My world double door

Chapter 145 Seize the opportunity

The dead mother remarried, three sentences from the little KTV princess.

Li Yang's first reaction was that it was really pitiful. His second reaction was that it was true or false. How could such a coincidence happen? His third reaction was to ask [Breeding No. 9] to check if it was true.

The result is really true.

How unlucky can one be?

Once a famous traffic police officer encountered an old man riding a tricycle pulling a tricycle with firewood and another old man with a dog. He stepped forward to stop him and said how were his parents, how were his wife and children, but the old man was the parent. , sisters, wife and children are all dead.

The only things left in his house were this tricycle, the firewood on the tricycle, his brother, and the dog he raised.

Previously, a certain Internet celebrity posted a post and was shocked that rural corn only costs one yuan a pound. This is nothing. What is really surprising is that it actually triggered a heated discussion, and many people expressed shock.

But for rural people, this is the norm. Is there anything worth discussing?

Same people but different fates, nothing better than this.


Zuo Yanting sat on Li Yang's lap, her palm-sized face flushed with extreme happiness, her black hair hanging down her cheeks, still a little embarrassed looking at the man in front of her who loved her.

The corset skirt she was wearing had already been unbuttoned, and she was holding Li Yang's waist with both hands, feeling that the clothes on her body were becoming more and more messy as the big hands inside moved around.

After a while, Zuo Yanting looked at Li Yang with tender eyes, and was followed by her thighs, and she was pushed onto the bed.


The thin wooden bed had to bear a weight that it shouldn't have to bear today. Fortunately, it lasted until eleven o'clock, and the burden was also relieved.

"Husband, I will go out to work at noon and won't have dinner at home. I will come back in the evening."

In the room, Zuo Yanting, who was holding a garbage bag in her hand, made a phone call. After chatting for a few words, she hung up the phone and hurriedly walked out of the room with Li Yang, who was always rubbing her butt.

Zuo Yanting's community does not have an underground garage. She walked with Li Yang outside the community, threw away the garbage bag in her hand, and then got into a car with Li Yang. Then the car drove and slowly left the community.

The two went to a restaurant for lunch, then went straight to the hotel and stayed there all afternoon.

When he came out of the hotel, it was already past seven o'clock in the afternoon. Li Yang took Zuo Yanting to have dinner. When she regained some energy, he smiled and sent her to the door of her community. He originally wanted her to be here. After getting off the car, Zuo Yanting thought for a moment and asked Li Yang to drive her downstairs.

Li Yang naturally would not refuse. After sending her to the downstairs of the residential building, Zuo Yanting asked him to get out of the car and take her to the door. When she reached the door, she hugged and kissed Li Yang intimately for a while and watched him go home.

After Li Yang left, Zuo Yanting knocked on the door, walked inside and was stunned.

"Honey, I'm back."

Zuo Yanting's husband sat on the bed with a forced expression. Seeing his wife coming back, he responded with a smile on his face. A middle-aged couple with sullen faces sat on the stool next to him.

"Brother, sister-in-law, why are you here? Come on, let me get you a glass of water."

Seeing the two people arriving, Zuo Yanting's expression stiffened for a moment, then she quickly stood up with a smile and went to pour them water.

"Yanting, you don't have to work anymore, we are just here to ask for money."

The middle-aged woman glanced at Zuo Yanting, stood up and broke the deadlock: "You also know that my son is going to college this year. He needs to buy a computer, a mobile phone, living expenses and tuition. You and I need money for everything. I work every day, and I have two little daughters who are in high school, so where can I get the supplies?"

"You have owed us the one hundred thousand yuan for three years. Your elder brother has not said a word, but now we really can't bear it anymore. You should also understand our difficulties. If nothing else, pay it back to us today. Fifty thousand, right?”

The middle-aged woman spoke in a loud voice. The middle-aged man on her side was a little embarrassed and tugged on the corner of her clothes. She opened it again and turned to glare at him: "If you don't want it, you should just take the money." My son needs to go to school, and my daughter needs to study, eat, and buy clothes. Where is your money? If you can use it, come and pretend to be a good person to me."

