My world double door

Chapter 123 Let’s do business first

Li Yang took out six books in succession, all of which were knight-related training methods and books recording various knight martial arts.

That's right...Aligon is a knight, so it's normal to collect everything related to knights.

I glanced at it curiously, then continued to look down.

He took out a book with a black cover and a book with a purple cover.

[God of Cookery Strengthening Technique] [Advanced Spiritual Cultivation Method]


Li Yang let out a light sigh and almost thought he had read it wrong when he looked at the first secret book.

After reading it carefully again, he confirmed that what was written on it was the "God of Food Strengthening Technique" and not the "God of Food Strengthening Technique" that he practiced every day.

He immediately couldn't help but put down the [Advanced Spiritual Cultivation Method] first, picked up the secret book that gave him a strange feeling, and opened it to check.

"With the help of the physical body as an anchor, the power of the soul pulls the floating soul without the support of the physical body. The best is the soul that has been dead for no more than seven days. It is sucked into the body, and the impurities in it are crushed and discharged with the physical energy and blood and the magic power in the body. The remaining Pure soul power, replenishing the body..."

Li Yang browsed through the secret book carefully and was a little surprised. Why did this secret book look so like a supplementary version of [Eating Body Strengthening Magic]?

"It can transform the physical body up to three times, passing through the entry-level apprentice stage, the primary stage, and reaching the primary stage of an intermediate warrior. It can be used to restore energy and increase strength when killing on the battlefield..."

Looking at the words that followed, Li Yang was even more surprised. The effect was actually much better than the [Eating Body Strengthening Magic].

In other words, this is like a complete version of the spell inheritance, and the [Eating Body Strengthening Magic] he got is more like a castrated version, with many contents in it incomplete.

"The physical body in this world is the same as the soul. When the body is cultivated to a certain level, there will be a phased increase in strength, making it more powerful for the same body type?"

Li Yang read it carefully several times. After reading this [God of Cookery Strengthening Technique], he thought to himself. Two thoughts immediately came to his mind: The zombies have a way to improve; can he do the same? Practice?

As long as the soul is absorbed, the physique can be enhanced. Every zombie has a ray of spiritual power in it. This method can be used. However, the structure of zombie bodies is different from that of humans. I don’t know if it can be done. Moreover, after all, the soul in the zombie body is only A wisp, I don’t know what the effect will be.

But it's worth a try.

It's just that you need to kill people, and if you want to cultivate to a stage comparable to an intermediate transcendent, you have to kill a lot of people.

If zombies can practice, zombie cultivation requires human lives, and he himself will also require many lives... The appearance of the barbarian army flashed through Li Yang's mind instantly.

It's okay, there is no psychological pressure in killing them.

"[The God of Cookery Strengthening Technique] clearly states that the biggest disadvantage of practicing this technique is that it will have a certain impact on the soul, because the essence of the soul is the same."

"When two souls meet, when a soul without self-awareness approaches, in front of the soul with self-awareness, it is like a hungry body seeing cooked braised meat. It will feel hungry and want to devour these souls."

"However, the human soul must remain pure, otherwise it will produce symptoms including but not limited to rapid aggravation of extreme emotions and schizophrenia. Therefore, even if the soul feels hungry, it must not absorb other souls."

"And the [Eating Body Strengthening Technique] can complement each other and make the soul full..."

A smile flashed across Li Yang's lips. In addition, the cultivation method in this world is to increase one's own strength based on the proportion of absorbed energy.

After taking the basic genetic medicine, his body was judged to be comparable to a junior knight, but his body had not practiced the corresponding physical tempering techniques.

In other words, in fact, he is equivalent to a junior knight whose physical strength is comparable to the transformation, but his physical body has not experienced this magical transformation.

Does that mean... that he can transform again on the basis of his current status and become a junior mortal transcendent among junior mortals?

Or is it an intermediate transcendent?

