My world double door

Chapter 140: The role of money in gaining fame (Wan Geng please subscribe)

Mi County, Dongfang Zunfu.

As the best community in the entire Mi County, Dongfang Zunfu has become popular in the city ten years ago. It is only fifty meters away from the most prosperous shopping malls and streets in the entire county. It is the most luxurious community in the entire Mi County.

Because there are not only ordinary buildings here, but also six luxurious villas built in the center of the building.

Although ten years have passed, this place has lost its original splendor, but because of its good foundation, it is still a luxury house in the eyes of many people.

Dongfang Zunfu walked into the first villa inside the gate. From a distance, it seemed that this was the head of the villa line in the entire community. Peng Feifei, carrying a bag of money, silently came to the door alone, swiped her card, and left. Got in.

——The senior goddess Peng Feifei lives in the first villa of Dongfang Zun Mansion. This is something that an admirer of Peng Feifei accidentally discovered. When the news spread, the goddess aura in Peng Feifei increased. As time goes by, she gradually becomes the top goddess in the minds of everyone in the entire school.


Peng Feifei carried the money and walked to the gate. She didn't walk into the small courtyard of the villa with a single-sided see-through glass ceiling until she heard the sound of "beep".

The main door of the villa is facing the courtyard door. The building is magnificent and the feeling of luxury is almost overwhelming.

Peng Feifei took the money and turned into a side road, and walked to a fairly well-decorated bungalow in the yard. There were three words written on the beam outside the door: [Nanny's Room]


She took out the key from her pocket and opened the door. Peng Feifei bent down and took out her slippers from the shoe cabinet behind the door, put them on, then closed the door and walked in.

No one could notice this scene. If the high school students knew that the goddess they thought lived in a villa in the most high-end community in Mi County, had the best academic performance in the school, and was pure and beautiful, actually lived in the nanny's room, they would not know what to do. Thoughts.

Although it is a nanny's room, the villa in Dongfang Zun Mansion is very large. The nanny's room inside also has a layout of three bedrooms, two living rooms and two bathrooms. There is no one in the room. This weekend, her mother is going to live with another wealthy family in the city. I'll make dinner and it will probably take a while before I can come back.

Turning on the light, Peng Feifei sat in the living room alone with her money bag in a daze for a while. Then she looked at the money, and Zuo Sheng's face in the hotel flashed in her mind, and her body shook involuntarily.

"Breathe, breathe~"

Taking a deep breath, Peng Feifei's classmate Li Ling's brother flashed through her mind. She calmed down a little. Then she looked at the money bag in front of her and couldn't help but grab it. Then she lowered her head and quickly opened the bag. .


The zipper of the bag opened, and a stack of brand-new coins appeared in sight. Peng Feifei was stunned for a moment, then picked up a thick stack of money and pinched it in front of her eyes, then started to put stacks of coins with a blushing face. Check the numbers.

"One, two, three, four, five... four hundred and fifty thousand."

She left the money on the table one by one. The numbers she found made Peng Feifei's delicate and beautiful face red and hot. She stretched out her hand to fan the wind. After a while, she realized what she was doing. She stared at the money tightly and dialed the money. Called her mother’s cell phone number.

"Hey, Mom, come back quickly. I had dinner with my classmates today, but when I came out, I met a drunk person..."

Peng Feifei told her mother the situation on the phone in a concise tone, then hung up the phone and waited quietly in the living room.

Not long after, the door opened, and her mother opened the door from the door of her house and rushed in.

"Daughter, are you okay? There are no injuries on your body. Did you suffer a loss?"

Peng Feifei's mother, whose face was full of wrinkles and looked haggard, hugged her daughter's face and spoke with tears in her eyes.

Peng Feifei's father works on a construction site outside. He only comes back during the New Year and will leave after the Chinese New Year. She and her mother are the only ones living at home.

On weekdays, Peng Feifei's mother is responsible for looking after the house of a wealthy family, cleaning, washing and cooking as a nanny. She also lives with her mother in the nanny's house.

