My world double door

Chapter 143 It won’t be in vain

In the bathroom of the villa, a mecha stood tall, with a ball of electric light shining in its palm, and the figure sitting cross-legged next to the mecha faintly revealed a trace of electric arc.

A moment later, as the sky was getting brighter, Li Yang slowly exhaled a breath of electric energy and exited the cultivation state.

"Even if you take drugs, the speed of serious cultivation is too slow."

After opening his eyes, Li Yang felt the thunder magic growing in his body and sighed secretly.

It has to be said that although the two supporting necromancer evil skills of [God of Food Strengthening Technique] and [God of Food Strengthening Technique] have brought him some trouble now, they have also allowed him to experience things that are unimaginable to normal practitioners. Feeling of rapid increase in strength.

Under the influence of these two techniques, it only took him seven months to cultivate his soul power and physical power from scratch to the level of a high-level transcendent, reaching a level that many people would be unable to achieve even in their lifetimes.

It's just that although the improvement is refreshing, the side effects are also serious. Li Yang frowns every time he thinks about the situation where his negative emotions are unknowingly amplified.

Fortunately, after a month of meditation, his emotions gradually returned to stability after he stopped practicing soul cultivation, and his somewhat floating body gradually became much calmer under the practice of [Thunder Magic].

The only thing that made him feel a little uncomfortable was that... the thunder magic power in his body grew too slowly.

It was so slow that he felt a little uncomfortable after adapting to the speed of evil magic.

Fortunately, he knew that this was the normal speed of cultivation. He even used the amount of magic potion and delay potion that an ordinary cultivator would use for seven days in one practice. His speed was already faster than that of many cultivators. Moreover, his physical body was also at the same time. As the magic power of thunder gradually increased, he gradually became calmer, and then he slowly restrained this thought.

[Eating Body Strengthening Technique] [Eating God Strengthening Body Technique] brought side effects not only to his soul. With his recent rest, Li Yang also noticed the hidden problems in his body. The feeling of emptiness made him understand that his The body also needs a little precipitation.

"Thunder Magic is the only extraordinary power that exceeds the standard in the second world [Life Continent], so this bit by bit increase is suitable."

Li Yang then thought again, if such an invincible power in the second world, which is called the "Life Continent" by magicians, was growing in his body like the power of evil magic, he himself Be panic.


After finishing this practice, Li Yang felt the sourness and heat in his body, and stood up from the bathtub filled with [Delay Potion].


Water splashed everywhere. Li Yang picked up the bath towel and wiped the water droplets on his body. The Qiankun mecha next to him sprayed out biological cooling agent in a timely manner, which greatly alleviated the high temperature and soreness caused by the absorption of thunder elements on Li Yang's body.


His body temperature quickly dropped to the normal level, and he felt much more comfortable instantly. Li Yang let out a breath, then picked up a bath towel and wiped the water droplets on his body, put on his pajamas, and stretched out of the bathroom.

The Qiankun mecha behind him spontaneously shrank and turned into a suitcase, then flew all the way along the villa gate to the yard, arrived in the sky, and began to save energy.

The wind in the sky and even the moonlight are its energy sources.

After all, moonlight is also reflected sunlight.

Nowadays, Li Yang's soul and body have made some achievements, and he no longer needs two mechas to follow him step by step. Especially in the real world, it is more casual.

After the Qiankun Mecha left, Li Yang glanced at the fair and tender high school beauty lying in the bedroom. After thinking about it, he did not go up, but continued to take out the two newly obtained skills.

【Heavy Cut】【Soul Stiffness】

After thinking about it, Li Yang put away [Heavy Slash] and continued to read the contents of [Soul Stiffness] carefully.

Once, twice, three times...

The content about [Soul Stiffness] became clearer and clearer in his mind, and Li Yang slowly closed the book, frowning as he recalled the content in his mind.

After a while, Li Yang's sense of the [Soul Stiffness] spell became clearer and clearer, and the feeling of using it was ready to come out.

He searched left and right and soon found a fly.