Zuo Yanting's husband was sitting on the sofa, looking a little embarrassed. He stayed there for a while, then pursed his lips after his sister-in-law finished speaking. He was about to say something when he saw his wife coming back with a smile on her face after pouring the tea.

"Brother, sister-in-law, I'm so sorry. We haven't been able to save any money before. I just got some money in the past two days and I haven't had time to pay you back. Please take a drink first and I will transfer the money to you now. .”

While talking, Zuo Yanting quickly put two glasses of water on the table, and then took out her mobile phone to transfer money to her elder brother on the spot.

【Payment*100,000 yuan received】

Within a few seconds, Zuo Yanting's husband's eldest brother's cell phone rang for a while, and both of them were stunned. Zuo Yanting's eldest brother hurriedly took out his phone to check, and saw that Zuo Yanting had actually transferred 100,000 yuan to him.

"Here, you don't need that much. You can keep the 50,000 yuan for now. We can have 50,000 yuan for emergencies."

Zuo Yanting's sister-in-law looked a little uncomfortable. She wanted her husband to transfer another 50,000 yuan to her, but she was interrupted by Zuo Yanting with a smile: "Brother and sister-in-law, just take it. I still have money. It has been really difficult these years." You guys, it’s not easy for three children to go to school. Isn’t Liangliang admitted to a private school? The tuition is tens of thousands of yuan a semester. We can’t help much, but we can’t hold you back by owing you money anymore, right? .”

After hearing what Zuo Yanting said and seeing that she didn't look like she was faking it, Zuo Yanting's elder brother and sister-in-law looked at each other before getting up from the sofa together.

"Yanting, Sun Zhuo, we don't have to force you. Our family is really short of money. You also know that it's not easy for our family."

Before getting up and leaving, Sister Zuo Yanting couldn't help but speak, but Brother Zuo Yanting left without saying a word.

Zuo Yanting naturally didn't say anything else. She smiled the whole time and politely sent them away with her husband Sun Zhuo who got up.

Zuo Yanting waited for the people to go away before she breathed a sigh of relief. When she returned to the living room, her husband Sun Zhuo looked at her with an unnatural look on his face: "Honey, with this money, you... didn't we agree not to do that?" Yes."

"What are you thinking about? I didn't earn this money by doing that."

Zuo Yanting rolled her eyes, then took the water she poured for her eldest brother and sister-in-law, sat on a chair and drank it.

"Well, wife, where did you get so much money?"

Sun Zhuo breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and then asked Zuo Yanting in a cautious voice.

"Where else could it come from? Someone else gave it to me."

Zuo Yanting pursed her lips, picked up her phone, and transferred the large amount of balance remaining in her phone to him.

Sun Zhuo was stunned for a moment, and then his mobile phone received a transfer message of 100,000 yuan. He couldn't help but look at her in surprise: "What's going on with this money?"

"Someone is interested in me."

Zuo Yanting put down her water glass, pursed her lips, and whispered in a low voice: "He is a big, rich boss."

"You, you want..."

After hearing his wife's words, Sun Zhuo, who had just been surprised and surprised by the sudden arrival of his account, paused and looked at her stiffly.

"What are you thinking about? We still have children. How can we get divorced?"

Seeing his expression, Zuo Yanting rolled her eyes, then pursed her lips, lowered her head and said, "That's right, if he wants me in the future, I have to be there whenever he calls."

"On call, this... he didn't hit you, right? There are no wounds on your body, right?"

Sun Zhuo opened his eyes and hurriedly opened his wife's clothes to check. Zuo Yanting felt her husband's mood after hearing this and breathed a sigh of relief. Then she rolled her eyes hurriedly: "Oh, he is so interested in me. It's just the beginning of the past few days." He gave me 200,000 yuan, let us use it first, and there will be more later, but we have to give it slowly. I haven’t thought about how to tell you before, so I haven’t said anything about it.”

Zuo Yanting looked a little unnatural. Sun Zhuo was stunned when he heard this. Then he smiled and showed her his balance. He paid back some urgent Internet debts of 12,000 and 20,000 yuan on the spot, and then added I paid off all my friends' small money one by one, leaving 20,000 yuan, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"We almost did that before, but now this is so great, how could I mind."