Many people think that the clothes Peng Feifei wears are beautiful and of high-end brands, but in fact these clothes are given to daughters of wealthy families and women who don't want to wear them, so that she can pick them up and wear them.

Originally, Peng Feifei's family was not so difficult. Although she had no money, it was no different from ordinary people's homes. She also had her own new house in the county.

But ten years ago, Peng Feifei's grandfather became seriously ill and was admitted to the intensive care unit for two months, which cost more than one million yuan. At that time, her father sold the house in the family and borrowed money from everywhere in order to treat her grandfather. It took some bank loans to finally make up the money.

But the money was spent, and her grandfather was not fully recovered. He passed away just three months after his return, leaving Peng Feifei's family in a mess.

In the past ten years, her father and mother worked day and night, and finally paid off all their friends' money, leaving only the bank loan money. However, her parents still had to work hard for another four or five years to pay it back. Qing, especially since she is about to enter college, her future consumption will undoubtedly be more, making it more difficult for her family to pay off their debts.

Under such family pressure, her father and mother did not vent their emotions to her. In the past ten years, Peng Feifei only knew that her father came home on the night of the 29th of the lunar calendar every year and left on the second day of the new year. She had never seen any relatives at home.

In addition to her main job, her mother also found work in two other households. She was busy from morning to night every day, either washing clothes or cooking for others, and taking care of her by the way.

When the school tuition fees, uniform fees, and other expenses needed to be paid, her parents paid for them without saying a word. She also provided enough for her school supplies and daily food at home.

Peng Feifei has never asked for toys or extra money since she was sensible, and she has never gone out to play.

But under this heavy burden, the relationship between their mother and daughter has always been very good. When she was uncomfortable, Peng Feifei's mother, who often whispered that their daughter had suffered in this life, heard that her daughter encountered such a thing, she immediately cried out Rushed back from my employer's house.

After just two words, the tears were already flowing uncontrollably.

Peng Feifei shook her head: "No, they didn't accomplish anything even though my classmate and brother were here. Mom, you see, this is the money they compensated me for. I didn't ask for it. He gave it to me on his own initiative. He was very sincere."

"Oh my god, so much money, how much is this."

Only then did Peng Feifei's mother suddenly notice the money on the table. She was stunned and asked subconsciously.

"A total of 450,000 yuan. Mom, our family still has 400,000 yuan from the loan. This money can just be used to pay off our family's debts, so my dad doesn't have to be so tired!"

Peng Feifei's face was still flushed from the impact of the large amount of RMB. She pointed to the pile of RMB in front of her and said excitedly to her mother.

Peng Feifei's mother also cried with joy, but she quickly wiped her tears, looked at her daughter hurriedly and asked: "Daughter, there is nothing wrong with the money, right? Will they come to us to ask for it back later?"

"Mom, it should be fine. Let's deposit the money in the bank and pay off the debt first. The one named Zuo is particularly afraid of my classmate's brother. Besides, it's all given to us. He won't have the nerve to ask for it back. Let's pay off the debt first."

Peng Feifei spoke firmly to her mother, who was still a little hesitant. She called her father in the living room again. After discussing on the phone for a long time, Peng Feifei's mother locked the door seriously and decided to go there the next morning. Returned the money to the bank.

"It's dark now. It's not safe for us two girls. We should wait until dawn tomorrow to go."

Peng Feifei's mother told her daughter, Peng Feifei nodded seriously, then hurriedly got up to wash up and rest.

In the evening, Peng Feifei's mother slept on the same bed with her and guarded the bag of money. Peng Feifei looked up at the ceiling for a long time before slowly falling asleep.

Early the next morning, Peng Feifei and her mother washed up, got dressed, carried their bags, and went out to the nearest bank ATM.

As the stacks of banknotes passed through the banknote machine one by one, until the last board passed smoothly, the two mothers breathed a sigh of relief. Then they looked at the balance in the card after putting it in forty-five times, with smiles on their faces. .

Peng Feifei's mother turned on her mobile phone on the spot and paid off the remaining loan in one lump sum.