"You are so lucky to have met me."

Li Yang looked at the flies in front of him, smiled lightly, and then raised his palms. Following that feeling, the soul power slowly turned and swarmed...

The soul is stiff!


The fly flapped its wings and moved away from Li Yang, but Li Yang silently flicked it into mud with his fingers.

"I can't actually use it."

Li Yang pursed his lips, feeling that this thing was indeed a high-level magic. Then he took out the trophy wand obtained from the Death Mage from the [Space Bag], and immediately felt that his spiritual power was much more active.

He nodded with satisfaction, then closed his eyes again, this time focusing on a jumping grasshopper.

[Soul Stiffness] The feeling of being able to use it was about to come out. Li Yang held the magic wand in his hand and waved it at the grasshopper.

The soul is stiff!


The grasshopper jumped up from the road and jumped to another grass with a flick of its legs.

"My soul power has not returned to its normal state, so it may not be appropriate to use it."

Li Yang pursed his lips silently, focused his eyes on a passing spider, raised his hand and struck [Soul Dizziness]

This time the magic was successfully cast, and the spider instantly staggered around and danced on the spot, falling into a state of dizziness. Li Yang nodded with satisfaction, confirming that he really knew how to do magic. Then he put away the wand and looked at the time. It was already It was four o'clock in the morning, so he shook his head and turned back to the bedroom, hugging the white Xu Yuan and slowly fell asleep.


After returning to the magical world, Li Yang spent three days in a row dealing with the company's affairs on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

After three consecutive days of meetings, we finally coordinated all the steps, and almost everything that needed to be dealt with was sorted out.

In the blink of an eye, it’s Saturday, June 15th.

Early this morning, Wang Qiang called and invited Li Yang to play golf. It happened that the company employees had a break on Saturday and weekend, and Li Yang had nothing to do, so he agreed.

The relationship with Wang Qiang still needs to be maintained. He will be of great use to the Gold Company in the future.

If it weren't for the fact that he currently had no channels to engage in gold and silver metal refining, he would have done it himself. But since there is no channel for the time being, it would be good to have a good relationship with these companies that are engaged in gold processing.

Not to mention the future gold, the current demand for silver coins alone can bring him a lot of help.

So on Saturday, Xu Yuan and Lin Shiyu got up early, dressed exquisitely and accompanied Li Yang to set off, and were invited to play golf with Wang Qiang.


Shengyuan Golf Course.

As one of the top golf courses in Linhai, Shengyuan Golf Course covers an area of ​​thousands of acres and is a top high-end leisure and entertainment venue.

Wang Qiang, the general manager of the gold company, and Chen Li, the manager of the gold company, who were wearing black suits, led two female caddies from the stadium who were wearing white sun protection suits, fair skin, long legs exposed, and big, round eyes, smiling at the entrance of the stadium. Welcome Li Yang.

Then he drove Li Yang and Xu Yuan and Lin Shiyu who accompanied him in a special electric car from the entrance of the stadium to the stadium full of green grass.

After getting out of the car, I stepped on the soft grass. There were trees in the distance that looked like cotton candy. The large lawn around me was carefully taken care of without a trace of color, and it was so dense that it filled my sight.

As far as the eye can see are rolling hills and large grasslands.

More than 20 women wearing white sportswear or gray sportswear with fair skin were watching the scenery on the lawn.

"The scenery here is really nice."

Xu Yuan stretched her waist and looked at the surrounding scenery, and spoke with some satisfaction. She just didn't know why, but she always felt a little strange about the more than 20 beauties around her.

Why are there so many beautiful women staying here? Some of them look like married young women, swaying with a mature aura.

"Come out and play, as long as Secretary Xu feels comfortable."

Wang Qiang heard Xu Yuan's voice and responded very politely.

Li Yang's relationship with his secretary, including the female executive next to him, with his rich experience, he could tell what was going on at a glance, so naturally he would not unreasonably make these two women unhappy.

"It's really beautiful."

