is that Li Yang With the mental combat control brought about, their lethality will inevitably be greatly increased.

Although Li Yang doesn't have much combat experience... he has plenty of experience with strong artificial intelligence.

This is no different from a hundred fully armed and experienced users of basic genetic medicine. In this world, they are fully armed junior warriors.

A smile appeared on Li Yang's lips - using strong artificial intelligence brain wave transmission to control the battle of the corpse servants controlled by Li Yang, this was a brand new operation he discovered.

If it weren't for Li Yang's mental power to control zombies, he would even be able to control an army of zombies through his brain waves.

It's a pity that without Li Yang's spiritual power to occupy the zombie's mental space as a brainwave receiving reactor, it is useless to send more brainwave signals with the zombie's empty brain.

"Bang bang~"

Li Yang turned around and tried on the specially made five-millimeter thick plate armor on the three intermediate mutant zombies, with a smile on his face.

In order to enhance the combat effectiveness of the three of them, Li Yang specially made a giant sword that is 30 centimeters wide and 1.7 meters long for the burly power zombies, while the speed zombies have two three-edged swords, and the ice zombie action Slowly and simply equipped with a steel door shield that is 1.8 meters high, 70 centimeters wide, and 6 centimeters thick.


After sorting out the equipment, Li Yang waved his hand and a hundred armored mutated zombies walked forward in a formation of two corpses in a row out of the underground space. He took three intermediate mutated zombies at the end. He waited until the armored mutated zombies had finished walking out before they came out. Then the entrance to the underground space was locked with a smart chain and controlled by the brain, and then put on a disguise, and controlled the corpses to rush towards the Nanshan base.

The lock at the entrance to the underground space is embedded in the center of the iron door. The buckle is turned underneath. From the outside, it looks like a large iron sheet that is integrated with the surrounding bluestone. If you want to shake it, unless a high-level transcendent comes over.

However, such a remote, dry place where there is no concentration of elemental energy and it is hidden is safe enough.

"When the spiritual power becomes strong, we can control all these zombies and make them safe."

Controlling the zombies to leave from the hidden valley, Li Yang looked back at the valley in the dense forest and muttered in his heart, putting these zombies from the apocalyptic world here makes people feel really insecure.

"Tap tap tap..."

Thinking in his mind, Li Yang's heart moved again. A hundred armored mutated zombies immediately changed their formations and moved forward in a scattered formation around him, moving forward at an extremely fast speed.

Li Yang also followed the group of armored zombies. Fortunately, the zombies were tireless. The muscles and bones on their bodies had long turned into another strange substance. Before it disintegrated, it was fine no matter how you used it. Even when running at full speed, the speed was very fast for fifty miles. They rushed past and entered the forest outside the Nanshan base.

Li Yang then controlled the group of corpses to climb quickly, moving faster than the horses, and soon arrived at the Nanshan base.

The defending slaves were startled when they saw a group of heavily armed iron men appearing. Fortunately, they saw Li Yang behind them in time, and then they breathed a sigh of relief and opened the stone wall door and put the corpses in.

It was still early morning when Li Yang came here. A few hours later, it was already noon. The servants had not only cleaned themselves, but also brought the cattle, sheep and animals out for air, and had already prepared lunch.

Li Yang asked Wu Di to take ink and write an X on the outside of each zombie's armor to indicate that it was not a human being. Then he took off the armor and ate in the stone temple in the valley.

The little warriors in the valley also have a set of configurations for the zombies. If they don't distinguish them on the armor shell, the servants will not be able to tell what is inside once they wear the armor.

If you draw an X, you won't have such a problem.

Fortunately, due to the black-robed mage, the buildings in the valley are quite well constructed. In particular, the stone hall where the black-robed mage lives is exquisite and spacious. It is different from other simple wooden houses and small stone houses, allowing Li Yang to sit. It's quite appetizing to eat there.

After eating and drinking, and washing his mouth, Li Yang went outside to ask people to improve the hygiene in the tunnel and the inappropriateness he felt during this period of living, and then asked the teenagers to continue training after lunch break.

And he controlled a hundred mutated iron zombies, and set up defenses in the valley with three intermediate mutated zombies. Then he moved and flew to high altitude. He glanced at Black Rock City with lightning flashing in his eyes, but in the end Let’s fly to the west first.