After paying off, after waiting for a few minutes, they checked the deposit information on the mobile banking software, and the last 57,000 yuan appeared in front of them. They all felt as if a huge burden had been lifted from their bodies, and they instantly felt much more relaxed.

"Mom, don't go to the other two places to work. Just do this one job every day. Let my dad relax, rest, and recuperate."

Peng Feifei also felt relaxed all over, as if she had broken free from the shackles that had bound her for many years. She immediately told her mother, and Peng Feifei's mother also nodded with a smile on her face, and then couldn't help but She called her dad and talked happily on the phone for a long time before hanging up.

Peng Feifei accompanied her mother home. When she got home, her mother called two other employers under her prodding. She resigned from her job with regret. After hanging up the phone, she lay down on the sofa relaxedly. Unknowingly, He fell asleep.

Peng Feifei looked at her mother sleeping and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Her mother had been too tired over the years and it was time to take a rest. She couldn't help but go out and bask in the sun that had just risen, feeling really comfortable.

After a while, she looked at the main body of the villa in front of her, and she realized it for a moment.

After a while, Peng Feifei suddenly took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Li Ling, whom she had not contacted much before: "Li Ling, are you going to go shopping together today? Can you take me with you?"

After sending it, Peng Feifei stretched out her white shoes and waited anxiously for the reply.


June 9th, weekend.

The college entrance examination has just been completed, and the entire Mi County is full of liberated high school students. Beautiful female high school students and handsome male high school students can be seen everywhere on the streets.

Li Ling met up with her little sisters along the way. Just after finishing breakfast, she was surprised to receive a message.

[Peng Feifei: Li Ling, do you want to go shopping together today? Can you take me with you? 】

Peng Feifei is the most beautiful girl in their class. She is very famous in the whole school. She is usually admired by many people. No matter whether she is in the first grade, second grade or third grade, there are boys who have a crush on her.

Li Ling's appearance is also pretty, but there is a gap between her and Peng Feifei.

Students are also divided into small groups, especially in high school. There are dozens of people in a class, and it is normal to be divided into several small groups. Li Ling and Peng Feifei belong to two groups.

Peng Feifei is beautiful and has very good academic performance. She is basically surrounded by students who are particularly good at studying.

Li Ling's studies are average, and his appearance is slightly outstanding. There are people around him who are poor at studying and some who are good at studying. But generally speaking, he usually eats, chats, and plays games with his own group.

Their relationship with Peng Feifei is not very good, but it is not bad either. They can chat for a long time when they meet, but if there is no chance, they will not take the initiative to chat.

If the relationship is divided into large circles and small circles, then the core circle is Li Ling and her three sisters, the second level is the roommates in the dormitory and a few people next to the seats, and the third level is friends like Peng Feifei.

When they usually go out to play, they and Peng Feifei don't invite each other at all. Even if there is a chance to play together, it is only by chance that they bump into each other.

Unexpectedly, Peng Feifei suddenly asked her if she wanted to play together today.

"Well, come on, come on, our plan is to go to the park, then go to a movie, and finally have lunch together."

Li Ling was stunned for a moment, and then asked the sisters next to him for their opinion.

Peng Feifei is a well-known beauty in the school. Everyone is willing to go out with such a girl. In addition, everyone has a good relationship with Peng Feifei. After thinking about it, it would be a good idea to bring her with her for today's event, so they all agreed. After coming down, Li Ling sent a message to Peng Feifei asking her to come over.

What she didn't expect was that not long after the message was sent out, Peng Feifei appeared in front of them with a bright smile on her face.

"Damn, why is Peng Feifei so beautiful?"

When Peng Feifei came over, against the light, a girl next to Li Ling looked blankly at Peng Feifei, who was walking over with a bright smile, and whispered in a low voice with some self-destruction, but fortunately her emotions also passed away in a flash. After Peng Feifei came over, she quickly returned to normal, and they went for a walk in the park together.

While walking and admiring the scenery, chatting and chatting, it was time to start the movie before they knew it, and they hurried to watch the movie.

Peng Feifei naturally sat down next to Li Ling. When the movie started, everyone's eyes lit up.

"Li Ling, look, it's a movie made by your brother's company!"