Lin Shiyu also nodded in agreement, looking at the surrounding environment with bright eyes, and couldn't help but look at Li Yang tenderly.

Without him, I would never be able to come to this place.

The breeze is blowing, the sunshine is gentle, the undulating hills and grasslands are everywhere, and the trees are carefully taken care of in the distance. This environment is really refreshing.

"It seems that today's trip was not in vain."

Li Yang also felt comfortable for a while and couldn't help but stretch and admire.

"Don't worry, Mr. Li, how could I let you come here in vain?"

Wang Qiang opened his mouth with a smile and motioned Li Yang to look around. Li Yang looked around. More than twenty beauties, including young women and young girls, appeared in his sight. Except for the fact that they all had a nice red mark on their chests. Flowers are nothing special.

But Wang Qiang's look in his eyes made him feel that there must be something in his words.

The good environment made people feel very good. Li Yang stretched his waist and began to play golf with Lin Shiyu and Xu Yuan under the guidance of the two female caddies brought by Wang Qiang.


Li Yang looked at the location of the hole and hit it with one stroke. The golf ball drew a perfect arc in the air and landed directly into the hole accurately.

The beautiful female ball girl with a red flower on her chest stared at Li Yang's operation in stunned silence, then looked at Li Yang who was calm and hurriedly stepped on her white shoes and danced in her white miniskirt to fill the ball for him.


Li Yang hit another ball and hit again.

The female caddy hurriedly continued to make up the ball. This time Li Yang changed his approach. He hit the ball dozens of meters in the air with one stroke. He watched the golf ball draw a high curve and then fall into the hole.

Li Yang nodded with satisfaction, and then decided to change the method and let the ball slide from the lowest parabola to the highest parabola into the hole.

In this way, he hit one ball after another, and in a short time, he hit more than thirty balls.

These thirty balls are worth fifteen hundred yuan.

After the fight, seeing that everyone was covered in sweat and starting to rest, Li Yang did not continue, turned back to the resting awning, drank water, and chatted happily with Wang Qiang and Zhao Li.

There are either beautiful women or beautiful grass all around. Chatting in such an environment is really refreshing.

After drinking tea, Wang Qiang and Zhao Li suggested that Li Yang take a walk on the grass to relax together. Li Yang looked at the large grass field and thought this suggestion was not bad, so he got up and walked on the field with them.

After walking for more than 40 minutes, it was worthy of being a golf course. There were many beauties inside. After walking around in a circle, Li Yang played for a while. At noon, he turned around and left with a smile.

Lunch was naturally arranged by Wang Qiang. After lunch, Wang Qiang arranged for everyone to take a nap in a high-end RV to refresh themselves. When they woke up, they were already at the beach.

Then everyone was arranged to play on a large cruise ship. When they entered the sea, the cruise ship stopped on the sea. On a whim, Li Yang jumped into the sea wearing swimming trunks and went swimming.


There was a sound of heavy objects falling into the water. After Li Yang entered the sea, his strong body pushed him to swim quickly in the sea water, his eyes wide open as he looked at the different scenery on the seabed.

Corals, all kinds of brightly colored marine fish that are completely different from freshwater fish, colorful crabs, transparent jellyfish, octopuses...

The underwater scenery, which is completely different from the land, is refreshing.


Li Yang came out of the water and suddenly felt something moving. His ears moved and he looked to one side, with a smile on his face.

He floated on the water and waited for a while. Not long after, a group of dolphins swimming around appeared in his sight.


Wave after wave of sounds continued. After a while, everyone on the boat finally spotted the approaching group of dolphins in their field of vision and screamed twice in joy. They picked up their mobile phones and started taking pictures.

"Li Yang, come up quickly. A dolphin is coming. Don't hurt you."

Xu Yuan and Lin Shiyu were worried about Li Yang's safety and spoke to Li Yang who was still swimming near the boat.

Wang Qiang also noticed this and hurriedly asked someone to hang up a ladder for Li Yang to come up.

"It doesn't matter, these little guys won't hurt me."