"There can only be one kind of extraordinary power in the human body. The power of the knight conflicts with my magic power and cannot be practiced at the same time. However, this pure method of improving soul power does not conflict at all."

Li Yang's eyes were full of energy, and the corner of his mouth showed a smile involuntarily. After checking so many things, this [Eating Body Strengthening Magic] finally gave him a surprise.

"Advanced Spiritual Cultivation Method, a universal soul power cultivation method that records seven transformations of soul power. After completing seven transformations, you will have spiritual power comparable to the peak of a senior magician."

Li Yang immediately picked up the last secret book and looked at the first page with a smile on his face, another good product.

It's just...are seven soul transformations actually the pinnacle of a high-level magician?

Li Yang looked down curiously. This book is indeed a very common spiritual power cultivation method. The active cultivation content is somewhat similar to meditation. It uses soul power to contact the surrounding magic and temper it to become stronger.

The growth rate of soul power is not even as fast as [Eating Body Strengthening Magic]. It must be said that these crooked evil arts are very fast...

However, it contains the real key methods of soul transformation, and through reading, Li Yang also understood the intensity of these soul power enhancements.

"Every transformation of strength is an improvement in the practitioner's realm."

A flash of understanding flashed in Li Yang's eyes. In this world, whether it is the body, soul, or magic power, the level of cultivation is determined by the number of transformations. However, the initial transformations are less effective, but the later transformations, The harder it is, the stronger the effect.

The first transformation: apprentice level; the second transformation: junior level.

The third transformation: intermediate ordinary level; the fourth transformation: intermediate perfect level.

The fifth transformation: advanced ordinary level; the sixth transformation: advanced mid-level.

The seventh transformation: the advanced peak level.

Based on countless experimental experiences in this world, it can be determined that from the first transformation to the seventh transformation, the efficiency of each transformation is roughly: 0.1 to 0.7 times the quality improvement.

It's just that everyone's soul strength is naturally different. Those with extraordinary talents may be as good as apprentices without training, and everyone's soul strength before reaching the next critical point is also different. The same is true in other aspects. .

For example, if someone is born with a strong body, even if they are the same proportion after physical transformation, they will be stronger, not to mention that such people will often have a higher improvement ratio after transformation.

Some people are naturally close to a certain element, or their bodies are more conducive to the transformation of elemental power, and they can cultivate more powerful extraordinary powers under the same external conditions.

Some people are naturally good at fighting. They have perfect control over timing and can defeat the strong with the weak.

There are also people who, if their talents are not good enough, will try their best to build a foundation by cherishing resources since childhood and practicing advanced techniques that are beyond your reach. Naturally, they will become stronger. In this way, even extraordinary people of the same realm will naturally have strengths and weaknesses.

"Judging from the information that Megawati said before that the key drug is used to break through to the Earth Knight, the current Lord of Blackstone City should be a high-level peak knight."

Li Yang closed the [Advanced Spiritual Cultivation Method] and a flash of thought flashed in his eyes.

It can be seen from the previous battle against this city lord that after the opponent used the extraordinary power in his body, he could even resist a powerful concussion bomb.

After that, he can still avoid the bombardment of tracking missiles. This kind of expressiveness is already at the level of a fourth-level genetic warrior compared to the genetic medicines in the apocalyptic world.

And on top of this, there are the earth knights and the world's tallest sky knight.

"In other words, the extraordinary personal power of this world is similar to that of the apocalyptic world."

Li Yang thought to himself, but the difference between the two is also obvious.

Genetic warriors in the apocalyptic world can fly after level four, have rough skin and thick flesh, and are particularly resistant to beatings. This is due to pure physical strength that does not rely on any extraordinary power.

Relying on pure genetic transformation, the fourth-level genetic warrior can achieve physical flight. The physical body can withstand close-range anti-cannonballs. The flying speed reaches Mach 2 speed of the third-level genetic warrior running at full speed. The running speed is as high as Mach 6. The thinking is quick and the reaction speed is high. Extremely fast, with sharp ears and eyesight, it is a walking terrifying single weapon.