A classmate pointed to the name on the broadcast and exclaimed. Then Peng Feifei looked at the six characters "Haohan Xingyu Group" and appeared in her sight.

Followed closely by author: Li Yang; screenwriter: Li Yang.

"This movie is adapted from a novel that my brother issued with my ID card. The novel is called [My Youth Campus]. The name of the movie has not changed. It's very beautiful!"

Li Ling replied excitedly, then sat on the chair and looked at the screen closely: "I want to see if these people have made a picture of my novel!"

"Hey, Li Ling, Peng Feifei, look, those people and those 'wearing hats' all surrendered yesterday!"

Suddenly, the girl next to her made a sound of surprise, and several people hurriedly focused their attention on her mobile phone. Their eyes lit up when they saw the short video in [Entertainment Video].

"This must be because of Brother Li Ling!"

"I'll go, you're awesome, Li Ling, your brother really has this thumb!"

"He's running a group and a factory. How can such a big boss not be so powerful!"

"Li Ling, does your brother need a maid to warm his bed? Let your brother take care of me. I don't want to work hard anymore!"

"Li Ling, as long as you are rich and noble, don't forget each other!"

Several girls were chirping, and Li Ling was joking with them with a smile on his face.

Peng Feifei looked at Li Ling, then looked at the screen, her eyes fixed on the word Li Yang and moved up with the flow of the screen.

A small section of white and tender calves exposed under the hem of the blue over-the-knee dress are pressed together. The small white socks go up to the small neck and the skin cannot be said to be whiter. On the feet are white shoes with toes and heels. Form a triangle with the ankle.

The slender and white neck seemed even whiter under the fluorescent light of the big screen, and the slender hands holding the corners of the clothes tightened.





A [Soul Stun] hit the passing mouse. The mouse suddenly became dizzy and began to stagger around, either rolling or spinning in circles, and lay helplessly on the ceiling.

"There are rats on the roofs of the community. The environment here is really not good."

Li Yang looked at the dazed but not dead mouse, and a smile appeared on his lips.

In the past few days since returning to the real world, he has not practiced soul skills. In addition to practicing the [Knight Exercise Method] every day, he also practices his various magics.

However, the [Knight Strengthening Method] is only part of the basic introduction in the [Wind Speed ​​Knight Secret Book]. It only has the effect of warming up his current body, and there is no way to continue to increase his body's strength or strength.

As for the latter part, he doesn't have the power of the Wind Speed ​​Knight and can't practice at all. After all, he can have the body of the current advanced physical professional level only by relying on the God of Cookery Strengthening Technique.

The only method used in [Secret Book of Wind Speed ​​Knight] is the method of transformation at various levels. Without practicing, naturally there is no way to use more advanced training methods, so I don't pay much attention to it.

On the contrary, magic continues to improve through continuous practice and living close to nature. From the beginning, a [soul stun] can directly kill a litter of rats, and now even rats can accurately stun. His progress Not too big either.

Although the soul power still does not have the feeling that Vin St said, this progress still makes him very happy, and it also makes him realize the shortcomings of his cultivation that he has improved too quickly - his lack of control over power. .

The power of magic should be controlled at will. It is normal to naturally use magic of different powers to deal with different targets. He used to be the most powerful when he came up, and he was too restless.

"Fortunately, it's not too late to make amends."

Li Yang shook his head, and killed Shushu with another [Soul Stab]. The warm-up was then completed, and when he saw his sister coming back, he turned around and walked away.

"Brother, I had lunch with my classmates."

Arriving in the corridor of the room, Li Ling saw Li Yang coming downstairs. Li Ling raised his head and said hello, then continued to pick up the phone. Li Yang took a look and saw that it was a classmate named 'Peng Feifei'. The memory he met last night flashed in his mind. The innocent and beautiful little girl arrived with a smile on her face: "We have finished eating too, so quickly pack up and go home."




Because I write too many words every day, I sometimes make mistakes.

Karin's training: first time knight apprentice (the wrong things have been corrected)

I have paid over 1,000 monthly tickets and I feel comfortable. Thank you brothers!

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