He wanted to see what was going on with the barbarian army that had caused the current turbulent situation.


The mecha flew to an altitude of 10,000 meters at a speed of Mach 5, followed by a huge mecha with a height of fifteen meters. It completed its dressing in an instant, its pupils lit up, and it continued to maintain the environment simulation mode and started flying at a higher speed.

[Qiankun Mecha] is a simple close-fitting mecha with a flying speed of Mach 5, while [Zongheng Mecha] is the main combat mecha, and its power device is larger than the entire body of [Qiankun Mecha]. The top speed reached Mach 18!


There was a faint sound in the air. Under the terrifying power of the [Zongheng Mecha], the entire mecha was faster than a whirlwind. The fuselage seemed to be covered with a layer of golden light. The more advanced aerodynamics came into play, using strong thrust. It drives the fuselage to fly at the speed of sound instantly.

Mach 5, Mach 10, Mach 15...begin to slow down...

Three minutes later, the mecha slowly stopped at an altitude of 10,000 meters. The huge steel head looked down, and the scene on the ground 10,000 meters below instantly came into view.

"Phew, driving a high-speed mecha is exciting."

Inside the mecha, Li Yang breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face. Then he raised his eyebrows and drove the mecha to hover in the sky. He quickly searched for the people below with the help of the mecha's ultra-long and anxious lens. scene.

Not long after, groups of cavalry riding giant fanged wolves appeared in Li Yang's sight. Only a hundred miles behind the cavalry, a continuous line of infantry appeared in sight.

"The wolf actually has such long fangs. Is this some kind of magical beast?"

Li Yang looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, paying close attention to their attack methods.

On the land covered with grass, the cavalry riding giant wolves with fangs were faster than galloping horses. Their formation seemed casual but in fact it was a very strict combat formation.

The remaining kingdom troops roared in resistance, but with the help of those giant wolves, the kingdom's army, which was obviously better equipped, was no match at all. The impact of the terrifying speed of the giant wolves made the barbarian cavalry just raise their swords and spears. The resulting attack power is unstoppable to humans.

The kingdom's army almost dispersed at the first touch and turned into stray troops, being chased by the barbarian cavalry behind them and constantly fleeing backwards.

A barbarian cavalry leader was riding a giant wolf flying at low altitude. The giant wolf issued wind blades from its mouth, easily destroying houses and harvesting lives on the battlefield.

The barbarian infantry further behind were like locusts. The places they passed were devastated, houses were destroyed, property was swept away, and even some tough trees were cut down and carried away.

All the materials that could be used were scraped away by them like digging three feet into the ground.

The captured civilians had their hands bound and were transported back as slave goods. Those who were not favored by the barbarians were thrown into the oil pan and turned into bones...

"Huh, what a bunch of savages."

At high altitude, Li Yang understood this group of barbarian soldiers after only three to five minutes of watching them. He couldn't help but twitch his nerves, restrained his urge to drive the mecha down to kill them, and turned around to leave.

He did not believe that the barbarian army could fight all the way here without strong extraordinary beings to resist it. However, the result of being able to reach here was self-evident, which proved that there must be strong people among its army.

If you go down rashly, it will be uncomfortable if you are tricked by the powerful mage inside.

"It seems that the barbarian invasion is indeed a disaster for the people of the kingdom."

Li Yang's heart moved secretly. No wonder there are more and more beggars now... These are obviously civilians fleeing in areas.

Fleeing from his hometown, he had no one to rely on and could only survive by begging.

Li Yang flew back silently for a while, but he always felt uncomfortable while flying. He simply accelerated and flew back, and found an area where the barbarian troops were densely packed. The micro-missile compartment on the back of the mecha was opened. Thirty-six Missiles poured down, then flew back fiercely without looking back.


"Boom boom boom..."

The missile was launched and exploded, instantly turning the huge barbarian army into a mess. When they were eager to find the enemy, Li Yang had already fled away in the mecha.

"Good opportunity, rush!"

In the valley, the remnant army was hiding in a place. Seeing what was happening below, the leading general's eyes brightened. He immediately shouted, raised his sword, and took the lead in charging towards the barbarians.

The chaotic barbarian army was no match. After a charge, the remnant army successfully escaped, tore open the encirclement and fled outside.