From this point of view alone, the Lord of Black Rock City cannot reach that level. His speed is only a little over Mach 1, and this is while riding an extraordinary horse.

However, the special knight energy within the main body of Black Rock City and the extraordinary power that can be unleashed by knight fighting skills are beyond the reach of the fourth-level genetic warriors.

Level 4 genetic warriors do not have external attack methods. Only level 5 genetic warriors can develop special abilities such as laser eyes/clairvoyance.

Moreover, there is no special energy in the genetic warrior's body, only powerful biological energy, and it can only be used to support physical combat and simply release it to attack.

Such as Cyclops, or other energy emission methods, there are not as many ways to use them as the extraordinary systems in this world.

However, for Li Yang... this is just right.

The energy systems of the two do not conflict, which means that he can continuously improve his strength while taking genetic potions, while cultivating the extraordinary magic power of this world and becoming a multi-lateral warrior.

Especially the soul, a field that is almost completely untouched in this apocalyptic world. He can use the soul magic of this world to defeat the genetic warriors on the opposite side, and then use the powerful bodies of the genetic warriors to defeat the fragile extraordinary beings in this world.

"It's perfect."

Li Yang's eyes were bright and his face was full of smiles. On this day, his sudden attack on the new Lord of Black Rock City brought him great help.

But thinking of this city lord, he couldn't help but touch his chin.

"It depends on the situation. There are so many resources. This Alagon Knight has plundered the entire city's resources since he came here, plus his own years of accumulation. The purpose is to break through the Earth Knight."

"Now that these resources have been taken away by me, it is equivalent to cutting off the other party's path to breakthrough."

Li Yang thought to himself, under such circumstances, can the other party be willing?

"No, you can't be so indulgent and give the other party a chance."

Li Yang thought in his mind and decided to do something to ensure his safety.

Otherwise, let's just kill him secretly?

Before the arrival of Master Vin Ste and Megawati Riley, they had different attitudes, and he was not willing to kill them.

But these two people can't always be by his side, and what the other does doesn't seem to be for the sake of the Alagon Knight. It's more out of some kind of responsibility and has to be like this.

If he goes to kill him now, these two senior mages may not be able to catch up with him if they suddenly attack.

No, that spell is troublesome.

He doesn't want to become a passive red-named monster that makes people feel disgusted. Who knows if going to other worlds will have any effect. If it is for life instead of region, it will be tragic.

Also, Li Yang is not sure whether the spell can be released automatically when the opponent is about to die. If not, he will cripple the opponent, seal the body, sink it into the sea, and bury it in the soil. There are many ways to kill him, but if he can, it will be difficult to do. .

But thinking about it, if the spell that guarantees the kingdom's dominance and the kingdom's deterrent power can be broken so easily, it won't be so precious.

Kill with zombies?

It is his spiritual power that controls the zombies. Although it is not him, the spell will probably follow the link of spiritual power and be cast on him.

"You still have to ask clearly."

Another idea came to Li Yang's mind - super long-range strike.

Thoughts ran through my mind one after another.

But then he suddenly thought that the barbarian cavalry would arrive in less than two days.


"Forget it, there's no need to go through so much trouble. The more you do, the easier things will happen. Let's just wait and see if the barbarian cavalry can kill this guy after they arrive."

Li Yang shook his head in his heart. This was also the suggestion of Master Vin Ste and Megawati Riley. Obviously, these two old families in Black Rock City were concerned about Alegon's destructive search for Black Rock City's resources during this period. Very dissatisfied with the way.

He even wanted to thwart the other party's breakthrough...even if it would help resist the barbarian invasion.

For some reason, the barbarians on the front line invaded, but... Li Yang didn't seem to feel any worry from Vin St and Megawati Riley.

"Could there be other changes?"