Sun Zhuo hugged his wife and lay on the bed with relief: "As long as you don't hit you or hurt us, it will be fine. I almost sold my kidney today..."

"Are you stupid? How can you do such a thing? Even if you sell your kidney, how much can it cost? Who will bear the burden of the family? We can't do this again!"

Zuo Yanting opened her eyes and hurriedly advised her husband to give up the idea, but at the same time she felt relieved.

"Now that I have a chance, I might not do that. Wife, he really didn't hit you, but he still cares about you so little?"

Sun Zhuo shook his head, a smile flashed across his face, then turned around and spoke to his wife seriously.

"Of course, he is like that..."

Zuo Yanting blushed, afraid that he wouldn't believe it, so she whispered some embarrassing words in a low voice, which shocked her honest husband so much that he finally believed it.


The time slowly came to ten o'clock in the night, in Li Yang's villa near the sea. After a fierce rain and the sound of pipa playing, the sound of conversation resounded again.

"You should pay more attention to the golden contract you signed with Wang Qiang and the others to make sure nothing goes wrong."

After dinner, Li Yang held Xu Yuan in his arms and caressed her while speaking seriously to Lin Shiyu sitting in front of the contract on the sofa.

"Well, okay, but our three major platforms are still under development. We are preparing to open a new energy battery factory, and we have placed an order of one billion for finished gold bars. Isn't it a bit too risky?"

Lin Shiyu was fucked so hard just now that she didn't even want to sit down. She leaned tightly on the sofa and spoke with some worry.

"Don't worry, there will be no problem. With our current company funds, one billion yuan is nothing."

Li Yang chuckled and shook his head. Gold is an important strategic material in the magical world. Although he doesn't know how to use it yet, he should start to reserve more for a rainy day.

As for the money spent on getting gold...he can now earn this amount of money in a month.

Of course, if he really needs it urgently... this money can be saved.

But he also needs influence in the real world. Since it is not an urgent need now, he naturally has to show his energy through various means.

After that, he reminded again: "After the new energy battery factory is ready, we will release the news about the undecided location of the battery factory. We must choose a place suitable for our performance and don't rush to land."

The new energy battery factory is also a key means for him to increase his influence.

"Yeah, I understand."

Lin Shiyu nodded, and Li Yang smiled with satisfaction when he saw this. Then he stretched out his hand and picked up the pretty Xu Yuan who was lying in his arms with a flushed face and did not dare to look up. He walked to the bedroom and slowly closed the door. .

Lin Shiyu felt relieved for no reason. Thinking that Li Yang was going back the day after tomorrow, he felt relieved.

She had been fucked badly these past few days.

If it weren't for work reasons, she doubted that she would have been let go so easily.

"My kidneys are completely deficient now, and it will take at least three months to recover."

Lin Shiyu rubbed her waist and quietly returned to her bedroom bitterly, fearing that she would cause some disturbance and be caught back again.

The gold deal was decided two days ago when Li Yang took her and Xu Yuan to an appointment with Wang Qiang. The new energy company was decided during a meeting. As the person in charge of Li Yang, she had to deal with these matters. Take responsibility.

Fortunately, Linhai now has Xu Yuan to help her, otherwise she would be a little panicked by herself with so many things going on.

Silence fell in the villa until late at night.

In the room, Li Yang's former class beauty was lying on the bed with a dazed look on her face, being fully enjoyed by her dear high school classmate.

"Husband, how about, well, it's not impossible for you to find some high-end and safe bathing shops occasionally."

When she was finally put to sleep in her husband's arms, Xu Yuan leaned her pretty face against Li Yang and said coquettishly.

"What are you thinking about? Husband, why would I go to a place like that?"

Li Yang spoke sternly, pinching her butt as he spoke. The high school girl buried her face in his chest in depression, muttering: "It's over, I'm going to have kidney failure."

Facts have proved that if the cattle are too strong, the fields will be plowed.

Li Yang smiled at the corner of his mouth, and gently wrapped this young woman, who still looked pretty and beautiful even naked, with a girlish temperament, in his arms with her legs, and softly suggested various kidney replenishing plans to her.