After blasting the barbarian army with missiles, Li Yang felt much relieved. He took a breath and quickly returned to the sky above Black Rock City at the same speed.

He looked down. He originally planned to return to the Nanshan base first, but after circling for a while, he saw a slogan on a city notice board that made Li Yang raise his eyebrows.

[The owner of Liuli Baopu is suspected of having evil intentions against the city lord. Now that all his property in the city has been confiscated, a wanted order is issued. In order to think of his contribution to Black Rock City, he is ordered to quickly go to the city lord's palace to plead guilty. If he is sincere, the great city lord may be spared. his life]

"You want me to plead guilty? Spare my life?"

Li Yang looked at the content posted on the wall of the notice. His happy mood after killing the barbarians suddenly surged into flames. He looked again and found a group of strange soldiers in his mansion. The nameless anger in his eyes became even stronger when he was having fun.

"Are you treating me as an object of power?"

Li Yang rubbed his fingers, a burst of electric sparks flashed, and a flash of determination flashed in his eyes.

This is being slaughtered as a fat sheep.

The red light in the eyes of the Zongheng mecha dimmed, and the silver mecha separated from the body of the Zongheng mecha. The blue light on its body flashed: "I want to see what ability you have to punish me!"

"The Qiankun mecha launches powerful concussive bombs and limits the power within the city lord's palace."

Li Yang's heart flashed, and the mecha clenched its fists together, aiming at the city lord's mansion below at an altitude of 10,000 meters, and shouted in his heart.

He wanted to see what this city lord was capable of being so arrogant!


The intelligence inside the Qiankun mecha responded immediately. The next moment, the steel on the back of the mecha's fists quickly closed together and turned into a cannon barrel. The rich energy in the mecha converged into the barrel, injecting a small cone-shaped warhead. able.


A sound of transmission reaching the limit of energy filled my mind, and the next moment, the cone-shaped warhead was instantly released from the muzzle.


The air roared, and the moment the roar was heard, the warhead appeared in the sky above the City Lord's Mansion.

A golden light shield suddenly rose from the city lord's palace, and the next moment the warhead hit hard.


The terrifying sonic boom shook the entire city lord's palace, and the light shield instantly shattered, revealing a panting knight holding a shield.

"I can actually block it. Come again."

Li Yang raised his eyebrows, a hint of surprise rising in his heart, and immediately fired the concussive bomb again. The second warhead was instantly launched at a terrifying speed. The knight hurriedly fled from the city lord's palace with a woman. out.


A terrible sonic boom was heard within the city lord's palace. The tall city lord's palace instantly collapsed and shattered, raising dust all over the sky. Li Yang looked at the knight fleeing in embarrassment below and sighed at his speed.

Following a thought in his heart, the mecha closed its fists and opened the armor on its shoulders. Sixteen micro-tracking missiles broke the speed of sound from all directions, and pursued the knight.


The missile was launched with a chilling tail sound. Li Yang opened his arms and the device on the mecha quickly absorbed the energy of the sun to make up for this wave of consumption. He looked quietly at the people riding Warcraft horses running at supersonic speeds below. knight.

After escaping for two minutes, Li Yang's mecha energy recovered to 80%. The knight finally stopped escaping, and instead turned back to attack with his giant sword. The energy attack launched from his body destroyed most of the missiles, leaving only the small half behind. When he was about to hit him, he was cleverly dodged. The missile didn't react quickly and hit the mountain and exploded.

"Quite powerful."

Li Yang raised his eyebrows, feeling a sense of fear in his heart. Fortunately, he didn't rush into a close fight rashly, otherwise it would have taken some effort.

He raised his arm to quickly charge the electromagnetic gun, and then he began to fly in the mecha, approaching the knight at a speed of Mach 5.


The roar caused by the mecha's flight resounded in the air. Mach 5 was far five times faster than the knight's speed of just over the speed of sound. During such extremely fast movement, the energy-filled electromagnetic gun suddenly fired, firing in a form that the opponent could not avoid. It hit his chest.


After one shot, there were continuous attacks. The knight was bombarded by intensive electromagnetic cannons. The golden light that surged up on his body to resist it quickly faded away. His speed could no longer maintain supersonic speed. Until finally, the golden light on his body dissipated and he was bombarded by Li Yang. On to the ground.

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