My world double door

Chapter 151 Rewards

With a quick transfer, they quickly came to a relatively private space. The slave girl Chang Yanyan quickly used cleaning potions and cleaning pills to clean the inside and outside of her body, and then walked towards her pathetically swaying figure. In front of the master, he slowly knelt and sat at his feet.

After Yu Dong washed his body and cleaned himself internally and externally, he instantly felt much more comfortable. He respectfully walked to his master with a smile on his face and knelt down on his knees.

Both men and women should clean themselves regularly, which is an important means to maintain good health.

"Get up. What you have been through during this period has been hard on you."

Li Yang looked at the two slaves he owned for the first time in his life and said to them with emotion.

"Thank you, Master. It's not hard for us. It's just that we didn't do our job well. We were manipulated by genetic evolutionists with ulterior motives without even knowing it. I'm really sorry for you."

Chang Yanyan spoke hurriedly, seeing that the genetically evolved beauty sitting in her master's arms was almost wet with her hands and didn't stop, and she didn't react to her cute appearance, so she hurriedly stood up. He said pitifully.

"It's okay. You two go find something to do. Let's build this place and use it as a temporary transfer station in the future."

Li Yang chuckled and waved, and the two slaves turned and left respectfully. Only then did Li Yang squint his eyes and look at the woman in his arms who felt more comfortable than touching silk.

Genetic evolvers are so exciting.

"It turns out that you can make such great value out of these foods."

Li Yang grabbed a handful of rice from the rice bag next to him and narrowed his eyes.

The most precious thing about these modern foods is not that they can be used as healthy foods, allowing people to eat them without worries and recall the life before the end of the world.

But its pure, non-mutated structure - this is what is missing in the entire apocalyptic world.

Things without mutation are themselves absolutely rare resources.

"A bowl of rice can actually produce a level 4 perfect gene potion. Then... if I bring a ton of rice to meet the people in power in the base city, can I directly get the level 6 gene potion plus the level 9 mecha?"

One ton is not enough, what about ten tons?

There was a hint of color in Li Yang's eyes, but he quickly suppressed the idea.

With his current strength, if he really takes these pollution-free food out, it is no less than a child carrying gold into the green train station.

It's no big deal if your things are gone, don't involve yourself in it.

"Let's prepare some genetic medicines first, and then consider these things after our strength has been further improved."

The first-level genetic medicine is no longer very effective for him, but he has not used the perfect genetic medicine so far.

The perfect gene potion will also occupy the genetic capacity, but it will be very small. After absorbing the stagnant energy of the first-level gene potion in the body, Li Yang plans to take twenty copies of the second-level perfect gene potion to see what effect it has on himself. the amplification effect.

The perfect gene potion accounts for a very small proportion of the gene tolerance. Even if he takes twenty doses, it will only fill up the gene tolerance. As long as he takes one dose and confirms that it can be absorbed, it will be fine if he takes all of it.

The main thing is to see how much it will help him improve.

In any case, there is still room for improvement in his current strength. There is no need to take risks rashly before reaching the limit.

"You did a great job and helped me a lot. In order to give you some encouragement, I decided to give you a chance to bury your husband."

Li Yang gently stroked his palms from the female genetic evolver's knees to her thighs, feeling the elasticity and softness of the third-level genetic evolver's body, and a heartfelt smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"There was no enmity between you and me, but you ended up trying to take advantage of me in every possible way. Tell me, why is this necessary? Are you feeling happy for your past actions now?"

Li Yang chuckled lightly. Seeing the complex expression on the female genetic evolver's face, he gently patted her butt and asked her to bury the body of the male genetic evolver by herself.

When she left, Li Yang felt something in his heart, and another tube of potion appeared in his hand - a level four perfect gene potion!

"Using the things I traded before, not only did they pay off their debts, but they also earned two copies of the fourth-level genetic medicine. The man has already taken one, and the woman has delayed taking the third-level genetic medicine because the cycle is still short. Instead, I kept this tube of [Level 4 Gene Potion] to give me an advantage."

Li Yang looked at this tube of Level 4 perfect genetic medicine with a smile on his lips. He looked at the woman who went to collect her husband's body, and stretched out his fingers to rub his chin.