Amidst whispers, the high school class beauty and Li Yang slowly fell asleep, face to face.

The next day, June 21st.

[Li Ling: Brother, the results will be out tomorrow. Don’t forget to come back and take us to play. My classmate Peng Feifei and I have agreed. By the way, Li Na said she will go too. 】

"Okay, okay, go to everything. Don't worry, I will never forget your brother. I will fly back tomorrow morning."

Early the next morning, Li Yang, who had just sent the urban beauty carrying a large thermos cup to the company, received a message from his elder sister Li Ling. He shook his head in confusion and pressed the voice reply button. of opening.

After saying that, he looked at the sky, the sun was shining brightly.

This kind of weather is suitable for doing things related to the sun.

Li Yang casually sent a message to Zhao Meimei, a blond graduate student who was preparing to take the postgraduate entrance examination. Today is Friday. If you feel comfortable, you can go back to Heyang.

Thinking about this blonde beauty's sexy hip-hugging skirt and golden hair, Li Yang licked his lips, drove to a five-star hotel, booked a room, and stood comfortably in the room waiting.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door. Li Yang opened the door. Zhao Meimei, a beauty with blond hair and fair skin, stood outside the door with a smile on her face. Looking down, she saw that her lower body was indeed the butt he liked. skirt.

He licked the corners of his mouth, pulled her in, closed the door, and pressed her against the wall.


The hip-hugging skirt was spread open, the collar buttons were broken, and the pretty red lips were blocked. Not long after, the blonde beauty was thrown onto the bed with her charming eyes.

"Ah daddy~"


On Friday, Liu Jiaming, who skipped classes all morning today, held flowers in his hands, took the silver jewelry that he asked his parents to buy for money, and a new style bag. With a smile on his face, he took the bus from 10 o'clock on Thursday night to buy hundreds of dollars. Xiguang School, which was kilometers away, rushed to Linhai.

In order to save money, he took the green train for thirteen hours. He didn't step off the platform until eleven o'clock on Friday, feeling that all the muscles and bones in his body were about to be broken.

Fortunately, in order to please his girlfriend, everything he did was worth it.

Recalling the way his girlfriend was so happy and surprised when he suddenly appeared with gifts, Liu Jiaming couldn't help but smile happily. After getting off the car, he didn't eat any big fish or meat in order to save money. I had a bowl of beef noodles at a roadside stall.

After eating and paying nine yuan, Liu Jiaming wiped his mouth with satisfaction, squeezed onto the bus and started texting his girlfriend to surprise her.

After sending the message, he didn't get a reply immediately, and Liu Jiaming didn't care. After all, the time was only around 11:40, and he might be having lunch. He put away the phone peacefully, sat in the car and closed his eyes to rest. I plan to wait until I get online before replying.

It takes more than forty minutes to take a bus from the train station to Zhao Meimei's school, which is enough for him to get some sleep.

Liu Jiaming fell asleep in a daze, and was woken up by the car unknowingly. He found that he was almost at the stop, so he hurriedly woke up, and after two stops, he picked up his things and got off at the school gate.

After getting off the bus, Liu Jiaming looked at the entrance of Linhai School and couldn't help but sigh at the prosperity of this city. However, he couldn't enter the school without a student ID card. He hurriedly took his mobile phone to send a message to his girlfriend to say that he had arrived, but there was no reply yet.

"You should be taking a nap, right?"

Liu Jiaming thought to himself and waited silently at the door.

By three o'clock in the afternoon, there was still no reply. Liu Jiaming couldn't help but send a message: Baby, you're not awake yet, I'm at the door of your school.

After sending the message, nothing happened. Liu Jiaming frowned. Could it be that he went to the library to study?

He knew that his girlfriend was under a lot of pressure to take the postgraduate entrance examination, so he felt relieved after thinking about it. After thinking about it, there were still two days, Saturday and Sunday, so he didn't care that he would be waiting silently at the school gate for a while.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Liu Jiaming, who was waiting anxiously, stood up in frustration, and suddenly saw a familiar figure. His eyes lit up and he hurried over: "Meimei, I'm here!"

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