Li Yang waved his hands calmly. Xu Yuan and Lin Shiyu were still a little worried. Wang Qiang frowned and hurriedly returned to the cabin to negotiate. After a while, more than 20 male crew members entered the water together and swam to Li Yang's side. , unite to protect his safety.

Li Yang didn't say anything when he saw this, knowing that he was worried about his safety. He just waved to Wang Qiang silently and said OK.

I just thought in my mind that I would have to pay attention to the crew members coming down later and protect their safety from being injured by the dolphins.


The screams were getting closer and closer while swimming. Not long after, a small group of more than ten dolphins swam near Li Yang. They noticed the humans swimming on the sea. They all slowed down and swam. Not only did they not After hitting them, he jumped out of the water and started playing with them in the sea.


A dolphin waggled its tail and twisted around in front of Li Yang like a puppy. Li Yang smiled and touched its head and mouth with his hands. The dolphin rolled over happily and exposed its belly.

The more than 20 crew members also breathed a sigh of relief, floating on the sea and playing with the dolphins.

Wang Qiang on the boat secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and decided not to take Li Yang to the sea on such a small cruise ship again.

This time it was a dolphin. What if it was a shark next time?

While Wang Qiang was thinking silently, Li Yang and more than 20 crew members underground had also finished playing. They asked for two buckets of fish from the ship and fed them to the small group of dolphins, and then said goodbye to them and returned to the ship.


A group of small dolphins circled next to the cruise ship. Then when they saw no one came down to play, they turned around and left with Li Yang waving goodbye.

Before they left, they received brainwave information in their minds that Li Yang asked Zhi Nao to transmit that the dolphins could understand.

‘Be careful of those with white cloth sun flags hanging around them, with a red circle sun in the middle and white cloth flags surrounding them. They are gangsters, so stay away if you see them. ’

By the way, it was accompanied by pictures of the distinctive human features and flags of the Sun Banner People, and told them that the living area of ​​this group of people must stay away from the island.

'When you meet other kind-hearted dolphins, you must also tell them this information. ’


The dolphins screamed in thanks, and a group of dolphins stopped walking away and quietly watched the cruise ship leave. They didn't turn around and dive into the sea until it was far away.

"Li Yang, I didn't expect you to be such a good swimmer."

"I still feel a bit dangerous, this is at sea."

In the cabin, Xu Yuan and Lin Shiyu surrounded him and spoke. Lin Shiyu was a little surprised, while Xu Yuan frowned a little worried.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything I'm not sure about."

A smile appeared on Li Yang's face. Knowing that the two of them were worried about him, he reached out and hugged them, hugging them and voicing comfort.

During the voyage, night gradually came to the sea.

There are many lounges in large cruise ships. Today's plan was to spend the night at sea. Everyone enjoyed a seafood dinner on the ship and had a party. After they were tired, they returned to the cabin to rest.

When they arrived at the cabin, Li Yang was satisfied that Wang Qiang did not arrange a room for the three of them on his own initiative, but one room for each of them.

But one key to the other two rooms was left for him.

After taking a shower in the evening, he first entered Lin Shiyu's room. Lin Shiyu was slow to take a shower and was still in the bathroom. The enthusiastic Li Yang went in to help her wash.

I have to say that it is really not pleasant for a woman to take a bath.

No, Li Yang took the bath for more than an hour before he was in place. He put Lin Shiyu, who had squinted her eyes and was lying limply after taking a bath, on the bed and covered her with a quilt to rest. Then she turned around and walked to Xu Yuan's room.

Xu Yuan had just dried her hair and lay down on the bed to rest. She was a little surprised when she saw Li Yang come in. When her face and neck were wet when she was pressed against her and kissed, she couldn't help but ask why. After hearing the reason, she opened her eyes and her mouth was filled with emotion. He muttered that he was not a good person, and then he slightly raised his head on the mattress with his eyes narrowed.

After a moment, his eyes opened and his hands that were tightly holding the sheets slowly loosened their grip.


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