Li Yang thought of the other party's solemnity when he told the location of the city lord, and thought of the defensive cliff. He rubbed his chin and decided that before the situation was unclear, it was better to be steady.

"The barbarian cavalry are fierce and cruel, and so are the infantry, but not everyone of them has reached a very strong level of transcendence."

Li Yang hesitated for a moment, then finally patted his knee: "Forget it, just to be on the safe side, let's get some technology."

If something unexpected happens, no matter how many troops there are, can they withstand the fire from rocket launchers and heavy machine guns?

Li Yang, who originally didn't want to bring these things to this world, suddenly felt that maybe he couldn't bring some of them.

He was previously worried that if he brought too many of these things and let people in this world learn and create them, it would threaten his own safety even more, especially when he is still not strong enough.

After all, magic is not scientific. Maybe someone gets a gun, studies it for a while, and creates one with better performance. Then it would be unsightly to use this gun against himself.

The structure of the firearm is too simple.

But now, Li Yang thought about the barbarian army and his own [God of Cookery Strengthening Technique], and silently decided to do it.

Just... where to get it is the question.

"Forget it, make it simple, just go to the foreign military camp and grab it."

Li Yang shook his head and thought to himself.

As his strength gradually improves, the things he comes into contact with become wider and wider, and his hands and feet in the real world become more and more open.'s not a rush.

Let's deal with the loot first, he can't wait to get down to business.

He looked at the trophies he got on this trip, and put them all away in categories with shining eyes.

Then he memorized the [God of Cookery Strengthening Technique] and [Advanced Spiritual Cultivation Method] one by one in his mind, and then picked up the [Wind Speed ​​Knight Secret Book] and read it carefully.

"A knight's secret book that can be used to practice to the level of an earth knight. It is really a precious practice method."

After reading it over, Li Yang put down the secret code and sighed in his heart.

Fortunately, he is a stronger Thunder Mage.

But after reading this, Li Yang also had a more systematic and clear comparison between the apocalyptic genetic medicine and the extraordinary power of this world.

Apprentice (evolved who only took part of the basic medicine), junior (basic genetic warrior), intermediate (level 1-2 defective genetic warrior), advanced (level 3-4 defective genetic warrior), earth knight (with A defective level 5 genetic warrior), Sky Knight (a defective level 6 genetic warrior).

In general, there are six levels of transcendence in this world, all of which can match those of genetic warriors. Of course, this comparison is just a subjective comparison that Li Yang describes based on the content of his skills, and there are bound to be differences.

But the difference is not big.

After finishing all this, Li Yang was satisfied. He stood up and walked out of the hall seriously. It was time to do business.

As soon as he walked out of the hall, he bumped into Butler Laimi who was passing by. He grabbed Laimi's hips with a smile, and thoughtfully took the plump and plump Butler Laimi into his arms and brought him back to the main hall.

"Lemie, you have been worried and scared for a while."

Li Yangshan untied her clothes and comforted her as gently as water.

"Oh, the master loves Laimi so much, Laimi is so happy..."

Laimi'er burst into tears after being comforted for a while. She hugged Li Yang's neck and began to talk nonsense.

Her master's comfort to her was so powerful and profound.

"You have done so many things for your master, and you deserve the master's love."

Li Yang spoke softly to the capable and good housekeeper until she was comforted and vented, then he put her on the bed to rest, and then threw her on his three little warm-up slave girls.

"Kaya, Mary, Lu Cui, the three little bed-warming slave girls of the master, have you felt lonely and scared during this time?"

"Well, Master..."


The effect of the sixth sense potion was uncertain, but Li Yang was sure of the side effects. He suppressed his desire for a long time and felt like the fire in his body was about to burn.

At this time, I finally got down to business, and I felt relieved all over.

Together with the bed-warming maid and five accompanying maids, the two slaves bought from Udi received the considerate comfort of the distinguished Lord Li Yang.

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