The body of the third-level genetic evolver is great. This woman's genes have been optimized to a very high level. There are no flaws on her body. She looks like a woman who has gone through makeup and beautification. She is really beautiful.

But he swore that he kept her not because of her beauty.

The appearance of their couple made Li Yang understand that in this high-tech world, many of his own consciousness could not keep up at all, and the two slaves were at the sewer level of society and could not understand those high-end operations at all.

Therefore, when facing the world, he needs someone to stop him.

Such as entering the inner city, such as reaching more suitable deals...

Who could be more suitable than this woman who played tricks on him?

As for the matter of posing a challenge to him...he will definitely have to do it in the future!

Li Yang was thinking to himself as he put away the [Level 4 Perfect Gene Potion] in his hand. It was still uncertain whether the Level 2 Perfect Gene Potion would have any effect on him, so he didn't plan to just throw away this precious tube. I took the [Level 4 Perfect Gene Potion].

Although his physical body has been cultivated to the level of a high-level transcendent, even if he does not take the second- and third-level potions, he still has enough physique to bear the fourth-level potions, but once he takes the fourth-level genetic potions, it will increase his ability. If the second-level and third-level medicines lose their effect, it will be a loss.

Just like the physical transformation in the magical world, others are undergoing one level of transformation, one transformation for apprentices, two transformations for juniors, three transformations for intermediates, four transformations, and five transformations for advanced ones. Their strength will become stronger and stronger, but if you let The apprentice directly undergoes a 50% advanced transformation. His strength is probably not even as strong as an intermediate transcendent.

Of course, such a thing is impossible in the magic world, because cultivation is done step by step, but it is possible for him who combines the power of the magic world. He has to avoid letting his superior strength dominate the lower strength. It just depends on the situation.

While thinking in his mind, Li Yang continued to learn how to use a lot of technological items seized from the couple, and became familiar with the control feeling of this lot of super intelligence.


Outside the residence, Bi Yueyue, a woman who obeyed Li Yang's order, cremated her husband's body absentmindedly. She watched him turn into ashes in the flames and then dispersed in the wind. She was lost for a long time and sighed.

It's your own fault.

These four words appeared inexplicably in her mind. She silently pulled her thin silk clothes to cover up the sudden spring light. Then she turned around and returned to the room. As soon as she entered, she was brutally beaten by the man. He pinched his buttocks hard and pushed him down on the sofa.


Bi Yueyue took a deep breath and lay down on the sofa uneasily. After a while, her face turned as red as blood.

She remembered that she had discussed with her husband in the morning the life and death of the man behind her, and she had collected her husband's body just now.

But now I am lying here on my knees begging for Chenghuan...



"I let you block me, I let you block me, feel good, feel good, isn't it awesome, isn't it awesome..."

"I'll make you awesome!"


The feeling of being a level three genetic evolver is indeed extraordinary.

So twenty minutes later...

The exquisite and high-end woman was lying on the sofa with her body flushed, panting, and Li Yang, who had an empty mind, was lying on her body.

"Tell me what to call me."

After lying down for a while, Li Yang regained his composure, turned over, and supported this woman, who had a very high-end feel due to genetic evolution, on his body, looking at her with bright eyes.

He suddenly felt like he couldn't put it down. This level of unbridled tossing was the first time he had experienced it since he had reached the level of a high-level transcendent.

"Old, husband."

Bi Yueyue bit her lip lightly, struggled for a while, and said two words hesitantly with a blush on her face.

After saying that, she looked at the man in front of her with a complicated expression.

She knew that from now on, she could only be a good slave by his side and never go back...

Thinking of this, a strange feeling arose in Bi Yueyue's heart. She looked at the man in front of her who had enjoyed her for so long, and she felt an awkward sense of relief in her heart.

"You are so sensible. Okay, let's go and see if there is anything inappropriate about what is arranged here based on your survival experience."

Li Yang grinned, patted the woman's waist, and spoke softly.

Bi Yueyue hesitated for a moment, looked at the man, and hesitantly thought of how the man cared for her, and finally sighed in her heart.

Finally, he pursed his lips silently, looked at the man in front of him and said: "Beyond the base city is basically a barbaric land. Although most people will follow certain rules, no one knows whether they will encounter Those who don’t follow the rules are just too easy to be discovered by hiding. We’d better deploy offensive weapons and then send intelligent combat robots to defend them.”

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